Under the surface

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Under the surface Page 10

by Jaye Cox

  “Rude much?” I say under my breath.

  “Elodie? She’s harmless.” I change the subject back to music, we both managed to have a decent conversation in the limo and I hope we can pick back up. Our entrées come out and it’s some kind of soup, I don’t ask what it is, because chances are if I know, I won’t eat it. He tells me he works for a music label, which is really impressive. He asks about what I do and I tell him I work at Big Moe’s House of Ink, he tells me Big Moe did his tattoo a few years ago. Oliver is actually pretty cool, not someone I would intentionally go out with willingly though, but tonight hasn’t been as bad as I pictured it would be. Once the main course is served, he talks about Lizzy and how they’re close, even though there is an age gap between them. He asks about my siblings and I tell him about Ty, and how he is a pain in my ass, but I wouldn’t trade him for a new brother. That Elodie girl makes a point to come over every chance she gets to make sure we don’t need anything. After dessert he asks me if I would like to accompany him to check out some up and coming band, we are actually having a pretty good time so I agree to go with him, I might be able to get some real food on the way, I’m bloody starved, and the portion sizes here were for small children. Oliver turns a lot of female heads on the way out, I can see why ladies would find him attractive; underneath his family’s money, he’s extremely good looking and has a charm about him. I actually feel invisible standing next to him, and that’s kinda hard when I’m covered in tattoos and this dress doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination. I thought for sure people would be looking down on me, like they usually do. But it’s actually nice, people aren’t looking at me at all. I realise as we walk outside we didn’t pay.

  “We didn’t pay.” I say. Oliver says it’s okay, his family has an account because the owner is a family friend. I’m actually enjoying myself and I had not thought about Dex all night and I cannot wait to go see this band, especially if they’re half as good as Oliver says they are.

  The limo takes us to Paulie’s and I’m a little confused as to why he would be coming here, I had presumed the band he wanted to see would be at a place a little nicer than here. Even though I love Paulie’s, I don’t think it’s a place Oliver would frequent much.

  “We don’t have to stay here long,” Oliver says as the driver opens his door.

  “I don’t mind, really this is more my style.”

  “Let’s go see the band,” he says, taking my hand and helping me from the limo. Walking inside, his hand rests on my lower back, which sends chills down my spine. It’s strange, even though I hate the fact he is touching me, I don’t feel the need to rip his hand of and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Walking through the crowd it’s like people are parting to let us pass, we stick out like dogs balls. Even at the bar Oliver gets served over all the other customers, it’s amazing how people just bow down to him. The bartender, Tim, knows I’m a regular and pops the top of a Corona and puts in a lime in it and places it in front of me. “Thanks Tim.”

  Oliver doesn’t wait for Tim to ask what he wants, he just asks for whatever top shelf scotch they have, on the rocks. I spot Jash with tonight’s bimbo on his lap, at our usual table. “Did you want to come and talk to the band with me?” he queries.

  “Would you mind if I go see my friends while you talk business?” I respond.

  “Of course not, I will come and find you in say fifteen minutes?” He says, kissing me on the cheek. I’m left a bit shocked people still do that, I’m sure by now he gets the picture I am not one of those girls. Walking over to Jash, he spots me about halfway and waves me over.

  “Date over already?” He says, being all cocky.

  “Actually no, he is talking with Brantley and the rest of the band.”

  “OMG!” Comes a screechy voice from behind me, “I love your tattoos!” I turn to see the blonde hanging off Dex.

  “OMG! I like totally love your hair,” I say, mockingly. She starts droning on about where she gets her hair done, and as I take a seat next to Jash, my stomach growls.

  “I thought you went on a date?” Dex’s asks.

  “I did smart ass, they just serve children’s sized meals at that fucking French restaurant.”

  “You went to Chenin des Amoureux?” the girl all over Jash asks.

