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by Then Came You (lit)

  fresh fruit. She laughed and chattered all the while, the warm light casting a glow over her animated face. Several times Alex

  was chagrined to find himself staring at her. It bothered him greatly, his fascination with her and the puzzle she presented.

  No matter what the subject of conversation, Lily had something to add to it. Her knowledge of hunting, horses, and other masculine subjects gave her a certain rough-and-tumble appeal. But when she exchanged society gossip with Totty, she

  sounded as sophisticated as any woman in the beau monde could ever hope to be. Most perplexing of all, there were moments—brief, to be sure—when she displayed an artless charm that far eclipsed her younger sister.

  “Penny will be the most exquisite bride London has ever seen!” Lily exclaimed, causing her sister to giggle modestly. Then she glanced at Totty wryly. “I’m glad that you’ll finally have the grand wedding you dreamed of giving, Mama. Especially after the years of torment I’ve caused you.”

  “You haven’t been completely tormenting, dear. And I still haven’t relinquished my hopes of giving you a wedding someday.”

  Lily kept her expression bland, but inwardly she laughed. May the devil take me before I become someone’s wife, she

  thought grimly. She glanced at Alex, who appeared to be absorbed in the plate of lukewarm food before him. “The kind of

  man I would consent to marry is difficult to find.”

  Penelope regarded her curiously. “What kind is that, Lily?”

  “I don’t know if there’s a particular word to describe him,” Lily said thoughtfully.

  “Milksop?” Alex suggested.

  Lily glared at him. “From what I’ve observed, this business of marriage is far more advantageous for the man. The husband always has the whip hand, legally and financially, whereas the poor wife spends her best years bearing his children and seeing

  to his welfare, and then discovers herself to be as burnt out as an old candle.”

  “Wilhemina, that is not so,” Totty exclaimed. “Every woman requires a man’s protection and guidance.”

  “I don’t!”

  “Really,” Alex remarked, his steady gaze pinning her to the chair. Lily writhed in discomfort as she returned his stare.

  Apparently he had heard about her relationship with Derek Craven. Well, his opinion of her didn’t matter a damned bit.

  And it was none of his business whether she had an “arrangement” with someone or not!

  “Yes, really,” she said coolly. “But were I to marry, my lord, I would only have a man who doesn’t equate strength with

  brutality. Someone who considers a wife a companion rather than a glorified slave. Someone—”

  “Lily, that is enough!” her father said, his face darkening. “Above all I desire peace, and you are creating a disturbance.

  You will keep your silence now.”

  “I’d like her to continue,” Alex said calmly. “Tell us, Miss Lawson, what else do you want in a man?”

  Lily felt her cheeks begin to burn. There was a strange sensation in her chest—tautness and warmth and turbulence. “I don’t

  wish to continue,” she muttered. “I’m sure you all have the general idea.” She put a bite of chicken in her mouth, but the succulent morsel suddenly had the texture of sawdust, and it was difficult to swallow. All seated at the table were silent, while Penelope’s distressed gaze flickered back and forth between her finance and her sister.

  “Although,” Lily said after a moment, lifting her gaze to Totty’s pink face, “I’m becoming more settled in my advanced age, Mother. It’s possible that I could find someone willing to make certain allowances for me. Someone tolerant enough to endure

  my wild ways.” She paused significantly. “In fact, I think I may have found him.”

  “What are you talking about, dear?” Totty asked.

  “I may be receiving a caller in a day or two. An absolutely delightful young man—and a neighbor of yours, Lord Raiford.”

  Totty registered immediate delight. “Are you teasing, Wilhemina? Is it someone I’m familiar with? Why haven’t you mentioned

  him to us before now?”

  “I’m not certain how much there is to tell,” Lily said coyly. “And yes, you are familiar with him. It’s Zachary.”

  “Viscount Stamford?”

  Her family’s astonishment caused Lily to grin. “None other. As you know, I began a friendship with Zach after Harry and I left off. Through the years we have cherished a certain fondness for each other. We get along famously. Lately I have suspected

  that the feelings between us may have ripened.” Perfect, she thought with pride. She had delivered the news in just the right tone— casual, pleased, a touch bashful.

