Lion Eyes

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by Casey Peeler

  Taking in everything around me, it looks like everyone is having a good time and I would be too if I were drunk, but all I want to do is call it a night. I tell the guys I’m out, and walk across campus alone. It’s strange that I’m in this position. I don’t think I’ve ever left a party early or without a hot girl on my arm, whether it was Janie or a flavor of the night. It feels strange, to say the least. My mind starts to wander to this morning, and how much RJ resembled Janie until she turned around. I smile, thinking about her comments tonight. I’m not sure why she hates me, but I’m always up for a challenge even if I did swear off girls until the draft. That’s right. I’m on a countdown until the day I can put in my application and then I’m outta here. It feels like it takes forever to get to Martin, but when I open my door, sleep takes over. Before it consumes me, I set my alarm for the crack of dawn.

  As I drift off to sleep, that night replays in my mind. Winning the big game, a case of beer, the car, headlights coming straight toward me, Janie screaming, tires squealing, metal crashing, the whistle of the train, and then an eerie silence that was deafening. I sit up covered in sweat and look over to see that John is sound asleep. I glance at the clock, go take a leak, and then crawl back into bed for another hour or so of rest. Of course, I never fall back to sleep, instead, I stare at the ceiling. Before my alarm sounds, I quickly toss off my covers. I’ve got to clear my head, and a run is just what I need after a night like that. Right now, I need a distraction in the name of RJ and an escape from my real-life nightmare. Arriving at Stadium Drive, I know I’m over an hour early. I don’t wait on her. I need to clear my head so I head toward the river, but as I start to jog the contents of my stomach expel onto the pavement as thoughts of that night continue to play in my mind. I turn around and walk toward our meeting place, and pray that I can get myself together.


  With the sound of my alarm clock, I hit snooze, hit it again, and then once more. When it goes off the fourth time, Laney begs me to make it stop. I quickly turn off the alarm and roll out of bed. Crap! I’ve got to beat him there. Moving as fast as possible, I take care of business, brush my teeth, and hustle outside with my fingers crossed that he’s still snoozing away. I’d love a little peace this morning that doesn’t consist of Tyke.

  As I make my way toward Main Street, I pause when I see a figure waiting at Stadium Drive. You’ve got to be kidding me! The closer I get, the more I know it’s him. So I do what any Southern belle would do, I put on my big girl panties and show him what I’m made of.

  “Mornin’ sunshine,” I say as I approach, like he’s my best bud.

  “Morning. I was starting to wonder if you decided not to show up,” he says. He looks like he’s been hit by a Mack truck but I don’t say anything.

  “Nah. You ready?” I question, trying to avoid talking as much as possible. Without waiting for his reply, I start my warm up. I quickly realize that this run isn’t as peaceful as normal when I see him out of the corner of my eye. He doesn’t say a word, but his presence speaks volumes even if he looks as if he could hurl at any moment. It’s a challenge, and that’s one thing I’m game for. Don’t tell me I won’t because I will, and don’t give me a challenge to overcome because I will surpass it twofold. That’s who I am and it runs in my blood.

  Chapter 5


  Holy shit. This girl is ruthless on the pavement or it could be the contents that are stirring in my stomach again. She hasn’t said two words to me, but I can tell you exactly what she’s thinking: she hates my ass. If there’s one thing about me, I never give up. Why in the hell would I be here at this no-name school? Football is life and I’ll do what it takes to get to the pros. It’s obvious she doesn’t want anything to do with me, and for some reason that makes me want to get under her skin more. I don’t really want anything from her, but the chase might be fun.

  As we approach the river, she goes down the path and comes to a halt at the same rock where I first saw her yesterday. She doesn’t speak, she just takes it all in. I figure she already can’t stand me so I walk beside her and take a seat. She glances at me like I’ve intruded on her territory, but then looks back out at the water.

  “So why don’t you keep going? Why do you stop here?” I question and she shrugs her shoulders. She doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. I take the time to take in my surroundings. It really is beautiful, and as my mind begins to wander on what my purpose is in this moment, she stands up as if she is ready to head back.

