The Blood Bargain (Book 1)

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The Blood Bargain (Book 1) Page 6

by Macaela Reeves

  The guy who had ran ahead was nowhere to be seen, I’m guessing he had a good bead on his destination. What a jerk, leaving the rest of us to stand here like rats at the entrance to a maze.

  My companion victim grabbed onto my arm, looking up I found the reason why. At the top of the stairs stood Caius. He looked as handsome as I remembered, with all that long dark hair pouring over his white button down shirt. Although the dress pants with sneakers was an odd


  “Welcome.” His voice was like chocolate dipped butter; smooth, dark and too rich to not be sinful. Following his calorie filled greeting he extended his arm towards Anna. “Come with me.”

  She dropped my arm. I watched in awe as she turned and practically floated up the stairs to him. That had to be some sort of movie trick. I worried immediately, should I block her path? We needed to get out of here. This was wrong…

  “You came.” A familiar voice snapped me from my panic. It was him, Dimitri as the council called him. Standing in the first floor hallway in dark jeans, black chuck taylor’s and a form fitting shirt. Without the hood he had quite a crop of black hair upon his head. Thick waves of the stuff that were cut just above his collar. His skin was a lot paler than I remembered, almost to the

  point of looking sickly. His white teeth were spread into a wide grin as he walked toward me. On first glance I did not see his fangs, probably another trick to not scare pray.

  As he approached that familiar scent of musk and pine filled my nose.

  “I had to.” I flipped my eyes up to the top of the stairs, Anna and Caius were gone. I hoped she was okay, as much as I hoped I was okay. I was alone with Him. Lovely.

  “You chose to.” He tried to correct me.

  “Whatever. Let’s just do this okay?” With a slightly disappointed sigh, he gestured to the hallway behind him. I did not lead, so he turned foot and guided me into the kitchen. A pretty room with pale green walls, antiqued white trimmings and old farm tools displayed from the

  turn of the century above the tall cabinets.

  He pulled out a chair from the kitchen table and offered it to me. It was one of those country buffet styles. The kind you find at grandma.s house with the ornate legs, padded seat and open patterned back.

  “So how does this work?” I asked him, trying to put strength in the words. He reached out to me, brushing my hair back from my neck with his hand.

  “Your hand.” I heard his voice next to my ear.

  My arm extended across the table. I sat, still as marble waiting for what came next.

  With a small hiss, Dimitri bent over my extended wrist. His breath was cold against my skin, followed by the sharp sting of his bite. He sucked hard at the wound while I kept my eyes shut. After what was only one thick swallow he recoiled, his face scrunched in disdain.

  “Your blood tastes like shit.” He blurted out, coughing.

  “Am I supposed to be sorry?” I wasn.t sure if I should be offended or grateful at this point. Did that mean I was off the hook?

  He didn.t answer me right away. He just stared at me with those dark eyes, it made me want to run away from my skin.

  “Is your hate for me so strong?” He asked me, tilting his head. From his expression he generally seemed confused that I wasn.t happy as a clam to have him around.

  “I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

  “I can taste it within your blood. It is disgusting.”

  “Well I am sorry I am not a better snack for you.” I extended my bleeding wrist to him. “Dig in, got me for a whole three months.” His handsome face seemed conflicted, between his obvious disgust for me and his hunger.

  “I saved your life.” He announced. An awkward declaration considering our current setting.

  “You did.” With my response I heard a growl leave his throat. The kind a German shepherd makes when you’ve gotten too close to the fence. Then he moved. Faster than I could react. Hell, faster than I could see. He crowded my wrist anew. The pain returned, followed by

  the sickening sound of him feeding. I tried to sit still, forcing my eyes to stare up at the ceiling and not at the dark haired once-man stealing a part of my being.

  The minutes before he pulled back from me felt like hours. My mind wandered to those who had lost their lives in the outbreak. Was this similar to the pain they felt at the teeth of the infected?

