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Alien Infiltration: A Warrior Prince Romance (The Tourin Legacy Book 3)

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by Immortal Angel

  Alien Infiltration

  The Tuorin Legacy, Book 3

  Immortal Angel


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Alien Infiltration

  All rights reserved.

  Published by Fallen Press, Ltd.

  Copyright © 2016

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  Other works by Immortal Angel

  Angel Warrior: The Complete Series

  Angel Warrior

  Angel Betrayed

  Angel Awakened

  Angel Captured

  Angel Forever

  Alien Rogue Warrior: Box Set (Serials 1-5)

  To Kiss A Warrior

  To Touch A Warrior

  To Protect A Warrior

  To Trust A Warrior

  To Love A Warrior

  Alien Rogue Warrior: Box Set (Serials 6-10)

  To Challenge A Warrior

  To Obey A Warrior

  To Forgive A Warrior

  To Wound A Warrior (Release date: 8/19/16)

  To Save A Warrior (Release date: 8/24/16)

  Alien Invasion: The Complete Series

  Alien Invasion

  Alien Intercourse

  Alien Infiltration

  Alien Insertion (Release date: 8/17/16)

  Alien Exile (Release date: 8/24/16)

  For Robert

  I couldn’t do this without you…and I wouldn’t want to.

  Thank you.

  I wish for you every dream you can dream..and I believe with you all things are possible.

  Immortal Angel

  P.S. – You are already beautiful.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  About the Author

  Preview of To Kiss A Warrior



  I push the screen to start the vid, preparing myself. An unhappy laugh explodes from my lips. How does a person even go about preparing themselves to watch the destruction of a people?

  You can’t, a tiny voice whispers in my mind, but if you want to help your people, you need to understand what you’re dealing with. The room within the spaceship darkens and the flickering blue screen comes to life. There isn’t even a second before horror washes over me.

  Screams rend the air. Blind panic registers on the faces that sprint by, fleeing the deep gray alien craft. It seems to suck all the light from the sky for a few moments, and rumbles the land as it lands with a horrifying crash. Spiderlike legs jut from it, digging into the ground around it. A massive tube rises from the middle of the craft, groaning as it reaches higher and higher into the sky.

  A door opens in the side. The creatures that emerge from it look more nightmare than reality in their heavy, metal suits. Even though I’ve seen the Ardaks firsthand, my heart races in terror. Their catlike faces peer out from their glass helmets, their gazes merciless. Suddenly they raise their blue light weapons to fire into the fleeing crowd.

  What had Juordin called their guns? Energy blasters. That’s right.

  My stomach tightens, my thoughts sliding back to the day my own planet was attacked. Goose bumps erupt on my arms and I pull my legs to my chest, forcing myself to watch what happens next. Even though I already know.

  It’s obvious the people were in the middle of a celebration. Balloons fly away, stuffed toys lie discarded as parents pick up their children and run toward the exits of the park.

  The cats fire heedlessly into the crowd, killing men, women, and children alike. It’s a slaughter of innocents.

  Suddenly, about fifty Tuorian warriors emerge from the crowd. I recognize his people. Their massive stature, their strangely colored purple, green, and golden eyes, and the way they carry themselves so confidently. They hold weapons I’ve never seen before, shields, and fire energy blasters of a different color than the cats. They form a line of safety, allowing the crowd to escape through them.

  Juordin is in the middle, slightly taller than the rest of the crowd. Somehow, he looks younger than the man I know. And even in the middle of the battle, I see something I don’t see now. The answer comes to me immediately: hope. He still has hope.

  He leads the warriors’ charge, fearless and commanding, pushing closer to the cats. The other soldiers look to him for direction and he shouts orders that I can’t hear. The flying video turns and for a second I see a small, flying object that I realize must be taking another video of the scene. I wonder how many there are, and why they’re there.

  The line pushes forward at a steady pace, and then Juordin gives the command to halt. The exits are blocked by the hysterical crowd, and it’s obvious he wants to shield those who can’t get out.

  Juordin and a few of the soldiers interspersed through the line don’t stop with the rest of the line, but continue forward, working their shields against the blasts.

  When they reach the cats, Juordin drops his shields and uses a high kick to rid one of the cats of his blaster. He jumps on the cat and tries to wrench its head off. Almost by accident, the helmet comes off, and Juordin twists its head. The cat falls in a heap and he leaps backward.

  He calls out to the others who are fighting hand to hand. Several have already died in their attempts to disarm the cats. Those who are successful end up jumping on the cats to rip helmets off in the same way he had.

  I see one of the cats snarl, its huge fangs tearing into the arm of his attacker. The attacker jumps off and the cat is on him, tearing the warrior’s arm off with his huge claws.

