Still, on the floor, I turned and looked up at the man who brought me here. He looked like Rayce. His eyes were a crystal blue but he was a spitting image of my soon to be husband.
“Satisfied?” he asked Gage.
“You can go,” Gage said deeply.
I watched as the man left the room and closed the door to my only exit. Chayce was alive and living as Gage’s brother. I couldn’t believe how sadistic this family was. A tear rolled down my cheek and landed on the soft carpet.
Gage walked over and offered me help up from the floor. I pulled away from him and got to my feet on my own. He gestured toward the chairs in front of the fire and I walked over cautiously. I didn’t take my seat right away. “You can sit down,” he instructed. I did and he sat down in the chair next to mine.
“You know damn well he is not your brother. He is Rayce’s brother,” I growled.
Gage cleared his throat and spoke softly. “Yes, but Chayce doesn’t know that. He doesn’t even know about Jason. My father knew neither Jay nor Rayce would ever amount to anything but followers. We kept Chayce a secret. Chayce being the first born would make him a great leader one day, after me of course.”
“Your father kidnapped his own nephew? Why would he do that and devastate his own family, letting them believe he was dead all along?”
“Jess, we come from a great long line of hellhounds,” I cut him off.
“Yes, I know the story. Cerberus was the great father, the purest of the bloodlines, the very first of all the hounds. I know the story.”
His eyes were intent on my face. He never stopped looking at me. A smug smile grew on his lips and it reminded me of the smile in the dreams that haunt me every night. A shiver crawled up my spine.
“We have to ensure the purest blood line. We can’t go around killing hellhounds to get power. We have to take what we want first. Once we have the power of all of Oklahoma, we can move from state to state and then, the world. The hellhound will rule again,” he explained.
I always thought Gage was insane but now I knew for sure he was. “How do you plan on taking over the world? That’s …do you not realize how crazy that sounds?”
“Crazy?” his brow pinched. “You think it’s crazy to want this supernatural world in the palm of your hand?” he asked.
I nodded, “Gage, are you talking about the world, as in earth, or the world of hellhounds?”
“This world needs a leader and with the great father gone, we need another leader. My father wants the position but I don’t plan on letting him have it.” He grinned evilly. “I will be king and you will be my queen. We will rule all hellhounds and have all the blood we want and our children will rule after us,” he declared with a smug smile.
“I don’t see how that is going to work. I’m only half. Hypothetically speaking, how can we make a pure blood line from that?”
“Because of your father’s bloodline. You being turned had made it even stronger. Our line will be perfect.” I looked away from him and into the fire. “Rayce turning you changes nothing. You are mine no matter who turned you. I don’t care about the fucking rules.”
I looked back up at him, “Gage, Rayce is going to win this fight. I might not be able to kill you but he will. How many times do I have to say it? I will never be yours. You are a terrible man with nothing but hate in your soul. You are a murderer and a rapist. I knew you were bad news when I first let you stay at my place, but for some stupid reason, I fell for you. Well, no more,” I spat.
“Jess, it wasn’t rape, you wanted me.”
Now, I was getting pissed off, I could feel my blood beginning to boil over. I had to get myself in check quickly before he could make his move. I took a deep breath and counted to ten. “I did want you, in the beginning. That night in my kitchen was the straw that broke the camel’s back. If I wasn’t done after I found out about Jade, I was done then. I’m still done with you. I don’t love you, Gage. I wish you would leave us the fuck alone,” I could see he wanted to respond to my rant but I wasn’t finished. “I don’t love you. I never did, don’t you get that?”
“You loved me when I pleasured that sexy body,” he smiled.
I groaned, “Yes, I admit, I lusted for you, but it was never anything more than that. I love Rayce and he loves me. I plan on spending the rest of my life with him and having his children.”
“You deserve to be with a natural leader.”
“I could care less if he was a leader or not, that is not what I love him for. I love him because he loves me. He is mine and I am his.”
