Seeing Stars

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by Rachel Burns

  Seeing Stars

  By: Rachel Burns

  ~ Seeing Stars ~

  First Edition

  Copyright 2019 Rachel Burns

  Published by Rachel Burns

  Text Copyright © 2019 by Rachel Burns

  All Rights Reserved

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act 1976,

  no part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as the author’s advocating any non-consensual spanking or BDSM activities.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 2 ~ Keith

  Chapter 3 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 4 ~ Keith

  Chapter 5 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 6 ~ Keith

  Chapter 7 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 8 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 9 ~ Keith

  Chapter 10 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 11 ~ Keith

  Chapter 12 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 13 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 14 ~ Keith

  Chapter 15 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 16 ~ Keith

  Chapter 17 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 18 ~ Keith

  Chapter 19 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 20 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 21 ~ Keith

  Chapter 22 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 23 ~ Keith

  Chapter 24 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 25 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 26 ~ Sandy

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Other Books and Short Stories By Rachel Burns

  Chapter 1 ~ Sandy

  I bit into my cookie and then looked back at my computer screen, thinking that I would start my diet tomorrow, for real this time.

  The first question was easy: What was I seeking? Male. No need to bite into my cookie. That was an easy question.

  I noticed that I ate when I was nervous. That didn’t go too well with my dieting plans. Usually, I first noticed that I was eating once the food was already in my mouth. I just needed to chew on something. That usually helped me think.

  Next question: Age group.

  I wanted a guy around my own age. Maybe a couple of years older, but not too old. I was thirty-four.

  Next question: Distance.

  I decided that he should live within an hour from my house. Also an easy question.

  The next question made my jaw drop. I solved that problem by shoving a whole cookie into my mouth. How long have you been single?

  “Too long to answer that honestly,” I spoke aloud to the computer. “I wouldn’t be doing this if anything else had worked. This is an act of desperation.”

  I tilted my head back and forth, weighing my options. In the end, I decided to type Three Years.

  Question 5: What type of relationship are you looking for?

  There were several suggestions: Friendship, Casual Dating, A walk on the wild side, A steady boyfriend/girlfriend, Serious/long-term relationship, Live together partner, or Marriage.

  I leaned back in my desk chair. My eyes were fixed on the computer screen. I could see my reflection because it had gone dark in the meantime.

  I thought that I looked kind of cute. I had blond ringlets no matter what I poured on my hair to get it straight. Curls just weren’t in at the moment. My eyes were blue, light blue. I wished with all of my heart that they were a striking dark blue, but they weren’t. Instead, they looked like a blue dress that had been in the shop window too long, thus making them light. A dress like that couldn’t be sold at full value anymore. It would be the same thing with me.

  I needed a man in my life. I told myself that I would make it work with whoever the computer picked out for me.

  I still needed to check one of the boxes. Friendship, thank you, but, no. I had enough men who were ‘just friends.’

  Casual dating, also, no. If I started dating, then I’d start imagining what our future children would be like. I wouldn’t admit that to him, but in my head, thoughts would be dancing around.

  My mind wandered off as I pictured myself in a wedding dress. I really needed to lose some weight so the perfect dress would fit me.

  A walk on the wild side. I shook my head. I wasn’t the fling type.

  A steady boyfriend, no I wasn’t in high school anymore. I was now picturing myself in a Letterman jacket.

  Serious/long-term partner. That looked right. It would be honest, telling him that I wasn’t a one-night stand but without putting too much pressure on him. I wanted Marriage, but I didn’t want to scare him away before we even met.

  Live together partner sounded odd. I wasn’t even sure what it meant.

  Serious/long-term partner it was.

  Then came the part I was really dreading. I had to describe myself.

  What was I like? All of my friends told me that I was nice and helpful. Didn’t that equal being a dog in dating lingo?

  I sighed loudly blowing a curl out of my face.

  I tried to be honest with everything even though I even sounded boring to me. But the weight question was a hard one to answer. I would type in an answer, delete and retype something else.

  The thing was it would take the computer people awhile to process my information, and in that time, I could work on my weight problem.

  After debating back and forth for twenty minutes, I bravely typed in thirty pounds less than what I actually was.

  Now came the questions about my personality. That took longer to answer than the weight question. But by the time I was finished, I’d come up with a truthful and nice summary of my interests. I liked to watch movies. I always missed not having someone there to discuss them with afterwards.

  What I was looking for was up next. Of course, I wanted a man with the perfect body and a large bank account, but wasn’t I hoping for a guy that would love me despite my own extra pounds and small account?

  Again it took me a long time to write down what I was looking for. I wanted a man to step into my life, whisk me off my feet, and take control of everything without being bossy. I wanted the perfect guy.

