New Yorker, 35, 47, 48, 134, 140, 149, 150, 273, 646, 682, 692, 705, 706
New York Film Festival, 399
New York Herald Tribune Book Week, 358
New York in the Fifties (Wakefield), 198–99
New York Observer, 674, 726
New York Post, 111, 197, 267, 372, 451, 507, 691
New York Review of Books, 146, 337, 350, 378, 409, 451, 455, 468, 540, 561, 685, 700, 707, 728
Abbott’s letters in, 545
New York State Author, NM as, 653
New York Times, 169, 197, 263, 286, 298, 319, 325, 339, 346, 368, 373, 378, 409, 417, 418, 434, 435, 436, 440, 441, 443, 472, 525, 529, 556, 565, 588, 610, 632, 650, 683, 687, 699, 727, 738, 751
Mitgang’s profile of NM in, 501
New York Times Book Review, 137–38, 210, 256, 294, 397, 434, 468, 500, 540, 557, 579, 684, 685, 726, 753
New York Times Magazine, 500, 535–36, 561, 620
New York University, 441
Nexus (Miller), 497, 591
n’golo, 480, 481
“N’golo” (Mailer), 482
Nicholas II, Czar, 741, 744
Nicholson, Jack, 631, 732–33
Nicol, Brenda, 511, 515, 544
Nieman Fellows lecture, 745
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 318
Night Beat (TV series), 217, 512
Night of the Hunter, The (film), 192
1984 (Orwell), 120
Nissenbaum, Gerald L., 525
Nixon, Pat, 406
Nixon, Richard, 269, 273, 279, 405, 409, 428–29, 454, 643, 704
NM on, 405–6, 455–56
resignation of, 461
“Nixon in Miami” (Mailer), 405–7
see also Miami and the Siege of Chicago
Nobel Prize, 398, 469, 470, 501
Nolte, Nick, 567
“No Percentage” (Mailer; unpublished), 39, 40–42
Norma Jean (Guiles), 462
Norman Mailer (Poirier), 453
“Norman Mailer: Genius or Nothing” (Sheed), 461
“Norman Mailer: The Embattled Vision” (Podhoretz), 227–28
Norman Mailer: The Man and His Work (Lucid, ed.), 448
“Norman Mailer on Madonna: Like a Lady” (Mailer), 680–82, 697
Norman Mailer Society, 732, 743, 759
“Norman Mailer Versus Nine Writers” (Mailer), 326
Norr, Herbert R., 412
Norris, Barbara Church, see Mailer, Norris Church
Norris, Larry, 485, 708–9
Norris, Matthew, see Mailer, Matthew
North Toward Home (Morris), 391
Notebook, 1967–68 (Lowell), 389
“Notebook, The” (Mailer), 139–40, 322
Notes from the Underground (Dostoyevsky), 239–40
Notes of a Native Son (Baldwin), 208, 234–35, 250
Notre Dame, University of, 398–99
“Novel as History, The” (Mailer), see Armies of the Night, The
“Novelist Shelved” (Mailer), 537
Nugget, 224, 228
Nye, Carrie, 500
Nye, Suzanne, 459
NM’s affair with, 454–55, 457, 471–72, 484, 486, 490
Oakwode, Laurel (char.), 586–87
Oates, Joyce Carol, 633
Prisoner of Sex review of, 444
Naked Lunch prosecuted for, 346
NM’s love of, 60
O’Connor, David B., 576
O’Connor, Flannery, 143, 359
Of a Fire on the Moon (Mailer), 63, 298, 403, 432, 439, 448, 453
influence of Moby-Dick on, 424
Life serialization of, 421, 423
Little, Brown as publisher of, 421, 423, 429, 434
“million-dollar advance” story on, 421–22
reviews of, 433
writing of, 420–21, 423–24, 425–26, 428
“Of a Small and Modest Malignancy, Wicked and Bristling with Dots” (Mailer), 512, 514, 569
O’Flaherty, Liam, 82
“Of Modern Times” (Mailer; unfinished novel), 581, 583
Of Time and the River (Wolfe), 644
Of Women and Their Elegance (Mailer), 536
Oglesby, Carl, 654
O’Hagan, Andrew, 252, 683, 756, 757
O’Houlihan, Raoul Rey (char.), 401, 402
Old Left, NM on, 386
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 150, 424
Oliver, Mary, 459, 473, 486, 490, 491
Olivier, Fernande, 665, 675, 685
Olympitis, Jan Cushing, 524–25
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 261, 269, 274, 458, 500, 513–14, 517
NM’s correspondence with, 270–71, 272, 277, 697
