Her Troubled Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 9)

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Her Troubled Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 9) Page 8

by Donna Michaels

  “The other cats were found in the house with the dogs,” she said, walking past him toward the other cat room, where she led him to a cage in the corner. “But not this one.” She opened the cage and the thin orange cat rose to its feet and cautiously stepped forward, allowing her to scoop it up. Smiling, she rubbed her face against its fur. “This is Buddy. He’s a little shy of humans, but nowhere near what you’d expect for being abandoned and neglected for so long.” She set him in the carrier and glanced at Keiffer. “He’s a barn cat.”

  It took him a moment to catch her meaning, then he raised a brow. “He was in the barn with the horses?”

  “Yes.” She nodded and they retraced their steps out of the building and headed for the rescue barn. “I’m not saying it’ll mean anything but, well, it’s worth a try. Maybe they’ll remember each other.”

  At this point, he’d take the thread of hope she’d just tossed for Benny. And when they entered the stable and arrived at the stall, she met his gaze and drew in a breath.

  “Here goes.” She set the carrier on the ground then opened it and stood back with him in the doorway.

  Keiffer stopped breathing, waiting to see if the gelding remembered, or cared, or worse—didn’t care. Benny’s ears immediately twitched and his head lifted when Buddy emerged from the carrier. A second later the cat meowed and rubbed against the horse’s leg. At this, Benny lowered his head, gently bumped the cat with his muzzle, and gave a long, relaxed exhale and Keiffer took that as a sign of happiness.

  “Yes!” Caitlin kept her voice low but her face was bright with delight as she jumped into his arms.

  Keiffer grinned, and held her tight as he spun her around outside the stall, just as thrilled with the outcome and too preoccupied with it to realize what he was doing until it was too late. Awareness spread out in all directions at a rapid pace and need sliced through his body as he slowly lowered her feet to the ground.

  She widened her baby blues, and a flash of heat replaced her euphoria. Ah, hell. Her gaze dropped to his mouth. His insides fisted as they always did whenever she stared at him with hunger in her eyes. He was so screwed. But he could still salvage it. All he had to do was release her and step back.

  Too bad he brought his mouth down on hers instead.

  Chapter Seven

  Common sense left the barn along with Keiffer’s control. Both gone in a flash. The second his mouth touched hers he was powerless to resist the need to taste her. It’d been so long. Too long. He couldn’t hold back anymore.

  Brushing the seam of her lips with his tongue, he immediately deepened the kiss, gripped by a blinding, all-consuming need the instant she opened for him on a moan.

  Her hands slid up into his hair and fisted tightly, holding his head while she pressed close and took what she wanted, making him all the hotter.

  Damn. No one was as responsive as Caitlin.

  Running his hands down her back to cup her sweet ass, he slid his tongue inside her mouth and hauled her against his erection. The feel of her soft, lush curves trembling against him was as intoxicating as her kiss, and when she brushed her tongue to his, something inside him snapped. He tightened his hold on her bottom and lifted her up, and when she automatically wrapped her legs around him, he stepped forward to trap her between him and the outside of the stall.

  Kissing her over and over, he let loose the pent-up yearning and ache he’d been barely reining in since seeing her again. She moaned and ran her fingers over his scalp, sending shivers down his neck and spine, while devouring his mouth like she couldn’t get enough.

  She was so damn hot she had him throbbing like a high schooler.

  How could he have forgotten how incredible she’d tasted? Or the eagerness in her kiss? Her touch?

  The woman was sweet and soft—so damn soft.

  Keeping her pressed into the wall freed up his hands and they were currently under her shirt, stroking the satiny skin just below her bra. Then he inched higher and brushed his thumbs over her lace-covered nipples.

  She broke the kiss and sucked in air. “Keiffer. How?” She panted. “How is it you know just what I need?”

  He was about to show her just how much he knew when the sound of a car door slamming had him lowering her feet to the ground and releasing her to step away.

