Alien Romance: Owned By The Alien: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 1)

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Alien Romance: Owned By The Alien: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 1) Page 6

by Zena Zion

  Thren pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers. It was clear that he thought that this was the most amazing discovery he had yet made.

  “Your professor wanted a sampling of blood to perform the experiment on himself, but we refused. He would be an unnatural addition to the Earthling population where as we would simply ensure that you had the same benefits as the rest of us, since you’ll be staying.” Thren was so excited by this prospect that he did not notice the look of agony that crossed Beth’s face, or the fact that all of the flush of color had drained from her body.

  The professor.

  He had wanted this ability to transform himself into a superior human being. He had known about this ability all along. He had probably known everything about these creatures, including the fact that they could shift their bodies into formidable monsters.

  Beth did not doubt that Professor Margwall hoped that he would gain this characteristic as well. She was thankful that the human body was incompatible with this particular capability.

  For the first time she wondered about the other missions that Margwall was currently involved in. Was it possible that his entire goal was to steal genetic mutations from other planets in order to create a new version of a super-human?

  The idea made Beth’s stomach churn. She had always known that Margwall was eccentric and power-hungry but with these capabilities, what would stop him from attacking other humans, or possibly even other planets?

  Thren was not attempting to discover a way to genetically destroy the human race, as the professor had implied. He simply refused to give in to the demands of an unreasonable scientist whose experiments could alter the balance of the entire galaxy.

  Thren was still muttering to himself in his excitement that Beth would be virtually indestructible after he fixed her, as he had so bluntly stated.


  When he finally began to settle down, Beth took his face in her hands.

  “Let’s not worry about making any genetic alterations to me just yet.” She gave him a stern look that wiped the smile from his face. “I still have every intention of returning to my own planet, whether you agree to it or not, and I’d like to remain a normal human for when I do.”

  Thren shrugged. “There’s nothing for you there. You may not like it but this is best for you.”

  Beth was having a difficult time arguing with his logic with each passing day. Now that she knew about the professor’s intentions, she could not even envision herself continuing the career that she had worked so hard to achieve. Professor Margwall had been her idol, her inspiration. Now she was beginning to see him for what he truly was, a power-hungry villain with no moral conscience.

  As Beth stood there with his face in her hands, she realized for the first time that it mattered to her what Thren thought. Never before had she expected that his opinion of the human race might be reflected onto her.

  As she witnessed the unveiled disgust at Professor Margwall cross his face, she had the distinct realization that Thren did not apply the same scale of judgement to her.

  Beth was touched. For some reason, he had excluded her from his negative interpretation of her own people. The fact that he saw more in her spoke volumes to her swaying heart.

  She stared into his clear blue eyes, knowing, without a doubt that she was falling for him. She needed to leave this planet, and soon.

  When she removed her hands and stepped away from him, Beth felt the sudden loss of contact as if it were a physical pain in her heart. If she were determined to leave him, her mind argued, why could she not share this one night with him, as they both desired.

  Turning her back on him, a war waged in her mind. Should she keep her distance, and protect her heart, or give in to temptation and revel in what little time they had left.

  There was no point in weighing the options. She knew the answer.

  Before she could change her mind, Beth pivoted on her heel and brought herself, once again, to stand in front of the captivating male. It was as if he had been debating the same issue.

  For a moment, they stared at each other in silence, unmoving. Then, as if each had been given a direct command, their arms wound around each other and they joined in the tangle of a passionate kiss.

  Beth’s body hummed with the pleasure of his touch. It was as if in the past weeks, she had been denied a sweet, and essential sustenance.

  She had yearned for this moment more than she cared to admit. Despite their cool behavior toward each other, the desire had raged between them, a tension building that had only one hope of release.

  His mouth worked its way down the length of her neck, settling itself in her voluminous cleavage. His hands pressed beneath her breasts, lifting their hefty weight to his face.

  “Not here.” She gasped, throwing her head back at the warm pleasure of his tongue.

  He needed no further instruction.

  For the second time, Thren swept her into his arms. This time, she did not resist.

  If she had been asked to recount the distance between the laboratory and his chambers, she would have failed miserably. Thren walked blindly through the halls, his attention focused instead on her body, until he finally entered the dimly lit chamber that he called home.

  Together they crawled into the low, silken bed. Beth took no moment to evaluate the room, but she had the immediate sense that it was lavishly decorated, especially in comparison to her own Spartan chamber.

  She wound her legs around his waist and pulled him toward her. Thren obliged without hesitation.

  Struck by a sudden bout of confidence, she released him and pressed her hands against his chest until he was lying on his back amongst the bedding.

  She snapped her fingers in the direction of his clothing and instructed that it be removed. As if by magic, the linen pants disappeared.

