A Broken World

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A Broken World Page 23

by Sebastian Faulks

  Emily Hobhouse et al., ‘Open Christmas Letter to the Women of Germany and Austria’, Jus Suffragii, Vol. 9., No. 4, 1 January 1915 [Reissued in International Woman Suffrage: Jus Suffragii, 1913-1920, ed. by Sybil Oldfield, Vol. 2 (London: New York, Routledge, 2003), pp. 46-7]

  Lida Gustava Heymann et al., ‘Open Letter in Reply to the Open Christmas Letter from Englishwomen to German and Austrian Women’, Jus Suffragii, Vol. 9., No. 6, 1 March 1915. ibid., p. 67

  Maude Onions, A Woman at War: Being Experiences of an Army Signaller in France 1917–1919 (London: C. W. Daniel Company, 1929), pp. 52-3

  Stefan Westmann, quoted in Max Arthur, Forgotten Voices, pp. 70-1

  E. M. Forster, ‘Reconstruction in the Marne and the Meuse’, in Albergo Empedocle and other writings by E. M. Forster, ed. by George H. Thomson (New York: Liveright, 1971), pp. 263-268. Initially published in Westminster Gazette, 30 August 1915

  Edith Wharton, ‘Preface’, in The Book of the Homeless (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1916), pp. xix-xx

  Sher Bahadur Khan to Raja Gul Nawaz Khan, 9 January 1916, Military Department Censor of Indian Mails, 1915-16, India Office Records, British Library, IOR/L/MIL/5/826/1

  Ernst Toller, I Was a German: An Autobiography, transl. by Edward Crankshaw (London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1934), pp. 78-9, 119-122

  Rosa Luxemburg, Letters from Prison, transl. by Eden & Cedar Paul (Berlin: Young International, 1923), pp. 48-9, 51, 54-5, 58

  Edward Williamson Mason, Made Free in Prison (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1918), pp. 191-2

  Anon., Lager-Echo, Knockaloe, No. 9, 26 September 1917, in A. L. Vischer, Barbed Wire Disease: A Psychological Study of the Prisoner of War, transl. by S. A. Kinnier Wilson (London: John Bale, 1919), p. 30

  Anon., Lager-Echo, Knockaloe, No. 7, 18 August 1917, in A. L. Vischer, Barbed Wire Disease: A Psychological Study of the Prisoner of War, transl. by S. A. Kinnier Wilson (London: John Bale, 1919), pp. 31-2

  G. H. M, ‘Ruhleben Camp Journal Story’, Imperial War Museum, Documents, Misc. 121, Item 1866. The article can be found in The Ruhleben Camp Magazine, No. 5, Christmas 1916, pp. 44-5

  T. E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom: a triumph (London: Jonathan Cape, 1935), pp. 30-2

  W. E. B. Du Bois, ‘Close Ranks’, in The Crisis, Vol. 16, July 1918, p. 111

  W. E. B. Du Bois, ‘Returning Soldiers’, in The Crisis, Vol. 18, May 1919, pp. 13-14

  Marina Yurlova, Cossack Girl (London: Cassell, 1934), pp. 44-6

  Isabelle Rimbaud, In the Whirlpool of War, transl. by Archibald Williams (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1918), pp. 5-6, 103-5, 125-7

  X. to Mme L. G., 1 May 1916, in The Deportation of Women and Girls from Lille (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1916), p. 22

  R. to Madame B., undated, ibid., p. 26

  M. Albert Camille L—, undated, ibid., p. 60

  Mary Britnieva, One Woman’s Story (London: Arthur Barker, 1934), pp. 45-8

  Albert E. Peto, ‘Field Service Postcard Bearing the Word “Peace” in Place of a Signature, First World War’, Imperial War Museum, Documents, Misc. 2900


  R. E. Roller to ‘Uncle Arthur’, 21 December 1918, ‘Belgian Railway Tickets, Pre-First World War’, Imperial War Museum, Documents, Misc. 359, Box 10

  Henry Williamson to Gordon Watkins, 18 July 1963, Imperial War Museum, Documents, BBC Great War Series Correspondence Files, Wib-Wil

  Henry Williamson to Gordon Watkins, 16 October 1963, ibid.