  It was on the tip of Alex’s tongue to ask what her paramour Derek Craven thought of the situation, but he bit the words back.

  He considered what kind of pair they would make. Stamford was a harmless pup without much of a spine. Lily would lead the poor fool around by his refined little nose.

  Lily smiled at Penelope apologetically. “Of course, dear Penny, we all know that Zach entertained an interest in you for a while. But of late Zach has begun to view me in a light he never has before. I hope you would not be disconcerted by the prospect of

  a match between us.”

  There was a strange expression on Penelope’s face—amazement battling with jealousy. Penny had never looked at her sister

  in such a way before. She managed to produce a valiant smile. “It would please me if you were to find someone who could give you happiness, Lily.”

  “Zach would be quite a good husband for me,” Lily mused. “Although we’d have to work on his marksmanship. He’s not quite

  the sportsman I am.”

  “Well,” Penelope said with wan enthusiasm. “Viscount Stamford is a gentle and thoughtful man.”

  “Yes, he is,” Lily murmured. Penny, bless her, was easy to read. She was in shock at the thought that the man who had courted her so ardently was now considering marriage with her older sister. Everything was going to fall into place nicely. Glowing with satisfaction, Lily looked at Alex. “I trust you have no objections to my receiving visitors, my lord?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of interfering with any matrimonial prospect that comes your way, Miss Lawson. Who knows when there

  might be another?”

  “You’re too kind,” she replied sourly, and leaned back as a servant ventured forth to remove her empty plate.


  “Miss? Miss, shall I fetch something from the kitchen? P’raps a cup o’ tea?”

  There was the sound of curtains being pulled. Lily stirred and groaned, climbing up from the soft depths of sleep. The glare of daylight was in her eyes. As she turned her head, she winced at the ache of sore muscles in her neck. What a wretched sleep she’d had, filled with strange dreams, some of them about Nicole. She’d been chasing after her daughter, trying to reach her, stumbling through endless hallways in unfamiliar places.

  The maid continued to pester her with tentative questions. Probably his odious lordship had sent his servants to wake her at

  some ungodly hour, just for spite. Cursing Wolverton silently, Lily rubbed her eyes and struggled to a sitting position. “No, I

  don’t want any tea,” she muttered. “I just want to stay in bed and—”

  Lily broke off with a gasp as she saw her surroundings. Her heart thumped in fright. She was not in bed. She wasn’t even in

  her room. She was … oh God, she was downstairs in the library, curled uncomfortably in one of the leather armchairs. The

  maid, a young woman with a wealth of red curls stuffed under a white cap, was standing in front of her, wringing her hands.

  Lily looked at herself, realizing she was dressed in her thin white nightgown, no robe or slippers. She had gone to sleep last

  night in the guest room provided for her, and somehow she had ended up here.

he problem was, she had no recollection of getting out of bed or coming down the stairs. She didn’t remember any of it.

  It had happened again.

  Disoriented, Lily ran her palm over her sweat-beaded forehead. She could understand the situation if she had been drinking.

  Oh, she’d done quite a few foolish things when she’d “bought the sack,” as Derek called it when she was tipsy. But all she’d

  had to drink last night was a few sips of liqueur after dinner, and that followed by a cup of strong coffee.

  It had happened on two other occasions. Once, when she had gone to sleep in the bedroom of her London terrace and had awakened the next morning to find herself in the kitchen; and the time after that, Burton, the butler, had discovered her asleep

  in the parlor. Burton had assumed that she had been under the influence of strong drink or some other intoxicant. Lily hadn’t mustered the nerve to tell him she’d been as sober as a judge. Good Lord, she couldn’t let anyone know that she roamed the

  house in her sleep—that wasn’t the behavior of a sane woman, was it?

  The maid was watching her, waiting for an explanation.

