Seeing Stars

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Seeing Stars Page 11

by Rachel Burns

  I never thought about it that way, but to me there was no man on the planet who was as sexy as he was. We felt the same way about each other.

  I parted my legs slightly, trying to give him an invitation, which he immediately took me up on, understanding me without me having to utter a word.

  He crawled on top of me and slowly entered me, making me whimper with each inch he gave me. I sighed with relief when he was finally completely inside of me. It was wonderful.

  “I love you so much,” I told him, reaching down and grabbing onto his ass cheeks. I gave them a good squeeze as he worked his way in and out of me, rocking more than thrusting. It was so loving that I got tears in my eyes.

  “You are so beautiful. I’m so lucky to have you,” he told me. I could see that he meant it. He wasn’t acting.

  “I love you so much,” I told him several more times as he continued to rock. Slowly, my need for him built. I wanted him to go faster. My legs wrapped around his lower back as I held on for the ride.

  He didn’t let anything disturb him. He continued at the same slow pace.

  My head thrashed from side to side, and I began pounding on his back as I went wild. “I need to come,” I told him. I was close to real tears.

  “Relax, and you will. I promise. I read about this once. It’s hard for me not to thrust, but if I can keep it up, it should be worth it.”

  He did keep it up. I tried so hard to relax, but I was suffering, and I was slightly worried about the time.

  I scolded myself to knock it off. I was fighting to find my pace, but then I did. It was in the same moment that I let go of my stress and worries.

  It felt so much better when we worked together. I stared in his blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean and let myself get lost as we rocked against each other.

  My eyes widen. This was different. I was coming, but it was different. Before it had been jolts, like a flashes of lightning, but this was deeper, closer to my true core. It was a tremendous shudder that rumbled through my whole body.

  “Oh, Sandy,” he called out, coming too.

  My body took hold of his penis, clenching around it so he could no longer move, as my head thrashed from side to side, and I screamed out. This was the most powerful thing I had ever felt. It was staggering. I felt blessed to be a part of it.

  But the most astonishing thing was that I was still coming. My orgasm vibrated throughout my body and echoed over and over again.

  “Sandy, I’m coming again,” Keith called out to me, sounding very far away.

  “Oh damn, baby. Oh, damn,” he called out this time.

  Then he placed his forehead over mine and waited for me to settled down.

  We were breathing and panting, and I had to wonder what had happened. It felt as if it might have been earth-shattering. Could the rest of the world have continued to go on while we had the most mind-blowing sex imaginable?

  Keith kissed my closed eyelids. “I love you. When I get back, we’re never going to be apart again.”

  “I want that,” I told him, not quite able to talk just yet.

  We lay beside each other, cuddling and feeling closer to one another than we had ever felt with anyone else. We had a strong connection. I knew that he would come home to me. He was going to be my husband, my friend, and my daddy. Later, he would be the father of my children.

  “I found someone who I can grow old with,” I announced, giving him a smile.

  “I hope you mean me,” he teased me.

  “You can bet your sexy Hollywood ass on that,” I told him, giving his butt a smack.

  “We need a porch on our ranch. We can set up our racking chairs there,” he told me.

  “Chances are that I’ll need to feed our babies in a rocking chair long before we get old.”

  “I like that. A baby at your nipple. Just thinking about that makes me want to protect you.”

  “You’re big on protection, aren’t you?” I asked him.

  “Maybe it’s because of my job. I’ve had to keep people at arm’s length. So when someone does get into my inner circle, I make sure that they want to stay there.”

  “You couldn’t chase me away with a stick,” I told him.

  He gave me a kiss on my chin. “But I would like to chase you.” He gave me another kiss. That one landed between my breasts. “And to catch you.” Another kiss landed directly on my right nipple, making it perk up again. “When I catch you, I get to have my way with you.”

  He was about to kiss my left nipple when my alarm sounded, ruining the mood.

  “I have to go to work,” I announced.

  “I’ll find a doctor and get him to write you a sick note. It will say that you have to remain in bed.” He gave me a devilish grin.

  I wiggled out from under him and got up. “No, I signed a contract, and I have to honor that exactly like you do.”

  “But you will think about quitting, right?”

  I nodded at him before I went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for my work day.


  Keith was still in bed, pouting when I came out and got my uniform out of the drawer.

  I got into my uniform, which was gray and unflattering as he got into the shower. “What are you going to do today?” I asked him, hoping that we might be able to see each other before he left on Wednesday for filming.

  “I’m going to stay in town. I have a few calls I need to make. The one to my lawyer that I told you about. He also needs to find me an insurance policy that will have you cared for if anything happened to me, and I need to go out to the farm.”

  “What farm? My parents’ farm?” I asked, surprised that he would want to do that.

  “Of course. I have to have a talk with your father. I asked you to marry me, and I need to be the one to tell him about it. I hope he hasn’t heard about it from anyone else.”

  “You don’t have to ask his permission in this day and age,” I assured him as I watched him shower.

  “I want to. I get the feeling that he likes me. He’ll say yes. Besides, we might be expecting a baby. You never know.”