  “I did and the food was really good, but the plate sizes were tiny.” Both the girls start talking about the restaurant and Dex disappears over to the bar and comes back with a couple of drinks, he hands me another beer and gives Jash his drink and didn’t buy any for either of their dates, he really is an asshole. A hand touches my shoulder at the same time the Barbie twins’ mouths hang open. I hear a lot of ‘OMG’s you’re Oliver Fontaine’ and ‘can we take a photo with you’, of course he goes to take photos with them.

  “You went on a date with Oliver Fontaine.” Jash whisper yells across the table.

  “Yes, what’s the big deal?” I ask him.

  “Have you never heard of Fontaine Records?”

  “Oh, I guess I have.”

  “He is one of the most eligible bachelors of the year, but he is also a notorious playboy.” Jash says, I think he might be fan boying a little.

  “Looks like your date will end well.” Dex snaps.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I fire back.

  “Nothing.” He says taking a swig of his beer.

  “Come now children, if only there was a way this could all be resolved.” Jash says.

  “Shut up, Jash.” we both say in unison.

  Oliver comes back and sits beside me. “Sorry about that,” he whispers in my ear. Jash lets us know he and Dex are going to the bar and asks if we want anything, Oliver asks for another scotch on the rocks. Both the girls are on their phones, no doubt tweeting about meeting Oliver. “Is the big guy gay?” Oliver leans in and whispers.

  “No, why?” I laugh.

  “He is totally checking me out, and I’m not against gay people, but I don’t bat for that team.”

  I can’t contain my laughter. “I’m sorry. Jash is just a fan, that’s all.”

  “What’s so funny?” Dex asks.

  “Nothing.” I snap back at him. Oliver rests his hand on my leg, and I notice Dex’s jaw tense as he watches Oliver’s hand.

  “Do you want to leave?” Oliver asks.

  “Sure, just let me go to the bathroom first.” Bathroom, since when do I say bathroom? Toilet, dunny, or the shitter would have been what I would say. Walking out of the toilet, Dex is standing in the little hallway with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall, glaring at me. I just glare back.

  “Are you seriously leaving with him?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” I ask. “I did arrive with him.”

  “Because he is Oliver fucking Fontaine, playboy extraordinaire.”

  “So what? I’m a big girl, maybe that’s why I’m leaving with him, why do you care anyway?”

  “Why don’t you?” he says under his breath.

  “What’s the supposed to mean?” I say, he is here with someone.

  “It means we are friends and I care.” He says.

  “Bullshit.” I say cutting him off, “that is not what this is about and we both know it.”

  “What is it about then?” He says, taking the few short steps towards me.

  “I’m not doing this now.” I say.

  “Doing what?” he says, leaning in and kissing my neck, “or this?” He says running his hand up between my legs, and skimming a finger along the edge of my g string. I let my walls down enough to let go. Months of wanting this and not letting myself has come to an end, he has worn me down. Pushing against the toilet door, he walks me back into the room and a quick scan of the room reveals it’s empty, I hear the lock on the door click shut and within seconds he has my dress up around my waist and has me pushed up against the door.

  “How about I show you what we are not doing right now?” He says, pulling my g- string down as I step out of them. He wastes no time running his fingers up to
my clit. I’m instantly ready for him, and as soon as he buries two fingers inside me, I hear a grunt from deep down in his throat. “Fuck, I want to bend you over the sink and fuck you so hard.” He says. I can feel myself starting to pulsate around his fingers, just hearing he wants to bend me over and fuck me.

  “I want you to fuck me.” I groan out as I feel my orgasm building. He slides his fingers from inside me and looks straight at me.

  “Was that so hard to admit?” He asks, a little too cocky for my liking.

  “You asshole. Was that what this was about, proving a point?”

  “Yes, I wanted to hear you say you want to fuck me too.”

  “Fuck you!” I say, pushing him off me and pulling my dress down. I unlock the door and walk out feeling like an idiot. All he wanted to do was prove I wanted to screw him.

  “Ruby wait, it wasn’t like that, you’re over reacting.” He says, following behind me.