snubbing of NM by, 307–8
Once Upon a Time in America (film), NM’s rejected script for, 492–93, 569
One: The Homosexual Magazine, 174, 175
O’Neal, Ryan, 547, 621
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey), 51
112th Cavalry Regiment, 65–67
in battle for Luzon, 66–68, 69–70, 71–73, 74–75
Headquarters Troop of, 66–67
HQ Reconnaissance Platoon of, 71–80
in Japan occupation, 78–80
O’Neill, Eugene, 716
On God: An Uncommon Conversation (Mailer and Michael Lennon), 757, 760, 761
“Only in America” (Mailer), 727–28
Ono, Yoko, 549
On Social Concerns (John Paul II), 695
On the Road (Kerouac), 239, 738
On the Waterfront (film), 267
Open End (TV show), 244–45, 337
“Open Letter to Fidel Castro, An” (Mailer), 264, 278, 285, 292
Operation Coronet, 77, 78
Operation Olympic, 77
Operation Rolling Thunder, 363–64
Origins of Satan, The (Pagels), 696
Orwell, George, 120
O’Shaugnessy, Sergius (char.), 69, 118, 135, 155–56, 162, 172, 189, 192–93, 194, 196, 205, 225, 235, 252–53, 272, 310, 362
Osiris, 578, 579, 582
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 54, 333, 334, 370, 377, 435, 633, 643, 648
KGB file on, 665, 668–71
in Russia, 666–68, 669–70, 676
Oswald, Marguerite Claverie, 679–80
Oswald, Marina, 666, 667–68, 672–73, 676
Oswald’s Tale (Mailer), 664, 713
interviews for, 668, 670, 672–73
New Yorker excerpt of, 682
NM and Schiller in trips to Russia for, 665–71
Parade excerpt of, 682
reviews of, 682–84, 692, 751
sales of, 691
writing of, 674, 675, 677–80
Other Voices, Other Rooms (Capote), 137
“Our Man at Harvard” (Mailer), 47–48, 569
Ozick, Cynthia, 147, 260, 442
Pabst, Christina, 725
Pacino, Al, 615
Pagels, Elaine, 696
Painter of Modern Life, The (Richardson), 665
Paley, Grace, 260, 609
Paley, William, 513
Palimpsest (Vidal), 514
Pangborn, Lonnie (char.), 586–87
“Paper House, The” (Mailer), 139, 149
Parade, 550, 598, 682
Paradise Lost (Milton), 639
Paret, Benny, 320–21
Paris, 1, 98–105, 694
Paris in the Fifties (Karnow), 1
Paris Review, 197, 228, 273, 280, 337, 577, 756
Parker, Dorothy, 112, 116, 244, 245
Parker, Mary-Louise, 721
Parmentel, Noel, Jr., 279, 401, 410
Partisan Review, 4, 146–47, 223, 227–28, 235, 239, 243, 256, 300, 349, 350, 356, 385, 394–95, 426
Passage to India (Forster), 102
Pastrano, Willie, 347, 352
Patriarchal Attitudes (Figes), Vidal’s review of, 447
Patterson, Floyd, 315, 320, 323
Patterson-Liston fight (1962), 315, 319, 320–22
bsp; Patterson-Liston rematch (1963), 328, 331
Pearl, Mike, 563–64
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 43, 64
Peeling the Onion (Grass), 756
PEN, American chapter of:
NM’s presidency of, 600–603, 606–10, 612
Rushdie rally organized by, 637
PEN, 48th International Congress of, 600, 601–2, 607, 610, 612, 646
fundraising series for (PEN Celebration), 602–3, 606–7
paucity of women panelists at, 609–10
Shultz controversy at, 608, 610
theme of, 608–9
Pennebaker, Donn, 375, 401, 402
People, 523, 554
Peresvetova, Ludmilla, 665, 670, 671
Peretz, Martin, 356, 701
Performing Self, The (Poirier), 452
pericardium, 283, 379
Perkins, Maxwell, 179, 644
Peru (Lish), 611
Peter the Great (film), 598
Petrie, Flinders, 575
Petty, George, 27
Philby, Kim, 598, 629, 630, 648
Philippines, 62, 65–77
NM’s 1975 return to, 491–92
Phillips, William, 146, 223, 243, 252, 289, 349
Picasso, Pablo, 435, 685–86
Picasso and Braque: Pioneering Cubism (Rubin), 675
Picture: A Story About Hollywood (Ross), 531
Pieces and Pontifications (Mailer), 500, 542, 562
Lucid’s review of, 569
Pistol, The (Jones), NM’s criticisms of, 232
