Egil’s Saga

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Egil’s Saga Page 39

by E R Eddison

  ASHMAN: see Alf.

  ASK (Askr): in Hordaland; the seat of Thorgeir Thornfoot 71, 114, 117, 128, 156

  ASLAK ROCKSKULL (Áslákr hólmskalli): 261

  ASLAUG (Áslaug): d. of Duke Gutthorm 50

  ASNY (Ásný): d. of Vestar, s. of Ketil Haeng 44

  ATHELSTANE (Aðalsteinn): King of England; takes Thorolf and Egil into his service 98–9; his plans to meet the Scots 100–1; his subtle policy 102–4; 106; comes to Winaheath 107; marshals his host for the second day’s battle 108; his great victory 109; entertains Egil, loads him with treasure and honours 110–3; 116; 123; 132; sets K. Eric Bloodaxe in power in Northumberland 134; 135; 140; Egil’s second visit to him 146; would keep E., and offers him power and honours 147–8; gives E. tokens to K. Hakon his fosterson 149–50; his death 160; E.’s references to him in his last two poems 220. 280–1

  ATLEY: Norw., mod. Atleö, an isle off the Sondfjord 81, 82, 84

  ATLI THE SHORT (enn skammi): s. of Thorgeir Thornfoot and b. of Bergonund 71–2; 147; 149; his answer to Egil’s claims 156; at the Gula-Thing 157; goes to holm with Egil and is slain 158

  ATLI THE SLENDER (enn mjóvi): Earl of Gaular 2; 5. 255

  ATONEMENT: see Boot

  AUD, QUEEN (Auðr): xxiii. 270, 298, 306

  AUDBIORN (Auðbjörn): king of the Firth-folk 2; joins with Mere against K. Harald Hairfair; sends men to Kveldulf 4; falls at Solskel 5. 253

  AUDUN ILL-SKALD (Auðun illskælda): skald to K. Harald Hairfair and to his father before him 11. 266

  AURLAND: Norw., on the Aurlandsfjord; the seat of Bryniolf the Hersir 62–4, 68, 69; and afterwards of his s. Thord 78, 118; 119; 150; 155; 157; 183

  AUROCHS: 275

  AURRIDAWATER (Aurriðaá): Icel., a little river W. of Longwater 216



  BAILIFF: 264


  BALL-PLAY: 74–7. 272

  BANQUET: 259

  BARD (Bárðr): called Atley-Bard; a man of K. Eric Bloodaxe’s, entertains Egil and his companions 81–2; would poison Egil 83; slain by him 83–4; Thorir the Hersir thinks he got his deserts 86; 93; Q. Gunnhild otherwise 94

  BARD BRYNIOLFSON (Brynjólfsson): s. of Bryniolf and of Helga, d. of Ketil Haeng of Hrafnista 9; betrothed to Sigrid; in K. Harald’s bodyguard 11; called B. the White; his friendship with Thorolf Kveldulfson 12; weds Sigrid at Sandness; takes heritage, and rejects claims of Hildirid’s sons 13; wounded at Hafrsfirth 14; dies, leaving Thorolf his heir 15; 16; 17. xxxiii. 261

  BARONS: 254

  BASTARD: 262

  BATTLEKNOLL (Orrostuhváll): Icel., the scene of the fight between Steinar and Thorstein Egilson 217

  BAUG (Baugr): fosterbrother of Ketil Haeng 53; settles in Iceland 44. 266

  BEACONS, THE, (Vitar): skerries off the Norw. coast 126

  BEAR: 286

  BEAUTY: sense of in the sagas, xxx, xxxi–xxxii

  BEAVERS: 263

  BEER: 259

  BEIGALDI: Icel. 56

  BEITSEA (Beitsjór): mod. Beitstad fjord, Norw. 38

  BERA: Egil’s d. 159; wed 185

  BERA: Egil’s mother; d. of Yngvar 36–7; 60–1; fosters Asgerd 67; 68; thinks there is viking stuff in Egil 76; 132; her death mentioned in Sonatorrek 190

  BERDLA (Berðla): the seat of Berdla-Kari, Norw. 1

  BERDLA-KARI (Berðlu-Kári): Kveldulf’s father-in-law 1; 2; becomes K. Harald’s man 5; 12; 14; 39

