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Magic, Mystery & Zombies: YA starter set

Page 35

by Elle Klass

  Maybe for her, safely tucked in her A-frame Virginia home. For Alison it was a living nightmare, but her friend’s excitement eased the heaviness hanging inside her. It started cool with the journal, the amulets, the mystery evolving into something much more. Reality plunged through the intrigue settling into ‘This is really happening’. “I don’t think I can do this unless bravery comes with accepting the amulet. I have five more days and I wipe out the Bloodseekers. That means Gran and I need to be central in their dark, rotting, pheromone-smelling world.”

  “You can do this, Al. The amulet wouldn’t pass to you if you couldn’t.”

  “You sound like Gran. That’s the other part. Once I accept it, she’ll start aging rapidly. Her days are limited. I don’t want to lose her.”

  “I know.” Sorrow filled her words. “You and Gran are close, but she’s part of that amulet. So she’ll always be with you.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way. You’re right - and Alda. I will gain their knowledge. Gran said it’s not in being strong but in being wise. I have to use my invisibility wisely.”

  “I’m a little jealous. Everything is so boring here. I’ve been looking at Flagler College. I want to live closer to you.” Vicky was a year ahead of Alison in school and a senior in high school.

  “Really? You think your parents would go for it?”

  “I have powers of persuasion Al, they’ll buy it and like it!” She chuckled. “You’re my bestie, we need to be together.”

  Mom slid the door open. “Breakfast is ready.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Gotta go, Vick.” She touched the off button and stared at the phone with a smile on her face, rejuvenated, her fears wiped away momentarily. With Vicky close she felt as though she could do anything, unfortunately she had to get through the next year before that’d happen.

  After Mom left for work, Rodham, Gran and Alison piled into his car, as they neared Bloodseeker territory the fear inside Alison surfaced. Her mind sat on the plain of wanting to run and wanting the amulet. Gran always kept it tucked beneath her blouse. She didn’t need to see it to feel her attraction to it and its glow. The buzzle-crackle between Rodham and Gran’s eyes was the only noise in the car for several minutes.

  Rodham broke the silence, filling them in on his and Veronica’s exploits, and the contrast of dark and light within her mind. “Is she both good and bad? You know, like Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker?”

  Gran chuckled. “Darth Vader. I hardly think so. Witches are never to be trusted fully, keep an open mind, and trust your instincts. They won’t fail you”. She operated on her instincts and, because Rodham accepted his, they killed several Seekers. “But the others will come for you. Remember - they know their blood is on your hands.”

  The rank odor of their lair drifted through the crevasses of the car, filling Alison’s nostrils to the point of holding back dry heaves. She covered her nose with her shirt to drown out as much of the stench as possible. Gran shifted her eyes towards Alison. “The pungent odor tells us we’re close.”

  “Why didn’t you or the journal ever mention how bad they smell?”

  Gran’s lips pulled into a line. ”There’s a lot of them, a lot.”


  Rodham slowed the car to a crawl, and Alison glanced at the darkness blanketing the street, looking for shadows. He pointed. “That’s where it happened, by that tree.”

  The street lamps emitted enough light for Alison to see the leaves on the tree hung dry and limp as if scorched by fire, and a black ring in the grass circled the spot where they’d stood.

  “Why are we here, Gran? What are we looking for?”

  She cleared her throat and pulled her arm over the headrest, her stoic eyes searching Rodham and Alison. “My assumption was you found them here. This is the area I sealed 200 years ago when I gained the amulet. My burst locked them underground, but something has disturbed their lair and they’ve resurfaced.”

  She paused for a second. “We will be here on foot during the new moon. If Rodham and Veronica pair with you when I place the amulet around your neck, the three of you may produce enough light to destroy all Bloodseekers in St. Augustine.”

  She narrowed her eyes, focusing on Rodham. “You have to wipe the minds of all the residents. They can’t remember the blast.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “Read the journal. Humans live inside a bubble of safety believing that supernatural creatures are a thing of legends and interest but not real. They haven’t a clue this battle of good and evil has been raging for centuries, and they must never know. Especially with social media, it would reach every corner of Earth before you could blink an eye.”

