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by Andrew L Seidel

  40 Ibid. See also Dr. Bruno Bettelheim, “The Fearmongers,” Life, February 7, 1964, 75.

  41 Guy T. Gillespie, A Christian View on Segregation (Winona, MS: Assoc. of the Citizens’ Councils, 1954). See also Charles Marsh, God’s Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1999) 232, n. 124.

  42 Bob Jones Sr., Is Segregation Scriptural? (Greenville, SC: Bob Jones Univ., 1960), 19. Originally a sermon given as a radio address on WMUU, April 17, 1960, later published in pamphlet form.

  43 “Statement by Montgomery Commissioners Vows to Continue Legal Fight for Segregation,” Montgomery Advertiser (AL), December 18, 1956, 7.

  44 Neil R. McMillen, The Citizens’ Council: Organized Resistance to the Second Reconstruction (Urbana, IL: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1971), 177.

  45 Ibid.

  46 Patrick Allitt, Religion in America Since 1945: A History (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2003), 53. See also Matt. 10:5.

  47 2 Cor. 6:14–17.

  48 Inaugural address of Governor George Wallace, Montgomery, Alabama, capitol, January 1, 1963 (ellipses in original),

  49 See, e.g., Matthew Fowler, Vladimir E. Medenica, and Cathy J. Cohen, “Why 41 Percent of White Millennials Voted for Trump,” Washington Post, December 15, 2017 (citing a GenFoward/Washington Post survey finding that, for millennial Trump voters, employment and income were not significantly related to that sense of white vulnerability but that racial resentment was); Daniel Cox, Rachel Lienesch, and Robert P. Jones, “Beyond Economics: Fears of Cultural Displacement Pushed the White Working Class to Trump,” PRRI/The Atlantic Report, Public Religion Research Inst., May 9, 2017 (finding that besides partisanship, fears about immigrants and cultural displacement were more powerful factors than economic concerns in predicting support for Trump among white working-class voters); Brian F. Schaffner, Matthew Macwilliams, and Tatishe Nteta, “Understanding White Polarization in the 2016 Vote for President: The Sobering Role of Racism and Sexism,” Political Science Quarterly 133, no. 1 (March 25, 2018), 9–34 (finding that sexism and racism were more highly correlated with support for Trump than economic dissatisfaction).

  50 Stephanie McCrummen, “Judgment Days: In a Small Alabama Town, an Evangelical Congregation Reckons with God, President Trump and the Meaning of Morality,” Washington Post, July 21, 2018.

  51 Ibid.

  52 Andrew L. Seidel, “The White House Bible Study Group that Influenced Trump’s Family Separation Policy,” ThinkProgress, June 19, 2018,

  53 McCreary, 545 U.S. 844.

  Chapter 20 • Perverting Sex and Love: The Seventh Commandment

  1 Arthur Miller, The Crucible (1953; repr. New York: Penguin, 2003), 33.

  2 Regina v. Mawgridge (Queen’s Bench, 1706. Kelyng, 119), in William E. Mikell, Cases on Criminal Law: Selected from Decisions of English and American Courts (St. Paul, MN: West, 1908), 371.

  3 Law of the State of Indiana Passed at the Fifty-Second Regular Session of the General Assembly (Indianapolis: Carlon & Hollenbeck, 1881), 195; Revised Statutes of Wyoming (Laramie, WY: Chaplin, Spafford & Mathison, 1899), 1256. The rationale was that masturbation was learned by instruction from others and that “it was appropriate for the law to punish those who irresponsibly sought to pass their vice on to the innocent.” Geoffrey P. Miller, “Law, Self-Pollution, and the Management of Social Anxiety,” Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 7, no. 2 (2001) at 262,

  4 Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 3-322.

  5 Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 750.29-30.

  6 Mike Pence, on The Mike Pence Show, May 23, 1997,

  7 See Richard Wightman Fox, Trials of Intimacy: Love and Loss in the Beecher-Tilton Scandal (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1999).

  8 “Adultery.” In Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 1, 216–18.

  9 Ibid.

  10 Eve Levavi Feinstein, Sexual Pollution in the Hebrew Bible (Oxford, UK: Oxford Univ. Press, 2014), 47–48.

  11 David Instone-Brewer, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2002), 151.

  12 Luke 1:28, Matt. 1:20.

  13 Alfred Brittain and Mitchell Carroll, Women of Early Christianity (Philadelphia: Rittenhouse Press, 1907), 22.

  14 1 Cor. 6:18.