  Kurt Tucholsky, ‘The White Spots’ (1919), in Germany? Germany! The Kurt Tucholsky Reader ed. by Harry Zohn (Manchester: Carcanet, 1990), pp. 56-7

  A. A. Long to his wife, 3 March 1919, ‘Private Papers of A. A. Long’, Imperial War Museum, Documents, 06/30/1

  C. Bruce Taberner to BBC, 15 October 1963, Imperial War Museum, Documents, BBC Great War Series Correspondence Files, Tab-Tho

  G. C. Clench to BBC, 8 August 1963, Imperial War Museum, ibid., Cla-Cyl (includes G.C. Clench, ‘Blown Up – With a Thousand Men Aboard’, published in Daily Herald, 8 November 1933)

  National War Museum, 24 July 1917, Bond of Sacrifice (listed under ‘Memorial for the Fallen’), Imperial War Museum, EN1/PHO/013)

  Keeper of Photographs, 1 August 1918, ibid., EN1/1/PHO/21

  Harry Quibell, 13 March 1919, ibid., EN1/1/PHO/27

  Mrs Bodman, undated, ibid., EN1/1/PHO/14

  M. F. Somers-Smith, 31 May 1918, ibid., EN1/1/PHO/26

  Ethel Murphy, 8 March 1919, ibid., EN1/1/PHO/27

  Mrs S. E. Chessum, Imperial War Museum, NAM.C. Bond of Sacrifice, A-D, BOS 34

  Charles Royston Jones and Charles and Amelia Jones, Notebook, ‘Private Papers of C. R. Jones’, Imperial War Museum, Documents, 05/09/1

  R. E. Roller to ‘Uncle Arthur’, 21 December 1918, ‘Belgian Railway Tickets, Pre-First World War’, Imperial War Museum, Documents, Misc. 359, Box 10

  Anon. (for William Hatchell Boyd), Imperial War Museum, NAM.C., Bond of Sacrifice, BOS 21

  Charles Madge and Tom Harrisson, Britain by Mass-Observation (London: Penguin, 1939), pp. 200-202

  Miss M. Cooke, diary, 11 November 1937, ‘Private Papers of Miss M. Cooke’, Imperial War Museum, Documents 09/59/1

  E. Croxon, Day Survey 046, 11 November 1937, Mass Observation Archive (accessed through Mass Observation Online)

  Albert and Ernest Fletcher to BBC, 9 September 1963, Imperial War Museum, Documents, BBC Great War Series Correspondence Files, Fac-Fly

  Tony Essex to Siegfried Sassoon, 22 October 1963, BBC Written Archives Centre, T32/1, 148/1, The Great War, Corres. & Memos

  Siegfried Sassoon to Tony Essex, 24 October 1963, ibid.

  Tony Essex to Siegfried Sassoon, 8 November 1963, ibid.

  Tony Essex to Siegfried Sassoon, 16 December 1963, ibid.

  Tony Essex to Siegfried Sassoon, 23 January 1964, ibid.

  Siegfried Sassoon to Tony Essex, 24 January 1964, ibid.

  Tony Essex to Siegfried Sassoon, 30 January 1964, ibid.

  Arthur Mee, Enchanted Land: Half-a-Million Miles in the King’s England (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1936), pp. 158-162

  Ronald Blythe, Akenfield: Portrait of an English Village (London: Penguin, 1969), pp. 31-2, 36, 38-42, 44

  Tom Sams, three postcards, ‘Private Papers of J. Sams’, Imperial War Museum, Documents, 02/55/1


  Virginia Woolf, A Writer’s Diary, ed. by Leonard Woolf (London: Hogarth Press, 1953), p. 7

  Rosa Luxemburg, Letters from Prison, with a portrait and facsimile, transl. by Eden & Cedar Paul (Berlin: Young International, 1923), p. 44

  Philip Gibbs, Now It Can be Told (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1920), p. 131

  Anon, ‘The Long and Short of It’, BBC 2 newsletter posted 2. 1. 64, BBC Written Archives Centre, ‘The Great War: Publicity.’, R44/907/1

  Edmund Blunden, Undertones of War (London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1928)


  Allyson Booth, Postcards from the Trenches: Negotiating the Space between Modernism and the First World War (New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996)

  Guy Chapman ed., Vain Glory: A Miscellany of the Great War, 1914-18 (London: Cassell, 1937)

  Peter Brock ed., ‘These Strange Criminals’: An Anthology of Prison Memoirs by Conscientious Objectors from the Great War to the Cold War (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2004)

  John Glover and Jon Silkin eds, The Penguin Book of First World War Prose (London: Penguin, 1990)

  Santanu Das, Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005)

  Margaret R. Higonnet ed., Lines of Fire: Women Writers of World War I (New York: Penguin/Plume, 1999)