  I stop dead in my tracks and turn to face him. “I’m over reacting? I don’t think I am, I asked for you to respect us just being friends, and I get you wanted to fuck me, I wanted to fuck you, too. But you just trying to prove a point and make me say it, that’s bullshit and you know it, you know I have my reasons.”

  “No, actually I don’t, because of Ty is not a good enough reason.” He throws back at me.

  “Fine! You want to fuck me? Well let’s go to my place and fuck, but once we’re done, that’s it. We’re done - no friendship - no fuck buddies, we work together and that’s it!” I snap defensively.

  “You want to just be friends? Fine, I will take Rachel home and fuck her from behind and get off thinking about you.”

  “Fine, I’m going to get Oliver and go fuck him. At least I won’t have to see him again tomorrow because he will get what he wants and leave me alone, just the way I like it.” I say, storming off to find Oliver. Instead I find Jash, sitting by himself and no Oliver anywhere; he can tell I’m pissed as I reach the table.

  “What happened this time, why can’t you just admit you give a shit about him?” he says.

  “Because I can’t alright, where’s Oliver?”

  “He had a case of the squirts, he said to tell you he would call you,” he says, giggling like a school girl.

  “What did you do?”

  “Laxatives.” He says through his fits of giggles

  “You’re both fucking children.” I say, leaving, I need to go home before I do something I might regret tomorrow. As I walk out I see Dex with the blonde, he watches as I walk towards them. I don’t stop because they are near the only damn door you can leave from this late. He pulls out my g-string enough for me to notice he has it and fucking smells it. That’s it! I march right up to him and pull it from his hands, blondie gasps at the impact of me pushing him.

  “These belong to me.” I say tucking them into the little clutch purse Lizzy made me bring, at least it wasn’t a total waste after all, the asshole just smiles at me. I’m so mature I give him the finger before I walk outside where taxis are lined up along the curb, I jump in the first one and make them take me home. I need to figure out why Dex gets under my skin, maybe Jash is right and I do have feelings for Dex. What good would that do me anyway? He has made it clear he has no interest in me that way, and never would. The taxi drops me off at home. I take off the killer heels before I even get to the door, as soon as I’m in my room I take off the dress and fall into bed naked, today needs to be over. I hear my phone vibrate, I reach down and grab the clutch and pull out my phone, and it’s a text from Ty that says he has the dress for Bells’ wedding. Another from an unknown number, it’s Oliver apologising for leaving suddenly, and he will make it up to me. I will have to text him back and let him know it’s not necessary. I thought he was nice enough, but I’m just not into him that way. And the last text is from Dex, it says he is not sorry for making me admit it and we both need to realise we will never be normal friends, but he will try to be good in the future, only if I do. He is such a dick, but at least he apologised, in his own way. I send a text back telling him he’s an ass face and I’m still pissed at him. He doesn’t reply before I fall asleep; not as pissed as I was before I read his texts, but still pissed this is all Jash’s doing, pushing us together without us even knowing. Maybe he is a lot more intelligent then we give him credit for.

  Feeling the bed dip, I open my eyes and let them adjust to the darkness, thinking Jash must be really drunk and lost. But it’s not Jash, its Dex, just sitting there staring at me.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask still half asleep.

  “What I should have done from the start,” he says, running his fingers down my face and along my lips. Lying down beside me he kisses me on my lips and down my neck, he flicks the blanket off my body and runs his hand down my waist.

  “Naked, just how I imagined you would be.” He says, taking his shirt off and sitting back down beside me.