  She quickly straightened her clothes and pointed at his head.


  With a slew of curses silently directed at himself, he smoothed a hand over his hair while he turned his back on her in an attempt to get his thundering pulse and raging hard-on under control.

  He was a damn idiot.

  What the hell was wrong with him?

  That was twice now. Twice he lost control with just a touch.

  He walked back to the stall and stopped dead in the doorway. “Caitlin. Come here,” he called quietly, not wanting to disturb the cat curled up on the horse’s back.

  “What?” She rushed close then halted at his side. “Oh…” A smile curved her lips before she covered them with her hand. “They were buddies.” Tears filled her eyes she tried to blink away.

  That’s when Kade walked in. He took one look at Caitlin’s face, then glanced past her and smiled. “That was a good idea you had.”

  She smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad they remember each other.”

  “Yes,” Keiffer agreed as they all stepped back into the hall. “Hopefully Benny’s anxiety will lessen.”

  Caitlin nodded. “Kade, I hope you don’t mind having a cat in the barn now.”

  “Not at all. Whatever works to help them heal,” his brother-in-law stated, grabbing the carrier on the ground by the door. “I have to go next door to talk to Doc about one of the Quarter Horses, so I’ll take this back and grab Buddy’s water dish and food while I’m there.”

  She nodded. “Great. Thanks.”

  “You have good instincts, Caitlin. Especially with the rescues,” Kade stated.

  A flush filled her cheeks. “I-I get where they come from. I just want to make it better for them.”

  What the hell did that mean?

  A sharp pain stabbed through Keiffer’s chest. The only way she could “get where they come from” was if she was a rescue. Exposed to abuse…


  The pain twisted tighter. Christ, the thought of her suffering any kind of abuse made him nuts. And angry at himself because he couldn’t remember what Brandi had told them about Caitlin and Shayla. He only recalled something about their father trying to extort money from Kevin.

  “Well, your help here at the rescue is a Godsend.” Kade folded his arms across his chest and cocked his head. “Don’t think I’d let just anyone near these animals.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Really. They help me, too, you know?” She sniffed and swiped wetness from her cheeks.

  Ah, hell. Keiffer’s stomach clenched at the sight of her tears, and the strongest urge to pull her into his arms and sooth her shook through him.

  Which was bad. Very bad.

  Damn woman made him feel.

  Kade glanced from the redness near her mouth and chin to his beard, apparently realizing it wasn’t part of her blush. If the poor woman knew, her cheeks would turn crimson.

  His brother-in-law’s gaze met his with a knowing gleam. “Well, I’d better get next door before Doc leaves.” Kade tipped his hat, and a second later, they were alone.

  Not good.

  Keiffer did not want to deal with the feelings she incited.

  “Okay, something’s bothering you. I can tell.” She set a hand on his arm. “What is it?”

  Mirthless laughter rippled up his throat as he stepped out of her touch. “You. Me.” He waved a hand between them. “We can’t do this.”

  “What exactly do you mean by this?” She lifted a brow. “Touch? Kiss?”


  “It’s because I make you feel and you don’t want to feel.”

  “Exactly.” He shoved a hand through his hair and exhaled, relieved he didn’t have a
fight on his hands. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have touched you. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Yet, I did it twice. But, it won’t happen again.”

  “What if I want it to?”

  His heart literally rocked in his chest. “Jesus, Caitlin. Why would you want to? I’m not sticking around. You do know that, right? All this is just temporary. I’m just helping my sister and Kade until he comes back from that school next month. That’s it. Then I’m gone. Don’t be fooled by how I act around Brandi. I’m a damn mess.”

  “I know.”

  He frowned. “And you still want to be around me?”

  “Yes.” She laughed. “You make me feel, too, Keiffer. You make me feel good. Why wouldn’t I want to feel good?”

  “Because I’m not good for you, Caitlin. I’m not good for anyone.”

