Giving It to the Bad Boy

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Giving It to the Bad Boy Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  He smiled and turned to face her.

  “Kiera, Kline is like ninety years old. He can’t hear the phone ring when he’s standing right next to it let alone us out here five acres away from his house. Besides, I’ve been coming out here for years. We won’t get caught.” He tightened his hand on hers again and started leading her toward a large, leaning barn a few yards away from the pond. It looked like it was on its last leg, and a bit spooky if she was being honest. Debris littered the ground, and she stepped over and around pieces of wood. The front of the barn was even worse, but Reese stepped over the junk, then turned and gripped her around the waist. He hoisted her up and over, and she curled her toes inward so she wouldn’t lose her sandals.

  She couldn’t help but notice the way his biceps bunched from the strain of lifting her into the barn, or the way he smelled so good, like expensive cologne mixed with a clean, citrusy scent. When she pulled herself back to the present she took in her surroundings. The barn was on its last leg. The roof, if one could even call it that, had more holes than she could count. Reese started moving forward, and it was then she smelt the musty scent of old earth and wetness. Following him over the soggy ground, she wondered what he could possibly want to show her in a crappy place like this.

  “It’s just right over here.” Reese took a right, into what she thought might have been an old stable room at one time. The roof was high and littered with gaping holes, but that wasn’t what had her stopped in the doorway. There, on the ground was a swatch of moonlight that came through the boards in the roof. She took a closer look, seeing the perfectly shaped heart that the light made. Looking up at the ceiling, she saw the broken and jagged pieces of wood above her.

  “It’s not baby kittens or anything, but I thought you might like to see something a little unusual.” He took the blanket and laid it on the ground.

  “Baby kittens?” She laughed and sat beside him on the blanket, still looking at the heart-shaped moonlight just inches from her. Kiera reached her hand out, the bluish glow bathing her skin.

  “I mean, it isn’t the most incredible thing in the world, but how many times in your life can you say you saw the moon make a heart?”

  She looked over at him. “It is incredible, and something that I won’t forget. Thank you for showing me.” It may have only been a trick from the shape of the warped and rotted wood, but out of that ugliness came a perfect, beautiful splash of light.

  “I didn’t just bring you here to show you that.”

  “No?” She turned her body so she faced him fully. He shook his head and looked down at the blanket.

  It seemed to take him a long time to speak again. “I like you, Kiera, a lot.” He looked at her again.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips, she said, “I like you, too, Reese.”

  He glanced down, but she didn’t miss the smile that shaped his lips. When he looked at her again the desire she saw reflected back at her was startling and powerful. “Can I hold you?”

  Goose-bumps popped out along her body, and she nodded. He leaned against the wall, and she worried for a moment that the thing would come crashing down on them. Settling herself beside him, he wrapped his arms around her and adjusted her so she was nestled between his thighs. Kiera tilted her head back and stared at the sky that was visible through the roof. The moon was bright and right above them. The dusting of stars could also be seen. They were in a dirty, old barn, but it was a beautiful sight. For several long moments they didn’t speak, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The sound of the wind whistling through the trees had a lulling quality.

  “My parents are drunks, and only come home long enough to grab a change of clothes before they leave for another few days.” His words startled her, but she stayed quiet and waited for him to continue. “When I said my home life was shit, I meant that. I’ve always had to rely on myself for everything, and I learned I couldn’t count on anyone but myself at a very young age.”

  She swallowed past the lump of emotion that formed in her throat. “I’m so sorry, Reese.” His arms were wrapped around her middle, and she placed her hands on his forearms.

