Encountering Darkness

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Encountering Darkness Page 2

by Paul Brandt

  He walked around his house passing through all the mess of it, trying to think of what else he forgot. He looked around at his house and noticed that he wasn’t keeping it up very well, which was odd for him. Pete, trying to kept his mind off of the painful things that would come today, did so by cleaning his home.

  First, he went to the living room and then to the family room, which was the dirtiest because he stayed there the most. Then he went to the hallway, which is adjacent to the front door and cleaned that part well. He then went upstairs and cleaned the couple of rooms there.

  After he finished, he noticed it was 11 a.m. Pete looked outside and realized it was dark and rainy. He thought it was strange that he would clean his house for around 2 to 3 hours straight. He checked the calendar and noticed that it was still the same day that it should be.

  After checking the calendar, Pete then walked around his house and got angry that it wasn’t any cleaner than when he first awoke. He knew he did a good job with cleaning his house, but it was still dirty! He realized he must have been in a dream once again, or maybe just moved to a dream, but he couldn't be sure.

  Now he had a whole day to do what he wanted, but wished it was yet another day since he had so much free time. Instead, he had today, which was the dreaded day on which no one was around to keep him company. He sat in his chair and felt isolated from the world, and he thought about the wasted life people had.

  He turned on the TV and watched a football game. It seemed that college football was on, and after a few moments the game had his whole attention. He noticed that the people on the screen started to get fuzzy, and soon it seemed like they popped out from the screen. He quickly shook his head and then the doorbell rang.

  Pete guessed he was tired, so he dozed off, but he at once got up to answer the door. When he made his way to the door, he opened it with hesitation. There was a blinding light outside, so Pete initially shielded his eyes. It took a couple minutes for him to become reacquainted with the outside world.

  Before him was what he thought to be the milkman, but only for a second, and then it was someone else. Pete looked at the person, but couldn’t make them out because he was too dizzy and groggy to tell. As his head stopped spinning, he noticed that the guy was in white, and he produced some type of noise. He stepped closer to the thing in white to hear what it said, but instead noticed it snickered at him. Soon, this person laughed straight into his face and took all the breath out of him. As Pete looked for this thing’s face, he couldn't find any, but only a black endless void that surrounded where this person’s face should be.

  Pete took an even closer look at this person, and he noticed that this thing really wasn’t covered in white, but instead a light red that was dark around the neck. He also noticed that this person carried a foul smell that was so familiar to him.

  Chapter Five

  Pete could still hear the sound of the person laughing as he woke up to a man speaking to him. He would have yelled if the person he encountered didn’t try to calm him down. This person said his name a few times like he knew him, and soon Pete noticed that the person speaking to him was a man in white. Pete at once panicked, but soon realized this person was only the milkman.

  He remembered about his dream and how that person changed from the milkman to something else. The moving picture haunted Pete, but he shrugged it off.

  It took all his effort, but Pete looked at the man he feared.

  Hey, he thought, it was only my friend the milkman.

  The milkman, Fred, saw the uncertainty and fear in Pete’s eyes so he calmly said, “Hey Pete, how’s it going?”

  Fred looked into Pete’s eyes for a second and those eyes were blank, and then Fred looked lower down him.

  Pete looked into Fred’s eyes and saw the comfort he hoped for, but also recognized something else he didn’t want to see.

  Pete said, “Ah…I’m…ah….” and that was all he could get out because his head hurt and Pete turned away to take something for his headache.

  As he turned, Fred said in a somewhat joking voice, “must have been one heck of a dream!”

  That statement shocked Pete, and he at once noticed that his pants were wet. He was very embarrassed and ran to the bathroom where he felt safe from the world. As he ran away, he heard laughing. By the time he got to the bathroom, the laughing became more hysterical. To dim the sound, he yelled all the way to the bathroom, slammed the door, and turned on the light. Pete attempted to clean himself when he caught someone come to the door and then they stopped.

  Pete could pick up a familiar sound through the door, but he didn’t want to listen right now. He tried to keep himself busy by cleaning himself, but still perceived a few words like, “come back…are you…wrong…milk.” When he heard the word milk, he listened to this person because maybe they had a good reason to be by the door right now.

  “Come on, Pete! Come out! I said I was sorry! I didn’t know! Anyways, I will leave the milk here! Ahm…goodbye.”

  Pete wasn’t sure why he acted that way to Fred, but he thought it might be because of his dream and then urinating on himself. He calmed down soon after and came out to clean up the mess he made. When he came out of the bathroom, his heart pounded as he came to the scene of the incident. He began to search for the mess he made, but couldn’t find it. He only went on his pants, but as he inspected his pants, they were clean too!

  Pete ran to his front door and in a haste opening it, looking outside for where the milkman might be. Not spotting him, Pete went back inside and sat down. As he sat for a while, Pete remembered that the milkman always comes on the day he hates. He, also, was one person who changes on these particular days, and that might have something to do with what just happened. He only hoped that the milkman wouldn’t spread the word with how he acted.