  15 Lev. 18:22.

  16 Deut. 22:5.

  17 Lev. 18:19, 20:18.

  18 Gen. 38:9–10.

  19 Deut. 22:20–21.

  20 Deut. 22:23–27.

  21 Lev. 20:15–16.

  22 Lev. 12:2.

  23 Exod. 21:10.

  24 Exod. 21:7–11.

  25 Num. 31:7–18.

  26 Deut. 22:28–29.

  27 Deut. 25:5–6.

  28 1 Sam. 18:25–26.

  29 Gen. 17:10–14.

  30 Lev. 12:3.

  31 Acts 16:3.

  32 1 Cor. 7.

  33 Matt. 10:35.

  34 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949; repr., New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1983), 26.

  35 Ibid., 152.

  36 Ibid., 152–53.

  37 Ibid.

  38 Catholic Canon Law, Can. 277 § 1, (emph. added).

  39 Cardinal Claúdio Hummes, “Reflection on the 40th Anniversary of the Encyclical Sacerdotalis Caelibatus of Pope Paul VI: The Radical Importance of the Graced Gift of Priestly Celibacy,” Vatican Congregation for the Clergy (February 24, 2007),

  40 Matt. 5:28.

  41 Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 6 (1967).

  42 Walter Wadlington, “The Loving Case: Virginia’s Anti-Miscegenation Statute in Historical Perspective,” Virginia Law Review 52 (1966): 1189, 1191.

  43 Loving, 388 U.S. 1 at 3.

  44 Stewart v. United States, 364 A.2d 1205, 1208 (D.C. 1976).

  45 Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186, 196 (1986) (Burger, C.J., concurring).

  46 Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, 571 (2003).

  47 William N. Eskridge Jr, “Hardwick and Historiography,” Univ. of Illinois Law Review 1999, no. 2 (1999): 631, 646.

  48 Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. at 571.

  49 Ibid. at 578.

  50 United States v. Windsor, 133 S. Ct. 2675, 2693 (2013) (citing H.R. Rep. No. 104–664, 16 (1996)).

  51 Bowers, U.S.186, at 211–12 (Blackmun, J., dissenting).

  Chapter 21 • Misogyny, Slavery, Thoughtcrime, and anti-Capitalism: The Tenth Commandment

  1 Madison to Jefferson, January 22, 1786, in Writings of James Madison, vol. 2, 216.

  2 Again, thank-you to Mr. Hitchens for pointing this out. Hitchens, “The New Commandments.”

  3 Abigail Adams to John Adams, March 31, 1776, in Adams Family Correspondence, vol. 1, 370. Founding Families: Digital Editions of the Papers of the Winthrops and the Adamses, ed. C. James Taylor (Boston: Mass. Historical Soc., 2015),

  4 Simone de Beauvoir, “Woman’s Situation and Character,” The Second Sex (1949; trans. and ed. H. M. Parshley, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952); Quote from (New York: Vintage Books ed., 1989), 621.

  5 Exod. 20:10–11.

  6 Col. 3:18; 1 Pet. 3:1; Eph. 5:22–24. KJV, NIV, and NLT all render the command as “submit.” NRSV has it as “be subject to.” See also 1 Pet. 3:1.

  7 1 Tim. 2:11–15.

  8 Deut. 24:1.

  9 Gen. 2:21–23.

  10 Roland de Vaux, Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1997), 40.

  11 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “The Degraded Status of Woman in the Bible,” Free Thought Magazine 14 (September 1896): 541.

  12 Ibid., 26.

  13 Gen. 31:15.

  14 Gen. 3:16.

  15 Sarai/Sarah, Gen. 11:30, 16:1, 21:2-3; Rebekah, Gen. 25:21; Rachel, Gen. 29:31, 30:22–25; Manoah’s wife, Judg. 13; Hannah, 1 Sam.
1:6–20; Elizabeth, Luke 1:5–25.

  16 Judg. 13.

  17 Luke 2:22–24.

  18 Lev. 15:19–31.

  19 Ibid. Men are unclean if they get particularly ill and after sex (Lev. 15:1–16), as are women. But women are banished for one of every four weeks simply for being women under this law.

  20 Luke 2:23.

  21 The Complete Artscroll Siddur (Artscroll Mesorah), ed. Nosson Scherman and Meir Zlotowitz (New York: Mesorah Publications, Brooklyn, 2001), 19 (emph. added).

  22 1 Cor. 14:34.