“You are mine!”
“Not now, and not ever,” I growled and lifted my hand to show him my ring. He stood from his chair and hoisted it into the air, tossing it across the room. I leaned back into my chair as far as I could, trying to back away from him.
He got down into my face, “You will learn to love me, Jessica.” He took my face into his rough hands and I closed my eyes and clamped my lips together. “I’m going to kill that useless cousin of mine and every half breed in that little pack of his. You will be mine for the taking,” he said against my mouth and kissed me hard.
I tried to lean away from him but the damn chair was holding me in place, keeping me prisoner to his greedy lips and hands. I put my hands on his shoulders and tried to push him away, he was too strong. He got down on his knees at my level and opened my legs with his knees and pressed himself into me. His mouth forced mine open and his tongue met mine. He tasted of fresh butterscotch blood. I almost allowed myself to get sucked in but I blocked it. Rayce was too important.
I let my hands drop from his shoulders and lay limp at my sides. He didn’t stop, with one of his hand on the back of my neck, holding me in the kiss, his other hand lifted my shirt and found my breast. His hungry fingers found my nipple. “Relax, Jess. I’ll be gentle this time,” he said softly.
Maybe this was the way I was going to get out of this. If I humored him, maybe I could make a run for it. I lifted my hands to his hair. I gripped it tightly and then pulled him in for a deeper kiss. My lips were tight but my tongue moved with his. Tears threatened my eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was having to do.
“Your offer is appealing,” I stated, trying to convince him that he may have my attention. In the back of my mind, I was trying to break free of him. “But you have to allow me to break it off with Rayce first.”
“I will make it easy for you.”
“How so?” He kissed my neck and my body shivered in disgust.
“I will take that burden off your hands by ending him,” his words shattered my heart. The thought sent me into a rage, but I had to hold it back. “You will want for nothing, Jess.”
I let my head fall back and I let out a breath. I was fighting to breathe. I hoped someone would come into the room and stop him. Luck was not on my side. He lifted me and carried me over to the bed. He sat me down and continued with his mission.
He lifted my shirt and latched on to my right nipple. I closed my eyes and bit back the tears. I had to figure out how to get out of this situation. Using sex was a good tactic with Gage. His desire was key. “Let me get more comfortable,” I whispered. He released my nipple with a pop and smiled at me, making my stomach churn. I had to keep my cool. He rolled off of me and I stood from the bed. I tried to keep my eyes off the exit. I felt defeated, so I began to unbutton my jeans.
“Look at me while you undress,” he ordered.
“Maybe Chayce would like to join us?” I slowly began to pull down my zipper. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could pull this off. I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted.
“Chayce, get in here,” he bellowed.
He came through the door, “What?” he asked annoyed and rolled his eyes.
“My love wants the both of us. Are you up for a little fun?” he asked smiling cockily.
Chayce’ nostrils flared as he smelled me. He really didn’t want to do this. “I’m sorry, miss, but I’m not interested in doing that. My brother is enough for you.” Chayc
e turned to leave and I was about to lose my chance. I ran over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He looked down at me and smelled me again.
I took his hand in mine, pulled him over to the chair where I had been seated, and pushed him down into it. I was trying to be a sex kitten. I rubbed my body against his and it felt so wrong. His hands gripped my hips. I slowly placed my mouth to his ear and took the lobe between my lips. I allowed my tongue to tease him before I nipped on it, gaining his attention.
“I know who your real brother is and it’s not Gage. He’s your cousin.” My words stopped all of his movement and he looked into my eyes. I placed one of my fingers on his lips to keep him quiet. I returned to his ear, “Please don’t stop touching me or he will think something is going on. I’m engaged to your real brother, Rayce. Take me back home please,” I begged in a whisper.
His fingers laced through my hair as he placed his mouth to my ear. “What are you talking about?” he asked in an almost inaudible tone. I looked back at Gage and smiled as sexy as I could. He was stroking his cock violently. I wanted to throw up but I pulled my jeans down a little so he could see more of my body. I looked back a Chayce and moved to his other ear.