  “Please, Kiera. I don’t want any sympathy, especially from you. That’s not why I’m telling you this.” When she felt his lips at her temple everything faded away. She shut her mouth, not wanting to make this any harder on him. Clearly it was taking a lot of strength for him to get this out, and the least she could do was be that person he could tell his inner most thoughts to. “I got my first tattoo when I was sixteen. I know a guy that owns a parlor. Max has been more of a father to me than my own, and I’ve spent countless hours there.” He took a deep breath, as if drawing strength from the act. “When my dad saw my first tattoo I got on my arm at seventeen, he didn’t even blink in surprise. He didn’t give a shit, and neither did my mom. Most likely they were drunk, high, or both. I don’t know if I did it to get their attention, or was just acting out. Hell, I still don’t know.” Kiera’s eyes were on his tattoos, and sadness for the little boy that didn’t have anyone welled inside of her.

  “So, I just kept getting them, not caring about anything or anyone. I drank and smoke, got into a lot of trouble, but there was never anyone there to tell me it was wrong. Max sat me down a few times and talked to me, but I never listened. I’m just surprised I haven’t gotten thrown in jail for some of the stuff I’ve done.”

  Kiera wanted to comfort him, but she waited until she knew he was done. Listening to him tell his story was heart-wrenching, but it also gave her a sense as to who he really was. It broke her damn heart.

  “I’ve done stuff I’m not proud off, rebelled, and hurt people, but none of that mattered.” He shifted and turned her around so she faced him. He cupped her cheeks in both hands and stared down at her intently. “I’m not looking for your sympathy, but for your acceptance.” His eyes searched her, as if he could see into her soul. “Could you accept me for who I am, Kiera?”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she tried to blink them back, but it was no use. They spilled down her cheeks. Never had she been around a person that had literally cut her emotions open so deeply that she couldn’t breathe. He was asking for her to want the man that he was.

  “Shit. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He pulled her close and rested his chin on top of her head. Closing her eyes, she hated the fact she couldn’t control her emotions around him. He was so strong and confident despite the turmoil in his life. She might have known of him of the past four years, but at this moment she was actually finding out exactly who Reese Trenton was. Only a week’s time of speaking with him, and really, not even that long, and she felt like they were bared to each other. It was crazy and strange, but felt so right all in the same breath. Kiera tilted her head and kissed him with all the emotion he conjured inside of her. It was fierce and strong and had her heart wanting things she didn’t think were possible. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed closer to him. The feel of her pressed against his hard chest sent a fresh wave of wetness to her pussy. She had never had sex before, but at that moment she wanted to experience it for the first time with Reese.

  He used his upper body to press her to the blanket. The ground was hard beneath her, and so was Reese, everywhere. He positioned his hips between her open thighs and he pressed his jean-clad erection into her panty-covered mound. Her skirt had ridden up her thighs, but modesty wasn’t what was on her mind right now. A moan spilled from her at the intimate contact. What would it feel like to have his bare flesh against hers? The thought had her spearing her hands in his hair and pulling him closer. His warm tongue slid along hers, stroking, mimicking the exact sexual act she wished they were doing. A slow steady thrust of his hips had her panting against his lips and lifting her own hips for harder contact.

  “Please, Reese,” she murmured against his mouth. “I want to feel you all over me.” Kiera had no idea where these words came from. She certainly wasn’t versed in how to tempt a man, but it came so easily with Reese. His hand slid down h
er side and stopped on her outer bare thigh. He was so hard, like a steel rod behind the fly of his jeans. Ever-so-slowly he moved his hand over the top of her leg. He kept trailing his fingers high and higher, twisting his hand until his finger brushed along the crease where her leg met her pussy. Heat surrounded them, causing rivulets of seat to bead between her breasts. They tilted their heads at the same time, and their tongues delved deeper between each other until she felt like she was lost in everything that was Reese.

  “You taste so good, Kiera.” He trailed his lips over her jaw and down her neck to where her pulse beat frantically. He continued a slow, steady press of his hardness against her. Could he feel her wetness soaking through her panties? This was unfamiliar territory for her, but she didn’t want it to stop. His fingers still rested at the edge of her panties, not moving, just rubbing back and forth.

  “Touch me, Reese. Touch me harder.”