  BERGONUND (Bergönundr): s. of Thorgeir Thornfoot, dwells at Ask in Fenhring; a stubborn man and ill to deal with 71; weds a d. of Biorn the Franklin 114; and on B.’s death seizes all the inheritance; a great friend of K. Eric and dearer yet to Q. Gunnhild 116; his answer to Egil’s claim (through Asgerd) to half the inheritance; summoned by E. to the Gula-Thing 117; comes to the Thing in K. Eric’s following and is big-spoken 118; his speech before the judges 119; bidden to the holmgang by Egil; banned by E. from the inheritance 121; sits at Ask with a strength of men for safety 125; but sends his men away when he hears E. is gone from Norway, and bids Frodi to feast with him 126; sits drinking at night with Hadd and Frodi 127–8; fights with Egil and is slain 128–9; Arinbiorn reminds K. Eric that he broke the law for B.’s sake 138; 147; 156. 271, 284, 285

  BERGTHORA (Bergþóra): daughter of Olaf the Peacock and Thorgerd, Egil’s d., 186

  BERGTHORA: Njal’s wife 260, 272

  BERGTHORSKNOLL (Bergþórshváll): xxvii. 282

  BERSERK (berserkr): 244–5

  BERSI THE GODLESS (goðlauss): 116

  BERSI: called ‘Holmgang-Bersi’ 260, 293, 309

  BIALFI (Bjálfi): Kveldulf’s father 1

  BIARMALAND (Bjarmaland): mod. Perm 71. 271

  BIBLE: xxix. 240

  BIORGOLF (Björgólfr): grandfather of Bard Bryniolfson and father of the sons of Hildirid 9; his ‘loose bridal’ with Hildirid; his death 10; 11; 17. 259

  BIORN THE EASTERNER (Björn austræni): took land in Broadfirth 199

  BIORN THE FRANKLIN (höldr): son of Bryniolf the Hersir 62; carries off Thora Jewel-hand the sister of Thorir the Hersir 63; when his father will not let him wed her against her kinsfolk’s will, carries her off once more, from Aurland; comes to Mosey in Shetland and weds Thora; hears he is outlawed in Norway, and sails to Iceland 64; taken in by Skallagrim: Sk.’s wrath, when he hears the whole story, appeased by Thorolf who becomes great friends with B. 65–6; peace made, by Sk.’s help, between Thorir and B., and B. goes to Norway with Thorolf 67–8; with Thorir’s help brings Thorolf into friendship with Eric Bloodaxe 69–70; after Thora’s death marries again 71; sets up house after his father’s death; reason for his by-name of ‘the Franklin’ 78; gives his d. Asgerd to Thorolf Skallagrimson 79–80; 94; and his d. Gunnhild (by the second wife) to Bergonund 114; and again, Asgerd to Egil 115; his death 116; 117; 119; peacemaking betwixt him and Thorir the Hersir 120; 121; 149; 156

  BIORN: a hersir of Sogn; grandfather of Egil’s father-in-law, Biorn the Franklin 62

  BIORN THE HITDALE CHAMPION (Hitdælakappi): 116. 284

  BIORN THE THICK (enn digri): of Snaefellstrand 204

  BIORN: King of Sweden; spares the skald Bragi as Eric Bloodaxe spared Egil 139

  BIORN’S-INFIELDS (Bjarnartöður): near Burg 66

  BITING: swords not, 261; see also Blunting

  BLINDHEIM: Norw., the seat of Fridgeir 151. 292

  BLOOD-EAGLE: see Erne


  BLÓT: 255

  BLUND-KETIL (Blund-Ketill): Egil’s sister’s s. 74. 265, 272

  BLUNDSWATER (Blundsvatn): Icel. 214

  BLUNTING: of weapons, 294

  BOCCACCIO: xxx. 240

  BODVAR (Böðvarr): s. of Egil 159; E. loved him much 186; drowned in Whitewater; laid in howe at Digraness beside Skallagrim; E.’s grief for him 187 ff. xxiii. 299


