Salvaged by Love (Thalia Book 3) (The Thalia Series)

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Salvaged by Love (Thalia Book 3) (The Thalia Series) Page 9

by Jennifer Bene

  “You said car. This is a limo.” Thalia looked around the spacious interior as they pulled away from the flat, and James just chuckled.

  “All the better to have some privacy, pet.” His hand was already nudging the hem of the dress higher, his body close to hers on the seat. “And everyone will be arriving in one, it would look odd if we didn’t.”

  “So you used to ride in limos often?” Her breath caught as his fingertips brushed across the lace of her panties and she lifted her hips on a whimper.

  “Only for events like this.” His touch slid under the lace and brushed her pussy, already wet in expectation of what he’d promised. “Now, pet, stop thinking about it. It’s just a party -” his fingers found her clit and she moaned quietly, “- and you look delectable.”

  “Yes, Master.” She dropped her head back on the seat, her hands clenched at her sides as he worked his magic between her thighs. Heat pooling, static-like tingles rolling over her skin as she bit down on her lip.

  “Good girl.” His voice growled against her skin as he slid two fingers inside her, and she bucked and spread her thighs farther. She turned her head to kiss him, and he took her mouth, muffling her moans as she squirmed. Each movement of his fingers had her whimpering against his lips, the soft whisper of the dress shifting the only other sound above the dull road noise. Then James broke the kiss, “Stay quiet, pet. We wouldn’t want to distract our driver, now would we?” His grin was mischief and promise as his fingers slid from her and he pressed her shoulders back until she leaned against the end of the seat.

  “No, we wouldn’t.” She shook her head as he bunched her dress around her hips and nudged her knees farther apart.

  “Let’s see how quiet you can be.” His fingers pulled her panties down her legs, and she gasped in anticipation. Then his blonde hair disappeared between her thighs and she felt the first incredible brush of his tongue. A moan burst from her lips and she covered her mouth, stifling it as the warm swipe of his tongue over her clit had her arching off the seat. His fingers returned to her and she shook her head.

  No way could she stay quiet, he was way too good at this. He knew every inch of her. “Master, please!” She cried out too loudly and covered her mouth again before she moaned.

  “Hush, pet.” His breath brushed over her pussy lips and he thrust his fingers a little harder inside her, sending her head reeling. Sparks of pleasure were spiraling inside her like embers from a fire. Heating her, erasing her nerves, destroying the tension she’d carried all day. He sucked her clit back into his mouth and she cried out against her hand, the fingers of her other hand digging into the seat to brace herself. She was already trembling, the knowledge that the windows were blacked out barely registering as she stared up at the streetlights of a main thoroughfare. This was sweet torture. Her hips rolling against his mouth, his tongue tormenting her, his fingers thrusting inside her to curl to that place that had her muffling cries of pleasure against her hand. A crackle of pure pleasure pulsed down her spine and her hips bucked, but his other hand was there to firmly press her back against the leather. She was rising higher with each sinful lick of his tongue, her moans a steady thrum against the skin of her palm as she started to shiver. Her muscles tightened, and he drew on her clit again, his teeth grazing her to thrust her over the edge and into the glorious abyss of orgasm. She shattered. Her head slamming back into the space by the door as she shook, and he drew out every wave of sensation that rocked her until her mind was nothing but a warm, relaxed liquid puddle.

  “Jesus Christ...” She mumbled against her hand as he leaned up and over her.

  “Feel better, pet?” His mouth was wet with her.

  “Do you even need to ask?” She laughed softly and he kissed her. Thalia could taste herself on his lips, and she moaned against him, her hands finding his hair to hold him to her, but they couldn’t continue. James leaned back from her, tracing her mouth with his fingers.

  “We’re almost there. Clean up.” His grin was sinful as she sucked his fingers into her mouth, cleaning her taste from them, and she loved how his eyes had turned bottle glass green in his arousal. He was so perfect.

  His fingers popped free of her lips and he wiped his mouth, still grinning as the limo slowed. “We’re here, baby.” James handed her the panties he’d stripped from her and she pulled them on. In a few quick shifts of clothing everything was back in place and a moment later the limo stopped.

  The door opened and he turned to her again before he stepped out, “You know you’re the only person I want to be here with, right?” If the orgasm hadn’t melted her nerves completely, that did the trick.

  “I do now.” She smiled and he returned it before he stepped out, reaching back in to offer her his hand and help her out.

  They were in front of a gigantic hotel, obviously a five star one, and it resembled one they had stayed at in Paris a week before for one of his work overnight trips. An actual red carpet was lining the steps and she almost laughed aloud at it.

  How on earth was she even there?

  “Then, if you’d be so kind Thalia, are you ready to make our entrance?” James’ warm tone filled her up and she nodded, letting him lead her towards the front doors that were lit in bright, golden light, and into the party.