  “How would you feel about that?” I asked him. “I mean if I were pregnant?” I clarified.

  “I’d loved to have kids. Especially with you. Can you imagine how amazing and beautiful they’ll be?” He had a grin on his face as if he were imagining it.

  I was picturing our children too, but I hoped that they would look like their daddy.

  “I have to go to work now. You can make yourself breakfast with whatever you find. Have a great day, and I hope you get along well with my dad.”

  “I think I’d like to take you and your parents out to a meal to celebrate this evening. Do you want to go to the restaurant where we went on our first date?” he asked me.

  “Sure, I’d love that. Bye.” I walked to the door.

  “Bye, baby. And feel free to quit if you want to.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I told him before I left. That man was so persistent, but that was how he got me.

  Looking back, it was clear that I had made him work for it.

  Chapter 26 ~ Sandy

  I bent forward, holding my club in my hand. Then I looked forward at the hole where I wanted the golf ball to land when it finished rolling. I had to take a step back and move my long white skirt out of the way.

  I heard Keith chuckling behind me. The rest of the wedding party was being kinder to me.

  I stepped back up and putted the ball directly into the hole as a photographer took my picture.

  The crowd cheered for me, and Keith turned me around and gave me a sound kiss, making everyone hoot even louder.

  This was the perfect wedding day. We had booked the Holt Estate for the whole day. All of my friends and family were here, and they were getting along perfectly with Keith’s friends and family.

  Today was the most beautiful day of my life. I was now Mrs. Davenport. I loved my husband so much.

  I knew that people were going to talk becaus
e we got married so quickly after the engagement, which was only three months ago, but we both didn’t want to wait.

  Besides, we had another incentive to get married as quickly as possible. I was expecting our first child. Soon, I would have to share my daddy with a child. We were going to be the perfect family.

  I was so happy that everyone told me that I had a glow.

  Keith was thrilled. He had already found a ranch and purchased it. My father had helped him to find the perfect place. The ranch would be finished before the baby was born.

  It was too soon to know if the baby would be a boy or a girl. Keith had flown in to be at each of my doctor appointments. He insisted that I quit working the second that I found out that I was pregnant.

  I couldn’t argue because I hadn’t been feeling great and lifting heavy boxes filled with chocolate bars hurt the sides of my tummy. That scared me. If I had stayed at work and confessed that I was expecting a baby, they would have moved me to another department, but I was blessed to have the option to quit. I was so lucky.

  I had given up my apartment and moved back in with my parents. Tonight was going to be the first official time that Keith and I would be living together.

  Nobody but Keith and I and our parents knew about the baby. I didn’t want anyone else to know. I was afraid that they would think that I tricked Keith into marrying me, when in fact he was the one who tricked me. He told me that there was something that he could have done to keep me from getting pregnant, but he didn’t do it because he wanted us to be a family.

  He’d been sneaky, but I loved our child so I couldn’t be mad at him.

  Our guests were quiet as they held their glasses of champagne, waiting for Keith to take his shot.

  He missed, and I had to giggle, making Keith look over his shoulder at me and give me a strict look.

  I stepped closer to him. “Hit the ball a little softer, Daddy,” I told him in a whisper, making him grin.

  The caddie got his ball and positioned it for him.

  Keith tapped the ball, and it rolled right into the hole. Everyone cheered, especially me. I gave him a hug and a kiss.

  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” he whispered in my ear.

  “I feel the same way, Daddy,” I told him, relaxing into a long hug.

  I wanted to savor this moment forever. It was perfect bliss, and I knew that it was going to go on forever.

  Thanks to a computer dating site, we were going to live happily ever after.

  The End

  If you like sweet Age-Play books, check out this popular book:

  The Most Beautiful Woman In the World

  Chapter 1

  Emily made her bed exactly like the nurses said she should.

  The other girls in her room at the orphanage were talking to each other and giggling. A few of the nurses were very strict. They scolded the girls to be quiet.

  Emily was afraid of the nurses. They hated her the most.

  She wasn’t as pretty as the other girls, and she had a problem with her weight. She didn’t fit the bill. The others were thin and beautiful. They threw it in her face that she used to be a beautiful child, but she couldn’t help that she was always so hungry.

  Whenever she could, she fed the hungry beast that lived in her stomach. That was how the nurses explained it to her. If she let the beast starve, then she could be her pretty self again, and a man would choose her to love for the rest of her life.

  Still, try as she may, the beast demanded attention. Emily was especially good at sneaking around and finding something to eat. Besides, some of the other girls were trying to starve themselves. They gave her their food.

  If she got caught, she was punished. The nurses would send her to the director’s office, and he’d lecture her and call her fat. Then he beat her with a stick that he called a cane.

  Emily would scream, and she fuss and beg, telling him and herself that she’d never find herself in that position again, but she always did. The beast was stronger than she was.

  Men would come, and the girls who were old enough were lined up. At the moment, there were twelve of them.