  “Bullshit. You are good, Keiffer. You’re here to help your sister, even though you don’t want to be here. Even though you don’t like to be around people you know or care about.”


  How the hell did she know that?

  “It’s okay. I’m not trying to fix you. I’d just like to feel good with you.”

  God, was she saying what he thought she was saying?

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Caitlin.”

  She laughed.

  Why the hell was she laughing?

  “Keiffer, we’ve made each other feel good before, then parted ways. I think you can tell I didn’t fall apart.”

  A smile tugged his lips now.

  “Pretty sure we can handle it. But if you don’t want to, that’s okay. I don’t want to add to your troubles.”

  He blew out a breath. “You don’t. You add to my pleasure. And right now, I’m not having nearly enough of that.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “Hell if I know. I’m screwed up, remember?”

  He had no idea what he wanted. To strip them naked and lose himself in her sweet warmth? Yes. To let her burrow further past his walls and make him feel? Hell, no.

  Her mouth curved into a grin. “Well, if you figure it out, you know where to find me. Okay?” She patted his chest. “No pressure. If you want to let things as they are, fine. If you want to make each other feel good, that’s fine, too. Your choice. I’m heading back to my place. I’ve got to enroll for college.”

  As he watched her walk out of the barn he came to one conclusion.

  The choice was simple.

  She made him feel, and he didn’t want to feel, so he would stay away from her. Not finish his chores, then jump in his truck and follow her home.

  No. Hell, no.

  He wasn’t going to do that.

  That would be asking for trouble. Inviting it.

  He was definitely not going to do that. He didn’t need to feel good. Didn’t deserve it. Didn’t want it.

  But Caitlin deserved to…

  Chapter Eight

  By the time the sun set—with the help of Kade, Connor, and Sawyer—Caitlin was a registered student of veterinary medicine. The next four years were promised to her studies.

  It was great. And surreal. She was actually going to veterinary medical school.

  “To Doctor Ryan.” Shayla raised a flute of champagne in a toast at the Tex Pub, where an impromptu celebration was taking place in Caitlin’s honor.

  All of the Daltons, McCalls, her coworkers, and friends raised their glasses and echoed the cheer—except for one.


  She felt his absence more than she cared to admit, but she understood. He had trouble socializing with people he cared about, and she knew he cared about a few people there, including her.

  That thought helped her push her disappointment aside and focus on the incredible gift she’d received that day, along with the amazing outpouring of well-wishers.

  “Thank you. Now I’d like to make a toast.” Decked out in her favorite cobalt blue dress that made her happy, she raised her glass and worked past her hot throat. “To Kade and Connor for believing in me and backing my education, and to Sawyer for helping me get into school. Thank you all so, so much. You’re the best.”

  Her throat closed up so she finished by clinking her glass off theirs and managed to swallow a few drops of the bubbly before setting the glass down on the long bar that took up the wall in front of the kitchen.

  “Kade.” She pulled him in for a hug. “Thank you so much.” Never had she met a more compassionate rancher. His affinity for animals was one of the things she loved most about the former sheriff. That, and the fact he’d put her father away, and helped her and her sister start a new life. A good life.

  “You’re very welcome,” he said. “You’re going to do great.”

  She released him and turned to Connor. “Thank you. I’m so blessed.”

  “No, darlin’, we are.” The handsome giant returned her embrace. “Thank you. I’ll rest much better knowing you’ll be around for my livestock.”

  His cattle ranch was one of the biggest and most successful ranches in Texas. It was beyond an honor to be trusted with that responsibility. She blinked back another round of tears and drew away to face her boss.

  “Come here, you.” Smiling, she hugged him and patted his back. “Thanks, Sawyer. I can’t believe you got me into your alma mater.”

  Only a select few got in, and never on such short notice. She really couldn’t believe her luck. It was like hitting the lottery.