Place in the Sun, A (film), 121
Planet Without Visa (Malaquais), 690
Playboy, 228, 324, 374, 447, 479, 736
Harlot’s Ghost excerpt in, 632
NM’s Ali-Foreman report published in, 478, 482
NM’s debate with Buckley published in, 317–18
NM’s interview in, 377–78
Schiller’s Gilmore interview published in, 503–4
“Play in the Fields of the Bored, At” (Toback), 403
Plexus (Miller), 497, 591
Plimpton, George, 196, 259, 280, 283, 308, 380, 458, 459, 531, 534, 608, 638, 699, 706
NM’s eulogy for, 730–31
in Zelda, Scott, & Ernest, 715–16
Podhoretz, Norman, 116, 147, 227–28, 229, 252, 254, 281, 282, 285, 286, 289, 308, 334, 362, 364, 378, 394, 442
in break with NM, 396–97
as NM’s literary executor, 378
and NM’s Making It review, 395
Poetry (Swenson), 294
Poirier, Richard, 350, 359, 412, 452–53, 579, 580, 581
NM’s letters to, 462, 472
“Portrait of Hemingway” (Ross), 150
Portrait of Jennie (Nathan), 36
Portrait of Picasso as a Young Man (Mailer), 105, 300, 664–65, 687
reviews of, 684–87, 692
Richardson and, 665, 674–75, 686
sales of, 691
Posner, Gerald, 666, 676, 678
Posner, Vladimir, 598
Pound, Ezra, 147, 264, 629–30
NM’s visit to, 430
Powell, Dawn, 240
Powers, Thomas, 684
“Prelude to Sleep” (Mailer), 30
Prescott, Orville, 110, 197
Prescription for Rebellion (Lindner), 163, 164
Presidential Papers, The (Mailer), 292, 318, 325, 333, 334, 356, 359
Presley, Priscilla, 567
Price, Reynolds, 700
Prisoner of Sex, The (Mailer), 361, 431, 432, 436–39, 441, 442, 443, 448, 453
“Prisoner of Sex, The” (Mailer), 431–32, 435, 440, 441
Pritchett, V. S., 120, 134
Prizzi’s Honor (film), 631
Procaccino, Mario, 419
Proferes, Nicholas, 379, 401
Progressive Party, 111, 112, 117
Proust, Marcel, 46
Provincetown, Mass., 55, 56, 82, 86, 126, 127–28, 137, 193–94, 266–67, 269, 297, 311–12, 342–43, 356, 359, 364–65, 376, 391, 392, 404, 413, 425, 428, 429, 432, 451, 454, 470–71, 486, 545, 555–56, 570, 585–86, 620, 631, 707, 756
NM’s funeral in, 763
NM’s house in, 456, 523–24, 584, 606, 618, 628, 639–41, 705, 709, 720, 731–32
NM’s love of, 585, 591, 641–42, 742
Tough Guys Don’t Dance filmed in, 620–21
Provincetown Annual, 266
Provincetown Arts, 621, 642
Provincetown Repertory Theater, 723, 729
Prusakova, Valya, 667, 668, 670
“Psychodynamics of Gambling, The” (Lindner), 165
“Public Notice on Waiting for Godot, A” (Mailer), 206
Publishers’ Publicity Association, 347
Publishers Weekly, 178
Pulitzer Prize, 351, 393, 397, 416, 417, 529, 540
Punk, 538
Purdy, Ted, 181, 192
Putnam’s, 190, 192, 243, 247, 251, 256, 325, 332, 365
Deer Park published by, 181
Puzo, Mario, 397
Pygmalion, 141, 223, 242
Pynchon, Thomas, 495, 610–11
Queen Elizabeth, RMS, 97
Quinn, Sally, 460
Quinn, Tom, 380, 715–16
Quite the Other Way (K. Jones), 518
Rabbit, Run (Updike), 326
Rader, Dotson, 175, 443, 448–49, 459, 461, 525, 555, 585, 596–97, 601, 624, 728
Radin, Marjorie “Osie,” 9, 14, 20, 94
Radziwill, Lee, 269
Radziwill, Prince, 269
Ragtime (Doctorow), 549, 629
Ragtime (film), 549, 550
NM in, 567
Rahv, Philip, 146, 147, 195, 235, 239, 252, 350
Rainbow, The (Lawrence), 488
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (Salinger), 326
Ramadan-Yom Kippur War, 478
Ramone, Joey, 539
Ramses II, pharaoh, 501–2, 554
in Ancient Evenings, 502, 579, 580, 582–83
Ramses IX, pharaoh, 452, 501–2, 580
Ramsey, JonBenét, 678
Random House, 59, 85, 179, 552, 613, 625, 644, 676, 677, 691, 695, 701, 706, 743, 757
NM’s advances from, 622
NM’s contract with, 588
Raney, William, 94, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107