  “I … I was feeling restless last night and … came here for a drink,” Lily said, twisting the folds of her nightgown in her fists. “H-how silly of me to fall asleep right in this chair.” The girl glanced around the room, obviously wondering about the absence

  of a glass. Somehow Lily manufactured a light laugh. “I sat here to think about … something … and then I went to sleep

  before I even got the bloody drink!”

  “Yes, miss,” the maid said doubtfully.

  Lily ran her fingers through her tousled curls. A headache pounded in her temples and forehead. Even her scalp was sensitive.

  “I believe I’ll return to my room now. Have some coffee sent up, would you?”

  “Yes, miss.”

  Gathering her nightgown around the front of her body, Lily crawled out of the large chair and left the library, trying not to stagger. She went through the entrance hall. There were clinking sounds of dishes and pots from the kitchen, voices of servants engaged

  in their early-morning tasks. She had to get to her room before she was seen by anyone else. Clutching the hem of her nightgown in her hands, she flew up the stairs, her feet a pale blur.

  Just as Lily neared the top, she saw a dark, imposing figure. Her heart sank. It was Lord Raiford, going for a morning ride. He was dressed in riding clothes and gleaming black boots. Defensively Lily pulled at the front of her gown, trying to conceal herself as much as possible. Wolverton’s assessing gaze seemed to shred her thin nightgown and detect every detail of her body underneath.

  “What are you doing, traipsing through the house like that?” he asked curtly.

  Lily was tongue-tied. On a sudden inspiration, she lifted her nose and stared up at him as haughtily as possible. “Perhaps I was consorting with one of the servants last night. Shouldn’t one expect such behavior from a woman like me?”

  There was silence. Lily endured his unfathomable gaze for an eternity, then tried to look away. It was impossible. Suddenly it seemed to her that instead of icy glints, his eyes were filled with sparks of intense heat. Although she stood there motionless,

  she had the sensation of the world careening around the two of them. She swayed slightly and placed her hand on the banister.

  When Wolverton spoke, his voice was more gravelly than usual.

  “If you’re to stay under my roof, Miss Lawson, there’ll be no displays of your well-used little body, for the benefit of the servants or anyone else. Do you understand?”

  His contempt was worse than a slap in the face. Well-used? Lily drew in a quick breath. She couldn’t recall ever hating anyone more in her life. Except, of course, Giuseppe. She wanted to fling a scalding retort at him, but suddenly she was overwhelmed

  with the urge to flee. “Understood,” she said briskly, and rushed past him.

  Alex did not turn to watch her go. He descended the stairs with nearly the same speed as she had gone up them. Instead of walking toward the stables, he strode into the empty library and closed the door with such force that it shook in the doorjamb.

  He allowed himself several long, searing breaths. From the moment he had seen her in the filmy white gown, he had wanted her. His body was still rigid, trembling with arousal. He’d wanted to take her right then on the steps, bear her down to the carpet and push into her. Her hair, those damnable short curls that enticed his fingers to wind through them … the delicate whiteness of her throat … the small, tempting points of her breasts.

  Alex cursed and rubbed his shaven chin roughly. With Caroline his desire had been mingled with tenderness and love. But this

  kind of wanting had nothing to do with love. He felt as if the surge of arousal had been a betrayal of his feelings for Caroline.

  Lily was more dangerous than he had suspected. He managed to stay in control of himself and everything around him, except when she was near. But he wouldn’t yield to the temptation she presented … he wouldn’t, by God, even if the effort killed him.

  Chapter 4

  “Zachary! Dear, dear, Zachary, how nice of you to call!” Lily strode forward and clasped his hands, welcoming him into the mansion as if she were the lady of the manor. Standing on her toes, she lifted her face, and he kissed her cheek dutifully. In

  his black silk cravat and elegant riding clothes, Zachary was every bit the handsome country gentleman. Discreetly the butler

  took Zachary’s coat, gloves, and hat, and withdrew. Pulling Zach to a corner of the entrance hall, Lily whispered in his ear. “They’re all taking tea in the parlor—Mother, Penny, and Wolverton. Remember to act as if you’re in love with me—and if

  you make eyes at my sister, I’ll pinch you! Now come—”

  “Wait,” Zachary whispered anxiously, tightening his hold on her. “How is Penelope?”

