Kellen's Redemption (Hell Raiders MC)

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Kellen's Redemption (Hell Raiders MC) Page 15

by Aden Lowe

  He laughed outright. "I think we better keep that secret. I doubt they'd appreciate it all that much." He couldn't resist one more kiss and bent to take her mouth. When he finally drew back, they were both breathing hard. "I wish we could just skip all this and stay here."

  She nodded. "Me too. We'll have to make time for us later, where no one can interrupt."

  "Deal." Breathing almost normally again, he led her outside.

  Most of the Hell Raiders had gone out to join the party, and although he might prefer a quiet night, they'd earned the opportunity to blow off some steam. If he denied them, the next day would be riskier with them more on edge.

  He paused to grab them both a beer from the fridge. "Don't let this out of your hand until you're done with it. Don't take an open drink from anyone. This is a frat party on steroids with guns. Don't get out of my sight, even with the other women. They can be worse than the men." Damn, he hated taking her into this world. She was accustomed to champagne and caviar, not beer and whatever someone could scrounge together.

  "I'll be okay, baby. I don't intend to get more than arms' length from you. Besides, I can hold my own with men. Something about being a gun dealer, I suppose." The genuine smile beamed up at him as she took his hand. "Now, let's go."

  "Little girl, you are something else." Shaking his head a little, he headed for the porch.

  Haymaker, one of the Raiders' Home Guard—an older full patch member who preferred a little less time on the road these days—sat at the little table off to one side, opposite one of the older Diablos. The chess board laid out before them said it all. For whatever reason, they would rather stick with quieter pursuits for the night.

  "How's it going, boss?" Haymaker glanced up from the board with a grin in Vicki's direction.

  "Good, Hay. Everything staying pretty quiet so far?"

  "Far as I know. Me an' Chavez staying up here out of the fray." He shook his head. "Been a long time since I've kicked his ass in a game of strategy."

  Chavez laughed aloud. "Yeah, it been a while, like forever. You never could beat me, only in your dreams." Glancing up, black eyes almost matching his broad grin, Chavez nodded to Kellen. "No worries, Jefe. I'll keep this old bastard in line."

  "Good, Chavez, somebody needs to. He tends to get in trouble." Kellen started for the porch steps. "You guys enjoy your game."

  One round of required small talk checked off the list, he slipped his arm over Vicki's shoulders and headed for the barn.

  "Why are they staying there, instead of getting in on the party?" The whispered question caught him by surprise. Not something most people would ask.

  "Hay is a very mean drunk, so he tends to avoid drinking these days. Besides that, he's Home Guard. During stuff like this, they take turns keeping a sober eye on things. Hay took first watch tonight." Explaining his security strategy to someone outside the club seemed almost wrong. Normally, he talked about such things only with Trip or Fabio, or the other guys he was closest to.

  "I never thought of it that way. It makes sense, like having a Designated Driver or something. So whoever is on duty stays out of the party and watches for trouble? What would he do if there was a fight or something?"

  Kellen paused a heartbeat. Was that genuine interest? Or was she trying to pinpoint his weaknesses? Time to mitigate damage. "Nah, they just keep an eye on the bikes and the house to make sure no one fucks with them. Fights usually play out to their natural end." Hopefully that made the Home Guard seem less than what they actually were.

  At the back of the barn, he paused, looking over the camp area. Several campfires dotted the fields with various groups gathered around each. A couple of tents had been raised, and music blasted from somewhere. At one of the fires, a woman danced alone, slowly stripping.

  "Welcome to my world, little girl. You think you can hang?"

  She nodded. "I know I can. But don't ask me to strip, okay?"

  A harsh laugh escaped. "Just so you know, little girl, right now, I'd kill any man that looked at you naked. You're all mine."

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Down next to the pond, Kellen spotted Ramon with a woman that must be his old lady. The pair talked with one of the girls the Raiders passed around. Kellen had the impression the girl was being invited to join them for a threesome.