  His eyes closed, we sat in silence for a moment. The coloring of his face improved, shifting from that gross pale white to his deep European tan. As I marveled at his chameleon effect his eyes flipped open, focused on my face.

  “Should it not change things between us?” Even the tone of his voice had improved. I frowned at his question. Not knowing how to respond, I did the mature responsible thing. I headed for the door as fast as I could.

  Then he blocked my path.

  The blur of movement went unnoticeable to my eyes. Again. My jaw clenched. There is nothing in the world that pisses me off more than being toyed with. Why the hell would this thing care what its food thought? I was nothing but livestock to him, a lamb to slaughter...

  I spoke, my voice quivering. “I am still the lamb, and you are still a wolf.”

  “I am more than just a wolf, Miss Younger.” There was something in his voice, it couldn.t have been sadness.

  Without another word, he stepped out of my way to the left. I didn’t turn toward him. My eyes watering and I had no desire to show him the effect he had on me. My feet however, did pause with my hand upon the cool metal of the door knob. As I turned it slowly the twin marks he

  had left on my inner wrist rose to the light. What he had taken.

  “You’ll have to prove it, because right now all I see is your fangs.” I murmured. With that I pushed out the door and ran home as quickly as my feet would carry me.

  Chapter 5

  I woke to a soft knock at my door. Not wanting to leave the peace of sleep I groaned and rolled over. After another knock, the slight creak of the hinges vibrated in my ears as the door edged open.

  “Liv?” How you feelin hun? You missed breakfast.” Zoe's voice filled the space, I could hear the reservation in her tone. Sitting up slowly, I rubbed my eyes and stretched.

  “What time is it?”

  “From the sun I’d say almost noon.” Zoe walked across the room and opened the curtains. Thankfully she was nice enough to only pull them back about halfway. Crap if I had slept that long that meant Zoe and Candice handled breakfast prep without me. As well as cleanup. Something I usually more than chip in for.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s alright. Figured you needed it.” She sat down at the end of my bed. On impulse I pulled the quilt up to my chin. Heart to heart moments made me uncomfortable and she had that look on her face like there was something she absolutely had to ask me, but wasn.t sure how.

  “Are you okay though? He didn.t...hurt you did he?”

  It’s not nice to interrogate someone just after they wake up, brain function isn’t at one hundred percent. Still, I know Zoe means well.

  “It stung a little...but I’m okay.” I showed her my wrist, the twin holes had already scabbed over.

  “I mean...he didn’t hurt you hurt you?” I must have shot her a confused look as I just answered that. She followed up the repetitive question with a body gesture that made my eyes pop.

  “Oh my god, no. Zoe! It Nothing like that.” She exhaled is a relieved sigh. I was currently embarrassed for both of us. Good thing she didn't pull out a little rag doll and do the whole ‘show Zoe where the bad man touched you’ bit.

  “I just wasn’t remember the movies about their kind and ya know all the rumors. They’re so strong compared to us...”

  “Can I help you guys around the house today?” I wanted to change the topic faster than my mouth would move.

  “Sure!” Her face lit up at the offer. “Yeah your Dad mentioned you’re off wall duty.” I winced.

he use the word permanently?”

  “I’m sure he’ll come around. Although why you like being on the line like that I’ll never understand. Any who, I’ll be downstairs helping the boys with their letters. I’d love for some company when you’re ready.”

  On queue there was a crash and a giggle from the floor below us. Undoubtedly boys being boys. She stood quickly and made a beeline for the door, I could almost hear the rehearsed motherly warning before it left her lips.

  I was more than grateful that she didn’t bring up my pending nuptials. That was, if she knew.

  When I finally got out of bed I felt refreshed, rejuvenated. Definitely better than I had in weeks. When I hit the bottom of the stairs, Zoe announced my presence like the prom queen had just entered the room.

  “There she is.”

  “Sissy!” Two little smiling faces ran at me. Even though there is no blood between us, I have never ever minded them referring to me as such.

  “Little bros!” I gave each a high five.

  “You wanna play tag with us?” Max and Tyler jumped up and down in a giddy.

