Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2)

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Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2) Page 20

by Renee Harless

  Meeting Madison at the end of the staircase, I formally introduce her to Alex. Their only other meeting happened when we were in Maryland, at a time when she and I weren’t on good terms.


  Alex completely indulges Madison and me on our escapades across London. Being the weekend, Bea actually joins us as well when we visit the London Eye and the museums. True to her crazy character, Madison is enthralled with the urban legends surrounding the Tower of London and we spend almost her entire last day there.

  Before we know it, the day Madison leaves is upon us and we’re both crestfallen. We have just started patching up our friendship after the Mika debacle and I feel like we have so much more growing to do. We hadn’t even discussed my moving to London now that I’m marrying Alex, whom she completely loves.

  After breakfast, I leave Madison to finish her packing while I sort through some letters we received in the mail over the weekend.

  Encased in shiny silver paper, I receive my invitation to Samantha’s baby shower. It will be held this Saturday and is hosted by Alex’s mom.

  “I’m ready,” Madi shouts solemnly as she trails down the stairs.

  Gregory stands from the table and we follow him to the car on my way to work.

  During my lunch break, I take Madison to the airport. We are both a bit tired since we stayed up late, reminiscing about our time in college. Once Alex left us alone in the living room, she bombarded me with questions about Alex, the kidnapping (both of them), and, of course, the wedding. I confided to her how uncomfortable I am around Alex’s family now because of the Nicholas incident. I was telling her the truth when I said I don’t think that they’ll get past it. I’m worried that someday Alex may have to choose, and I honestly don’t know what side he will pick.

  “Everything will be fine, Mallory. I can see your gears turning over there,” Madison pipes up as we enter the airport.

  “I’m just worried, especially since I have to be around everyone for the baby shower. They can’t even look at me Madison. It’s terrible. Maybe…Maybe I should just end everything and go home at the end of the month when my job is done.”

  “Why would you want to end things with Alex? He’s the best thing that ever happened to you,” she says, looking surprised and a little indignant.

  “I know that. I’m just afraid he’ll have to decide between me or his family. I can’t ask him to do that. I’ll just bow out of the race.”

  “You need to talk to Alex about all of this, just like I told you yesterday. But listen, my plane is boarding so I need to go through security. Please come home for a few days. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, Madi. Let me know when you’re in.”

  “I will. Love you.”

  “Love you too,” I reply through a fitful of tears while wrapping her in my arms.

  When I get back to my office, I receive a call from Alex letting me know that one of his drivers is headed to the hospital, evidently his wife is going into labor. Alex needs to find a replacement soon or he’ll be driving in the race Saturday. I didn’t know Alex was able to drive one of those Formula One race cars, but I suppose nothing should surprise me anymore. Just thinking about him in a tight race suit has me sweaty and achy for him.

  I sit with Bea for the rest of the day, going over the first shoots for the campaign that brought me all the way to Europe in the first place. I need her to schedule a few more things so that we are good to go. Bea has really taken an interest in my work, and I am impressed at some of the ideas she throws my way. I’m hoping I have the opportunity to discuss with the CEO the possibility of bringing her on as my assistant here.

  When Scott comes to pick me up at 5:00pm, I notice that Bea has gone completely (and uncharacteristically) silent, and her cheeks are bright red. Scott doesn’t make eye contact with her, either.

  “Scott, have you met Beatrice?” I ask making hasty introductions.

  “No, miss. Not officially.”

  “Well, Scott, this is Beatrice. She is one of my employees.”

  “Pleasure, miss,” Scott says holding out a hand for Bea.

  When she shakes his hand in return, I can barely here her whisper, “Pleasure,” before stepping back from his contact.


  Exiting my office, I wink at Bea as she gathers her belongings and follows behind us.