  He started down the bank, keeping to an angle to make the walking easier for Vicki. Ramon looked up and lifted a hand, obviously spotting them. With a nod, Kellen headed directly for the trio.

  "Yo, Ramon." He stepped into the forearm clasp/half embrace to show trust and solidarity. "Everybody making you and the Diablos welcome?" He cast a significant glance at the girl, currently standing close to Ramon's old lady.

  "Kellen." He stretched out the last syllable. "Yeah, everyone very welcoming. Plenty of booze, plenty of pussy. Who could ask for more?" Ramon stretched an arm out to the Raiders girl. "This sweet little chica gives Mercedes and me a very warm welcome."

  The girl flipped bleached blonde hair back in practiced move and smiled up at Ramon. "I'm happy to help out."

  Kellen nodded and directed the conversation to the plans for the following day. By the time they finished talking and he and Ramon drank to finishing up with the Russians, he spotted Nasty Mike heading their way. He tensed for the first face-to-face with both Presidents.

  "Hola, Ramon, long time no see." Mike extended his hand and accepted Ramon's handshake. Of all the bikers Kellen knew, Mike was the least trusting of others, and kept a physical distance when possible. Hopefully, Ramon wouldn't take offense.

  "Good to see you again, mi amigo. Glad you could come to Kellen's party. Your Boyz are perfect for this kind of job." Ramon's careful wording alerted Kellen to possible tensions.

  Damn. The last thing he needed was a rivalry starting trouble. "It's good you both could join in this little hunt. We should wrap it all up tomorrow and you'll be able to get back to your business." He'd gone into this fully aware he might have to crush some tensions, and not backing away from the issue, but he'd rather not have to deal with the hassle. "I appreciate you both putting things on hold to do me a solid. That's true brotherhood."

  Nasty Mike grinned, displaying his pointed teeth. "No problem, Kellen. You and the Hell Raiders would be there for either of us."

  Ramon nodded his agreement and the conversation turned to less inflammatory matters.

  Kellen hid a sigh of relief. Hopefully trouble was averted. He raised his bottle. "Here's to a quick and successful mission and getting back to real business." The other two drank deeply in agreement. Satisfied he'd done his duty there, Kellen excused himself and led Vicki away.

  Vicki glanced over her shoulder. "Those two were the other Presidents?"

  "Yeah, why?" Suspicion probably sounded clearly in his voice, but Kellen had a hard time believing in idle curiosity.

  "The one in all the make-up…I was a little surprised to see a Goth teenager-looking adult man leading a biker gang."

  "Motorcycle Club." The correction came out automatically. He laughed a little. "Sorry. Nasty Mike is the real thing, as mean as he looks. And his boys are as bad as he is."

  "And the others? They don't look as threatening."

  "If anything, Ramon and his Diablos are worse." Ready to drop the subject, he guided them close to one of the fires. Several Diablos sat drinking with three women in various stages of undress. One girl, down to bra and thong, made no secret of her willing participation in the game, with one hand stroking between her legs as she took her next gulp of tequila.

  One of the men recognized Kellen and nodded a greeting before turning back to the woman's display. "You wanna join us, amigo? The man who ends up with the most articles of clothing gets to fuck the first naked bitch first. Your chica would be a most welcome addition."

  Vicki's look of utter disgust prompted him to make a quick reply. "Wish I could, man, but I have to see a few more people tonight. Just stopping to say hello." He excused them and wished the men a good time, and le
d her away before she could say something that would cause real trouble.

  "Shhh, little girl, watch that temper. You have to be as on here as you would be in one of those high society parties. Well, more so, because the stakes are higher here. A senator peaking down your dress isn't life or death."

  She nodded. "Okay. But I don't get it. How could those women take part in that? And the one playing with herself, like a bitch in heat, and she didn't look like she was faking it." She shrugged. "It doesn't make sense."

  "She wasn’t faking. She likes being watched. And those girls are all hoping to get in good with one of the other clubs and have a chance at old lady status."

  Vicki stopped. "What do you mean she likes being watched? You sound like you know that from experience." Jealousy came through loud and clear.