  Standing beside her, I take my hand and gently grasp her arm. She’s not getting out of this that easily.

  “Look, what’s your deal? Yesterday out here you seemed different, but in that restaurant you were a bitch. Whoever said girls in the South have manners hasn’t met you.”

  Her mouth gasps as she tears her arm from me and crosses them. “Then tell me this much. Was I right?” I can’t comment because she was absolutely correct. I do hate this place and I am the best of the best. The bigger question is if I’m going to escape this god-awful place and do great things or fall on my face? One look into her eyes tells me, or rather dares me, for the challenge. I’m not sure if it’s the challenge to win her over, or prove myself, or both, but challenge accepted.


  Yup I got him. That’s for dang sure. I might run off at the mouth from time to time, but I always shoot straight. I call it like I see it, but I do know when to shut it. This morning was one of those moments. He invaded my “me time” and then he dared to ask me what my problem is. It’s him. I’ve seen so many guys like him. They think they are the best, but when you take away the game, what’s left? That’s what I want to ask him. I want to know if this is all for show or if he’s really the prick he portrays. So instead of speaking, I let my eyes do the talking, and by the way he’s moving uncomfortably in front of me, he gets it.

  When he finally breaks my gaze, I let one line leave my lips. “Oh, and if I were you, I’d lay off the booze cause isn’t that what got you here to start with?” A pained expression flashes across his face. What was that look? I turn toward campus and run. I let my mind wander and that’s never a good thing because currently the object that is obscuring my view is messing with my ability to reason. The way his shaggy brown hair is dripping with sweat and how his biceps flex as he moves are killing me. What the heck is wrong with me? I shake the thought from my mind and focus on the pavement. He’s part of the game, and I’m done with the game. There are more things to life than football. For me, it’s about making a difference in someone’s life. That’s why when I leave Blue Ridge, I’ll have a degree in social work. I can’t wait to make a difference in a kid’s life.

  Arriving back on campus, we slow our run to a jog and as the sun rises higher and higher, we don’t say anything, but I feel it. There’s more to this moment than running. It’s as if we are both willing to let this morning be enough. It’s enough for me to realize that as much as I don’t want to get involved with him, I already am. It’s more than physical and I’m not sure of what path we are heading down. I don’t speak. I nod in his direction and hurry back to my dorm to get ready for class. Touchdown, Tyke.

  Chapter 6


  After my run, I go straight to the weight room. Her words cut me like a razor blade. If she feels that way, I know that’s what everyone else thinks of me. Well, if they all think I’m some cocky son of a bitch then I might as well live up to that expectation. I’m greeted by some of the team, but from others it’s obvious that I’m not welcome. I work out with John, but other than that, I keep to myself. They don’t want me here any more than I want to be here, but I’m their new quarterback. It’s time for me to run this team and get us to a bowl game.

  Coach has pulled me to the side at each practice over the last few weeks and given me the same talk: it’s up to me to make this team great. They are looking for me to be a leader, and with my leadership a bowl game will be in our future. I’ve let that comment soak in, an
d I know that if I want to make it in this world, I’m going to have to get us to a bowl game. I need to be on TV with all eyes watching and waiting for my next screw up. I hate to tell them but that’s not going to happen. I spend every free moment I have with a playbook in my hand, in the weight room, or on the field. Those moments are what make my days spin around, but there is one constant that I’ve grown to count on, and that is my morning. Every morning, I meet her at Stadium Drive and we run. We don’t talk, but her actions speak volumes to me whether she realizes it or not. She is the constant in this equation. I haven’t touched a drop of liquor since I’ve been here even though it’s been screaming at me loud and clear from John’s closet. Janie’s ghost would haunt me if I took a sip but there are some days I still crave it. RJ understands who she is, and she isn’t about to change for anyone else. I, on the other hand, have had to take a step back and reflect on my future. Do I want to be what they expect me to be or do I want more? That is a question I’ve been asking myself each morning, but the answer isn’t clear. I know where I want to go. I was never afraid of who I might hurt to get there, but now that the team is starting to accept me, all of these crazy scenarios are playing in my mind. Will they be my team or just a way out of here?