Rasputin, Grigory Efimovich, 734, 741
Ray, Aldo, 240
Raymond, Dwayne, 725–26, 730, 755
Reagan, Ronald, 405, 608, 644
NM on, 406–7
Realist, 356
Rebel Without a Cause (Lindner), 164
Rector of Justin, The (Auchincloss), 163
Red and the Black, The (Stendhal), 102, 119, 543
Red Badge of Courage, The (film), 531
Reed, John, 704
Regency, Alvin Luther (char.), 586–87
Reich, Wilhelm, 164, 167, 175, 214, 219, 382, 433
Reid, Benjamin, 566
Reik, Theodore, 167, 337
Reilly, William, 286
Rembar, Billie, 285
Rembar, Cy, 17, 94, 106, 108, 113, 115, 118, 122, 139, 142, 153, 159, 173, 186, 195, 275, 287, 332, 345, 378
as Abbott’s literary lawyer, 543
and Adele’s stabbing, 285
NM’s idolizing of, 20–21
“Remember the War” rally, 448–49
Report of Court Proceedings in the Case of the Anti-Soviet “Bloc of Right” and Trotskyites, 112–13
Republican National Convention:
of 1964, 343–44
of 1968, 404–5
of 1972, 454, 455
of 1992, 653
Rhodes, Richard, 250
Ribicoff, Abraham, 407–8
Rich, Frank, 409
Richardson, Jack, 380, 409
Richardson, John, in Portrait of Picasso controversy, 665, 674–75, 686
Ricks, Christopher, 579, 581, 586
“Right Shoe on Left Foot” (Mailer), 46, 48
Right Stu
ff, The (Wolfe), 529
Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 94, 152, 160
Rinehart, Stanley, 42, 56, 94, 101, 106, 184, 197
Deer Park disliked by, 152, 156, 159, 160, 170–71, 172, 173
Rinehart and Co., 2, 39, 41, 93, 94, 102, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 130, 134, 160, 170
Deer Park canceled by, 178–79, 181–82
Deer Park manuscript submitted to, 151
“Ringside” (unproduced film), 698–99
Rivera, Geraldo, 533
Roberts, David, 37
Rockefeller, David, 280
Rockefeller, Nelson, 405
Rodman, Selden, 294, 445–46
Rojack, Deborah (char.), 338, 339, 340, 342
Rojack, Stephen Richards (char.), 88–89, 92, 253, 310, 329–30, 332, 334, 340–42, 575, 580
as NM’s alter ego, 338
Rolling Stone, 476–77, 738
Harlot’s Ghost excerpts in, 652
Rollyson, Carl, 58, 521
Romney, George, 343
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 189
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 55, 82, 295, 704
Roscoe, Lee, 380, 401
Rose, Charlie, 696, 699, 753
Rosenbaum, Ron, 711–12, 726–27
Rosenberg, Conrad, 283, 284, 286
Ross, Lillian, 109, 140, 145, 150, 195, 243, 531, 706
Rossellini, Isabella, 621
Rosset, Barney, 346, 401, 486
Rosten, Norman, 57, 93–94, 129, 144, 442
Rosthal, Elke, 713
Rosy Crucifixion, The (Mailer; screenplay), 591, 618
Rosy Crucifixion, The (Miller), 498
Roth (char.), 87–89
Roth, Philip, 260, 326, 529, 731
on NM’s eulogy for Plimpton, 730–31
Rothe, Shari, 401, 486
Rothenberg, David, 557
Rovere, Richard, 270
Rowbotham, Robert, 549, 571
Roxas, Susan, 558, 559
Rubin, Jerry, 382, 413, 428, 453, 455
Rubin, William, 675, 685
Ruby, Jack, 334
Rudd, Mark, 400
Ruderman, Peter, 26
Rudge, Olga, 430
Rushdie, Salman, 636–38
Rush to Judgment (Lane), 370, 377
Russell, Dick, 654
Russia, 598–99, 665–71, 676, 683
German invasion of, 32
Russian Revolution, 128
Ruta (char.), 256, 338
Rycroft, Charles, 164
Sabatini, Rafael, 19
Sacks, Leah, 8
Sade, Marquis de, 4, 277, 697
Said, Edward, 637
St. Ann’s School, 520
St. George and the Godfather (Mailer), 455–56, 457
Sais, Matthew, 749
Sais, Mattie James, 748
Sais, Salina, 749
Salammbô (Flaubert), 575
Salinger, J. D., 38, 249, 260, 270, 326, 359
Salinger, Pierre, 307
Sam Jaffe Agency, 106
Sánchez, Steve “Chavo,” 134, 146, 151
Saroyan, William, 35
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 102, 203, 264, 313, 398, 565
Norman Mailer Page 123