  Kellen grinned. "She's been around the Raiders a while. Word gets around." Word wasn't the only thing that got around, but that information was probably best left out. "Come on."

  They made a few quick stops at other fires for Kellen to speak with members of the other clubs. The woman who'd been dancing and stripping at first sat astride one of the Nasty Boyz, riding enthusiastically.

  "You're kidding me, right?"

  Kellen looked down at Vicki with wide-eyed innocence. "What?"

  "People really do that?"

  "Of course they do. It's fun. Wanna try?" He gave her a lascivious grin.

  She stared at him a moment then smiled. "Sure, baby. Right now." She started to lift her shirt.

  He caught her hands and kept the shirt down. "Not yet, little girl. Wait until the party is in full swing." She didn't need to know he meant wait until everyone was passed out and unable to see her.

  She shrugged. "Whatever you say." Clearly uncomfortable, she turned from the main attraction at the fire. "Where to next?"

  Unable to resist, he teased her a little. "What, you want to leave? Just when things are getting interesting?" He nodded toward the busy couple, where a second man approached, his offering on full display. The woman opened her mouth and reached for him eagerly.

  Vicki shook her head. "I don't fit in here, baby, no more than you would in a tux and drinking champagne." She pulled free of his arm and moved away.

  A quick step and Kellen caught up to her. "True, but I don't mind trying it out, if you don't." He drew her to a halt, just outside the glow of the firelight. "Look, I can't believe I'm saying this, little girl, but I won't ask you to do anything you're not okay with. If you're not down with fucking in public, okay, we'll go somewhere private. Okay?"

  She stared up at him, pale skin glowing in the moonlight. "Why can't you believe you're saying that?"

  He debated how much to say. Might as well go for all of it. "Little girl, in this world, a woman does what her man wants, when he wants. With any other girl, if I wanted it, I'd bend her over and drag her pants down and fuck her wherever whenever." He shook his head. "You're not like that. And for some reason I can't put my finger on, I wouldn't treat you that way. You're not the usual piece of tail. And if you ever say I said that, I'll deny it." He chuckled a little and dropped a quick kiss to her lips.

  "Are you trying to pay me a compliment?"

  He started them toward the lower side of the field where it merged into the woods. "Might be."

  "I'll make a note. And you take a note. The gossip papers might be full of the excesses of the celebrity world, but they got nothing on you guys. And the real money world is downright Puritan. At least my corner of it is."

  "Good to know. If I push your limits, let me know, okay? Not saying I'll back off on everything, but stuff like public sex, I can let that go." Avoiding the other campfires, he didn't stop until they reached the first small trees. "You have anything against a moonlight walk in the woods?"

  Her low laughter tightened his belly. "No, I don't have any hang-ups about that." She allowed him to lead her deeper into the trees.

  A hundred feet in, they came to a grassy little cove, and he drew her to a halt. Turning to face her, he lowered his head for a slow kiss, savoring the taste of her lips. "Where did you come from, little girl? I never knew anyone like you existed." Her little moan made him deepen the kiss, needing more of her. And more.

  Ready to die from hunger for her, he stepped back to raise her shirt. "This private enough?"

  She nodded and helped him with her shirt then fumbled at his belt. "It took too long to get here. Hurry."

  Kellen growled and bent to her neck while he helped her get his jeans open, and then hers. "I don't have a blanket to lay you on, little girl, so you're on top." He sat and pulled her into his lap. "And yeah, it took way too long to get here." Laying back, rolling on the condom, and moving her to sit astride took every bit of his restraint. And finally, burying himself in her made all the stress of the day disappear. Nothing existed but her soft cries and hot body. If he died that way, he'd be one happy bastard. He'd much rather spend eternity doing exactly that.

  She leaned down to kiss him, aggressive and taking what she needed from him. And that sent his temperature even higher than if she'd simply submitted to whatever he wished. He dug his fingers into the firm flesh of her hips, guiding her into the perfect rhythm, and she sat back, taking him fully. Sensing she was close, he slipped one hand between her thighs to stroke her.

