“So, what happened tonight?” she asked.
“I was supposed to have you and Gage with me tonight but when I went looking for him, I found him and Jade together.”
“Together, together? Or, like, together?” she asked.
“She was blowing him,” I stated.
“Shit. Are you serious?”
“Dead serious,” I said shaking my head.
“But he tried to kiss you before we left,” she expressed in revulsion.
“He did?” Rayce asked.
“Yes, but I shoved him away.” I shook my head, “I don’t have any desire to even be in the same room as him anymore.”
“I couldn’t believe I was witnessing it. He tried to kiss her and she told him to never touch her again,” Marie explained.
“You’re not pissed that you two aren’t together?” Rayce asked.
“No way!”
He sat back and smiled, “That’s good to know.”
We talked for another two hours before I grew tired again. The sun would be up soon. I needed sleep.
“Well, I told Jay I would be back tonight so we can…celebrate.” She stood from her seat and checked the time on her phone. “It’s still officially Valentine’s Day.”
“Say no more. Please,” I expressed and she laughed. “I hope you guys come back sometime.”
Rayce looked at me, “I don’t have to leave right now, do I?”
“Of course, you don’t. You are more than welcome to stay.”
“I will see you guys tomorrow,” Marie said and walked out my back door before I could thank her.
Rayce was clearly exhausted as well. “Come on, Rayce. Let’s get you to bed.”
“That sounds exciting,” he said wiggling his brow at me. I wanted him, but tonight was not the night. I knew he was a good guy but I wasn’t quite ready yet. He stood from his chair and laughed.
I smiled, “You’re hilarious.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
I got some sheets, blanket, and a pillow for him from the small closet in the living room. I was careful not to bump my arm. The stitch site was sore. “Here, you can use these,” I said passing him the bedding.
He took everything out of my arms carefully and placed them on the couch. “This is great. Thanks.”
“I appreciate everything, Rayce. Really.”
“I know you do, Jessica. I appreciate the beer and couch,” he smiled.
“Anytime.” I looked up into his chocolate eyes. They were a window of wonderment. He was a supernatural being who turned into a scary and menacing creature, but I felt completely safe with him here. I knew Rayce would never hurt me. “Well, goodnight.”
“Good night.”
I made my way up the stairs. “If you need anything, you know where I am.”
Once inside my room, I was finally able to get out of my filthy clothes. I didn’t linger in the shower long. My body was exhausted and I didn’t trust myself not to pass out standing up. I stripped my bed and put a single sheet over the mattress. I didn’t take the time to make it properly. I slipped into the comfort of my mattress. I slept soundly, knowing Rayce was downstairs.
The next day I was finally able to focus on my appearance. I looked terrible. I had what looked like road rash on my left jaw and my left eye was slightly purple. My hands had bloody scratches all over them from when I fell. There was no telling what kind of scum was inside the cuts, I was in a landfill after all. I was afraid to look at my back. I could feel the bruising from when she pinned me down. I was sure it was a disgusting purple mess.
I didn’t plan on going anywhere. My attire was nothing but a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. No bra. I couldn’t handle it pressing against my back. People would have to put up with me not being at my best. As I made my way down the stairs, I noticed the sheet and blanket folded neatly at the end of the couch. Rayce was gone. I couldn’t help but sigh at the thought of him not being here. He not only made me feel safe but I wanted to get to know him. I wanted to see if there was a possibility of a relationship in the future.
Tank bumped into my leg while I was returning the bedding to the closet. “Hey buddy, you want to go outside?”
He followed me into the kitchen but I was frozen in place when I saw Gage sitting at my kitchen table. My heart was in my throat. “What are you doing here?” He was turning a piece of paper in his hands, anger was practically flowing off him. I was scared for my safety. “Gage, what are you doing here?”
He finally looked up at me and smiled evilly, “I live here.”
“Not anymore.” A sickness began to brew in my stomach. “I want you to leave.”
He looked at me with control and demand on his face, “Did you not think I would find out about you and your fucking boyfriend?”
“What the hell are you talking about? What boyfriend?”
He stood up, stormed over to me, and crammed the piece of paper in my face, “Did you not think I would find this when I walked in?” he snapped. I took a step back and snatched the piece of paper out of his hand. My heart gave a flutter as I read the words.
Thank you for last night! Hope we can do it again soon. Feel better. If you need me, don’t hesitate to call.
I held back the smile that was fighting against my lips. The small thing like a note from Rayce made everything wash away, if only for a moment.
“How in the hell do you get that he’s my boyfriend from this little note? Rayce was here because I nearly got killed by your girlfriend.”
“How can I stop something if I didn’t see it?” At one time, I would have melted at the sight of Gage, but now he made my blood boil. He filled me with anger and disgust. I wanted to kick him in the balls for saying that.
“I saw you watching the whole thing. You didn’t do anything because you didn’t want to. You’re sick and enjoyed watching the women in your life fight over you.” I took a breath. “I have no boyfriend and even if I did, it wouldn’t be any of your fucking business.”