  When I pull into Alex’s driveway, I am greeted by Anna and a little boy, Zach, whom I determine is Scott’s son. He is an exact replica of his father in miniature, and is very adorable. At three years old, he toddles over to where I stand with Scott, reaching his tiny arms towards the heavens, which in universal toddler-speak translates to a request for me to hold him. I gladly oblige.

  Arriving at home minutes later, Alex walks over to where I stand holding Zach and whispers into my ear, “I like it,” before turning towards his home, Gregory in tow.

  “Bye little man, it was nice to meet you, but you need to go home with your daddy. I bet he missed you today.”

  “Mmhmm,” is all Zach says in reply, rubbing at his eyes.

  Waving goodbye to Scott and escorting Anna inside our home, I find Alex and Gregory laying out our dinner.

  “Maria will be over shortly. I went ahead and asked her to join you for the baby shower Saturday. I know you’re not comfortable going alone.”

  Relief threads through me, as I truly did not want to be with his family alone yet.

  “Thank you. That was very sweet,” I say, reaching my arms around him and placing a peck on his neck.

  Turning around in my arms, he replies, “I hope you’ll repay the favor later.”

  “Without a doubt.”

  Gregory gives us a look that clearly communicates the wish that we would “get a room.”

  Once we are seated for dinner, I rocket through the meal at top-speed in anticipation of repaying Alex. The very moment Gregory, Maria, and Anna leave our home, I launch myself into Alex’s arms and practically devour him. My body simply cannot get enough of him; it’s like this animalistic need I have that is constantly building inside of me.

  “Alex,” I say between kisses across his cheeks and jaw, “take me upstairs and fuck me. I need you.”

  Growling his response, he lifts my legs so that I wrap them around his waist and he climbs the stairs two at a time, before depositing me onto his bed. In three seconds flat, he has completely unzipped and removed my dress and I watch it flutter to the floor. Gazing back up at him, I find his fingers already loosening the buttons on his pants, so I work to unbutton his shirt. Fumbling with the tiny buttons, Alex grows impatient and rips the shirt apart, scattering the buttons across his bedroom.

  “Alex, your shirt.”

  “Shush, I can’t wait. I want you.”

  Standing in front of me in all of his glorious masculine beauty, I can’t help but lick my lips as I gaze at his penis, which is standing at full attention.

  “Oh, baby,” pours huskily from my lips.

  Using both my hands to cover his girth, I begin stroking his shaft while placing small kisses and licks at the tip. Working hard to maintain a sense of control, Alex clenches and unclenches his hands before coming to rest them on the back of my head. Wanting nothing more than to feel him hit the back of my throat, I open my mouth and take him as deep as I can. I barely have him a quarter of the way in before I feel his velvety smooth skin touch the back of my throat. Pumping him a few times, I let my tongue wrap around his ever-growing erection.

  Releasing a groan, Alex threads his fingers through my hair and starts to push me into a rhythmic, bobbing motion. Craving a bit of control, I take my chance as I feel his penis harden even farther and I bare my teeth, gently scraping the underside of his member.

  “Holy fuck, Mallory. I’m going to come.”

  Sucking him tighter into my mouth, I squeeze his base as his salty seed spills down my throat.

  Scooting back onto the bed, I lay in front of Alex, spread eagled, inviting him to follow his desire. W
ithin seconds, he is hard again and thrusts inside me to the hilt; my lungs gasping for air.

  “Jesus.” I cry, my nails digging into the sheets.

  “Fuck,” we gasp simultaneously as he pounds even harder into my core.

  This time, as we gasp, moan, and cling desperately to each other, our coming together feels differently than it has before. More animalistic, sure, but it’s as if Alex is searching for something. A different connection. Our passion is wild and intense, and the feelings he ignites inside me are out of this world. Despite the comfort of our connection, I just can’t help but worry that our perfect ever after is about to come crashing down.

  Chapter 22

  The baby shower is in full swing when I arrive with Maria. I can sense the hesitation of other guests to greet me, but Samantha immediately approaches and embraces me kindly. During the party Maria and I keep to ourselves - not even Abigail has come to greet us.

