by Lia Ellison
“I can’t believe I miss him,” he said. “Even after everything that he did to you and to...”
“I know. It’s okay. It’s normal. He was your brother.” I offered him a small smile.
“Yeah. There’s something I need to talk to you about.” His serious tone made me furrow my brow.
“What is it?”
“You know that the Ritos won’t rest just because my brother’s gone. He might be the one who wronged them, but they blame the whole gang for it, which means they’ll be coming after me. I want to strike against them first, but finding them won’t be easy. And now that everyone knows you and I are together, your life’s in danger. Well, it would be even if I hadn’t mentioned you were my girlfriend, because rumors travel fast, especially after the attack on your club, but I want to keep you safe. That’s why I need you to make a choice.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “A choice? Hmm, sounds scary. What are my options?” A smile quirked my lips because as long as he was asking for my opinion rather than forcing his choices on me, I was fine with it.
“You can go into hiding. To a safe house just for you. I’d come for you after the fight with the Ritos is over.”
I made a face. “Doesn’t sound too much like something I’d want to do. Next.”
He sighed. “You can stay with me. My men would protect you. I might have to leave you for a few hours, but that would be all. But your life would be in more danger because of me. Anyone looking for me would very likely find you too. If we’re in separate places, it would be harder for my enemies to get to you.”
“Wait, if I’m your girlfriend, then your enemies are my enemies.”
“Hmm. I think...”
“You don’t have to make your decision right now. Think about it for a few days. Maybe we’ll find the Ritos in the meantime and they will no longer be a problem.”
“Okay. But you’re always going to have enemies, right? I might as well start practicing being constantly in danger.”
His shoulder slumped, his eyes flashing with dejection.
“Hey.” I bumped him on the shoulder. “I didn’t mean it like that. I knew what I was getting myself into. If I didn’t want you and everything that comes with you, then I would’ve left the city and never looked back.”
“Just promise me you’ll think about it. Really think about it.” His eyes were hard on mine.
“Yeah, sure.” I looped my arm through his and we made our way to our car.
Maybe I was crazy for getting myself into this mess. The smart decision would be to leave any gang business behind me or even try to convince Aiden to dissolve the gang for me, but I couldn’t do that to him.
Either I’d accept him for who he was, gang and all, or I didn’t really care about him as much as I thought. But being with him...
It somehow made everything seemed worth it. I could handle the danger and his business. I knew that I could.
After everything I’d been through, it wouldn’t make sense to give up and run now. I wanted to be with Aiden, and if that meant I would have to be really careful, then I had to find a way to make it all work and try really hard not to get myself killed.
And besides, now that Aiden’s men wouldn’t be divided between Carter and him, and there was no risk they’d receive conflicting orders, then maybe it would be easier for Aiden to find the Ritos and do whatever needed to be done for us to be safe.
Okay, safe-ish.
“Is everyone really okay with you taking over the gang? How much do they know?” I asked Aiden.
“They are, or they seem to be. Struggle for power happens all the time. Leadership changes. It’s not unusual. They don’t need to know what exactly happened, but I’m sure there will be rumors. Not that it matters. I was already one of the leaders and I’m a Lawrence, so they have no reason to question me.
“But I’ll be keeping the men who used to work for my brother as far away from us as possible, at least until I make sure that I can trust them. Hell, I don’t trust most of the men who work for me, but the ones I do will be in charge of protecting you.”
“Right. So it’s exactly as I thought.” I supposed I shouldn’t be surprised. Money was money, after all.
Before I got in the car, I glanced back at Carter’s grave.
There was one thing I couldn’t deny. I was really glad that he was dead, and I didn’t even feel a tiny bit bad about it.
Chapter 10
“I CALLED SOME GUYS and they’re already working on your club. It’ll be ready before you know it,” he said as he entered the bedroom.
Veronica looked up at him from the book that she was reading and gave him a small smile. “Thanks, but I’m not sure if I should even open it again. I mean, after what happened, what if people won’t want to come?” She lowered the book on the nightstand, her brow furrowing.
“Your club isn’t the only place that got shot up recently, and no one was hurt, which is what matters most to people. It might take them some time, but they’ll show up. You offer the best entertainment in town anyway. They’d be crazy to miss that. It’s worth the risk.”
A smile spread across her lips as she got to her feet and padded over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Oh yeah? Wanna give my club some more compliments while you’re at it?”
“Well, the best part is the sexy owner.” He pressed his lips against hers.
Damn, he loved her touch, her scent, her eyes... Everything about her.
Without her, he had no idea how he’d go through everything all on his own. She was the one who helped him keep his mind clear and who made him believe that things he’d once dreamed about were possible.
But no matter how much he wanted her to stay with him, he knew that it had to be her choice. He’d been planning the attack against the Ritos for a while, and soon, it would be put into motion.