“Please believe me,” I begged. Gage grabbed my hips from behind and our conversation was over. He was pulling my jeans down all the way. I felt his flesh touch mine and a lump in my throat begin to grow. I looked at Chayce with tears in my eyes, begging him for help.
“Beg for it,” Gage said gruffly. Before he could enter me, Chayce stood from his seat and shoved Gage away from me.
“I’m first,” he growled, causing Gage to laugh.
“Best pussy in town, guaranteed,” Gage stated in a laugh, making me sick.
I thought I had failed as Chayce stood behind me. They were on a mission for a threesome. Chayce wrapped his arms around my waist, quickly pulled me to a dark corner of the room, and a gust of the travel wind hit me.
I opened my eyes I was back in my kitchen. While I got my feet back under me, Chayce was trying to pull up my jeans. With nausea still with me, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him.
“Thank you,” I said before quickly turning around and retching into the sink.
“Can he follow you?”
“Yeah, he will figure out where we went soon enough. If you don’t want to go back, I suggest we leave now.”
I grabbed my bag from the laundry room. The sound of his cell phone ringing made me nearly jump out of my skin. Gage was calling. I ran for the back door and Chayce followed. It continued to ring in his pocket. He pulled it out and it was a simple flip-phone. He opened it and answered.
“We should go,” I whispered. My heart was pounding. I couldn’t stand still. I had to get out of this house. I had been gone a while. If Rayce showed up before I got back, he would be worried.
Chayce waved me out the door and followed as I stepped down into the back yard, “No, I’m not bringing her back.” I listened as I stepped out onto the street. I had to get as far away from this location as I could. “What you were doing was sick. I couldn’t allow that to happen.” He closed his phone and put it back into his pocket.
I looked back at him, “Is he coming?”
“Don’t worry, he thinks we are at my house in the city. It will take him a minute to find out that we aren’t. We need to go if you don’t want him to find you,” he explained.
“Can I use your phone?” He handed it to me with a quizzical look in his eyes. As we walked toward the school, I dialed the familiar number and it rang a few times. That’s to be expected because he wouldn’t recognize the number.
I sighed happily when I finally heard his voice. Though it was panic stricken, it was wonderful. “I don’t have time to explain. I’m alright but meet me at the school, ASAP.”
“I went to the house and you weren’t there but there was a smell, it was…strange,” Rayce stated. He had picked up on Chayce’ presence.
Chayce was walking next to me now. He had a cool swag about him, just like his brother. “I’m fine, please come and get me. Oh, and I have someone with me, don’t freak out,” I said. The line grew silent. I looked at the screen but the call was still connected, “Are you still there?”
“I’ll be there in a minute. I’m right around the corner,” he said.
I closed the phone and handed it back to Chayce. We walked up to the school and both leaned up against the brick wall. “Our ride will be here in a minute.”
Chayce looked down at me with a sort of shocked look on his face. “Our ride? I never agreed to go anywhere with you. I brought you back home.”
“I thought you would like to meet Rayce. He is your brother after all.”
“No, I have a brother. I have no interest in meeting anyone,” he said.
“Then, why are you still here?”
“I wanted to make sure you were safe before I left, that’s all,” he said and stepped off the wall. “Bye.”
“No!” I grabbed him quickly by the fabric of his leather jacket. “Please don’t leave.”
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because of your birth right.” I surprised myself with my own words and covered my mouth with both of my hands. I didn’t plan on telling him that yet, “Shit!”
“Tell me what the hell you’re talking about,” he demanded.
I sighed, “It’s really not my place to tell you anything but if you stay and meet Rayce, he and Jay can fill you in on everything.”
“No. I’m not going into this blind. What are you talking about?”
I closed my eyes and let my head sag, “Do you ever feel like you shouldn’t be taking orders from Gage?”
