by Scott Weems
sexual, 21, 97, 112
slapstick, 16, 146
Incongruity. See Humor types
Insight, 27–34, 36, 54, 170, 184–186
International humor tastes, 21–22, 23–24, 73–74
Isen, Alice, 186
Jab lines, 157–158
James, William, 154
Jennings, Ken, 105–108, 130
Jeopardy! (television show), 105–107, 109, 111, 114
aristocrats, the, 6, 8, 11–12, 54
blonde, 98
chicken crossing the road, 55, 125–126
elephant, 45, 55, 74, 102, 103, 110–11
lawyer, 75–76, 99
light bulb, 110–111, 159, 183
obscene (see Humor types)
Joy. See Affect
Kagera laughter outbreak. See Laughter: Kagera epidemic
Kasparov, Gary, 108–109
Kaufman, Andy, 120–121
Keaton, Buster, 188
Kelleher, Herb, 176–178
Kiddon, Chloe, 112
Kimmel, Jimmy, 5
Knoxville, Johnny, 16
Kozbelt, Aaron, 189
Kuiper, Nicholas, 92
Last Comic Standing (television show), 94, 152
LaughLab Humor Project, 22–26, 97, 110, 126, 195
apes and, 12, 100–101
blood flow and, 137–139, 140
dogs and, 12
facial musculature of, 29–30, 46–47
frequency of, xiii, 93–94, 172
immune system function and, 139–140, 149, 150
Kagera epidemic, 3–5, 8, 9–11, 20
pain and (see Pain)
pathological, 82–84
penguins and, 12
rats and, 12, 20
shared, 162–164
Washoe the chimpanzee, 12–13
weight judgments and, 35–36
Law of three, 158
Leclair, Jean Marie, 38, 40
Lefcourt, Herbert, 58, 92
Lakoff, Robin, 92–93, 97
Leno, Jay, 48, 94
Lexical decision, 117–118, 165
Longevity and humor, 140–142, 147
Magooby’s Joke House, 152, 193
Maher, Mary Lou, 125
Martin, Rod, 58, 92
Martin, Steve, 120, 121, 196
Marx, Groucho, 32, 135, 188
Masten, Ann, 184–185
Meaning of life, 42, 129–130
Meder, Theo, 75
Metcalfe, Janet, 36
Michaels, Lorne, 52–54, 60
Mihalcea, Rada, 113
Miller, Michael, 138–139
Mirth. See Affect
Mirth Response Test, 14–15
Nishioka, Kana, 189
Mobbs, Dean, 17
Monty Python, 64, 163, 179
Mood. See Affect
Mr. Bean (television show), 19
Nerhardt, Goran, 35
Nevo, Ofra, 191–192
New York City, 5, 6, 51–54, 94, 150
New Yorker, 15, 97, 191
Newton, Sir Isaac, 35
Nonsense humor. See Humor types
Obscene humor. See Humor types
asymblosia, 84
humor and, 135–137, 143–145, 149–150
Paraprosdokia, 39
Paratones, 156
Personality traits and humor anality, 92
conscientiousness, 141–142, 146, 147
environmental conscientiousness, 92
extraversion, 87, 88, 89, 90
intelligence, 84–85, 134, 171, 180, 184–185, 186, 188, 198
neuroticism, 87–88, 90, 142
psychoticism, 88, 89, 90
sensation seeking, 90–91
type A personalities, 92
Patch Adams (movie), 150
Pearson, Paul, 87
Plato, 54
Pleasure. See Affect
Politics and humor
Carter, Jimmy, 72
Clinton, William, 71, 72, 181
general, 49, 70–72, 103, 181–183
Gingrich, Newt, 72
Levy, David, 70–71
Obama, Barak, 72
Palin, Sarah, 71, 72
Quayle, Dan, 71, 72, 181–182
Provine, Robert, 93–94
Pryor, Richard, 196
Rapid-truthing, 66–67
Relationships and humor. See Social interaction and humor
Raskin, Victor, 44
Reckoning (second stage of humor processing), 36–40, 47, 48, 86, 116
Rees, Geraint, 49
Reiss, Allan, 95–96
Reggia, James, 41–42
Religion and humor, 50, 55, 86
Remote associates task. See Insight
Resolving (third state of humor processing), 31, 40–47, 48, 59, 86, 116
Richards, Michael, 161–162
Rocky (movie), 8, 13–14
Rorscharch Inkblot Test, 189
Rotton, James, 143–145
Ruch, Willibaud, 21, 89, 102, 103, 146, 162–164
Rule of five p’s, 191
Salamon, Hagar, 71
Samson, Andrea, 45
Saroglou, Vassilis, 86
Saturday Night Live (television show), 52–54
Scheibel, Arnold, 129–130
Schoenberg, Arnold, 120
Schweitzer, Albert, 133
Scripts, 41–45, 47, 110, 114–115, 118, 120, 128, 153, 158
Searle, John, 128
Seinfeld, Jerry, 120, 121, 161
Semantic priming 117–118
Sick humor. See Humor types
Silverman, Sarah, 125
Simpsons, The (television show), 107
Social interaction and humor brain and (see Brain Regions: right hemisphere)
general, 68–70, 76–77, 179, 181–183
multiple messages in humor, 11–12, 44, 118, 158–159, 160–162, 182
relationships, 153–154, 162–164, 169, 170–173, 183
Southwest Airlines, 175–178
Stages of humor processing. See Constructing, Reckoning, or Resolving
Stevens Aviation, 175–177
Stroop Task, 34, 69
Subramaniam, Karuna, 30
Surprise and humor, 36–40, 45, 47, 54, 59, 85, 102, 114–116, 123, 125, 168, 194, 197
Three Stooges, The, 16
Timing. See Comedic timing
Topolinski, Sascha, 29
Tosh, Daniel, 161
Titanic (movie), 7–8, 13–14
Training of humor. See Education and humor
Universities. See Colleges and universities
Vaid, Joyotsna, 118
Venanzi, Gerald Santo, 65
Vidal, Gore, 151
Vonnegut, Kurt, 66–67
Voss, Rich, 152–154
Watson, Karli, 39
Wayne’s World (movie), 161
Williams, Robin, 140, 154, 186
Wiseman, Richard, 22–25, 93, 97, 110, 126
Witherspoon, Reese, 53–54
Wright, Steven, 120, 154
Zaidel, Eran, 169
Zelvys, V. I., 76
Ziv, Avner, 193