  Rodham nodded, accepting his position as the Emerald Slayer, the telepathic one. He shifted his eyes to the right in thought. “I didn’t wipe anyone’s mind when I merged with my amulet. Do you think people saw my light?”

  “It’s not your light we need to worry about - people don’t see that. It’s Veronica’s light and the destruction that’ll be caused, especially if Veronica can channel your power through her.”

  Alison interrupted, “Gran, where are the other Slayers?”

  “We parted ways a century ago. We’re old, and it’s time for the new generation to emerge. They’ll feel a pull to this city.”

  “But where are they?”

  Gran’s face softened. “Ally, it’s not their time yet. But soon, very soon.”

  Over the next few days, Rodham and Alison woke early and worked out. Gran’s plan was for Alison to learn discipline, training for her mind. It was more important to be smarter than stronger than the Seekers. Rodham worked her hard, him right alongside her. He urged her on, coaxing and persuading her with his charm. When she was ready to drop he’d give her a kiss. The jolt gave her a second wind, but it also served to motivate her.

  She wasn’t going to give up on being with Rodham. The thought fueled her brain and she’d forget the fire burning in her muscles. She’d think of the nasty blood seeking beasts and blame them for the inevitable loss of her Gran.

  At school, Veronica continued to shun them, smirking and teasing them to keep up appearances and her nasty reputation. After school, she met with them and Gran showing off her abilities, creating light balls and moving objects. Gran wrapped her hand around Veronica’s and the other around Rodham’s, the shine of their light making Alison wince and shield her eyes with sunglasses and her hand.

  When Veronica went home, Gran, Alison and Rodham dug into their journals, learning the secrets of the Slayers, losing themselves in the stories of the past.

  Rodham worked on focusing his telepathy and wiping minds. A few innocent people lost brief memories as he worked to perfect his talent. His parents and Alison’s mother were his favorite victims. They all lost small chunks of daily memories, simple stuff, but it amused him. He couldn’t hide his smile when Alison’s mom made dinner, stepped into her room and walked back into the kitchen. She scratched her head and asked, ‘Did you make dinner, Al?’ Alison choked her laugh down, but the corners of her lips popped into a smile. Mom’s eyes rolled upwards as she worked hard to remember observing the stir-fry and rice on the stove.

  Gran showed Alison how to clutch the wooden stakes most effectively. Rodham, being athletic already, had a great arm and thrust well with a wooden stake.

  “Sound is your biggest enemy. They won’t be able to see you, but they have ears like animals and will hear your every move. You must be silent and quick in your actions, and always aware of your surroundings,” warned Gran as she worked with Alison on tightening her moves, while soundlessly stalking through an environment with a stake in her hand.

  The training helped to build Alison’s confidence, but the sorrow of losing her Gran weighed heavy on her heart. And the amulet’s pull grew stronger by the day. Its light reached out to her in her sleep, at school, during workout sessions. Along with her abhorrence for Bloodseekers, she managed to push her terror away, replaci
ng it with contempt. A beast lurked inside of her waiting to break free. Each day it edged closer to the surface.

  Chapter 16

  Darkness surrounded them as the sun took its leave, settling beneath the horizon. Alison’s fear took a back seat to the fury building inside. Her eyes rotated side to side as she scanned the area for shadows lurking behind the trees. Every noise, even the rustle of a leaf, made her body jump and her heart quicken.

  Inside her mind, she replayed the proper way to hold a stake and plunge it into a Bloodseeker. The past few days they’d decided on a plan to meet in the center of the area infested with Bloodseekers and find their underground lair. The radius of her light would kill every Seeker and seal holes in the Earth beneath them. Rodham, to her right, glanced at her and smiled.

  Gran, to her left, squeezed her hand, giving her comfort and strength. Alison was ready to take out the beasts that ruined her life, who would cost Gran hers, and keep her and Rodham as never being more than Slayer partners. She would never feel his soft, full lips on hers again or his firm body against her.