  Other soldiers are faring better, but many have been bitten. They don’t behead the cats, but twist their heads with their bare hands, killing them. But just as they kill the last cat, the back of the heavy craft on the ground opens, and a plume of red dust begins to shoot out, going high into the sky.

  People begin to run up to them, cradling children. Juordin runs in the direction the people fled, where bodies litter the street. He reaches down and touches the throat of a young boy. A second later, he pinches his nose and begins CPR. Hours seem to pass. I feel tears rushing down my cheeks as I press my hand to my mouth. A soldier tries to pull him away. Juordin shrugs him off, pushing on the chest of the boy. Another solider comes. They’re yelling, but Juordin doesn’t seem to hear him. His gaze is entirely focused on the dead boy in his arms.

  And then suddenly, he looks up. All around him, bodies litter the ground.

  So many bodies. So much death.

  The look in his eyes…no words can describe that kind of pain.

  The film stops, and I come back to myself with a jolt.

  I can’t believe what I just witnessed. No wonder he has nightmares. And that was just the beginning. His people have been dying for the past six months.

  I look for another vid to watch, but I’m torn. Torn between learning a little more about the Ardaks and the toxin, or comforting the warrior in the other room.

  Before I know it, I find myself walking toward the control room. I want to see his purple eyes. Run my fin
gers through his long, wavy hair. Trace the tattoolike lines on his chest and stomach. I just want to love him.

  For what little time we have left.



  I awaken to the throbbing of the tattoo on my shoulder. I massage it roughly. I guess I must have dozed off.

  The timing is not good for your mate. And you don’t want to bind her to you more than you have to. Just wait until you get back to Tuorin. You can make it.

  I open one eye and check the controls. Everything on target, but still fifteen hours until we get back.

  Then hands slide around me from behind, and I almost jump out of the captain’s chair. How did she sneak up on me like that? Just another clue that I’m used to being alone.

  She bats my hand away and rubs the tattoo. “Why are you hitting your arm?” She leans down to look at it. “This tattoo is different than your others. Why is it turning red?”

  I clear my throat. “It’s not a tattoo. It’s a toxin level indicator.”

  “What?” Her stricken gaze flies to my face.

  “We all have them, so we can tell how high the toxin level is getting.”

  Her fingers brush over it again. “So when it turns red…”

  “…it also produces a stabbing pain in my arm, letting me know I need to use the healing bunk.”

  “But it’s been red almost the whole time I’ve known you!” Her eyes are accusing now.

  I don’t know what to say. What could I have done about it? “Yes. I really need to get back.”

  “But we can reduce the level by raising your endorphins. Or having sex.”

  “Yes…but…the timing hasn’t been great.”

  She crosses her arms angrily. “Juordin, you need to tell me these things. First the healing bunk, now this. You have to tell me what you need.”

  I reach out and snake an arm around her waist, pulling her onto my lap. I brush the backs of my fingers down her cheek. “And how good are you at asking for help, my little warrioress?”

  She looks away, as I knew she would. “You can ask me for help,” she says quietly.

  I cup her face in my hands, forcing her to look at me. She is stubborn, as am I. “I will try. If you promise that you will also ask me for help, should you need it.”

  After a moment, she gives a quick nod, her eyes becoming bright.

  I feel as she does. I’m not sure I know how to ask for help. “It is difficult for those in our position to ask others for assistance. We bear such weight upon our shoulders—the weight of many.”

  Her eyes turn to my chest, and her fingers begin to unbutton my shirt. “But right now, there is only us.”

  I rise, hoisting her up into my arms. “You’re right. There is only us. And the shuttle is on autopilot for the next fifteen hours.”

  Her nose wrinkles. “Do you think that’s enough time?”

  I bark a laugh. “I guess we’re going to find out.”



  I turn and run, letting Juordin chase me out of the command room and down the hall to the room with the bed. I spring up onto it, turning to face him.

  To my surprise, he springs up on it with me. “What will you do now, my little warrior princess?”

  What won’t I do to you, my warrior?

  I grab his forearm and turn, using my body weight to throw him onto the bed beneath me. I jump on top of him, pinning his arms to the bed.

  He has a slight smile, as if to say he let me win. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “So you’re saying I only won because you were unprepared?”

  He chuckles deeply. “I would never.”

  “You’d better not.”

  With a roll, he turns us so I’m beneath him.

  I want him to kiss me, want to feel his tongue thrusting against mine. It’s like an ache in my chest. But he evades my lips, his fingers going to the buckles on my corset. He removes it, then pulls my shirt up over my head. He lets it fall behind him and reaches for me again.

  I try to kiss him again but he ducks, his mouth going straight for my nipples. I gasp when he takes my bud in his mouth, rolling it with his tongue.

  But my mind nags at me. Something’s wrong. I remember what his kiss feels like. The pleasure that sends the blood pounding through my veins. That makes my body burn. Why doesn’t he want to kiss me?