Tears of anger bit my eyes. I pinched them back. I didn’t want him to think I was shedding one tear over him.
The immense heat coming off his body nearly knocked me down. He was pissed and he was showing it well. He took a step closer to me and grabbed me by the arms. The pain of his tight grip made me gasp as the stitches pulled against my raw skin.
“You’re hurting me. Please, let me go,” I begged as pain shot through my entire arm. It was on fire.
“You belong to me and, only me, do you understand that?” he demanded and shook my body hard.
“No. I don’t belong to you. I belong to myself,” I wrenched myself away from him. “I want you out of my house right now! You will never touch me again!”
He was enraged, “You’re wrong. You will always be mine.”
The beer bottles from the night before were still on the counter. I took a step toward them, picked one up with a shaking hand, and chucked it at him. “Get the fuck out!” I bellowed.
The bottle nearly hit him in the head. It smashed up against the cabinet behind him and old beer and glass went flying. “This isn’t over, Jess.” The glass pane cracked as he stepped out, slamming my door behind him.
I watched him from the kitchen window as he got into his truck and pulled out and drove away. I released a sigh of relief and sat down. I had to breathe. The shock of him even being inside my home had me in full panic mode. Tank grabbed my attention by licking my fingers. I looked down and blood was dripping all over the floor.
“Shit,” I hissed and grabbed a kitchen towel, wrapped my arm with it, and let the dog out. I knew I couldn’t go to the hospital so I did the next best thing. I called Jay.
“Hello, Jessica. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Jay, I need help.”
“What happened?” His voice was panicked.
“Some of my stitches broke and now I’m bleeding pretty bad,” I explained.
“I’ll be there in ten. Keep it wrapped tight.”
“Alright. Thanks.”
I put my cell down on the counter and waited for him to arrive.
He pulled up to the house and didn’t bother knocking. “Hey, thanks for coming.”
“Let me see the damage,” he said and I unwrapped my arm. The bleeding had stopped for the most part but it hurt like hell. “Holy shit, Jessica, what did you do?” he accused.
“I didn’t do this. Gage did.” He didn’t seem surprised at all with the information. He examined my arm and he said I only had three stitches popped and that he could fix it for me.
He sat down at the table and pulled out his surgical tools from a small shaving bag. Then he got on his cell phone and placed a call. “Hey, I’m going to be here a while,” he paused. “Alright.” He hung up his phone and slipped on a pair of gloves.
Five minutes later, someone knocked on my back door. I rarely used the front one. “Come in,” I called.
Rayce walked in smiling but it faded the instant he set eyes on what Jay was doing. “What the hell happened?”
“Gage,” Jay stated deeply as his eyes focused on his task.
Rayce sat down next to me and took my hand. “Tell us what happened.”
“I came downstairs and found him in the kitchen. He was just sitting there like a statue. It was creepy,” I shivered.
“Go on,” Jay said.
“He found your note,” I looked at Rayce. “It set him off.”
“Did he hit you?” Rayce asked angrily.
“No, not this time. He was mad and grabbed and shook me,” I explained. “I feel like such an idiot for even falling for that asshole,” I grumbled.
“You’re not an idiot,” Jay stated as he worked in the final stitch. He had given me numbing shots before Rayce had gotten there. I could only feel his tugging on my skin.
“I appreciate that Jay, but it doesn’t make me feel like one any less,” I expressed. I was embarrassed about everything that had happened. I couldn’t believe I thought he would treat me well. I should have ended everything the first night, but I was stupid and continued to allow myself to get sucked in by his charm.
“He is known for his appeal,” Jay stated. “That’s how he got Jade. That and the vampire blood.”
“What? He got her addicted?”
“Yes,” Rayce said and stood from his chair. Panic arose in my chest.
“Are you leaving?”
“I’m only going out to smoke. I’ll be right outside,” he assured and brushed his finger along my jaw slowly. That tiny intimate touch was enough to put me in a different mindset.
“You can smoke inside,” I offered.
“No. I need some air anyway,” he smiled and walked out.
“He’s a good man, Jessica,” Jay said as he secured a bandage to my arm. I didn’t say a word to him but when he was finished, he looked at me. “Unlike Gage, Rayce is a good man. He’s a good person with a huge heart.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Let’s be honest. I have never poked my nose into your personal life. I knew about the ex-boyfriend and what you went through.”
“How do you know about that?” I feared Gage had been blabbing.
“I did an extensive background check on you. Plus, this town isn’t very big. News travels fast,” he said with a smile. “When you and Gage started dating, I knew something like this could happen. I just never thought he would take it this far. Gage is sick.”
“Is that supposed to be an excuse?”
“Absolutely not. There is no excusing his actions. I’m just sorry I never said anything to you,” he sighed and began to clean up the mess of bloody gauze.
Rayce’s voice captured our attention. At first, I thought someone was outside with him, but he was on his phone.
“I don’t care who you are. If you even think about putting another hand on her, I will kill you. Do you understand? Stay away from Jessica and the rest of us.” He went silent for a moment. “The only reason you’re in charge is because I let you. You wouldn’t have that leadership if it wasn’t for the choice I made. You need to remember that,” he demanded. The called ended.