  The gala was much more sedate than she’d expected. There were a series of boring speeches that she didn’t quite follow because they were talking about the success of the recent business ventures in Algeria and Libya. She applauded politely at the end of each speech, and then finally the actual party started. A live band struck up and a few couples found the dance floor, a silent auction lined one wall filled with art and luxurious trips and expensive bottles of wine and basket arrangements of delicacies. Then there was the food table, half as long as the silent auction and brimming with a hundred things she wanted to try, which James seemed to adore. But why wouldn’t she eat? Ignoring all that food would be stupid. Every time she snuck back to it, he gave her a real smile. The one that told her he didn’t have any ulterior motives at the moment, he was simply happy to watch her enjoy herself. After her fourth cheese poof thing, James and a group of others stepped over to her.

  “Thalia, this is Andrew and Tom and Alice. I work with them. Everyone, this is my girlfriend Thalia.” She smiled at them as they all burst into speech at once.

  “So good to meet you.”

  “ - love your dress -”

  “ - never seen James this happy!”

  Thalia blushed and took a sip of the wine she’d been holding. She really didn’t want to mess this up. “Thank you, I’m glad to meet all of you too!”

  “American? Why, James, when did you have time to find this beautiful girl?” Tom grinned at her and laughed, “Or have you been keeping her a secret?”

  “Can you blame him? She’s bloody gorgeous! I’d keep her locked away too!” Andrew laughed and took another drink of the glass in his hand. His nose was already ruddy with how much he’d had, and her own blush just grew worse.

  “Ignore them, darling. I, for one, am glad to see James actually interested in someone for once. I’ve been telling him for years that being the lone bachelor isn’t in style anymore!” Alice’s laugh was like tinkling bells, and before Thalia could try and sink into the floor to avoid more discussion, James rescued her.

  “You’re all quite right, and I’m sure you will enjoy telling me so, but for now, I’d like to ask Thalia to dance.” He smiled at her and she nodded, taking the opportunity to escape the intense scrutiny of his co-workers. They were already almost at the dance floor when Thalia regained the ability to speak.

  “I don’t really know how to dance like this, James.” She looked up at him, ignoring the spiraling couples on the dance floor, once again a bundle of nerves - but he just smiled.

  “Really? You’ve always been so good at responding to the directions my body gives you.” He grinned and set her wine down on a table. “All you have to do is follow my lead.”

-” Her argument was cut off as he pulled her out onto the floor and tucked her against his chest. Turning once and forcing her to keep step with him. One hand was at her waist, his other holding hers aloft, and she left her free hand against his chest as he moved her backwards across the dance floor to the rhythm of the band. Who knew James could dance so well?

  Who knew she could?

  With James’ gentle nudges she found it easy to react as he led her. During a shift in the tempo he spun her away from him, and then pulled her back and she actually didn’t trip over her own feet. It was the kind of thing girls dream about. But it was real. And James was real, and smiling at her as they moved across the floor in sync with the other dancers. The song drew to a close with a swell, and they froze in place. Her hips tucked tight to his, her hand gripping his for dear life, and he leaned down to kiss her.

  Prince Charming had nothing on James.

  He had made mistakes, made bad choices, but he’d made one really amazing one - he’d saved her. And he kept saving her. Every day that he gave her was new and special and powerful as she built a new life out of the ashes of the old one. She leaned back from his lips to breathe, and he pressed his forehead against hers. “Thank you, baby.”

  “For what?”

  “For making my entire life more vibrant.” He pressed another kiss against her lips before she could ask for clarification, and then he led her towards an empty table. “I’m going to grab us some drinks, alright? One of the waiters took your wine. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” She nodded and he slipped away from her into the crowd of beautiful dresses and tuxes.

  For a moment Thalia let herself just watch. The couples twirling to the music, the laughter, the serious conversations, the flirting obviously lubricated by a few too many drinks. It was a great party, and she was there with the only person who could have ever made it possible for her to even remotely feel comfortable.


  He reappeared through the crowd with a smile, and she felt her lips curving to match his as he handed her a fresh glass of wine. “Apparently my co-workers adore you. They are furious I didn’t have you meet them earlier.”

  “What did you tell them?” She asked as she took a sip, the white wine sending a chill into her stomach as she suddenly realized how warm it was inside.

  “That we’ve only been together five months and I didn’t feel like throwing you into a shark tank of the rich and powerful of London before I was sure it wouldn’t scare you off.” He grinned for a moment, but it slipped off his face as he looked past her. Thalia turned to see what had distracted him and locked eyes with a tall brunette in a black dress as she approached them.

  “Good evening, James.” The woman’s voice was frigid with aristocratic airs.

  “Gwen.” James replied, his voice empty of all the humor from a moment before.

  “I must say... after all the times I’ve offered to attend with you, and you’ve refused - to see you now bring this random girl as flagrant arm candy?” she scoffed, “Quite a step down, James.”

  Thalia felt her cheeks heat, and tightened her fingers on the wine glass to quell the shiver the woman’s words sent through her.