  A crunch of leaves from behind made her head twist abruptly to the side. Two glowing eyes stared at her from the silhouette of a dog perched on his haunches. His eyes followed their movements, but he didn’t move or chase after them.

  In their plan, Rodham would hold Alison’s hand and Veronica her other hand, so she could use her witchy magic to channel their energies and light for amplification. Slayer light and fire turned Seekers into ash, but Veronica’s light microwaved them and melted their skin. Using a witch to channel light had never been done. No one had thought of it until the night Veronica took Rodham’s hand, frying the Bloodseekers. So no one knew if it would be a success and cause a blast strong enough to cleanse the area of Seekers.

  The first waft of the Bloodseekers pheromone-stench drifted towards her nostrils. She wrinkled her nose in response. Her loathing for them grew and developed inside her. She reached her hands out, feeling for Gran and Rodham, giving them each a squeeze. Electricity hummed through her core, building her own strength.

  A figure, tall and lean, walked out from the shadows, its eyes glowed in the night. Bloodseeker trouble. From behind trees, several more pairs of glowing eyes showed themselves. The creatures didn’t move, but more and more showed themselves until they were surrounded on every side. The books always painted werewolves as pack creatures and vampires as loners, but that wasn’t the case. She’d never witnessed a Seeker alone, except the night Rodham bonded with his amulet, and there may well have been more Seekers close by that she hadn’t seen.

  The creatures stood like statues, their bodies flawless in the night, giving her the impression they were surrounded by a team of vengeful, crazed supermodels.

  “You won’t leave here tonight,” said a male one in a deep, calm voice. “We’ve been expecting you.”

  Alison dropped her eyes to avoid their mind games and hypnosis.

  Rodham slipped Alison a stake, Gran clutched one in her hands, each in a stance for fighting.

  Now would be a great time to bond with my amulet, Alison sent the message to Rodham.

  Not yet, he responded. The amulet’s glow and its pull nearly made her rip it off Gran’s neck. She looked towards Gran, who was gone. Alison twisted her head, searching, until she spotted Gran slipping through a small gap in the Bloodseekers’ circle. She wanted to holler and chase after her, but that would alert the Seekers and might mean Gran’s death. Her pulse quickening inside her veins, blood rushing through her body, hate fueling her fire, interrupted by a feral cat’s tormented cry.

  The animal rushed between the legs of a Seeker and into the circle, a pack of dogs on its heels. They leaped onto the backs of the Seekers, and slipped through the gaps between them. Hurdling their bodies as the cat slipped through the mess and disappeared.

  Now, Al!

  Rodham didn’t have to say anything. She let the fury inside her free and ran full-steam towards a Seeker who was grasping at a dog, peeling it away from his body, a chunk of Bloodseeker flesh in its mouth. As the Seeker flung it away, Alison jammed her stake into the Seeker’s chest than yanked it out, twirling it in the air like a pro and moving onto the next. Alison’s moves smooth and fluid like ribbons in the breeze.

  Alison didn’t think. She allowed her body to take control, moving and dodging flying dogs and angry Seekers. From the corner of her eye, a Seeker lunged towards Rodham, too quick for him to drive the stake into his chest. The tip of another stake plunged through the Seeker. Blood ran down his chest as he collapsed to the ground, revealing Gran. She pushed him over and twisted her stake from the Seeker’s chest.

  An intense light soared through the air, slamming into a Seeker and microwaving his guts, the skin on his face melting, giving Alison a lighted glimpse of the dogs - at least ten of a similar breed, thick silky fur covering their bodies, their jaws snarling and teeth clenched towards the Seekers; thick, silky fur covering their bodies. As if cued by the light, they ran, leaving Alison, Gran and Rodham staring at the mass of dead Seekers and Veronica who blew the tips of her fingers as if they were a smoking gun.

  “Good thing I showed up or you’d all be dog and Bloodseeker food.”

  “We had it under control,” said Alison, feeling proud. Human power surging through her body, each vein and artery pulsing rapidly. Warm Seeker blood covered her hands and dripped from her fingertips.