And if things went very wrong, the Ritos could come after Veronica. Her life could be at risk, and just the thought of losing her was driving him crazy. He couldn’t imagine his life without her.
“Have you thought about what we discussed a few days ago?” he asked, his eyes searching hers.
She nodded. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here with you.”
Even though a part of him was happy about that, he couldn’t stop thinking about the danger she might be in. “Are you sure? I know of a few places where you’d be safer and it would be harder for anyone to get to you.”
“Would you be there with me?” she asked.
He shook his head. “That place is too remote, and I wouldn’t be able to do what I have to. And my presence would only make everything more risky, so no, I wouldn’t go there with you.”
“Then no. I’m not going there either. Look, I know you’re worried about me and that you don’t want anything to happen to me, and that’s really sweet. But I want to be here because then I can be sure that you’re fine too, and maybe I can even help you out. Besides, we’re always going to be in some kind of danger, so if we’re doing this whole relationship thing, I just have to get used to it.”
“Okay.” He knew there was no way to dissuade her, and he didn’t want to do it either. “I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.”
“I know.” She pulled him closer, her lips claiming his.
The taste of her sent a surge of warmth through him, and as her hand traveled down his chest, his cock twitched to life.
“Are you free for some us time?” She bit down on her lip as she gave him a look through her eyelashes, and he would’ve agreed to just about anything in that moment.
“Yeah,” he breathed, lowering his hand to the small of her back.
“Perfect. I have something special in mind for tonight.” She extracted herself from his embrace and strolled across the room, her hips swaying seductively. “Why don’t you take off your clothes?” She glanced at him over her shoulder as she opened one of the drawers.
“So soon? Why don�
��t I take yours off first?”
“Okay, let me rephrase that. Take off your clothes. Now.”
He lifted his hands up. “If that’s what you want, how can I say no?”
“You can’t.” She winked at him as she held up three ties.
His eyebrows shot up. She really did like his ties. And his cock was already throbbing as he wondered what she planned to do with them this time.
And with him.
He pulled his black shirt over his head as she watched him, her hungry gaze glued to his body. A smile tilted his lips as he tugged his pants and underwear down, and she licked her lower lip at the sight of his shaft.
“Lie down on the bed,” she commanded, and he complied. Then she climbed on top of him and caught his wrist, wrapping one of the ties around it.
He let out a hiss as she brushed against his cock while attaching the other end of the tie to the headboard.
“Is it too tight?” she asked, and he shook his head. “Good.”
After she tied up his other wrist too, she flashed him a wicked smile and stretched out the last tie between her fingers.
“You’re going to love this,” she said, blindfolding him with the tie.
“But I want to see you.”
“You will. Eventually.” She let out a laugh.
He tugged at the ties, which could probably be loosened without too much effort on his part, but that was the last thing he wanted to do.
Her weight left him, and he heard her move around the room. His excitement only grew stronger, because he had no idea what she was going to do next.
And he could barely wait for it.
He had no idea how long she’d been gone, but when she climbed back on the bed, he heard a familiar sound that he couldn’t quite place just before he felt something on his chest.
Whipped cream dispenser? Was that what he’d heard? Had she just...?
He let out a yelp as she put some over his cock too.
Oh hell. She was going to be the end of him.
“Is that...?”
She placed her finger over his lips. “Shh. Don’t say a word. You’ll find out soon enough.”
Except, soon wasn’t going to be soon enough.
Her body changed position again, and he wished he could see what she was doing.
Had she taken her clothes off?
Was she watching him?
Was she touching herself?
His breathing quickened, and he struggled against his bonds without even meaning to, his whole body on fire.
She traced her finger... No, it was something else... over his chest. Was she chewing something?
“Open your mouth,” she said, and as he did, he tasted the sweet whipped cream. “Take a bite.”
He did.
Oh hell.
A strawberry.
She had strawberries and she was dipping them into the cream she’d spread over his body.
“Veronica,” he whispered, but his mind was completely scrambled when she licked the cream off his skin, her tongue trailing a path around his nipple. His muscles strained, his hips pushing off the bed.
He wanted her more than ever.
But then her tongue went lower, and as she flicked it over his cock, he could barely keep it together.
She took him into her hot, wet mouth and sucked him, her hand cupping his aching balls and squeezing.
He wanted to rip off the ties and the blindfold and give her even more pleasure than she was giving him right now, but he forced himself to stay as still as possible and let her take whatever she wanted from him.
However she wanted to use him, he’d let her.
He was completely hers for the taking.
As she twirled her tongue around his tip, his breaths came out as gasps. Her name tore its way out of mouth, and he no longer knew where he was.
Everything had ceased to exist except for her mouth on him, her touch on his skin, the graze of her teeth on his sensitive flesh...
He was completely lost in her.
Lost in the sensations.
No one had ever made him feel like this.
And he’d never trusted anyone like he trusted Veronica.