  “I’d like to play a game,” Samantha announces. “Mallory, do you think you could run into the kitchen and get the playing cards? They’re on the table.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll be right back.”

  Unfortunately for me, I come across a conversation in the kitchen that I am not prepared for. Jane, Alex’s mother, is in deep conversation with a handful of other guests, who are all discussing Nicholas and the kidnapping. I can’t see anyone but Jane, but I’m certain there are at least five more women in the kitchen.

  “Do you think she had an affair with Nicholas?” I hear one ask.

  Another follows up, “Have you seen her? I still haven’t figured out what Alex finds attractive.”

  “I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this. Who do I side with? My brother, or a girl I’ve known for a few months?” Abigail questions.

  That one hurt the most. Just a girl? She couldn’t even call me a friend?

  “Well I don’t want her near my family at all. All she’s done is cause trouble. Her and Evie. I’m going to do everything I can to keep this wedding from happening. She’s torn apart my family. She killed my eldest son and now she’ll keep Alex from me.”


  Alex’s own mother utters the words that tear at my heart.

  I knew my fairytale with Alex was too good to be true. His mother is going to issue an ultimatum or worse, stage something completely over the top to keep us apart. Moisture builds in my eyes and tears fall over my lashes.

  Walking into the kitchen, gasps greet me as the guests come to realize I have heard their conversation. Both Jane and Abigail have the decency to look ashamed and embarrassed, though I wonder if they truly are. Continuing my stride, I stop in front of Jane, yanking my exquisite engagement ring off my finger and placing it into her palm.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, Mrs. Stone. I love your son more than anything in this world, enough that I won’t be the reason your family falls apart. Please tell Alex I’m sorry.”

  Turning quickly, I rush out of the kitchen and grab Maria’s arm.

  “Please take me away from here, take me anywhere.”

  Rushing behind me without question, she silently gets into the driver seat just as Abigail comes running out the door.

  “Mallory! Mallory, stop, please. What am I supposed to tell Alex?”

  Halting in my tracks hard enough to scatter dust everywhere, I turn to face her, finger pointed in her direction.

  “You want to tell your brother something? Fine. Tell him exactly what was said in the kitchen and then tell him I left. I won’t make him choose, he’s been through enough.”

  Slamming the door as I enter the car, I ask Maria to take me directly to the airport. I have enough money to buy clothes when I get to… wherever it is I decide to go. After taking a tissue that Maria offered, I pull down the visor mirror to wipe away my splotchy makeup. What catches my attention instead is my necklace, the collar given to me by Alex. I stare at the charms signifying remarkable steps in our relationship. Rubbing my shaking fingers over the charms, I consider removing it, but decide against it. I know Alex can track me using the device imbedded in the necklace, but I’m hoping he decides against it after he learns that I broke away from our engagement.

  Arriving at the airport, Maria envelopes me in a warm hug at the departure area.

  “I’m not sure what happened at the party, but I can only hope that they figure out how to cope with their loss. None of that was your doing, Mallory. Don’t let them make you feel guilty.”

  “Thank you, Maria,” I whisper. “I just hope they find some sort of closure.”

  “Where are you going to go?”

  Chuckling somewhat manically, I reply, “I have no idea. Maybe somewhere warm for a few days. I’ll see if Steven can cover me for the week at work.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  “No. I think I’m alright.”

  “Ok. Please be careful, Mallory. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  “Very doubtful. Family should always come first. I’m going to head inside. Thank you again.”

  “You’re welcome,” she says sadly, watching me walk away. “Be safe.”

  Once inside the warm airport, I fixate on the departure signs, looking for somewhere, anywhere to go. After perusing the list for some time, I notice a connecting flight to St. Thomas that leaves in three hours. I locate the flight information and purchase my ticket at the kiosk. Deciding I deserve a pick me up, I upgrade to a first class seat and make my way over to security so that I can enjoy the VIP lounge.