  Today is the first home game and Coach has requested that we report to the locker room by eleven for the one-thirty kickoff. The light is beaming through the blinds as I roll out of bed Saturday morning. I glance at my phone and see that it’s about time for a run. Laying my head back on my pillow, I wonder if I should tell her I’m not coming or if she’ll even miss me not being there. Shit! I don’t have her number. I debate going through with a run today, but I know I can’t. I’ve got to save it for the game. I roll over and grab an extra hour of sleep before starting my pregame rituals.

  When my alarm goes off, I grab my shower stuff and take care of the three S’s and then it’s time to hurry across the street to McDonald’s for my ritual breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and sweet tea. This has been my go-to pregame breakfast since I was a toddler. I have to say that’s the one thing that made this situation a little better. When you get your license revoked and you need to have a particular meal each week, it is a lot easier knowing I can walk here and still be on point.

  Tossing my shirt over my head and sliding on my shorts, I grab my shoes and wallet. I nudge John to see if he wants to go. He mumbles something, but when I’m about to walk out the door he says, “Gravy biscuit.”

  “How about you get your lazy ass up and get your own,” I say and he mumbles some more but then rolls out of bed. He throws on a shirt, hat and slides before grabbing his wallet.

  He doesn’t say much as we walk until we’re out of the dorm and hit by the humid air. “Damn, it’s hot already. Just imagine this afternoon.”

  “You’re not kidding,” I say as we walk toward Main Street and cross it for the golden arches.

  John and I order breakfast and decide to eat it there. Who wants to go back to that four-wall cell anyway?

  Once my pancakes are in front of me, I start to tear them with my hands instead of a fork and knife. “What?” I ask John when he looks confused. “Look this has been my ritual since I was four. It’s what I do,” I explain as I wipe my hands on my shorts and pour the sweet syrup over them. We both eat and talk about the game.

  The team we are playing today shouldn’t be too difficult to beat. They’ve got a strong defense, but their running game is horrible and they aren’t the best at throwing either. Needless to say, I think today will be an easy win.

  We take a few more bites in silence when I notice him staring out the window. RJ. I think about saying something, but decide I might want to keep this secret to myself.

  “Stare much,” I say to him and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “She’s hot,” he admits, and I can’t help but agree. We finish eating and I decide to go out on a limb. I tell John I’ll meet him at the field house because there’s something I’ve got to do. I order a flavored coffee, and make my way to her dorm. I don’t have a clue which room is hers, but someone will tell me. I’m freaking Tyke Jamison. I don’t have much time and I pray that the door is unlocked when I get there. Pulling on it, I realize it’s not. I linger around and when a few girls come out, I give them a shit-eating grin and wait until it’s just about closed before hurrying inside.

  I have no clue what floor RJ lives on, so I do what anyone would do. I walk up the steps and ask the first person I see. She quickly points down the hall, and I make my way to where she pointed. Standing in front of the door, I go to knock when it flies open, and I come face-to-face with RJ. She’s wearing nothing but a towel. Keep your eyes on hers, dipshit. It’s no use though and they take a moment to scan her body.

  When my eyes meet hers, they look like they’re about to bug out of her head. “What are you doing here?” she questions, and I look like a complete fool as I hold up the coffee. “Oh Lord, get in here before you get in trouble. Don’t you know guys aren’t allowed in the dorm without an escort and the door open six inches?” I can’t help but laugh at that notion. Do they really think a door cracked open is going to keep people from having sex? They’ve got to be crazy. She looks at her roommate, who’s still asleep, and motions for me to be quiet and take a seat below the loft. She quickly exits the room with clothes in her hand, and I try my best to not look like an idiot sitting in some random girl’s room. Looking around, I can see that she and her roommate are different, but yet, have some of the same typical Southern girl aspects. Everything is monogrammed in this place, but what really catches my attention is RJ’s loft. It’s different. You can tell that someone took their time building this masterpiece. It has a unique flare to the design. It’s not plain two-by-fours and a post or two. Its wood was chosen specifically for her. I stand and let my hand graze the side of it. It’s rough yet elegant, and it looks as if the wood came directly from a forest. I hear the door squeak open and see her standing there.