  Standing over him with a sultry grin, Beth felt a strange exhilaration at this newfound take-charge attitude. With slow, taunting movements, she removed her own clothing. The anticipation and approval in Thren’s eyes encouraged her to go on.

  When he reached for her, she stepped out of his reach. Sinking to her knees upon the silk covers, Beth placed herself so that she hovered provocatively over her lover’s midsection.

  Too late did he realize her intentions. When her mouth closed around him, Thren let out a gasp of fear and pleasure. His unbridled responses were a clear indication that this sort of interaction was entirely unheard of in his culture.

  Beth smiled to herself as she enjoyed the taste of him, her tongue working against his heated flesh in ways that drew gasps and moans from the typically silent male.

  His fingers curled into the hair that was piled atop her head and she knew that he was clinging to the verge of control. She raked her fingertips up the length of his thigh, sending him into a spiral of ecstasy that he had never experienced before.

  For a few minutes afterward, they lay in each other’s arms. Beth’s face seemed frozen in a satisfied grin that could only be obtained through the successful pleasuring of a partner.

  Thren pressed his forehead into her shoulder, his libido still not sated despite the previous events. Without warning, he hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her so that she was sitting astride his hips.

  “I believe that it is now your turn for release.” His hands had already begun to roam across her supple flesh.

  “If you are up to it.” She teased, despite feeling how very up to it he was.

  “I suppose we will have to test our skills against each other.” With a deep chuckle, he guided the length of him inside of her. “Perhaps we can see who claims first that they have had enough?”

  The challenge was on. Beth moved her hips over him and watched his pupils narrow with passion.

  All through the night, they alternated sleep and lovemaking, neither willing to concede defeat to the other.

  The following morning, Beth awoke sore and exhausted from the previous night’s endeavors. Tha
nkfully, Thren appeared just as tired as she.

  They did not return to the lab that afternoon. Instead, the pair remained in Thren’s chamber, wrapped in the warmth of his lavish bedding, and each other’s arms.

  Around mid-day, he rolled toward her and ran his knuckles across her cheekbone.

  “Beth…” his tone revealed immediately that this would be a difficult conversation. “I’ll show you where your spaceship is.” The final words were spoken in a great rush, as if he instantly regretted them. He pressed his forehead against her own, “I’ll show you.” He repeated.

  Her heart soared. Not because he would reveal the location, she was already well aware of where to find her pod, but because this one act, above anything else, revealed the true depth of Thren’s commitment to her.

  He was willing to put her desires above his own. He would allow him to leave her, if that were what she wanted, even if it meant the destruction of both of their hearts.

  “I already know where it is.” She admitted in a whisper. “I’ve already repaired it.”

  This was clearly news to him because he seemed shocked that she was already prepared for departure. The reality of her leaving was much closer than he had previously anticipated.

  “When were you planning on leaving?” his voice was calm and even, as if it were a question of no importance.


  Thren pressed his head against hers once more. His lips grazed her own and clung to them.

  “Will you return?” he asked. He knew that this was a pivotal moment in defining their future.

  “I don’t see how I could.” She ran her fingers through his bedraggled hair. “Space travel takes a lot of funding on my planet. It is not something that just anyone is able to do and surely, I would not be able to choose my own destination.” Her explanation seemed weak when she said it aloud. She tried to remember what exactly she was returning for.

  Because I am a human, she reminded herself, and Earth is my planet.

  Thren nodded and pulled her against him. Though he appeared to have slept, Beth remained awake for hours. Why was it that even though she knew that she must return, her heart longed to stay?


  That evening Beth prepared for her journey. She decided to delay her departure until the following morning, not only to give her to opportunity to communicate with her colleagues, but also to give her one last night of bliss with Thren.

  Initially, he had helped her to pack and prepare her items though now, he was waiting patiently in his chamber, as she completed the final tasks on her own.

  “Coulter to Base 1.” She transmitted.

  “This is Base 1.” Came the professor’s irate voice. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Attempting to collect your sample.” She clarified with annoyance.

  “Excellent!” the voice on the transmission had altered dramatically, now appearing jovial and accommodating in contradiction to its previous aggression. “How soon can you leave?”

  “I can leave at any time.” Beth replied, “but I will not be bringing the sample.”

  There was a long silence with no response.

  “Base 1?”

  “Bring the sample Coulter or you are fired.” Margwall’s voice was positively venomous. Beth wondered how he was able to alter his tone so effectively from one communication to the next.

  “I’m sorry sir, but I cannot do that.” She replied.

  “Why the hell not?” It was clear that Beth was treading on thin ice.

  “The blood sample contains genetic information unique to the Asreen, which they are not willing to share. I have been informed that you were aware of this. Is that true?”

  “You do as I say girl. Who gives a damn what some stupid aliens think. That biological information does not belong to them, it is not their place to determine who may or may not study it.”

  “I believe it is their place.” She argued.