  “Thalia is my girlfriend, Gwen, and who I choose to spend my time with is no business of yours.” James’ voice was colder than she’d ever heard it as he took her hand and tried to brush past the woman.

  Gwen twisted and moved in front of them both, her anger cracking the frigid exterior she’d had at her approach. “What does she have that I don’t?” The woman sneered and raked her eyes down Thalia’s dress. She felt James’ grip tighten on hers and he turned towards Gwen. His jaw was tense, his temper rising. But Thalia stepped forward and spoke first, sudden bravery giving her a voice.

  “Tact, if you must know.” Thalia took a breath and met the woman’s furious glare, “One thing I have that you obviously don’t? I have tact.”

  Gwen gawked at her, and James seemed stunned into silence. When Gwen turned her shocked look to James, as if looking for his defense, he only shrugged. The woman’s face turned bright red in fury, and she spun on her heel and disappeared back into the crowd. For a moment Thalia felt the same way she always did after an outburst - self conscious, anxious, worried she had overstepped.

  “I’m sorry, James. I shouldn’t have interfered. She just -”

  James touched her chin so she looked at him. His eyes were warm, and his lips were curving into a smile, “That was perfect, baby. Gwen needed to be taken down a peg.”

  “Really?” Thalia turned to scan the room to see if the angry woman was still hovering. “I felt like I overstepped, I just couldn’t stand her. She’s -”

  “Irritating, right?” He laughed, and she nodded. “Now do you see why I feel so lucky to be here with you instead?”

  “Those are the women you used to bring with you?”

  “She’s the worst of them. Haughty, obnoxious, and rude. Which is why I’ve never agreed to escort her.” He shrugged and took a drink, commandeering a table once again for them to sit at. “But, yes, the women I was exposed to by my family, and by this career, are a lot like Gwen.”

  “Yikes. Remind me to avoid all of them.” She laughed, and tried to cover the truth of that statement by taking a large drink of wine.

  “Don’t worry, baby. There’s only one gala a quarter, and they always end. At least that’s what I always tell myself.” He smiled at her and she smiled back. The fact that he even mentioned she might be at the next one had butterflies zinging through her stomach, and the wine going straight to her head.

  “Ah, James? I assume you’re the reason Gwen just grabbed her coat and stormed out?” Tom dropped into a seat at the table and grinned. Andrew and Alice took chairs as well.

  “Actually.” James leaned back in his seat and tilted his glass toward Thalia. “That would be Thalia who caused that.”

  “I didn’t mean -” She immediately floundered to defend herself, but Andrew laughed loudly and interrupted her.

  “Oh really? Ha!” Andrew leaned forward, obviously intoxicated, “I would have happily paid to see that! What on earth did you say to her?”

  “She probably just pointed out what a miserable bitch Gwen is all the time.” Alice chimed in, smiling politely as if she hadn’t just insulted someone. The entire group laughed and Thalia tried to control the blush flooding her cheeks.

  “Oh come on, tell us what happened. Everyone will be talking about Gwen storming out on Monday!” Tom leaned forward conspiratorially, pointing at James with the hand holding his drink. “You owe us for holding out on Thalia, and for outright lying when we asked if you were seeing anyone last month!”

  “Especially since it’s been painfully obvious someone has been making you so happy.” Alice took a sip of champagne, “Personally, I’m chuffed to bits you’re with someone who can also stand up to Gwen!”

  “I already apologized, let it rest!” James laughed and held up his hands in defeat. “Gwen said some nasty things about Thalia and asked what she had that Gwen didn’t, and Thalia told her.”

  “Well?” Tom lifted an eyebrow.

  “What did you say?” Andrew prodded.

  “I told her I have tact?” Thalia spoke quietly, unsure of herself until the whole table broke into laughs again.

  “Brilliant! Bloody brilliant!” Alice cheered at her, “Even better than if you’d told her right off! No way Gwen will be able to talk about it!”

  “And you were worried she wouldn’t play well in the shark tank, James?” Tom was still chuckling to himself, “It looks like she could teach us a few things!”

  The group purred with laughter and murmurs of conversation around her as James turned towards her, “I think you’re just what we need, baby.”

  “Hear, hear!” Tom cried, and everyone echoed it as they toasted her. Thalia raised her own glass and sipped it as her blush died down, and then James kissed her. He kept it tame compared to the limo, but she still felt her body res
pond to his touch. The cheers from his co-workers at his public display returned the blush, and James broke the kiss to look at them.

  “I am a very lucky man.” He spoke and Andrew clapped him on the shoulder, but his eyes told her it was the truth. That he really felt fortunate to have her there with him. Truly, for the first time, in his world. A world of privilege, and affluence, and aristocratic entitlement. In James’ eyes she belonged.

  And that was all that really mattered to her.

  Chapter Seven

  Six Months After the Auction

  Thalia’s phone beeped and it made her jump. She’d been so deep in thought thinking about their six-month anniversary the next day that she hadn’t heard a word of the news. James glanced over at her from the chair and smiled. When she returned it she knew her own was weak, watery.


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