  “I would love to play tag with you!” I smiled just as wide as they did. The boys, like the few others born after the walls went up were the first true innocence the world had seen in ages. They lived in a safe secure environment, without real fear. Sure they knew the basics like don’t go anywhere alone, stay inside the wall, but they had never seen...well evil I guess.

  We spent the next hour or so running around the front yard. I admit I haven’t felt that carefree in ages. It was nice to just take a load off and replace it with tickles and giggles. When the boys got grumpy I knew it was close to nap time. I chased them back into their mom who

  proceeded with the whole tuck in, read a book routine. I admit, I stood in the doorway listening to the familiar words of one fish two fish, Dr. Suess was something you never outgrew.

  Then we both set into laundry.

  “Hey Zoe...”

  “What sweetie?” Was always odd that she mothered me considering how close we were in age, but I wasn.t going to protest. Ever.

  Instead I took a deep breath and phrased my question. “Do you ever miss your home?”

  “This is my home.”

  “I know, but I mean before.” She shot me the most stone look ever seen from her.

  “Liv, This is my home. The before, hell, that was a world I barely remember.” I didn.t know what was more impressive, her resolve or the fact that I actually heard Zoe curse.

  I picked up a 3T shirt from the hamper-Tyler.s because it had a rocket on it-and hung it on the line. I found myself wondering how long it would be before mankind took another crack at space. At the rate we were going...

  “When I was up there, it was like nothing had changed since the outbreak.” I mumbled.

  She paused mid clothes pin. “What do you mean?”

  “Everything was all still like, like it was before. And the dead were everywhere.” She shook her head her blond ponytail flying back and forth.

  “It had to be a migration. Dr. Tommen said they would travel whatever distance was needed for food.” That was not a migration. Hell, many were still in their cars. I didn.t want to upset Zoe though so I dropped it.

  We finished laundry and went on to dinner prep. Dad didn.t come home for the meal. Mark and Zoe carried on light conversation about their days, the boys added harrowing tales of survival against plastic dinosaurs. I kept expecting him to walk in late, all apologies and compliments on the delicious smell, but the front door never opened.

  After the last plate had been scrubbed, Candice declared she was hitting the bar, much to the eye roll of her sister. Despite Zoe’s reaction, I think Candice had the right idea.

  I ran up the stairs to my room and did a two minute primp. Brushed my hair, changed into an aqua tank top and silver fly away cardigan. The best a superstore raid had to offer.

  There was a superstore about fifteen miles away, we had stripped it bare years ago. Still it looked a lot better than the ratty flannel kick around I had been moping in all day. A slipped my flip flops and found myself pausing when I reached for my butterfly knife.

  I didn’t really need it now did I? I wasn’t going out on watch. I wasn’t going beyond the fence, so what did I have to defend myself from?

  I needed a drink.

  The walk to the Garage was a blur, too many eyes on me, too many whispering townsfolk. I could only imagine their words: Oh look at the lovely bride to be, such a bright future blah blah blah. Even better, she went over the wall, we should have expelled her to the wilds. Demon girl. Vamp lover. Endangered us all.

  Now I really needed a drink.

  Walking into the Garage, I caught sight of the one person I was not looking forward to seeing.

  Cole was seated at the bar, elbow deep in what looked like half a dozen whiskey shots. Hunched over, he looked like a wreck. Wasting no time, I stormed at him, full on bitch mode. Before I got a word out, he caught sight of me and started hollering.

  “ got some nerve. You know that?” From the way his head teetered he was completely drunk.

  I literally took a step back. Him mad at me?

  What universe was this? “Excuse me?”

  “Leading me on like that, was it just a coincidence you left me out your little engagement announcement? Or afraid I wouldn.t jump through hoops for you anymore?”

  “Cole, you asshat, you left me for dead.” I screamed right back. What nerve he had to act like I had put him out.

  “No, I’m the only reason you're still ALIVE.” Noticing we had drawn several eyes to our little spat he turned his back to me and focused on the bottle display behind the bar. I sat down next to him, not willing to let this go.