  “Coulter, let me be perfectly clear.” The snarl that came over the radio sent chills down her spine. “If your pod is not in motion in the next twenty-four hours with at least one viable sample on board, I will blow that planet, and you with it, to smithereens.”

  “Yes, sir.” Her reply was choked and warbled.

  How could she condemn to death such a peaceful people? Beth must return, and she must take a sample of Thren’s blood. It was the only way to save his planet and ensure his safety.

  Beth would never be allowed to return. In fact, she was absolutely certain that her career in space exploration was over. Margwall would fire her upon return, of this she was certain, and without his support she would never be allowed near another laboratory again.

  Beth slunk back to Thren’s chamber, her heart defeated.

  How could she ensure that Professor Margwall would not attack this planet, whether or not she brought the desired sample? What would keep him from destroying these creatures if only to ensure that there were no others that could best his newfound attributes?

  By the time she entered the chamber, tears were flowing freely.

  Thren rushed to her side and demanded that she tell him what had upset her.

  Between sobs, she revealed the depravity of her employer and his threats against Thren’s people.

  Thren pulled her into his arms and smoothed her hair with his large, blue hands.

  “We are generally peaceful.” His laughter surprised her, “but we are not without defenses of our own. Nor do we take threats idly.” He pressed a kiss against her tear-streaked mouth, “You do not need to fear for us, my love.”

  It was the first time he had ever used any expression of affection and Beth found herself crying with renewed vigor.

  “I should have never come.” She sobbed. “I had no idea that the mission had such terrible intentions. I would have never agreed, had I known.”

  Once again Thren comforted her.

  “I am glad that you agreed to the mission,” when she scoffed he forced her to look at him before he continued, “because it meant that I was able to be with you. Even when you leave, I will at least be grateful for the time that we shared.”

  “I don’t want to leave.” Beth buried her head in his shoulder. Saying the words out loud made her realize how true they were. She did not want to return to her corrupt home planet, she did not want Professor Margwall to continue his experimental research into the creation of a super-human, and she certainly could not imagine being torn away from this man that she loved. Her mate.

  Thren’s chest stilled. He was holding his breath and she knew why.

  Leaning back to look into his eyes, she attempted to convey the truth of her words.

  “I mean it.” She professed. “I want to stay here with you. How can I return to Earth after everything that I have learned? There is nothing for me there, but here, there is you.”

  Thren’s reaction was instantaneous. His lips crushed against hers with a force of passion that literally took her breath away.

  “Thren!” She giggled, disentangling herself from his embrace. Her voice turned serious once she had his attention. “I do want to stay.” She repeated. “But Professor Margwall does have the means and the inclination to attempt to destroy this planet.”

  He shrugged, reaching for her once more. “Then we will have to destroy him first.”

  She pressed her hands against his chest and pushed. He was already drawing her toward the bed and she was having a difficult time resisting.

  “You can’t destroy Earth!” She exclaimed.

  “I never said that I would destroy your planet.” His mouth was already trailing kisses along her shoulders, his hands beginning to raise the thin fabric of her shirt. “I said that I would destroy him.”

  With one final tug, she tumbled into his arms and together they landed on the bed.

  “You truly mean it when you say that you will remain here, as my mate, forever?” He whispered as his mouth closed over the peak of her breast.

  “I suppose I’ll have to,” Beth sighed, “if you keep doing this.”


  For nine days, Thren sat in a meeting with his father and their advisors as they discussed the potential solutions to their problem.

  Each night he joined her in their bed, exhausted. Each morning, he returned to his duties, leaving Beth to agonize over what was being discussed and decided.

  On the fifth day, there was a massive burst of light that illuminated the night sky.

  True to his word, the professor had launched an attack on the planet. With effortless precision, the Asreen military had launched a counter-attack that had caused the missile to explode far away, in the safety of unoccupied space.

  While Thren had treated this issue with casual nonchalance, the event infuriated Beth. It was now glaringly apparent that Professor Margwall and his team had no respect for other life forms, and little knowledge of the level of intelligence which they were challenging.

  Beth found herself settling into her new life with surprising ease. Now that it had become known that she had accepted Thren as her mate, the other males of the community interacted with her in a docile, and civilized, manner. No longer were any challenges made against Thren and he found that the comfort of having finally chosen his partner gave a pleasing sense of relief to his father.

  Beth even allowed him to perform the mutation that would allow her to co-exist with the Asreen and Asray without fear of becoming injured. Initially she argued against it, but when Thren revealed that they had no medical care or knowledge should she need it, she finally conceded.

  On the final evening of their meetings, Thren entered the chamber, where she was lounging with a book, with a shy smile on his face.

  “It is done.” He informed her.

  She sat up in one burst of motion, tossing her novel to the floor and gesturing for him to join her beneath the covers.


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