  “Thanks,” she says as she takes the coffee from my hand and takes a sip before placing it on the counter. “You know you should have saved yourself some money. I like it strong and black.”

  “Guess it’s the thought that counts? Who made this for you?” I ask, pointing to the loft.

  “My daddy,” she says proudly.

  “It’s amazing. I’ve seen some amazing handmade pieces at home, not a loft, but ya know woodworking kinda stuff, but this is badass.”

  “Yeah. I know.” She pauses and stands there. “So spit it out. Why are you here?” she asks.

  “I didn’t want you to think that I just bailed on you this morning. I can’t run on game days, and McDonald’s is kinda a game day ritual.”

  “You think I was born yesterday? I’m no dummy. Common sense says you shouldn’t run for days then try to be the hero of the game. You’ve got to choose,” she states, then begins to brush her hair.

  “Oh.” Neither one of us says anything, and it’s obvious that my presence here isn’t wanted. I know even bringing this up is stupid because I already know the answer will be yes, but I ask anyway. “So you coming to the game?”

  “Nope,” she snips, and I’m stunned. The way she acted like football was a normal everyday occurrence around here made me think she’d be there.

  “Oh. What about the party after?”

  “Not sure. Shouldn’t you be at the field house by now? Coach Porter doesn’t do well with tardiness.”

  “Believe me, I know. Hate that you’re not coming to the game, but I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, guess so. Better not party too hard or you won’t be able to keep up,” she says as she takes another sip of coffee and makes a face, and I excuse myself from her room.


  The moment the door shuts is the moment that Laney comes to life. She’s been pretending to be asleep. That heifer! Her squeal is deafening as she flails around in her covers. “Oh my goodness gracious! Are you kidding me? He wants you at the game!” She sits
up and I can see that look. It’s one that I don’t like and I want to run and hide. Laney and I haven’t known each other long, but we get each other. “You are so going,” she says matter-of-factly.

  “Like hell to the no I’m not,” I say with my hand on my hips.

  “Yeah, you are. Besides, what are you going to do? Stay in this room all day?”

  “Actually, I had planned on going to check on Daddy today.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. He’s right down the road, you talk to him every day, and he’s the one that made you live on campus. He needs some space,” she says, then bursts out laughing.


  “Yeah really. Putting up with you all the time has to be rough. Who knows, maybe he’s got his eye on some lady friend.”

  “Oh stop it!” I say as I throw my towel at her. She looks like she’s ready to kill me but she retreats when she sees the coffee cup in my hand.

  “Look, I don’t want to go by myself. TD wants you there, and it might be fun. We need to get the full college experience. That’s what your dad wants, right? So, let’s go to the game, grab a bite to eat after and then maybe hit that party up he was talking about. I’m sure if they win it will be crazy. What do you say? Who knows, you might even score with the QB.”

  “Uh, do you think that would make me want to go? I’m not scoring with anyone. Especially Tyke.” She starts to laugh while I stand there and think about it. I don’t want to go, but I do enjoy a good game even if I don’t want to admit it. I’d really enjoy watching Tyke get his ass handed to him on the field. So yeah, why not give this college life a shot. “Fine,” I say and another one of those squeals fills the air.

  Chapter 7


  Smooth, TD, smooth. I practically begged her to come to the game. Lord, I’ve lost my mind and sound like a lovesick puppy. I’m not even anywhere close to that, but I do want her there. I need to stay focused on the game but I feel like having her there would keep me centered.


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