He shook his head and reached into his pocket and pulled out a hard pack of cigarettes. He lit one with a zippo lighter and inhaled the smoke. “All the time,” he confessed and blew out the smoke.
“That’s because you were born to be a leader. The man you know as your father, kidnapped you from your family when you were a baby,” I explained. “You have been living a lie, Chayce.”
“Woman, you’re crazy,” he said and tried to walk away from me. Before I could stop him, the sound of an engine did. He eyed the approaching truck. “Shit!” He grabbed my arm tightly and a slight wind began to blow.
“Don’t travel. It’s alright.” I placed my hand on top of his and he looked down at me with worried eyes. “You will have your answers soon. Don’t freak out.”
“You better not be lying about this,” he said and released my arm.
“I’m not lying to you, I promise. Just wait here. Don’t Leave!” I said holding up my hands to calm him down.
He had a confused look on his face as his eyebrows came together. I could tell he didn’t like my idea but I did understand why he would feel that way. He was walking into something new and a little unsettling.
Rayce stepped out and I ran straight to him. He lifted me up into his arms and held me close. I never thought I would be so happy to see him, at that moment. “Are you alright?” he asked.
He set me back down on the ground, “I’m fine,” I said smiling and I turned around. “Thanks to him.”
I took Rayce’ hand in mine and we walked toward my savior. The person who had been missing in his life. Someone he believed gone forever. “Rayce…this is Chayce. Your brother,” I explained with a smile.
They inspected each other. Though they were twins and had the same voice, and even mannerisms, Chayce had blue eyes and darker hair. They shook hands. The instant their hands touched, it was as if an energy swirled around them. I couldn’t see it but I could feel it in the air. It was a surreal moment.
“Wow,” Chayce said in awe. “I never,” he stopped and shook his head.
“I thought I would never see you again,” Rayce said and pulled his brother in for a hug.
I thought Chayce would reject hi
m but he didn’t. He embraced this connection with his brother. He cleared his throat and they pulled out of the hug, “I didn’t know about you. I mean, I always felt alone even with Gage around,” he explained.
“Gage?” Rayce questioned in confusion.
“I grew up believing Gage was my brother,” Chayce explained.
“Son of a bitch,” Rayce hissed.
“Listen, guys, I know you have a lot to catch up on, but can we do it back at the house? Gage could show up at any moment.”
Chayce nodded, “She is right. Gage will come, if he isn’t here already. If you have someplace to go, I suggest we get there.”
We climbed into the truck. I slid closer to Rayce, giving Chayce the passenger seat. I could have ridden in the back seat but I wanted to be as close as I could to Rayce. Chayce stopped and I could tell he was pondering on getting in. He looked back at my old house and sighed. He was fighting the urge to go back to the shadows.
I patted the seat, “Come on, Chayce.”
He tossed his cigarette down to the ground and stepped into the cab of the truck. He adjusted in his seat, “Let’s go.”
While driving down the dark road, Rayce put his hand on my knee. My body came alive to his touch. I had never been so attracted to someone in my life. Rayce was my life mate. We were meant to be together. It took everything I had in me to not ‘straddle his saddle’ in front of his brother. If we were alone, I would.
In the darkness of the cab, I grabbed his hand from my knee and slid it up my thigh to the place I wanted his touch most. I sighed as he began to stroke me and closed my eyes while leaning into him. Being discreet in a crowded seat wasn’t easy. I gripped his wrist as I thrust against his fingers slightly. My body was on fire.
Chayce cleared his throat, “So…where are we going anyway?”
I quickly pulled Rayce’ hand away from between my thighs. I was so embarrassed. Something was going on with me. All I wanted to do was have sex. I didn’t care that Chayce was here.
Rayce laughed at me slightly before answering his brother, “We have a home out by the lake. Do you remember Shadow Lake?” Rayce looked around me to his brother and then back to the road.
Hunting Jessica Page 31