  Brian MacArthur ed., For King and Country: Voices from the First World War (London: Little Brown, 2008)

  Joyce Marlow ed., The Virago Book of Women and the Great War, 1914-18 (London: Virago, 1998)
br />   David Omissi ed., Indian Voices of the Great War: Soldiers’ Letters, 1914-18 (London: Macmillan, 1999)

  Max Saunders ed., War Prose, Ford Madox Ford (Carcanet: Manchester, 1999)

  Angela Smith, ed., Women’s Writing of the First World War: An Anthology (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000)

  Ross J. Wilson, Landscapes of the Western Front: materiality during the Great War (London: Routledge, 2012)

  Patrick Wright, Iron Curtain: from Stage to Cold War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)

  Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online)


  The editors of this volume would like to thank all who have donated to archives the letters, diaries and memories that have been included in this volume. We are also grateful to archivists and librarians at the Imperial War Museum, Girton College, BBC Written Archives Centre, Mass-Observation Archive, Cambridge University Library and British Library for their generous assistance in making this volume.

  Corrections to texts from archives have been avoided where possible. Editorial interventions, indicated by square brackets, have been made at points for the sake of clarity; small silent corrections have been added only occasionally. Where letters are transcribed, full addresses of the sender (where available, and unless publicly known) are not given: just the village, town or area.

  The editors and publisher would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce material:

  Letter from a Sikh in Palestine reprinted with thanks to the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.

  Tom Adlam, quoted in Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd. Bert Bailey, quoted in Voices and Images of the Great War by Lyn Macdonald (Michael Joseph 1988, 1991) © Lyn Macdonald, 1988. Reproduced by permission of Penguin Books Ltd.

  Excerpts from A Fatalist at War by Rudolf Binding, translated from the German by Ian F.D. Morrow (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1929). Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

  Extract from Akenfield, Portrait of an English Village by Ronald Blythe © Ronald Blythe 1969. Reproduced by permission of the author c/o Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN.

  All attempts to trace the copyright holder for One Woman’s Story by Mary Britnieva (Arthur Barker, now part of the Orion Publishing Group) were unsuccessful.

  Extract from Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain included by permission of Mark Bostridge and Timothy Brittain-Catlin, Literary Executors for the Estate of Vera Brittain, 1970.

  Extract from A Passionate Prodigality by Guy Chapman reprinted by permission of Peters Fraser & Dunlop (www.petersfraserdunlop.com) on behalf of the Estate of Guy Chapman.

  Extract from A Victorian Son by Stuart Cloete reprinted with permission from The Stuart Cloete Literary Estate.

  Sergeant E. Cooper, quoted in Voices and Images of the Great War by Lyn Macdonald (as above).

  E. Croxon letter reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Group Ltd, London on behalf of The Trustees of the Mass Observation Archive. Mass Observation Material © The Trustees of the Mass Observation Archive.

  Muriel Dayrell-Browning’s letter to her mother reprinted by permission of the descendants.

  Norman Demuth, quoted in Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.

  Jack Dorgan, quoted in Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.

  Tony Essex letters to Siegfried Sassoon reproduced with kind permission of the British Broadcasting Corporation. © BBC. All rights reserved.

  Extract from Letters of Ford Madox Ford ed. by Richard M. Ludwig © 1965 Princeton University Press, 1993 renewed. Reprinted by permission of Princeton University Press.

  Extract from Albergo Empedocle and other writings by E. M. Forster, ed. by George H. Thomson, reprinted by permission of the Provost and Scholars of King’s College, Cambridge and The Society of Authors as the Representative of the E.M. Forster Estate.

  Extract from Goodbye to All That: An Autobiography by Robert Graves reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press.

  Extract from Ivor Gurney, Collected Letters by Ivor Gurney reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press.

  Mrs M. Hall, quoted in Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.

  Sher Bahadur Khan’s letter to Raja Gul Nawaz Khan reprinted courtesy of the British Library Board.

  Paul Klee Tagebücher 1898 – 1918 ed. by Felix Klee © 1957 DuMont Buchverlag, Köln. English translation: The Diaries of Paul Klee ed. by Felix Klee © 1964 University of California Press.

  Extracts from The Letters of DH Lawrence by DH Lawrence, ed. by Aldous Huxley, reprinted by permission of Pollinger Limited (www.pollingerltd.com) on behalf of the Estate of Frieda Lawrence Ravagli.

  Extract from Britain by Mass-Observation by Charles Madge and Tom Harrisson reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Group Ltd, London on behalf of The Trustees of the Mass Observation Archive. Mass Observation Material © The Trustees of the Mass Observation Archive.