  He groaned against her neck, his body tense, and his breathing ragged.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.” It was so strange to hear him say those words, but she was sick of questioning it and how she felt.

  “Please.” She lifted her hips, hoping her would appease her. It didn’t matter that she begged him for this, because she was past the point of being shy and embarrassed by her actions and words. Her breasts ached and felt so incredibly heavy. Kiera pressed them against his chest, her nipples hard and sensitive. Decay surrounded them, but this felt right, and she wanted to give herself to the bad boy.

  “Tell me to stop, Kiera,” he asked, but he moved his fingers below the waistband of her panties.

  “No, Reese. Touch me.” She breathed out, screaming inside that he gave her a little taste of what she craved.

  Closer and closer he came to the spot that tingled and throbbed for him, and when he finally let his fingers slip along her wet slit she bit her lip and moaned. The force of his shaking body atop hers could have rivaled an earthquake. Sliding the digits up her cleft to her clit, he rubbed the engorged bud back and forth, causing her to cry out in ecstasy. She should have felt mortified by the way she twisted her hips and ground herself on his hand, but the pleasure was too much, too intense. Never had she felt anything like this, and he hadn’t even penetrated her. What would it feel like when he pressed all those hard inches into her? She could tell he was so very big by the way the heavy weight pressed against her. It would hurt, she was sure, but she didn’t doubt the pain would morph into pleasure and make her breathless. She should have been embarrassed by the fact that wet, slippery noises surrounded them as he worked his fingers against her pussy.

  “You’re so wet for me.” He moved the digits down her slit and teased the pad of his thumb along the opening of her body. Her legs shook as she braced her feet on the ground. He licked and nibbled at her throat, the sting from his teeth causing a wave of pleasure to slam into her. When he dipped just the tip of his thumb into her she cried out against the side of his face. He only pushed inside of her to the first knuckle, but the sweet sensation that coursed through her had lights flashing before her eyes.

  “You’re so fucking tight and hot, baby.” He didn’t push any further into her, just held poised at her entrance. “And soaking wet.” Her inner muscles clenched down, and he groaned. He turned his face and captured her lips in a searing kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth at the same time he pushed his thumb to the next knuckle inside of her. In and out he moved his thumb and tongue, fucking both her mouth and pussy at the same time. With a twist of his wrist he removed his thumb and placed it at her clit, and pushed his index and middle finger back inside of her. Back and forth he rubbed her clit, making that bundle of tissue swell even further and her imminent orgasm churn inside of her. It was so intense that she knew if he kept it up she would climax right underneath him. Holding off the inevitable because she didn’t want it to end, she focused her attention on the feel of his scruff along her cheeks.

  “Don’t hold back, baby. I want you to come.” His voice was a rough growl. He moved his thumb faster and faster on her clit and lifted his head to stare down at her. He held her eyes with his. Her mouth parted, and her eyes widened as the pleasure was just too much to contain any longer. Gripping his massive biceps in her hands, Kiera tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She dug her nails into his hard, smooth flesh and cried out. Pleasure coursed through her, starting from the tips of her toes, going through her legs and arms, and finishing at the top of her head. Never once did he stop teasing her between the legs, and that had her pleasure soaring higher. When she started returning to earth it was to see Reese braced above her on his forearms and staring into her face. The light tugging at the end of her hair told her he was playing with the ends, and a soothing feeling filled her. She just had her first orgasm brought on by a guy, but not just any guy, Reese Trenton. Even now her body ached for more, tingling for another taste of Reese, something more substantial. What she wanted was to feel was his cock deep inside of her.

  Kiera pushed herself up slightly, but before she could say what she wanted Reese captured her lips. He gave her a slow, drugging kiss that had her toes curling and a fresh wave of desire moving through her veins. She turned her head to break the kiss, but Reese wasn’t nearly done, not when his lips moved down to nip at her collarbone. Using her upper body strength to brace herself up, Kiera reached for the button of his jeans. She had never done anything so bold before, and didn’t know the first thing about sex or how to seduce a guy, but instinct took over and led her actions. She was able to get his button undone and the zipper moved down halfway before he reached between their bodies and placed his hand on top of hers.