  23 Nicholas Clapton, Moreschi and the Voice of the Castrato (London: Hans, 2008), 10–11.

  24 Reginald Magee, “Deriving Opera from Operation,” ANZ Journal of Surgery 69 (April 6, 2002): 672–74, doi:10.1046/j.1440-1622.1999.01662.x.

  25 See, e.g., Bradwell v. State of Illinois, 83 U.S. 130 (1873).

  26 Glanville L. Williams, “The Legal Unity of Husband and Wife,” Modern Law Review 10 (January 1947): 16–31, at 16.

  27 Bradwell, 83 U.S. 130.

  28 Ibid., at 141.

  29 Stanton, “Degraded Status of Woman in the Bible.”

  30 Ibid., 540.

  31 Ibid.

  32 National Woman Suffrage Association, “Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States,” July 4, 1876, in The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: National Protection for National Citizens, 1873 to 1880, ed. Ann Gordon (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2003), 239.

  33 Donald Trump, interview by Nancy Collins, Primetime Live, ABC News, March 10, 1994,

  34 See, e.g., Mike Pence speech on House floor, Congressional Record (House), 109th Congress, vol. 152, pt, 11 (July 18, 2006), 14796; speech at 2008 Conservative Political Action Conference, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC, February 8, 2008.

  35 Mike Pence, “Day-Care Kids,” Indianapolis Star, April 9, 1997, 11.

  36 Aaron Blake, “GOP Congressman’s Book: ‘The Wife Is to Voluntarily Submit’ to Her Husband,” Washington Post, January 22, 2014.

  37 Report of Committee on Baptist Faith and Message, Final version of the report presented and approved at SBC, June 9, 1998,

  38 Republican Presidential Candidates Debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, January 10, 2008. Online at APP.

  39 Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four.

  40 Wooley v. Maynard, 430 U.S. 705, 714 (1977).

  41 Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U.S. 296, 303-4 (1940). Hate crime or bias intimidation crimes are not thoughtcrimes. Most crimes require two things: an act and an intent. We punish criminal intent differently in our criminal justice system. First-degree and second-degree murder, justifiable homicide, manslaughter, negligent homicide, and so on, all depend on the killer’s mental state or intent. While we do punish action without examining intent (statutory rape, drunk driving, speeding), we do not punish intent without the action (even attempt crimes require taking action to complete the crime, though not the ultimate act). Hate crimes are no different. If you simply hate someone based on race, sexuality, or creed, that thought is not punishable. Only the thought combined with an illegal action is criminal.

  42 Valerie Tarico, “Religion May Not Survive the Internet,”, January 16, 2013,

  43 Christopher Hitchens, debate with Peter Hitchens, April 3, 2008, Hauenstein Center, Grand Valley State Univ., MI,, 34:50. Hitchens concluded, “But at least you can fucking die and leave North Korea. Does the Koran or the Bible offer you that liberty? No. The tyranny, the misery, the utter ownership of your entire personality, the smashing of your individuality only begins at the point of death. This is evil, this is a wicked preachment.”

  44 2 Cor. 10:5.

  45 Martin Luther King Jr., “A Witness to the Truth,” Eulogy for James J. Reeb, March 15, 1965, repr. in UU World 15, no. 2 (May/June 2001): 20–23, See also King, Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963,

  46 Catholic Canon Law, Can. 752,

  47 John Adams, “Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law,” in Works of John Adams, vol. 3, 449.

  48 Council of Trent: The Fourteenth Session, The Canons and Decrees of the Sacred and Oecumenical Council of Trent, ed. and trans. J. Waterworth (London: Dolman, 1848), 98,

  49 Ibid.

  50 Matt. 5:28.

  51 Matt. 5:21–22.

  52 Lon L. Fuller, The Morality of Law (New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1969), 70–71.

  53 Hitchens, God Is Not Great, 212.

  54 Jefferson to Danbury Baptist Assoc., January 1, 1802.

  55 United States v. Balsys, 524 U.S. 666, 714 (1998).

  56 Model Penal Code § 2.01 (1), commentaries, comment to § 2.01 at 214–15 (1985).

  57 American Communications Assn. v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 443 (1950) (Jackson, J. concurring in part, dissenting in part).

  58 Ibid., 438.

  59 United States v. Schwimmer, 279 U. S. 644, 654–55 (1929) (Holmes, J., dissenting).

  60 American Communications Assn.

  61 Catholic Canon Law, Can. 752,

  Chapter 22 • The Ten Commandments: A Religious, not a Moral Code

  1 Steven Weinberg, speech, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Conference on Cosmic Design, Washington, DC, April, 1999).