  Lily smiled. “Don’t look so worried. There’s still a chance for you, old fellow.”

  “Does she still love me? Has she said so?”

  “No, she won’t admit it,” Lily said reluctantly. “But she certainly doesn’t love Wolverton.”

  “Lily, I’m dying of love for her. Our plan must work.”

  “It will,” she said with determination, slipping her hand into the crook of his arm. “Now … off to battle!”

  Together they strolled out of the entrance hall. “Have I called at too late an hour?” Zachary inquired, loudly enough that the occupants of the parlor could hear.

  Lily winked at him. “Not at all, dearest. Just in time for tea.” With a broad smile, she pulled him into the parlor, a beautiful and

  airy room with pale yellow silk walls, carved mahogany furniture, and large windows. “Here we are,” she said lightly, “all familiar with each other. No need for introductions—how convenient!” Fondly she squeezed Zachary’s arm. “I must tell you, Zach, that

  the tea at Raiford Park is excellent. Almost as good as the kind I serve in London.”

  Zachary smiled as he regarded the room in general. “Lily does serve the best tea I’ve ever tasted—she orders a secret blend

  that no one else can quite reproduce.”

  “I encountered it during my travels,” Lily replied, seating herself in a delicate claw-foot chair. She sneaked a glance at her sister, and was delighted to witness a brief but intense glance between Penny and Zachary. For just a moment, Penny’s gaze was filled with sadness and hopeless longing. Poor Penny, Lily thought. I’ll make everything right for you. And then perhaps you

  and Zach can prove to me that true love does exist.

  In a courtly manner, Zachary went to the settee, where Penelope and Totty were situated. Sensitive to Penelope’s deep blush,

  he did not speak directly to her, but addressed her mother. “Lady Lawson, it is a pleasure to see you and your lovely daughter.

  I trust all is well with you?”

  “Quite well,”
Totty replied in mild discomfort. In spite of her objections to Zachary’s courtship of her daughter, she had rather

  liked him. And she had been aware, as everyone else had, that Zachary’s love for Penelope had been sincere and honorable.

  But a family of limited financial means had to be practical. Lord Raiford was by far a more advantageous match for their daughter.

  Alex stood by the marble mantel of the fireplace and lit a cigar as he surveyed the proceedings. Lily glared at him. How impossibly rude he was. Gentlemen usually reserved their smoking for when they congregated to discuss masculine subjects

  of interest. Unless he were an irascible elderly gentleman puffing on a dignified pipe, Wolverton should have smoked in private,

  not in the presence of ladies.

  Warily Zachary nodded to Alex. “Good afternoon, Wolverton.”

  Alex nodded and brought the cigar to his lips. As he exhaled a stream of smoke, his eyes narrowed into gleaming slits of silver.

  Surly beast, Lily thought darkly. He must feel threatened by the presence of a man so different from himself, a charming, gentlemanly fellow whom everyone liked. Wolverton couldn’t make himself likeable even if he tried for a hundred years. She scowled at him and then directed a smile to Zachary. “Come sit down, Zach, and tell us the latest happenings in London.”

  “Unbearably dull without you, as always,” Zachary replied, taking the chair next to hers. “But I did attend a large dinner party recently, and observed that Annabelle is looking quite splendid since her marriage to Lord Deerhurst.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Lily rejoined. “She deserves to be happy after enduring ten years of marriage to Sir Charles, the randy old goat.”

  “Wilhemina!” Totty gasped in dismay. “How could you call Sir Charles, may he rest in peace, such a dreadful name—”

  “How could I not? Annabelle was only fifteen when she was compelled to marry him, and he was old enough to be her grandfather! And everyone knows that Sir Charles wasn’t kind to her. Personally, I’m gratified that he passed on in time for Annabelle to hnd a husband of more suitable age.”

  Totty gave her a disapproving frown. “Wilhemina, you sound quite heartless.”


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