  The moment had come. I just needed to fill in my personal information and hit Send. I was a little reluctant.

  What if they were tracing this and some murderer would show up at my door? What if this was just a trick to get my financial information? What if they used my personal information to bring illegal aliens into the country? I imagined a Russian sleeper living here and blending in. People would believe that she was me, and I would end up in jail. I saw something like that in a movie once.

  It took a huge leap of faith, but I filled everything in and hit the Send button. Leaning back in my chair, I wondered if that had been the right thing to do. I hoped that no one would find out. They would all pity me if they knew the truth.

  I was lonely. Lonely for a man. I wanted to have what all of my friends had, a husband. Even if they did complain about their men, marriage had to be better than being all alone every night.

  I went to bed and worried. I wished I could take it back. It hadn’t been my brightest idea. The guy would take one look at me and say no thank you. There had to be something wrong with me. If I were so great, then someone would have snatched me up by now. That never happened.

  All my friends were married. I was the last one who wasn’t. They wanted to double date and do fun things with their partners. If I wanted to stay interesting, then I had to find a man. At
my age, friends came in pairs. I wanted to stay a part of it all.

  Chapter 2 ~ Keith

  “Keith Davenport!” The young girls were screaming my name at the top of their lungs. They were so loud that I wanted to cover my ears. My staff was. They were lucky that way. But I couldn’t allow a picture like that to land in the press.

  I signed the last autograph and turned away from my fans with a charming smile and a lift of my hand.

  I went into my changing room and closed the door behind me.

  The door only stayed closed for a second. My manager came in. “That was great, Keith. You did really well with those questions. When you said that you still hadn’t found Mrs. Right, all the girls sighed. I hear four ladies passed out and had to be taken to the hospital,” she told me.

  I rolled my eyes. This was all just a show, an act. I was an actor, and I loved my job, but this promotion crap was just annoying.

  The problem was that I had gotten a bit famous. I got chosen to act in movies that did really well. That got me better jobs and even more fame. But I really didn’t realize that it was happening. But this was crazy.

  I felt as if I had painted myself into a corner because of the crazies on the other side of the door. I only had a very tight net of people around me. I couldn’t trust anyone new.

  I longed to have someone to talk to. Someone who was normal. Someone who I could joke with without having to be worried that it might leak to the press.

  If I found someone like that, then I could be myself.


  I was finally home. I started undressing the second I was in the door. My feet carried me right to my refrigerator. I grabbed a beer and flicked on the TV. I let my body drop on the sofa with a sigh. Nothing was on that interested me.

  I was tired but still too pumped up from the interview to sleep. I started my computer and checked my e-mails. I had gotten one from one of those online computer dating things. I was about to erase the spam when I found myself clicking it on.

  The site looked legitimate. I decided to start filling it out.

  Of course, I wouldn’t send it, but it was something to do until I was tired enough to sleep.

  I was looking for a female. Age? That was a good question. Definitely not a young one. They screamed too loudly when they saw me. I wanted a woman around my own age. Not older than me, that wouldn’t fit my nature. I wanted to be the boss. I was raised to treat women with respect. They were especially beautiful and gentle creatures, but the man was the boss. It was my job to see to my family and make sure that my wife was safe and well taken care of.

  The only problem was that I didn’t have a wife, much less a family.

  I went to work filling the damn thing out. If I couldn’t go out into the world to find a woman, then maybe a computer could do it for me. I would just change my name a little. My mother’s maiden name would do nicely.

  Chapter 3 ~ Sandy

  I was biting my lip. I could see that I had mail from that dating service as I scrolled down my incoming e-mails.

  I told myself that it could mean anything. A bill, or maybe they needed more information. I clicked it on.

  My jaw dropped. They had found someone for me.

  I was given his e-mail address and told that he also had mine. They encouraged me to write him so we could get to know each other before we met.

  I liked that. I got up and started to pace back and forth. I was still a little sweaty from work. I worked at the local factory. I worked in distribution. I packaged up pallets and did heavy lifting when the machine broke. I was responsible for getting the products on the right trucks.

  I worked at a candy bar factory. Not the best place to work for a woman who was looking for a man. I got a good discount.

  Okay, I would put in a workout DVD, and then when I felt really good about myself, I would write to him, sounding fun and witty, like someone he would want to date.

  Chapter 4 ~ Keith

  They found someone for me. I couldn’t believe it. It hadn’t taken even half a day. I had a name and what she was looking for in a man. Sandy was the perfect counterpart to what I wanted. She wanted a take-control man, who wanted to watch movies with her. That was me.

  She was maybe a little on the thin side, but I would fix that by feeding her. I wanted a woman to enjoy meals with. I pictured us eating and talking for hours.