  BONDER (bóndi): 254

  BOOT: 266

  BORGARNES: 268, 270, 302

  BRAGI: the great skald, Arinbiorn’s great-grandfather on the mother’s side, made a drapa on Biorn the Swede-King 139. 288

  BRAK’S SOUND (Brákarsund): near Burg 77. 270

  BRASIDAS: the Spartan general 282

  BREASTPLATE: of stone 298

  BRENNEYS (Brenneyjar): a group of islands at the mouth of the Elf 93

  BRENT (Brekka): = Anisbrent 209

  BRENTS (Brekkur): Icel. 44

  BRIAN’S BATTLE: 265, 277

  BROADFIRTH (Breiðifjörðr): the great firth in W. of Icel., bounded on the S. by the Snaefellsness peninsula 184; 185; 199. xx, xxiv

  BROADFIRTH DALES (Breiðifjarðardalir): a general name for the dale country inland from Broadfirth 186

  BROADLAIRSTEAD (Breiðibólstaðr): S. I cel., 44



  BRYNIOLF (Brynjólfr): a landed man in Halogaland, father of Bard Bryniolfson 9; drives away Hildirid and her sons 10; becomes K. Harald’s man 11; h
is death 13; 17

  BRYNIOLF THE HERSIR: father of Biorn the Franklin and Thord of Aurland 62; forbids B. to wed Thora Jewel-hand against her brother’s will; sends B. abroad with a cheaping ship 63; 64; 65; 66; offers Thorir atonement on B.’s behalf 67; welcomes B. and Thorolf Skallagrimson in Sogn 68; 71; his death 78; 119

  BRYNIOLF HELGISON (Helgason): 78

  BUI THE THICK (Búi enn digri): a lord of Jomsburg 305

  BURG (Borg): Icel., on the N. of Burgfirth, the seat of Skallagrim and, after him, of Egil 55, 56, 59, 61, 65, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 115, 116, 131, 132, 133, 135, 187, 194, 201, 204, 205, 207, 208, 213, 216, 223

  BURGFIRTH (Borgarfjörðr): S.W. Icel., running inland north-eastwards from the S. part of Faxa Flow 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 65, 72, 74, 115, 131, 159, 183, 184, 219. 268, 270, 299