  Thoughts flee as his lips close over my other nipple and my body arcs off the bed. He splays his hand across my stomach to hold me down, his lips and tongue playing with the tender peaks.

  I try to pull him up again, following his mouth hungrily.

  He evades again, rising so he’s kneeling between my legs, pulling down my skirt.

  I put my hands on his, stopping him. “What’s wrong?”

  “What do you mean?” He won’t meet my gaze.

  I purse my lips. “You know what I mean.”

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  I eye him. “Bullshit.”

  “That’s not very princesslike.”

  I won’t let him goad me. “Don’t change the subject. Why won’t you kiss me?”

  His mouth tightens in irritation. “Can’t we just have sex without kissing?”

  I can feel my own irritation rising. Why doesn’t he want to kiss me? Doesn’t he want me anymore? Is he just using me to stave off the effects of the toxin? That last thought hurts. A lot. I sit up, reaching over him for my shirt. “Why would you want to?”

  He stops me from pulling it over my head. “I’m dying. I don’t want to tie you to me.” His voice rises and I can sense frustration…and suppressed rage.

  I jump out of the bed and try to yank my shirt from him. “I don’t want to have this discussion naked.”

  “Why not?” he bites out, rising angrily to stand beside me. “We’ve been as naked as it gets.” He throws my shirt to the ground furiously and pulls his own shirt off to join it.

  “I don’t understand how kissing is any more personal than having sex.”

  His fingers reach for the front of his pants, ripping them open forcefully. “My saliva changes when I find my mate. It is meant to draw us together. As the bond grows, you will develop a pattern of mating marks that matches mine.” He gestures jerkily to the marks on his chest and stomach.

  “Those are…mating marks?” I ask cautiously. There is so much I don’t know about Juordin and his people.

  He grits his teeth. “Yes.”

  “And if you kiss me, I will also get them?”

  “That’s what I said. It’s a dominant trait. Any people we’ve mated with have gotten them.”

  I pause. “So you don’t want to kiss me because you don’t want us to mate.”

  He explodes. “How can I get through to you? I’m dying. You are going to lose me—soon! I don’t want you to go through that! I’ve seen people whose mates die, Ande. It isn’t pretty. I won’t do that to you.”

  My temper finally matches his, and I don’t even care if I’m half-naked. “So you think if you don’t kiss me I won’t care? That I’ll feel it any less when you go?” I march forward until my face is inches from his. “That I won’t love you?”

  “Fuck!” He kicks his pants off and runs his hand through his hair. “I’m telling you, it’s different.”

  “Then I want to experience it! I’ve never felt this before, either. I want all of you—for as long as I have. For all I know, even I have less than six months to live. What do you think the cats will do to me when I’m alone?”

  “I promised your father I’d drop you on another planet.”

  “You what?” The admission stuns me for a moment. Then realization dawns. I back up several paces. “So you think you’re saving me. That I’m going to go to a new place and just forget that my entire planet, my family, and my…you just died?” My body is shaking with fury. I clench my fists. “You’re insulting my honor, my name, and me. I should kill you.”

  His eyes narrow. “I’m not insulting you. I’m p
aying you the highest respect. If I loved you any less I would just take what I want from you.” He stalks toward me. “The toxin is painful. The warning indicator stabs at me constantly.” He grabs my hand and brings it to his chest. “My mating marks ache for your fingers. My body burns to join with yours. My mind commands me to claim you.”

  My mouth is dry. I trace the marks on his chest softly. He’s mine. I’m his. Kissing changes nothing. “Then do it.”

  He lets out a ragged breath. “If I do this, I can’t take it back. You may have a lot of years where you wish I could.”

  “I’ll take that chance.” My voice is almost a whisper.

  “I can’t. Everything in me tells me it’s wrong.”

  “Who are you to say? Why do you think we found each other now—only months before…” my voice trails off. I won’t say that he’s going to die. I can’t even think it.

  He brings a hand up to cover his face. “I don’t know. It’s a cruel joke.”

  I close the gap between us, gently pulling his arm from his face. “But what if it’s not? What if we were meant to find each other?”

  “We were. But not like this.”

  I feel my irritation rising again. “Who knows what was meant to be? All I know is what is. And you and I are here. Now. Don’t you think I should have a say in whether we…mate or not? I’ve never had a mate, either.”

  “No.” His voice sounds final.

  I’ve had enough. “Fine. Then if you won’t give yourself to me, I won’t give myself to you. And we can sit here and stare at each other for the next six months wondering what we could have had.” I edge around him to pick up my discarded shirt.

  He grabs my arm with a growl and looks down at me. “You are the most irritating…frustrating…”

  “…beautiful and wonderful woman you’ve ever met,” I finish for him. I hold out my hand flat, my fingers spread wide. “And you’re letting me slip through your fingers.”


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