  Looking up at him showed his eyes were closed and his breathing ragged. “What’s wrong?” Disappointment that he stopped her had her cheeks heating in embarrassment. Resting his forehead against hers, he breathed out hard and closed his eyes. It was clear he wanted her, yet he stopped them from progressing.

  “Nothing’s wrong.” He opened his eyes and looked into hers. “As much as I want to be buried so deeply inside of you that I can’t see straight, I can’t do this.” His initial words had elation and arousal consuming her, but the last part had a frown puckering her lips. “Believe me when I say I want you, Kiera. I want you so fucking bad.” To emphasize his point he took his hand that still covered hers and moved it lower so her palm rested over his erection. Even through his jeans his size was noticeable—big, just like the rest of him. “I’m just not going to take you on the floor of a run-down barn.” He pressed his lips against hers, and she felt his erection jerk behind his jeans. Her heart pounded fast and hard, and although she wanted this, with him, he was right. She certainly didn’t want to lose her virginity lying in the dirt. He pushed back and adjusted her clothing before lying on his back and pulling her forward so she was draped over his chest. The steady thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump of his heart had her arousal taking a backseat and contentment surrounding her. Lifting her hand, Kiera started to trace one of his tattoos along his exposed bicep.

  Several moments passed without either saying anything, but it was a content silence, and one she welcomed. “I still can’t believe how many tattoos you have for only being eighteen.” His chest moved slightly with his soft laughter.

  “I’m nineteen.”

  Kiera lifted her head and looked down at him. “You are?”

  He pushed the hair away from her forehead and smiled. “Yeah, as of yesterday.”

  “Oh, well happy late birthday.” She gave him a kiss and rested her head back on his chest. “I didn’t hear anyone talking about it at school. You should have told me. I would have baked you a cake.” His body tensed, and she lifted her head to look down at him. His focus was on the open slates of the roof. “Reese?” Shifting his eyes to her, Kiera wondered if she had said something wrong.

  “I don’t celebrate my birthday, never have, and everyone I hang out with knows that.” He smiled, but it was sad and distant. He may t
ry to act like this hard, uncaring guy, but she could see that he hurt deep down inside, whether he wanted to acknowledge that or not. His words had her chest constricting. He had never celebrated his birthday? What kind of parents did that to their child? He had been alone for so long, and all she wanted to do was make sure that didn’t happen ever again. Her thoughts of realization startled her by how intense they were, but she didn’t fear them. Instead, she felt happiness at the idea of being there for Reese.

  “Would you have really done that for me?” She looked into his blue eyes, ones that seemed so much paler with the glow from the moon slashing across his face. He didn’t give her time to question what he meant. “Would you really have baked me a cake for my birthday?”

  God, he was so heartbreaking. Before her tears fell she buried her head in his neck and inhaled deeply. How could she become so attached to someone in such a short amount of time? Was she crazy, or was the connection she felt for him something that meant so much more?

  Gripping his shirt in her hand, she murmured against his neck, “Yes, Reese, I would have, and so much more.” Did he know she meant she would have made him feel wanted and cared for as well? He tightened his arms around her back, and they lay there for so long her eyes started to drift closed as exhaustion suddenly took root inside of her. She could have stayed there all night, wrapped in Reese’s embrace on some old man’s property. It was perfect in every way, but all too soon Reese was helping her up and leading her back to the car. The entire time he was always touching her, always keeping his hand on her and making her never feel alone in the dark. She wanted to make him feel the same way.

  Chapter Six

  Kiera’s phone buzzed with an incoming text, and she reached for it and saw it was from Molly.

  Molly: You up?

  Yeah. What’s up?

  Molly: Can I come over in about an hour?

  Sure. Everything OK?


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