  He continues to kiss down my neck and along my collar bone, at the same time he runs a finger up my leg. As he reaches my nipples, they harden from the sensation of his tongue gliding across them. His hands feel like they are touching my whole body, all at once. I’m shocked he isn’t just here to fuck, he is taking his time; paying attention to every inch of my body, kissing, licking and sucking. And he doesn’t stop until my whole body is tingling.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says, applying enough pressure on my clit to send me over the edge and let go of my orgasm. I can’t believe this is the first time a man has called me beautiful, and I actually believe him. Dex stands and I think he is going to get dressed and leave. The feeling of being desired starts to slip away until I watch him open his wallet and then take off his pants. I watch him walk back towards me and even though it’s dark, I can make out all his tattoos; he is a walking work of art, every tattoo tells a story and has a meaning behind it. Most scream hurt and pain, some even have a darkness about them, except for one, the colourful humming bird on his chest. I have tried hard to push my feelings for him aside and brush them off, convincing myself I don’t do relationships and feelings, and it wasn’t worth letting him in. But he has pushed his way in, layer by layer, and now all the walls I have built to protect myself have just crumbled down at the sight of Dex standing in front of me, looking at me like he can see me, not the mask I wear to convince myself and others I’m something I’m really not.

  Leaning his body over mine, he looks into my eyes and I feel every inch of him inside me. He kisses me as he thrusts inside me, I wait for the roughness he knows I enjoy, and the intenseness we both get off on, but it doesn’t come. He is sweet and gentle, taking care to make it special, which confuses me into thinking he feels something too, it’s not just me. As his thrusts get faster, he puts one of his arms under my leg, the feeling makes my eyes roll in the back of my head and moan out in pleasure, the same time a deep groan comes from the back of his throat, I can feel him starting to pulsate inside me. If he wants me to come with him, he will have to go harder, I have never had sex like this before, if it’s hard and fast then it’s fucking, no feelings involved. “Harder! Faster!” I moan. The faster and harder he goes, the more I arch my back of the bed, now taking both his arms under my legs. He must take my screams as a sign I’m close. I feel it build throughout my body, and with one last move of his hips my orgasm tingles waves of pleasure throughout my body. His now limp body flops down beside me and he pulls me into his arms. I can feel his erratic breathing as he pulls me closer to his body and places a kiss below my ear.

  “Heeeey fuckers, stop fucking and come party.” Jash sings out, a few people start chanting fuckers, fuckers….

  “If we pretend we’re not here, do you think he will just go away?”

  “Not likely.” I say sitting up. Dex gets up and puts his pants and bonds singlet back on and throws me his T-shirt.

  “What’s this for?” I ask.

  “To wear,” he says. I slip the shirt over my head and get a clean pair of boy leg underwear fr
om the clean washing pile on my floor. Jash starts banging on the door

  “Fuckers, you better be fucking, or my match making days are over!” He slurs through the door.

  We have gone from sex to awkward in a matter of ten minutes, and I need to make sure Jash and whatever friends he has brought back are not trashing the place.

  “Oh shit, RUBY get out here now, I don’t do vomit!” Jash yells out, and that gets my attention.

  I run from the room and see a trail of vomit leading outside. I follow the vomit trail and see Lizzy, leaning over the garden and Joe holding her hair back. “What the fuck Joe?”

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think she had that much to drink, but she started feeling sick…”

  “Seriously, I thought you were smarter than that?” I say. I don’t condone underage drinking and won’t tolerate it in my house. I thought Joe of all kids wouldn’t be so stupid, especially when his parents are alcoholics.

  “I didn’t drink, I promise, and Lizzy usually doesn’t have more than one or two, but we had a fight and she went off and I don’t know what she drank.”

  “I’m glad you’re sober and as for her, I will call Oliver, keep her out here until the vomiting stops.” I say and Joe nods. I dodge the vomit on the way inside and get my phone from my room. I hope Oliver answers since it’s so late. Thanks to Jash and some laxatives, he might not be up to dealing with his sister. I dial the number he texted from and just before I hang up, he answers. I ask if he is feeling better and says it was just some stomach cramps, but he feels fine now. I explain about Lizzy and he says he is on his way now. When I go back out, Lizzy is sitting at the kitchen table drinking some water looking a little worse for ware, and poor Joe is cleaning vomit off the floor.

  “Hey fucker.” Jash says from the couch, flicking channels.

  “Screw you, ass face.” I say, flipping him the finger.

  “Lizzy, Oliver is coming to pick you up.” She doesn’t say anything, she just rests her head on the table.


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