  Now he sat on the couch, and taking a pen and paper, prepared for the meeting he would have tomorrow. Pete prepared for what he would say and how he would say it. Along with preparing for the meeting, he reminisced about the past elections, and realized he needed to get ready for the next one. After an hour, he drifted off to sleep from boredom.

  Chapter Six

  Pete was walking around his house staring at the floor. There was this horrible musty aroma that surrounded him throughout the whole house.

  As he thought about it, the odor was much worse than before. Like the last times, the smell was so bad it made him sick and stagger. He reached a room where it was dark, and without knowing it, he was in the kitchen.

  The kitchen had, by far, the worst of the scent. The smell not only surround him, but engulfed and reached deep inside him. He fell to the floor and laid there. Pete wanted to yell, but his insides wouldn’t let him.

  After a few moments, he stood up, but he realized there was something else in the room.

  Startled, he looked around for what he feared and saw something in the corner. It was the thing he noticed before in white! It looked like its clothing was floating off the ground; the red stains around its neck was glowing deep red. He looked into the eyes of the thing, but could only see blackness like before.

  Although this thing was creeping towards him and growling, Pete was frozen in his place, not being able to move a muscle. Continuing to crept closer, Pete, who was sweating profusely, would have yelled if possible.

  As the creature drew near, at first, it did nothing. Then it breathed a horrible stink on him, and soon the creature laughed at him, first soft, and then loud. The spit of the animal came upon the face and mouth of Pete and burned deep into his eyes and skin. It was at this moment he could turn away and run out of the kitchen. The thing was still laughing like before, but this time the sound was not only coming from the kitchen, it seemed to come from everywhere.

  Pete's face was burning and he ran to the couch where he was sleeping to wake himself up. He saw himself sleeping, but when he tried to speak to wake himself up, his mouth wouldn’t open. In a panic he touched his own face, but couldn’t find his mout
h. Instead he found what seemed like blisters lining his mouth. Touching one, it popped and the pus ran down his face. Although, when he looked at his hands, he caught sight of blood all over them. Startled, he ripped his mouth open in confusion.


  Pete awoke screaming and checked himself for any damage that may have come upon him. He found nothing wrong and calmed himself down by breathing slowly. He got up to check the time and it stated 6 p.m. It surprised him that he slept for so long, but he got up to make sure he wouldn’t go back to sleep.

  As he was moving around his house, he took a deep breath to determine if the air smelled strange. Pete was thankful that the air seemed fine to him, so he relaxed.

  He moved to the table to get a pen and paper and wrote out what he would say the next day. The day for his speech at the festival was arriving. He crafted, “Ladies and gentleman, you know where I stand, I am not here to become friends with any of you, you know full well. I hope you understand why I must press so hard for this action, as I am here for the better of my constituency. You know of my track record; I have nothing to hide. I ask that you look into your heart to change your course of action because I have a better one. I understand you are tired of me coming before you every year, but I feel that nothing would be accomplished if I didn’t push you. Remember in the past when I would push for things and you wouldn’t get it? I still continued to drive forward, not for me, but for the betterment of the town. This is all I have to say, but I ask that you would consider strongly what I am proposing.”

  After he wrote this all down, and was satisfied, he left his speech there on the table and proceeded to bed.

  Chapter Seven

  Pethaford made his way to the fair; the whole town seemed to be at the event. Cars were parked all across the streets and in the grass. People were everywhere, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Pethaford enjoyed giving a speech every year at this event because everyone was in a good mood, and his speech always took place at the best time of the day because everyone was still around.

  He made his way through the crowd to find his right-hand man, Tom. Tom had been with Pete through thick and thin, and even though they both had a very poor meeting last time, they were all smiles.

  “What’s the agenda for today?” asked Tom.

  “Well, I’ll let these fine folks enjoy their time and probably give the speech at high noon.”

  “Let me see it,” Tom requests.

  Pete handed the speech to him and after Tom looked through it he stated, “So you’re really gonna go through with this?”

  “I have to Tom. It’s for the best and you cannot fight me.”

  “I’m not gonna fight ya, but you have to understand what you are doing. Those people are not about to like this.”

  Pete laughed at that remark and thus stated, “The people will be fine with this. They will not care; like you say.”

  “All right, just as long as you know what you’re doing. You win every year, them people love ya, but I’m just wondering if maybe this might level your great stand.”

  “There’s a reason I win every year, and that’s because I’m the best, I know what I’m doing, and I get crap done.” Pete huffed and puffed.

  Tom noticed the quick change in Pete’s attitude and reversed the subject to a lighter mood. Everything proceeded smoothly until Jennifer appeared into the picture.

  “Hey guys, how ya’ll doing?” Jen had a huge smile and knew she could get what she wanted from anyone except the mayor since they were married. Pete and Jen broke up a year ago, but they both were too lazy, and/or busy, to get the divorce papers in order and completed.

  Tom, knowing this could go poorly, quickly stepped in, “Jen, get the heck out of here!”

  “Well…that was mighty blunt and rude…so, I was just wondering, if this man here gets elected to mayor again, can I get some of them moneys?”