  I was grinning as I sat down to write her. This had to be good, or she would lose interest in me. I didn’t have my name or my face to back me up. I had to rely on my own personality. It had been awhile since that had happened.

  This woman I needed to impress.

  I wrote to her about where I was from and told her a little about my childhood. I really liked that we didn’t have to meet right away. This gave us each a chance to really get to know the other person. This was going about things the right way.

  I was getting the feeling that I could tell her anything.

  Chapter 5 ~ Sandy

  Okay, I felt really good now. I would do that every day for the rest of my life. I felt so alive and ready to grab the bull by its horns.

  Why didn’t I work out every day? I loved doing it once I got started.

  I sat down in front of my laptop and saw that he had written. Whoever he was, he was eager to talk to me. I felt so flattered.

  I read his letter at least fifty times before I answered him. I told him about my childhood and joked that we were starting at the ground floor and working our way up.

  I warned him that I would tell him about my high school years tomorrow.

  Keith messaged me right back, saying that he was looking forward to it, and that he would do the same.

  I felt charmed. He had charmed me.

  Chapter 6 ~ Keith

  My high school years, that was a tough one. I had to be careful not to give too much away. I confessed that I was in the drama club. I told her that I had been in hockey, baseball and basketball. I had liked sports. My regular grades hadn’t been that great. I confessed that I hadn’t taken school that seriously. I left out that I had stated acting back then.

  Sandy answered that she had studied hard and taken school too seriously. She confessed that it hadn’t gotten her anywhere. She worked in distribution in a factory.

  Did that bother me?

  Not really. The problem was that she wouldn’t take me seriously when we met. This wasn’t going to work. The fair thing to do would be to tell her. But how could I do that without her thinking that I was dumping her because she wasn’t good enough.

  My e-mail alarm beeped, telling me that I had just received a new one.

  It was from Sandy, telling me about some of the things she’d pulled in high school. They’d had a teacher that they didn’t like. One that smiled at the girls a little too much. They had thrown eggs at his house while at a slumber party hosted by a girl who lived in his neighborhood. Because it had been snowing, they had gotten caught. They’d left tracks in the snow. Amateur mistake, I thought.

  I had to held my side I was laughing so hard. She was funny, too.

  I decided that I didn’t want to give her up. Even if we never met, she was my friend. Those were hard to come by.

  I sent her the number of my private cell, so she could reach me whenever she needed me. She did the same.

  Somehow it was easier to smile now.

  Just one more week of promotions, and then I would be starting my latest movie. It was a part two. I played that guy who saved the world even though he didn’t want to. I played that role especially well. I could relate to my character. I, too, just wanted to do my job and go home in the evening. But a home needed a woman, and a man needed a reason to go home.


  I was making a point to tell Sandy nothing but the truth. She deserved that, and I could feel that she was doing the same. This was a nice, real woman. The kind that I never got to talk to.

  She worked in a factory, doing honest work for honest pay. I got paid more than anyone would believe fo
r doing something that I loved, and it wasn’t usually hard work.

  Would that impress her or make her bitter? Her opinion meant a lot to me. She was really important to me.

  In fact, it surprised me how important she had become to me in such a short time.

  Chapter 7 ~ Sandy

  A week later, we were texting each other constantly. I was busy with work, and I was busy rereading everything Keith had ever written to me. I was looking for any sign of craziness, and not finding any. This all seemed to be on the up and up.

  I figured that meant it was time to meet.

  I would like to meet you in real life. How do you feel about that? I wrote to him.

  I leaned back and waited. Thoughts of him saying that he would have to ask his mom if she could drive us went through my head. Or worse, his wife.

  Maybe he needed to find a babysitter for all of his children. Maybe he would want to bring some sort of strange pet with him.

  I was picturing him with a snake around his neck.

  My computer went ping. I clicked on his latest e-mail.

  Love to, but I’m still out of town. As soon as I get back, I will pick you up, and we will go out. I just have to check my calendar. Hold on a second.

  He wasn’t saying no. He was saying not yet.

  My computer went ping again.

  I come home on Tuesday afternoon. How about Tuesday evening? I realize that it isn’t a typical date night. If you’d rather wait for the weekend, I’ll understand. You probably have to work the next morning. You say when.

  Before I knew it, I was typing, Tuesday is fine. That way it will just be dinner and talking. I do have to work the next morning. So I have to be home before midnight, like Cinderella, but no glass slippers for me. They sound painful.

  He responded immediately. Yes, they do. I’ll pick you up at seven. Don’t worry, I’ll make the reservations. So you feel safe, I want you to e-mail me your address shortly beforehand. I don’t want to scare you, baby.


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