  BURGLAVA (Borgarhraun): Icel. 55, 218

  BURNING: 265


  BURTON, ROBERT: 238. 246, 262, 297

  BUSHBRIDGE (Hrísbrú): Icel. 222

  BUSHES, THE (Hrísar): Icel. 74


  BYRDA (Byrða): Norw. island, mod. Börö 34

  BYRNY (brynja): 281



  CAITHNESS (Katanes): 6. 270


  CHRISTIANITY: xxii–xxiii, xxiv–xxv. 276–7


  COD: 262

  CODFIRTH (Þorskafjörðr): Icel., on Bardarstrand 185

  CROWNESS (Krákunes): 268

  CURDS: 274

  CURSE: see Scorn

  DALES, THE (Dalir): Icel., mod. Dalasýsla: the Broadfirth Dales 202

  DALES, THE: Norw., mod. Gudbrandsdalen 150

  DALLA: d. of Onund Sjoni, and mother of Kormak the Skald 204




  DASTARD: see Scorn

  DEAVE: see Blunting

  DECAMERON: xxx. 240

  DENMARK (Danmörk): 34, 90, 96, 159, 165, 166, 167, 183, 200

  DIGRANESS (Digranes): Icel., 56, 73, 77, 133, 187, 268, 270, 302

  DÍSIR: see Goddesses


  DOVRAFELL (Dofrafjall): Norw., mod. Dovrefjaeld 148, 150, 169

  DRAGVANDIL (Dragvandill): 146; 153; 157–8

  DRÁPA: 283

  DRAUPNIR: 199. 304

  DRINKING: 259, 278


  DUBLIN (Dyflinn): 63, 64

  DUBLIN’S SHIRE (Dyflinnar skíði): 6

  DUFTHAK (Dufþakr): 245

  DULSE: 300

  DWINA (Vína): 71

  EARLS: 253–4

  EARLSNESS (Jarlsnes):? in Wales 106

  EAST AGDIR (Austr-Agðir): Norw . 50

  EASTAWAY (í Austrveg): 34, 68, 87, 96. 264

  EASTMAN: 216. 309

  EDDA: xxii, xxvi–xxvii. 248

  EDMUND (Játmundr): King of England 160

  EDWARD (Játvarðr): King of England 98, 99

  EGIL SKALLAGRIMSON (Egill Skallagrímsson):youngest child of Sk. and Bera, likely to be very ugly and dark like his father; a strong child, ready of speech, rough at play 60; aet. 3 composes extemporaneous verse at a feast at his grandfather’s 61–2; a great wrestler and quarrelsome; men learn their children to give way to him; aet. 7 slays another boy 75; his mother’s pleasure at this proof of ‘viking stuff’; makes a stave (prob. the earliest genuine verses of his extant); aet. 12 plays at ball with Thord Granison against Skallagrim 76; kills a man of Sk.’s in revenge for Thorgerd Brak; worries his brother Thorolf into taking him abroad with him 77–8; stays with Thorir the Hersir, and makes friends with his s. Arinbiorn; a little coldness between him and his brother Thorolf 79; sick, and so cannot go to Thorolf’s bridal; but goes with Oliver to Atley 80; first meeting with K. Eric Bloodaxe and Q. Gunnhild; displays a boundless capacity for ale 82; the Q. and Bard seek to poison him; slays Bard 83; escapes to Sheppey, slays three men, and comes safe to Thorir’s 84–5; Thorir makes peace for him with K. Eric 86; with Thorolf, harries in Kurland 87; taken prisoner with his men and bound; breaks loose and frees his men; delivers Aki and his sons 88; his conscience pricks him at thought of stealing the bonder’s goods without telling, so turns back alone and burns the house and all the men 89–90; harries in Denmark and burns Lund 91; bandies verses with Earl Arnfid’s d. 92–3; at Arinbiorn’s invitation spends the winter at Thorir’s 93; who with some difficulty obtains the K.’s approval; the Q.’s opinion of him 94; Thorir will not have him go to the blood-offering at Gaular; he stays at home with Arinbiorn 95; harries eastaway with Thorolf 96; warned that Eyvind Braggart means to waylay him, surprises and defeats E. off Jutland Side 97; with Thorolf, goes to England and takes service with K. Athelstane 98; his stave on the Scots’ victory in Northumberland 101; his array at Winaheath 105; fights against Earl Adils 106; thanked by the K . 107; separated from Thorolf for the second day’s battle; his misgivings 108; on Th.’s fall, retrieves the day and slays Earl Adils 109; his grief 110; in K. Athelstane’s hall, his person described 111; honoured and rewarded by the K. 112; will go to Norway to see to his b.’s inheritance; stays with Arinbiorn 113; woos and weds Asgerd; by Arinbiorn’s counsel goes home to Iceland, because the Q. is all heavy towards him; he has been abroad 12 years 114–5; does not part with any of the silver K. Athelstane gave him; takes charge of household at Burg for several years; hears that Bergonund has seized all the inheritance of Biorn the Franklin 116; goes with Asgerd to Norway and claims her share; summons Bergonund to the Gula-Thing 117; K. Eric’s displeasure at this 118; pleads his suit 119; the Q.’s saying on him 120; bids Bergonund to the holmgang; defies the K. and departs by sea 121; the K. will take his life 122; his ship robbed and burnt by the K.’s men 123; he escapes in a cutter after slaying Ketil; Arinbiorn finds him a ship; he calls down the Gods’ anger on K. Eric 124; 125; made outlaw from end to end of Norway; sails 126; but puts back to land at Herdla; goes aland alone at Fenhring 127; sends