  “Jen, get outta here! You are not wanted and I will call the law enforcement for assault if ya don’t leave!”

  Tom was getting angry at this whole ordeal, because Tom knew if Pete got into the mix, things would get out of hand. It was unfortunate that Jen was stubborn and so she continued to push.

  “So Pete, let’s just make this official then and I can take all your money. Better yet, I could go to the Principal Law Enforcement and send you to jail.”

  Pete only blinked at the woman and calmly said, “I don’t know what you are talking about. If you want to finally get the divorce papers all in order that is fine by me, but you will not get all my money. In fact, you won't get any of my money. I will fight for that in court and I will win, ‘cause I always do. As far as this whole PLE thing goes, where would that get you? Why would you need the Principal Law Enforcement?”

  “You know darn well why the PLE would get involved with the crap you’re pulling!”

  “But Jen, what are you talking about? Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine, but you won’t be!” Jen stormed off realizing that she was getting nowhere with the conversation.

  Tom turned to Pete and stated, “Well she might be a problem.”

  Pete laughed, “Naw, she ain’t gonna be a problem. Those southern women sure are stupid though!” Tom and Pete had a good round of laughing.

  Both Pete and Tom continued to talk for a while, but they moved on from the stage, and walked throughout the park getting food to eat.

  About noon they walked back to the stage and Pete prepared to deliver his speech.

  “Well Pete,” said Tom, “good luck with your speech, I sure wouldn’t want to be you.”

  Pete made his way on the stage, received the mic, and did some stand-up comedy. After about ten minutes, everyone listening to the speech could be heard laughing in what seemed to be one voice. Pete killed it, and Tom knew it.

  How the heck does this man do this? They love him, but why? Tom wondered.

  Pete went through his whole routine and later stopped after about twenty minutes and walked off the stage.

  People chant. “More, more, more, more!”

  Pete came back to the mic and began again. “Well folks, that’s all for the jokes. Now, let's get serious.”

  Pete went over the speech he wrote yesterday and the crowd was on his every word. The crowd was not angry.

  “…the building you all go to every week will be destroyed. This has to be done. The town will be stronger without it; the town will flourish because of it! This day you fight for honor…for prosperity!”

  In the crowd a few chuckle, but the rest were still hanging on Pete’s every word, wondering why and what this means.

  At once, someone in the crowd yelled out, “But why? Why do you have to do this? It brings you no harm.”

  Pete glared at the man. The man's eyes light up as if he realized what he said. Pete continued to stare for a minute at this man and the man continued to pull back.

  Pete said nothing, but at this point Tom came up to the mic and got the crowd going. Saying a bunch of things like, “Pete gave you all this and he can give you more if you trust him! Has he ever let you down? Has he ever lied to any of you? I say no! He has changed this town for the better! Look at our hospital. It is quickly becoming nationally known for innovative new ways to fight diseases. Or our schools, take a look at the new elementary school that was built only a couple years ago. Hasn’t that been bringing in people from neighboring areas? All these things are because of this man before you. He has given you all and will continue to give you more. All you need to do is trust him.”

  Tom's speech was all that was needed for the crowd to become ecstatic. Not crazy with hate, but crazy with ecstasy. Pete and Tom glanced at each other and smiled. Pete reached out his hand and took hold of Tom’s shoulder, nodded his head, walked away, departing the stage. Tom followed him.

  “How do you do it?”

  “Do what? Tom, it was you that really got them going.”

  Tom and Pete turned the corner and were out of sight from the c
rowd. Pete turned around and grabbed Tom’s throat, pushing him up against a wall.

  “If you ever take my spotlight again, you will pay for it Tom! Who are the people voting for? You? No! Me!”

  Tom tried to say something, but he cannot.

  “Yeah that’s right Tom, you are speechless. That’s what I wanted the crowd to be, speechless because of me. I had that one man gripping in fear. This was about fear and power and here you go trying to say all the wonderful things I have done. Would I have gotten to all of that? Yes! Give me some time to say. Okay?”

  Pete released Tom from his grip and turned towards the stage.

  Pete made a double take and turned back around toward Tom saying to him, “Just get out of here, before you mess something else up. I’m doing just fine without you.”

  Pete proceeded back on the stage and continued to declare to the crowd.

  Tom walked away stunned.

  Chapter Eight

  One month later, the building Pete spoke about in his speech was being demolished. Pete stood and watched the demolition being done, making sure everything moved forward okay.

  This has to make them happy. Now they will finally be satisfied, thought Pete.

  The demolition took a few days to complete, but after the building was leveled, Pete was satisfied that the job was completed. Winfield would be the first town, in all the country, to not allow the building. People would be normal, and Pete wouldn't have to worry about them changing at the end of the week.

  Pete was in high spirits, knowing the day he often dreaded would not be an issue.

  As Pete left for his home, nearing it, he went through the gate and the grassy lawn. Pete came up to the porch and stopped at the door. Pete sniffed the air for any danger, and noted that everything seemed to be clear. He stepped into the house and walked around.


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