“Like I said. Rayce is a good man,” Jay stated and winked. “May I use your restroom?”
“Of course, you can. It’s under the stairs by the front door.”
The back door opened and Rayce stepped in. I became overwhelmed by his loyalty to me and his family. I couldn’t stop myself. I stood from my chair and wrapped my arms around him.
He put his arms around me and pulled me in tighter. “Not that I’m complaining but what’s this for?”
“Just for being you,” I replied in a whisper against his chest. With the space between us void, I could feel his heart under his chest. It was a steady beat.
“You heard the call?”
I looked up into his eyes, “I did. Thank you.”
He cupped the bruised side of my face in his hand and caressed my cheek with his thumb gently. “You are worth it, Jessica,” he whispered. My eyes softened as his face grew closer to mine.
“No, I’m not,” I said softly.
“You are worth more than you think, babe,” he said deeply and lowered his mouth closer to mine. My heart was racing and I licked my lips in anticipation. I was lost in our tiny intimate bubble. So, lost that I didn’t hear Jay enter the kitchen.
“Shit,” he said. I pulled away from Rayce in surprise. “Sorry, sorry,” he stammered over his apology. I blushed.
“Damn, Jay. Cock block much?” Rayce complained playfully. I gasped and slapped his arm. He chuckled and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
“You are gonna have to replace that, you know?” I teased.
“Jessica, I left you some pain pills in the bathroom but here is one for now,” Jay said and handed me a pill. I took it and popped it into my mouth and chased it with water.
“Are you guy’s hungry?”
“We are always hungry,” Jay replied.
Rayce laughed, “Food would be good.”
“What do you want? I can make breakfast or sandwiches,” I explained as I skimmed my nearly empty fridge.
“I can go get us something,” Jay offered. “Chinese?”
“That sounds great. Thanks,” I expressed as my pallet began to crave sweet-and-sour chicken. “Are you going with him?” I asked Rayce.
“Not a chance. I will probably never leave you alone again.”
“Alright. I’ll be back. Call me if anything cracks off,” Jay said to Rayce.
“I might after I deal with it,” he grinned.
“Got ya,” Jay said and left.
The house grew quiet. I wasn’t sure how to talk to Rayce after we almost kissed. I honestly wanted to continue where we left off but that option wasn’t on the table.
“I need coffee,” I expressed and began to start a pot. “Do you want some?”
“No, thanks,” he said. “I have beer.”
“Oh, yeah,” I sighed and stood at the counter, tapping my toe as I waited for the coffee to finish.
“I’m gonna step outside and smoke,” he said and I turned around quickly.
“No, please stay.” I fished a small glass bowl out of the cabinet and set it on the table. “Smoke in here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Please stay inside. It would make me feel better to have you inside,” I confessed. The thought of that sadistic creep hurting Rayce gave me anxiety.
“Alright, sweetie,” he gave me a comforting look and I sat down with him at the table. I didn’t realize I was so afraid until I thought he was leaving.
“Sorry,” I said softly. “I’m just…”
“I’m not going anywhere, babe.” He took my hand and held it on the table top. I looked up at him. “I promise,” he said intently.
I took a deep breath, “Ok.” I let the br
eath out. My heart slowed down a fraction. “I may never let you leave,” I giggled.
“Well, you’re stuck with me,” he stated deeply as he stroked my hand softly. I giggled again. “Look at me, Jessica.” I looked up at him and his eyes were serious and confident. “Just breathe. I would die before I let him hurt you again.” I believed him.
Time passed while we waited for Jay to return.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me whatever you like.”
“What did you mean when you were on the phone?”
“I said a lot. Can you be more specific?”
“Well, you said he wouldn’t be in charge if it weren’t for you. What did you mean?”
“I wasn’t expecting that question,” he said with a smile. “I was talking about the vote we took on who should be pack master.”
“You took a vote?”
“Sort of. We chose Gage because he was the oldest.”
“The oldest of what? The pack?”
“No. He’s the oldest between him, Jay, and myself,” he explained. “It was a good idea at the time until he and Jade hooked up and blood was introduced.”
I held my warm cup close to my body with both hands. The heat radiating from the cup made the cuts on my hands feel better. I took a sip and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
“Can I ask you a question?” I nodded. “In his time here, did he ever talk about vampire blood?”
“Yes. He told me that Jay and the others drink it. You included.”
He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. I should have known better than to listen to a word Gage ever said. “That’s rich,” he snickered.
“Would you like to fill me in on the truth? I already know Gage is a liar.”
“Vampire blood is like a drug. If a hellhound drinks too much, it can consume them. It quickly becomes a craving. You will hunt for it. Your life will be driven by it. Your only goal in life is blood,” he explained. “The hunt is a cruel bitch.”
Before I could question him, Jay walked in with Marie in tow. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of my friend. She smiled brightly.
“Marie, I didn’t expect to see you. Thanks for coming.”
Hunting Jessica Page 15