boys to Bergonund with message about the bear 128; slays Bergonund, Hadd, and Frodi; robs and slays at Ask 129; slays the K.’s son Rognvald and twelve men; robs at Herdla 130; sets up a scorn-pole in K. Eric’s despite and Gunnhild’s, and sails for Iceland; his stave on the stormy sea 131; his answer to Skallagrim’s request about the silver 132; buries Sk. 133; 134; sails abroad the third time, meaning to go and see K. Athelstane; wrecked off Humber mouth 135; comes to Arinbiorn in York 136; goes with A. to K. Eric, who will make no peace with him, but lets A. keep him till morning 137–8; by A.’s advice, composes a drapa twenty staves long in K. Eric’s praise 139; speaks the drapa Höfuðlausn before the King next morning, getting a hearing in spite of the Q.’s egging on, mainly through A.’s readiness to lay down his own life rather than let him be slain 140–5; comes to K. Athelstane 146; goes to Norway with Thorstein Thorason; K. Athelstane would have had him stay with him and be over his war-host 147–8; goes to see K. Hakon Athelstane’s-Fosterling, who says he shall have the law in his claims against Atli the Short, but counsels him not to stay in Norway 149–50; comes to Fridgeir’s, and undertakes to back him at the holmgang 151–2; fights and slays Ljot 153–5; guests with Thord of Aurland 155; claims his wife’s inheritance of Atli the Short 156; at the Gula-Thing bids A. to the holmgang, and slays him in a strange manner; gets his estates 157–8; and goes home to Iceland where he abides for 16 years; his children named 159; goes abroad for the last time and guests with Arinbiorn in the Firths 160; presses, through A., his claim for Ljot’s estate, whom he had slain 161–2; A. pays him 163; harries with A. in Frisland and slays eleven single-handed 164–5; parts for the last time with Arinbiorn, and winters with Thorstein Thorason in the Wick 165–6; undertakes, in Th.’s stead, the hazardous journey into Vermland to gather the K.’s scat 168; treacherously deserted by the K.’s men, comes to Armod Beard’s with only three followers 169–70; his dealings with and savage punishment of Armod 171–3; guests
with Thorfinn and heals his sick d. 173–5; comes through Eidwood, slaying two of Armod’s men set to waylay him, and guests with Alf the Wealthy 175–6; comes to Earl Arnvid’s court and gathers the scat; taxes the E. with the slaying of former K.’s messengers; the E.’s saying of him 177; will not be deterred by Alf’s warnings from returning through Eidwood 178–9; set upon by the E.’s men, slays eight single-handed 180; and again eleven more; the Vermlanders’ report of this to E. Arnvid 181; comes back to Thorstein’s and sends the scat to K. Hakon 182; sets his affairs in order in Norway and comes home to Burg 183; 184; gives his step-d. Thordis to Grim of Mossfell 185; and his d. Thorgerd to Olaf the Peacock; and his d. Bera to Ozur Eyvindson 186; greatly loves his s. Bodvar ibid .; lays Bodvar in howe; then takes to his bed and will not eat or drink; none durst speak to him 187; his life saved by his d. Thorgerd 188–9; composes his Sonatorrek 189–94; the manner of his life in Iceland, and why he went no more abroad; composes his Arinbjarnarkviða 194–9; his friendship with Einar Jingle-scale 199; hears of Arinbiorn’s fall at the Neck; his stave on this 200; 201; has little love for his s. Thorstein 202; grows very old; his silken cloak, Arinbiorn’s gift, spoilt by Th.; left a widower, goes to dwell with his step-d. Thordis at Mossfell, because he loved her most of those folk that were then alive 203; composes his Targe-Drapa on a shield sent him by Thorstein Thorason 204; learns of his s. Thorstein’s strife with Steinar 209; rides to the Thing with eighty armed men to support Thorstein 210; treats with Onund Sjoni; the award left to him; Steinar’s and Odd-a-Tongue’s misgivings 211–2; makes a harsh, but just, award; his answer to Onund Sjoni 213–4; sets Thorgeir Blund, his sister’s s., at Anisbrent; parts with blitheness with Thorstein 214–5; disappointed at Blund’s misbehaviour 218; his deep old age and blindness 219; his last verses: Langt þykke mér 220; wishes to ‘sow’ K. Athelstane’s silver at the Thing for sport; balked of this, buries his treasure and slays the two thralls to cover its traces 221; dies of a sickness and is laid in howe at Tiltness with his clothes and weapons; later, his body buried in the churchyard; and, generations after, his bones found; the wonderful weight and thickness of his skull; his bones laid to rest at last in the churchyard at Mossfell 222. xii, xiv–xv, xxiii, xxx, xxxiii–xxxiv. 246, 260, 265, 271, 277, 280, 282, 283, 294, 295, 296, 306, 308, 310


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