  Joe Murray, quoted in Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.

  Extract from The Home Front: A Mirror to Life in England During the World War by E. Sylvia Pankhurst reprinted with the permission of Richard Pankhurst.

  Havildar Abdul Rahman’s letter to Naik Rajwali Khan reprinted courtesy of the British Library Board.

  Extract from Sidney Rogerson’s Twelve Days (Greenhill Books, 2006) reprinted with the permission of Greenhill Books, London.

  Siegfried Sassoon letters to Tony Essex © Siegfried Sassoon, by kind permission of the Estate of George Sassoon.

  Extract from A Journal of Impressions in Belgium by May Sinclair reproduced with the permission of Curtis Brown Group Ltd, London on behalf of the Beneficiaries of the Estate of May Sinclair © the Beneficiaries of the Literary Estate of May Sinclair, 1915.

  Extract from World Without End by Helen Thomas reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press.

  Extract from Germany? Germany! The Kurt Tucholsky Reader ed. by Harry Zohn reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press.

  Stefan Westmann, quoted in Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.

  Henry Williamson’s letters to Gordon Watkins © The Henry Williamson Literary Estate.

  Extract from The Essays of Virginia Woolf by Virginia Woolf published by The Hogarth Press. Reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd and The Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of Virginia Woolf.

  All attempts to trace the copyright holder for Cossack Girl by Marina Yurlova (Cassell, now part of the Orion Publishing Group) were unsuccessful.


  (in alphabetical order)

  The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

  ‘a Sikh in Palestine’ 103

  ‘G. H. M.’ (Ruhleben prisoner) 192

  ‘Keeper of Photographs’ (National War Museum, ‘Bond of Sacrifice’) 231

  ‘R.’ (Frenchwoman under occupation) 208

  ‘unknown Royal Army Medical Corps orderly’ 147

  ‘X.’ (Frenchwoman under occupation) 207

  Adlam, Tom 114

  Anon (‘White Feather postcard’) 152

  Anon (National War Museum letter, ‘Bond of Sacrifice’) 230

  Ashwell Cooke, F. G. 34

  Ayrton, Mrs 35

  Bailey, Bert 69

  Barton, Mrs 164

  Bell, M. R. G. 34

  Binding, Rudolf 65

  Blyth, L. E. 34

  Blythe, Ronald 262

  Bodman, Mrs 232

  Booth, Alex J. 21

Boyd, W. H. 243

  Britnieva, Mary 210

  Brittain, Vera 53

  Brown, Harry 61

  Brown, S. W. 111

  Case, Janet 34

  Chapman, Guy 105

  Chessum, Mrs S. E. 234

  Clench, G. C. 226

  Cloete, Stuart 107

  Cocker, Frank 72

  Cooke, Miss M 249

  Cooper, E. 42

  Croxon, E. 250

  Dayrell-Browning, Muriel 23

  Demuth, Norman 12

  Denny, Joan 33

  Dorgan, Jack 79

  Du Bois, W. E. B. 197

  Edgley, E. W. J. 113

  Essex, Tony 252

  Exton, Gertrude 33

  Fletcher, Albert and Ernest 251

  Ford, Ford Madox 117

  Forster, E. M. 172

  French, Grace H. 39

  Graham, Stephen 95

  Gratton, May S. 33

  Graves, Robert 144

  Gurney, Ivor 80

  Hall, Mrs M. 29

  Harrisson, Tom 246

  Heymann, Lida Gustava et al. 168

  Hibbert, A. F. 112

  Hieber, Martin 98

  Hobhouse, Emily et al. 165

  Holden, Leslie 136

  Jackson, Muriel E. 33

  Jones, Charles Royston 237

  Khan, Sher Bahadur 180

  Klee, Paul 90

  L—, M. Albert Camille 209

  La Motte, Ellen N. 126

  Lawrence, D. H. 11

  Lawrence, T. E. 194

  Lee, Vernon 156

  Long, A. A. 220

  Lowell, Amy v

  Luxemburg, Rosa 184

  Macdonald, John Frederick 25

  Macklin, Helen G. 32

  MacNaughtan, Sarah 133

  Madge, Charles 246

  Mee, Arthur 259

  Mills, Hermia 20

  Murphy, Ethel 233

  Murray, Joe 110

  North, Olive 41

  Noyes, Frederick Walter 123

  Onions, Maude 169

  Pankhurst, E. Sylvia 13

  Peto, Albert E. 215

  Pippin, Horace 94


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