Chapter 11
A SLOW SMILE SPREAD across my lips as I watched Aiden writhe under my touch. I had no idea whipped cream would taste so much better when it was all over him. And his attempts to try to keep himself still as I tortured him with my mouth and tongue were only making me wetter.
He didn’t want to disappoint me, and I loved him for it.
Maybe I should tell him that I wouldn’t mind if he came?
Or would I?
I kissed his already leaking tip and couldn’t help but chuckle in satisfaction as he let out a sound between a growl and a groan. The look on his face...
Oh, he was in a completely different plane of existence, but I wasn’t done with him yet.
After picking up the dispenser, I sprayed some whipped cream on my breasts. “Stick out your tongue.”
He obeyed, and I climbed on top of him, lowering my breast to his tongue.
After a tentative lick, as if he was trying to figure out what I was up to now, he twirled his tongue around my nipple and a shiver of desire shot through me.
A moan found its way out of my throat as he sucked on my hard bud until all the cream was gone. When I pulled away, he let out a noise of protest, and I offered him my other nipple.
His mouth hungrily closed around it, tugging and pinching. A gentle brush of his teeth was almost too much for me to take, and I got hold of the tie covering his eyes, pulling it off so I could look into his eyes.
The way he was looking at me, as if I was the most beautiful and precious thing he’d ever seen, sent another wave of heat through me.
I pushed myself up, rubbing my aching core against his chest.
“Let me taste you,” he breathed.
I flashed him a smile, positioning myself over him but staying just out of his reach. He let out a grunt as his strong muscles strained against the ties as he tried to reach me.
But even though teasing him was fun as hell, I was filled with too much need to be that patient, so I lowered myself down.
He nuzzled my slit, and I had to hold onto the headboard so I wouldn’t fall down. When he slid his tongue inside me, I ground my hips toward him, choosing just the right pace.
I slammed myself down on his tongue as he pushed in deeper, and then I willed myself to stay still as he lapped at me, his every lick spreading small currents of electricity all over me.
He flicked his tongue over my clit, circling it and gently pressing against it, and I couldn’t take it any longer. My body shook as I shoved my hips toward his face again, and my orgasm spilled through me, leaving me panting for breath.
I didn’t even know when I’d closed my eyes, but when I opened them, the look of pure bliss and satisfaction on Aiden’s face, his lips covered in my juices, was almost enough to make me come again.
He licked his lips and gave me a smile, and I brought my mouth to his, my tongue searching his. I kissed him long and hard, and once we broke apart, we were both gasping for breath.
He was watching me carefully as I reached for one of the ties that bound him to the headboard and unfastened it. Then I did the same with the other one.
As soon as he was free, he placed his arms around me, his hands roaming up and down my back.
I shifted and reached between us for his cock. He grunted as I cupped him, giving him a few quick rubs, and then I guided him to my entrance.
As he slipped into my tight slickness, his hands moved up my stomach and to my breasts. He kneaded and squeezed them gently as I started to buck my hips.
Once he was buried deep inside me, I stopped moving, just letting myself feel him and take him all in.
His lips were parted, his gaze trained on me, and I slid myself up and down, my flesh meeting his. He lifted his hips toward me, and I closed my hands over his as he pinched my nipples between his finge
I savored our every touch and every touch of our bodies. It was as if we were in some other world.
A world where there was only endless pleasure and happiness.
My insides tingled with rapture, and my eyes were intent on Aiden’s. And in that moment, I knew that I hadn’t made a mistake when I’d decided to stay here with him.
Despite the danger, we belonged together. We always had.
He made me feel like no man had ever made me feel.
With him, I was safe, I was cherished, and I was happy.
He throbbed inside me as my pleasure was close to combusting, and I threw my head back, slamming myself down on him with one powerful thrust of my hips.
A cry tore its way out of my throat, and Aiden’s followed a moment later. Our release spilled all over us, and I collapsed on top of him.
His arms snaked around me, and I managed to lift my head to brush my lips against his.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” he said, and I gave him another kiss as my eyes filled with tears of joy. “Did I do something wrong?” He must’ve realized my eyes were a little too glassy.
“No. This was... perfect. I just... I’m so happy. I didn’t think I’d ever feel this way.” I pushed myself up and rolled off him, settling myself on my side so that I could snuggle close to him and drape my leg over his.
He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, and I hoped like hell that we could stay like this forever.
No one was going take Aiden from me.
I wasn’t going to let them.
Chapter 12
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY’RE here, but no one knows where?” Aiden raised his voice, but then he lifted his hand and took a deep breath.
Jo was standing in the middle of the room, her arms crossed.
“I know you’re just the messenger. I’m sorry,” he said.
Since I’d decided to stay and Aiden wanted to make sure that I was as safe as possible, the part of the house where we were staying was off limits for everyone except for Jo.
The guards were still outside, and there was no way someone could get to us without having to go through them first, but he didn’t want to risk having anyone near me, even his own guards.