  The men would walk along the line and smile at the girls until they got to Emily. They looked puzzled and confused when they looked at her. Their eyes went to her swelling breasts and then right on to the next girl.

  Emily didn’t belong here. She was the sore thumb, who would always stick out. No man would ever pick her.

  The girls went downstairs for inspection as they did every morning. The nurses looked them over and slapped them when they did something wrong. After that, they got breakfast.

  The girls all sat at a long table and ate. The younger girls served them. At the moment, the orphanage held forty-two little girls of all ages. At the age of twenty-three, Emily was the oldest. The others all left within a year of their eighteenth birthday. She was the only one to turn nineteen here. That had been four years ago.

  The girls, who were trying to starve themselves, always liked to sit next to Emily. They’d switch their plates once she finished. Everyone was happy.

  While they ate, the nurses quizzed them about what their future would hold for them.

  Emily knew the answers by heart. One day, a man would come and fall in love with them. He’d take the girl he chose home with him and take care of her forever. He’d be her loving daddy.

  A daddy wasn’t just anyone, and he deserved respect and punishments would still be a part of their upbringing.

  Emily was trying to eat slower. She truly did want a daddy too. The others were also eating slowly. They talked and argued about who would get the next daddy.

  Emily listened without joining in their conversation. She had a bit of experience, and she could easily guess who would be the next to go.

  The men that came here were looking for a certain type of girl. The girl should look young. Two of the girls here fit that bill. They practically had no breasts to speak of at all, and they had tiny faces and bodies.

  The more you looked like a little girl, the better your chances were. The smiley happy type also did well. So did the sporty types.

  Her best friend had belonged to the later group. It had been a case of opposites attract. Samantha had been very athletic. Still, they were able to talk about everything. Then when Samantha turned eighteen a black man came. He smiled at Samantha.

  The two girls had been holding hands. Samantha let go of Emily’s hand and took hold of the man’s hand. Samantha left with him. Emily missed her terribly.

  Now that Samantha was gone, Emily didn’t fit into any of the groups, and she’d already heard talk of her becoming a nurse one day.

  The good thing about that was that they could eat whatever they wanted, but the bad part was taking care of the younger girls. They often fought and screamed that they could do things for themselves. A daddy would want to take care of everything himself. The girls needed to be taught that.

  The girl next to her switched their plates. Emily wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Should she just eat it or stop and say she was full?

  She’d planned on cleaning her own plate. Maybe she should just eat what would have been left on her own plate. She guessed it would have been two or three bites.

  She piled her fork full and put it in her mouth. Five big bites later, the plate was empty. Someone tapped her on her shoulder. “Go see the director.”

  Emily looked over her shoulder and saw one of the nurses. Emily stood up, nodding at the nurse that she understood. The girl next to her had to go too, but she was putting up a fight.

  In the end, both girls stood in front of the director’s desk with their heads hung. He scolded Hannah, the thin girl first, claiming that she was very selfish to ruin Emily’s chance at finding a daddy. He even went to the point of saying that it was very unlikely that Emily ever would.

  Emily’s jaw dropped in shock. They’d never come out and said that before.

  Emily hung her head absolutely ashamed of
herself. She stood off to the side while the other girl got her punishment.

  She didn’t want to stay here forever and be one of the hated nurses.

  Like every other girl here, she dreamed of a daddy of her own, one who would love her and cherish her. She longed to be special to someone, to feel important.

  Hannah was instructed to pull down her panties and lift up the back of her skirt. Once she had done that under the watchful eye of the director, he instructed her to lay her hands on the hard surface of the wooden desk while the director got out his cane.

  Emily hated seeing other girls get punished almost as much as she hated getting punished herself. She knew that it was necessary, but her eyes flinched shut each time the cane landed. She cried along with whoever was being punished.

  Emily had a good heart. She had an innocence that time hadn’t been able to rob her of.

  Emily closed her eyes tightly when the director lifted the cane high in the air. She knew that he used a thin cane and that there would hardly be any marks on their bodies tomorrow.

  The director often reminded them that their husbands would be severer with them. They were only being gentle in case a daddy showed up and wanted to pick one of them out. They needed to be unmarked to be chosen. A daddy would want to be the only man to mark them. It had been explained as a way of claiming them.

  Still, the girls needed to be very good. She needed to know the rules. The most important one was that the daddy was always right. They weren’t allowed to anger him. He would have absolute control over their lives. It was a sign that he cared and loved his little girl very much.

  It would be terrible to be picked out and then ignored, Emily thought as her body tensed up. She was half turned away because she didn’t want to see Hannah in pain. The director was letting her have it.

  “I’m going to put a stop to this today. After I’m finished with you, no girl will ever give Emily their food again.” The cane snapped at Hannah’s bottom, leaving a dark red mark across her thighs.

  Hannah screamed out in pain.

  The occupants in the house all held still for a moment when they heard the cry. Some exchanged looks of fear with one another while others went about their day, thinking that what was happening in the director’s office was none of their business. It was, in fact, a normal occurrence in this house. Discipline was dealt out for an important reason. It was a gift that would make the girls pleasant wives one-day.


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