  Veronica harrumphed and swiveled around, beholding the mass of destroyed Seekers covering the street, their bodies aging before her eyes. Once tight flesh wrinkled and sagging against their bones. Bites, bloody and jagged, over their torsos and appendages. “Ah, not bad.”

  “I’m glad we met with your approval but we need to go before more show up,” announced Gran with a sense of urgency.

  Alison’s intuition working on overtime, she felt more Seekers were close, waiting them out, planning and strategizing against them. The group divided, sticking to the trees for cover, Veronica in the lead, Alison and Gran in the middle, and Rodham following behind.

  As the group closed in on their final destination, the area where the Seekers congregated in large numbers, Veronica halted and motioned for the group to move behind the trees. Alison and Gran crouched behind a bush looking onward, but Alison saw nothing, only their stench let her know they were very close and in large numbers.

  They know we killed their brothers and sisters. That group was sent to test our strength, to find how many Slayers they are up against. They know we are two, plus a witch and a human. Just ahead is another group, larger than the last, and beyond that is their lair. Their plan is to let us enter, surrounding us from a distance, and swoop on us as we enter their lair so they can trap us and take our amulets. Rodham mindspoke to the group. With the full collection of amulets they trap the power of light, and night will fall upon Earth permanently, trapping the moon between the sun and the Earth, an everlasting new moon. The Bloodseekers don’t want our blood, they want our power! Rodham sent the message telepathically to the group.

  Gran motioned for Rodham and Veronica to join her and Alison. They didn’t speak with their mouths, but through Rodham’s mind. He opened a channel, like four way calling, and channeled their thoughts through him.

  They are far stronger than us. If we do this now, we get the element of surprise. Are you ready? asked Gran.

  That’s chicken. I’m not scared. We can take them, urged Veronica. Alison admired her bravery but would rather do things smart than take the chance.

  Rodham, they had your amulet, do they have other amulets in their possession? asked Alison, using smarts over muscle as Gran had taught her.

  I don’t know and they don’t know which Slayers we are, responded Rodham.

  The dark of night suddenly got darker. The air around them turned pitch black. They couldn’t see shadows - or each other, even huddled close. A heated goo, sticky and jelly-like, covered their bodies, encasing them.

  “Disgusting!” said Alison, her fa
ce scrunched.

  “What is this crap?!” shouted Rodham, jerking his hands attempting to de-goo himself.

  A small light grew from Veronica’s hand, but quickly extinguished in the goo.

  “You’re a tricky little witch, Veronica,” said an ominous female voice, somewhere outside the darkness and the goo.

  “Nice to see you again, too. Oh wait, I can’t see!” roared Veronica.

  “No need, you’re trapped inside my Glubble Bubble. I could - I should - take you to the Bloodseekers, but I’m not. You’re my toys,” said the ominous voice.

  A witch of the night? Rodham asked Gran telepathically.

  Yes, and one with her own agenda.

  “I got lucky. Veronica, you’re the one I want. The rest of you the Bloodseekers can have, so I’m taking you with me.”

  In a flash, Veronica and the ominous witch disappeared, words in a foreign language echoing in the air. The goo puddled to the ground, remnants dripping from their clothes and exposed skin. The threesome stared ahead at the group surging towards them - a group of Bloodseekers, fangs displayed, leaving them no time to figure out what just happened, how they would get Veronica back, or why the Bloodseekers were suddenly changing their plan. Gran grasped their hands and concentrated on shielding them from the vision of the Bloodseekers.

  “Where’d they go?” questioned a female Seeker.

  Alison held tight to Gran’s grasp, and listened as Rodham connected them in a three way telepathic chat. Run with me! shouted Gran in her mind. Don’t let go of my hand. They jetted through the trees and skipped through people’s yards, making gains away from the Bloodseekers.

  “Arhh… Garnet!” roared a male Seeker, echoing through the neighborhood. His voice deep and filled with anger.

  The group didn’t look back, and finally stopped a few blocks away, hidden inside a shed. “We need to regroup, Veronica is gone. We can’t use her light to help us. It’s just us. We need to get back to the house and inside it. Your binding light,” Gran shifted her eyes to Alison, “will do the most damage there.”


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