  Pushing my way through the throngs of passengers coming and going through the airport, I stop in front of a sports bar restaurant, allowing a large group of schoolchildren to walk past me. My heart aches as I look at the television screen cradled in the corner that is showing Alex’s face. A race, presumably a Formula One race, is underway and the commentators are talking about Alex’s team having to find a replacement for their driver. They must not realize that he himself is filling in.

  My hand subconsciously rubs across my chest and over my heart, hoping to heal the pain coursing throughout my very essence.

  “Miss? Miss, can I help you? Do you need a table?”

  Turning to face the server, I shake my head no and exit the restaurant, inching my way through security.

  Locating the VIP lounge, I duck behind the doors and take a seat. Sipping a glass of chilled champagne, the older woman beside me notices my shaking hand sloshing my beverage around the glass.

  “Scared to fly, deary?” her melodious voice questions.

  “No, ma’am. Just not having a good day, or, well, not a good week really.”

  “Well, the islands will be beautiful. A vacation is the best way to relax.”

  “Mmhmm,” I murmur more to myself than to my companion.

  “We have a bit of time, what has you so down?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it,” I reply as politely as possible.

  “I bet you’ll feel better if you do. My late husband used to tell me to talk it out. It isn’t good to keep things bottled in.”

  Turning to look at the elderly woman sitting beside me, taking in her gentile face, I nod and finish off my beverage. Fueled by a bit of liquid courage, I expel months of love and turmoil with Alex to this poor woman who I imagine is probably sorry she asked. Gratefully, she sits and listens the entire time, only nodding in understanding.

  “You love this man,” she says, more as a statement than a question.

  “More than anything. But I can’t make him choose. Family is everything and he’s really close with his.”

  “I’m not saying that you’ve done the right thing, but perhaps a vacation is what you need to clear your head and follow your heart.”

  Nodding in agreement, I turn back in my seat and close my eyes temporarily, hoping to catch a quick nap before our time to board.

  I awaken to a loud noise outside the lounge, and when I recognize one of the voices, my heartbeat starts to pick up. Swinging the door open with
full force, Alex comes crashing into the pre-boarding area, hell-bent on finding me, his expression softening quickly when he finds me sitting across the way.

  “Mallory,” Alex whispers, a bit choked up.

  “Is this the man?” my neighbor asks quietly.

  Simply staring at the god before me, I can’t even begin to acknowledge her question. Alex is standing before me, wearing simply a pair of dark denim jeans, a gray t-shirt and a baseball cap, but he looks utterly remarkable.

  “Alex, how? Why?” I mutter incoherently.

  Strutting towards me, Alex kneels in front of where I sit and places his hands on my knees, rubbing his fingers back and forth over the fabric of my skirt.

  “Abigail called me right before I was supposed to begin the race, then I called Maria and asked where she dropped you off.”

  So that’s why the race commentators were concerned about his team finding another driver.

  “Please don’t be upset with them. They were only trying to help.”

  “Alex,” I begin, before he places two fingers over my mouth.

  “I know what my mother said, Mallory. And I am sorry, so very sorry that she said those things. Why are you running away? Why didn’t you talk to me?”

  “I won’t make you chose, Alex. I would never ask you to. They’re your family.”

  Reaching to take my face in his hands, Alex strokes his thumbs across my cheeks.

  “No, Mallory, you’re my family. You’re the one I want to come home to every night. You’re the one I want to have a family with. I love you, you’re everything.”

  “I love you too, Alex.”

  Before capturing my lips with his own, Alex says forcefully, “And please understand that if my mother ever asked me to choose, I would pick you, every single time.”

  Warmth spreads over my skin, seeping down to my bones, as he reminds me of our passion and love. Scooting to the edge of my chair, I crave closeness with him as I thread my fingers into his hair, hoping to deepen our kiss.

  “Well, see, deary? I knew everything would be fine. You two look lovely together.”


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