  “It wasn’t all me,” he said, drawing back with a grin. “Your excellent grades and application letter had a lot to do with it.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, a letter you urged me to whip up a few months ago in case I ever decided to apply.”

  “Yeah…funny how that worked out, huh?” Sawyer smirked. “You should give yourself more credit.”

  Laughing, she was just pulling out of her boss’s arms when a prickling heat trickled down her spine.

  “Caitlin seems to have trouble with that.”


  She turned to find him standing behind her in jeans and slate gray button down shirt, looking so sexy her good parts quivered in greeting. “Hi,” she said, a little breathless and a whole lot of lame.

  “Congratulations.” He pulled her in for a hug.

  A quick one, but her body immediately rejoiced and heart leapt at the gesture.

  “Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.”

  Idiot. Not the best thing to tell the guy. She didn’t want to put any kind of pressure on him.

  He nodded and opened his mouth as if to say something, but his sister spotted him.

  “Keiffer! So glad you came.” Brandi stepped close to give him a hug. “Kerri and Gwen are in the kitchen making some great dishes. I hope you’ll stay and eat.”

  To Caitlin’s surprise, he did stay, and although he kept to the outside of the crowd, she felt his gaze on her the whole time. It was as if he was contemplating the conversation from earlier in the barn. Lord knew she thought about it, too.

  But the ball was in his court. It was his move.

  An hour later, the party broke up and she lingered, hoping he’d approach with less people around.

  He left.

  So she insisted on helping Gwen and Kerri clean up, then headed upstairs. The ice cream in her freezer was calling to her. Instead of licking wounds, she would lick Chocolate Moosetracks.

  Despite the end, her day had been pretty damn phenomenal and she decided to focus on that fact and embrace all the good. She set a spoon on the counter and gripped the handle on the freezer when a knock sounded at the door.


  She knew without looking that he was there. Every bit of her anticipating body could feel his presence on the other side of her door. Exhaling slowly and evenly, she smooth her hands over her dress, straightened her shoulders and opened the door.

  “You should tell me to go.” His greeting broke her heart, and the heat and concern darkening his gaze tightened her chest.

  Slowly, car
efully, she lifted a hand to touch his face, those wonderful whiskers tickling her palm. “I’d very much like you to stay.”

  “It can only be this once.”

  As much as she knew it wouldn’t be enough, she nodded. “Okay.”

  His demeanor changed like a flipped switch, because he straightened, and with a low growl ripping from his chest, he cupped her face in both hands and kissed her as if he had been dreaming of her for years and was starved for her taste.


  Being with Caitlin was probably a mistake. A damn big mistake, but at the moment, Keiffer didn’t care. Everything faded away in her arms.

  The weight on his shoulders.

  Constant heaviness in his chest.

  It all disappeared under her sweet touch. And heaven help him, he wanted that so damn bad. Although they’d only gotten together a couple of times during that great weekend up in the Poconos, each time had been better than the last.

  Tonight was proving to be no exception.

  Caitlin’s embrace earlier in the barn had nearly done him in. The woman’s reactions to his touches and kisses made him hungry for more. So much so, he was barely holding it together as he stepped inside her apartment.

  Once inside, she pressed into him against the door, and flicked the lock before she rubbed her sweet curves up and down his body.

  “Keiffer.” Her hands fisted in his hair and pulled his mouth so close her lips brushed his as she spoke. “I want you so much I can taste it.” Then she kissed him, drinking and tasting, moaning into his mouth as if he were the best thing she ever tasted.

  Damn, the woman had him so hard he was about to bust his zipper.

  While her fingers worked the buttons on his shirt, he shoved his in her hair and took over the kiss, slowing the pace, brushing his tongue just inside her bottom lip. She let out another of her breathy little moans and pushed his opened shirt down his arms, broke the kiss, and drew back to stare at him with a crazed hunger heating her gaze.

  “Jesus, Caitlin, if you don’t stop looking at me like that I’m never even going to make it to the gate.”


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