  2 Arthur Schlesinger Jr., “The Opening of the American Mind,” New York Times, July 23, 1989.

  3 See, e.g., Roy Moore’s dedication speech when he unveiled the Ten Commandments monument at the Alabama Supreme Court in 2001: “To restore morality we must first recognize the source from which all morality springs. From our earliest history in 1776 when we were declared to be the United States of America, our forefathers recognized the sovereignty of God”; Mark Niesse, “Chief Justice Unveils Ten Commandments in Supreme Court building,” Associated Press, August 1, 2001; Dennis Prager, “In Moral Absolutes: Judeo-Christian Values: Part XI,” article, May 03, 2005,

  4 Ignatius Loyola to Fathers and Brothers in Portugal, March 26, 1553, in Personal Writings, ed. Joseph Munitiz (London: Penguin UK, 1996), 255.

  5 There has been some dispute in certain circles over whether or not Dostoevsky actually said this, but it seems clear he did. Andrei I. Volkov, “Dostoevsky Did Say It: A Response to David E. Cortesi,” Internet Infidels, Inc., Secular Web, 2011,

  6 “America’s Changing Religious Landscape,” Pew Research Center, May 12, 2015,, notes that 35 percent of Americans born after 1981 consider themselves nonreligious. Betsy Cooper, Daniel Cox, Rachel Lienesch, and Robert P. Jones, “Exodus: Why Americans Are Leaving Religion—and Why They’re Unlikely to Come Back,” PRRI, September 22, 2016,

  7 Atheism Doubles Among Generation Z, The Barna Group (Jan. 24, 2018),

  8 Deut. 13:6–11.

  9 Ibid.

  10 Ibid.

  11 Ibid.

  12 For a full catalog, see Dan Barker, God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction (New York: Sterling, 2016).

  13 Gen. 4:8.

  14 Gen. 4:19.

  15 Gen. 20:12, the incest is even blessed by God in 17:16.

  16 Gen. 12:13–17, 20:2.

  17 Gen. 19:30–38.

  18 Matt. 10:34–39.

  19 Luke 14:26–27.

  20 Matt. 8:21–22.

  21 John 2:3–4; Matt. 12:46–50; Mark 3:31–34.

  22 Yes, he had brothers and sisters, though we never really hear about them. Mark 6:3, Matthew 1
3:55–56, and Galatians 1:19.

  23 Matt. 19:10–12.

  24 John 3:16; see also the perverse, warped attempt to bring god into love in 1 John 4:7–21.

  25 Daniel C. Dennett, Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking (New York: W. W. Norton, 2014), 56. Dennett defines a deepity as something that sounds profound simply because it is ambiguous.

  26 Gen. 22.

  27 Judg. 11.

  28 Va. Code Ann. § 18.2-371.1(C); W. Va. Code Ann. § 61-8D-2(d); Iowa Code § 726.6(1)(d); Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 2919.22 (A); Miss. Code. Ann. §§ 43-21-105 (l)(i), 97-5-39; Ark. Code Ann. § 5-10-101 (a)(9)(B); Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 9A.42.005; Idaho Code Ann. § 18-1501(4).

  29 The exemptions were passed so that states could access federal programs and funds and were a requirement of the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, which President Nixon signed into law in 1974. That law is no longer in force, but the exemptions remain.

  30 Judith Inglis Scheiderer, “When Children Die as a Result of Religious Practices,” Ohio State Law Journal 51, no. 5 (1990): 1429–46,

  31 Nigel Duara, “An Idaho Sheriff’s Daunting Battle to Investigate When Children of a Faith-Healing Sect Die,” Los Angeles Times, April 18, 2017.

  32 Ibid.

  33 Ibid.

  34 Canyon County Sheriff Kieran Donahue in Duara, “Idaho Sheriff’s Daunting Battle.”

  35 Nicholas Ray, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth: An Epidemic of Homelessness (New York: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute and the National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006).

  36 Laura E. Durso and Gary J. Gates, Serving Our Youth: Findings from a National Survey of Service Providers… (Los Angeles: Williams Inst. with True Colors Fund and the Palette Fund, 2012).

  37 Caitlin Ryan, Supportive Families, Healthy Children: Helping Families Support Their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Children (Washington, DC: National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown Univ. Center for Child and Human Development, 2009), 4.

  38 Ann Coulter, Twitter post, October 15, 2013,

  39 Mollie Reilly, “Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out,” Huffington Post, March 15, 2013.


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