  He ordered another drink and lowered his voice. “I had no way to get to you. I shouted, you didn’t come. I kept myself alive. That's what we’re trained to do. All of us.” He pointed at me when he said all. “I had a feeling you’d last until those bloodsuckers could break you out. You’re resourceful and trained, and would have done the same damned thing I did.”

  “You panicked.” I needled him. He could give me any excuse in the book, but I knew the truth.

  “Is that what this is about?” I didn’t answer him.

  “You want me to tell you I was weak? Is that why you picked him?” Cole let out a hiss. “You’re right. I did. The last time I saw that many of those deadheads it was when they were eating my father and my brothers alive. I. Panicked.” With that he turned forward, taping his hands on the counter for another shot. We sat in silence for a moment while the bartender poured his fare. After he had delivered it with a smile, he sauntered off.

  “For your information, my little engagement didn’t start until I got back. Nor did I have anything to do with planning it.”

  “Whatever. From now on...” He took the last swig of the whiskey in his shot glass. “Find someone else to manipulate. I’m out.”

  With that his big frame swung off the barstool and headed towards the door. Well crap. I had come here to punch him in the boy loins and curse him to the nine hells. Never expected him to admit some sort of fanboy crush and accuse me of being a puppet master.

  Honestly, I hadn.t a clue he felt that way. Sure he was friendly, but all the guys were. Was I supposed to take his smiles as a pledge of affection? If that's all it took you’d think half the colony would be lost in loveland.

  “Well he walked out of here on his own two legs. I figured you’d knee him where it counts.” Candice sat down at the bar next to me. She looked like a fashion model with all that blond hair and her fall dress. I was sure she was here on the prowl for a guy, ever since Zoe

  had the twins she seemed to have had the baby itch. I was surprised honestly that she was still single; she was the prettier of the two. Classic blue eyes, perfectly spaced features. However, she had a bit more of a sarcastic mouth than her docile sister. She was about as well known for speaking her mind as I was. Thus, we g
ot along swimmingly.

  “Yeah so did I. You caught all that?”

  “Yep, think the whole colony did.” She smirked. “Since when did you go soft on me?” She ordered another round and managed to elbow me all at the same time.

  “No, it’s not that...I guess he likes me or something.”

  She laughed, a perfectly feminine set of bells. “You didn’t know that?”

  “Really? You too?” I put my face in my hands. “Am I the only one with a gigantic clueless sticker pasted to my forehead?”

  “No, it’s on your ass.” Not funny. “Oh come on Liv, gotta pay attention to your surroundings. It’s not like he was quiet about it.” I frowned, staring at the bar counter I did a mental rehash of our interactions over the last few years.

  “I just never really noticed I guess. Boy fail.”

  “Up for some pool?” Candice offered. Looking over toward the pool tables I caught a glimmer of a familiar face at the far end of the bar.

  “Hey in a minute...I’m gonna go say hi to someone.” Candice nodded, then threw a few challenges my way as far as who was taking who down. It was all just fluff, she never beat me.

  While she prepared the table, I made my way over to my target. Playing darts in the corner was the farm girl from the night before. I was dying to see how her evening went compared to mine.

  “Anna, hey.”

  “Hi” She gave me a friendly smile.

  “How are you doing today? I slept half the day away, didn’t think we’d be that out of it but I’m not surprised.”

  “I’m sorry? Do I know you?” Her face legitimately showed no signs of recognition.

  “We met last night. You know” I lowered my voice. “at Caius’s place.”

  “You must have me confused, tomorrow night is my first night of service. Actually I’m pretty nervous. You’ve done it before?” I opened my mouth to respond but she cut me off. “Sorry I know I shouldn’t ask, we’re not supposed to talk about it.”

  Not wanting to press her memory loss I said my goodbyes. “It’s okay, I guess I confused you with someone else. I’ll see you tomorrow night okay?” Seriously, what kind of deal had I signed myself up for? I remembered everything from the night before. Every look, every


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