  She cried out, muscles clenching on him as her back arched. Only seconds behind, he drove into her a final time.

  Body lax, she fell forward onto his chest as they both heaved for breath. "How do you do that every time, little girl? I don't think I've come that quick since my second time." He laughed a little and kissed along her jaw, searching for her neck.

  She turned a little to help him and made a little satisfied now. "Baby, it's not how long you take, it's making every second count. And you surely do that."

  Holding her there like that, relaxed and genuinely satisfied, threatened to lull him to sleep. "If you don't want to sleep in the woods with me, we'd better head back for the house. Otherwise, I'm going to be down for the count in a few minutes."

  Her little squeak as she dove for her clothes made him smile. Her background was unique to him, of course, but besides that, she was just…something he couldn't describe. And didn't want to.

  He helped her dress and got his own clothes back where they belonged, then led her back toward the clubhouse. Around the camp area, things had started to wind down. Unless he missed his guess, they'd managed a peaceful night with three clubs camped in the same space. Near miracle there.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Kellen woke gradually, enjoying the scent of Vicki's hair in his face. What would it be like, to wake up next to the same woman every single day? How did guys do that? He figured it must get boring after a little while. Variety was the spice of life, after all, or some shit like that.

  Still, the thought of having someone in his bed who knew him, someone he didn't need to impress every time, intrigued him a little. Okay, more than a little. It might even be something he'd like to give a try. Of course, publicly claiming Vicki as his woman sort of led him in that direction.

  At his side, she stirred a little and put her thigh over him, then opened sleepy eyes. "Good morning, I think."

  "It's a very good morning, little girl." He turned, enjoying the sight of her curves pressed against him. Like most guys, he preferred visuals, but looking at her breasts next to the muscles of his chest was better than porn. It turned something over in his belly, and made him hunger for more.

  He sat up. Better get the day moving before he turned into some sentimental old woman. The little voice in the back of his mind warned he was a little too late in worrying about that part. Maybe a shower would clear his head.

  By the time they'd showered and dressed, and made their way out to the main part of the house, breakfast was in full swing. Kellen snagged them each a coffee and one of Tanya's breakfast burritos and led the way to the porch. Badger stood and offered his favorite chair to Vicki in an uncharacteristic mov

  She glanced to Kellen and waited for his nod before accepting. "Thanks."

  "Welcome. I hear you came through trial by fire last night and survived it. Not many citizens can walk through a camp and come out the other side the same person."

  So word about her walk through camp with him had gotten around. Kellen gave Badger a slow blink to signal him to leave it alone. Saying too much to Vicki while all that was still fresh could easily scare her away. The thought of her leaving proved too much to contemplate, at least for that reason.

  Badger got the message and dropped it. "Tanya outdid herself on them burritos. Think I'll go grab another one." He headed into the house.

  "What was he talking about?"

  "Who knows with Badger? Dude's always got some big deep message going on." That, at least, was true most of the time. Badger gave more thought to life than anyone Kellen knew.

  "Okay. We're doing the same today as yesterday?" She took a tentative bite of her breakfast.

  "Close." He explained part of their strategy for the day. "Just stay close to me and we'll get it wrapped up today. We'll find out who's behind all of this, and take it to him." Down behind the barn, bikes started revving and soon popped up over the bank and approached the house. "Looks like we're about ready to roll."

  "I'm ready when you are." She stood and took his paper cup to the trash bag along with hers. When she returned, she grinned. "Ready to teach me to drive your bike?"

  Startled, he stared at her for a moment before he realized she was joking. "Only if you let me teach you a few other things too."

  His own grin must have carried a hint of the kinds of things he would like to teach her, because her eyes flared bright for second before she laughed aloud. "Your lessons could get me arrested, baby."

  Roughly a third of the men who'd camped below the barn sat their bikes in the yard before the Raiders clubhouse, waiting. "Come on, they're waiting." He caught her hand and pulled her after him toward his chopper. "We'll work on those lessons later."


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