His to Control
Page 4
William's order washed over her. He’d ordered her to sleep and rest. She wanted to make him proud.
Chapter Four
William pulled up outside of David and Paul Steer’s house. It was a large place that looked more like a mansion. He couldn’t complain. Control was very similar in size and expense. Gabriel's and Dean’s cars were in the driveway. He followed the path round to the back of the house. Paul was yelling into the phone. Dean, Gabriel, and David were sitting around a table sipping some orange juice.
His friend Gabriel stood when he came into view. “It has been too long since I saw you. How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. How are Amy and the kids?”
“They’re doing good.”
William settled down into his seat and asked Dean about his wife and young child.
“They’re doing fine. Laura is exhausted and doesn’t want to hire a nanny. Peter is too busy to swing by to see her it would seem.”
Peter had stopped babysitting for Laura when it became too painful for him to see the woman he loved happy with another man. William didn’t say anything. He simply smiled.
“How is Anna?” he asked David, the younger Steer brother.
“Dealing. She’s been a little out of it these last six months. Finding out about Daisy has knocked her for six. It has all of us. Paul’s just trying to figure out what is stopping your deliveries. He got wind of it, and it appears there is some petitioning going on at the town hall,” David said.
William sat back and waited for them to ask him a question. None of them said a thing. Paul cursed and slammed the phone down onto the gravelled path before walking over to the table.
“I can’t get them to stop that damn petition. Apparently, the trucks cause pollution or some shit. They’re not allowing certain types of trucks through the town. The company you use apparently,” Paul said. He sat down taking a large gulp of fresh orange.
“I can’t help either. The sheriff’s department cannot stop the legal side on a pollution case. The greener environment is all the rage right now.”
William allowed the men to talk over him, his own anger increasing at the complete lack of interest in their own sister. He could forgive Gabriel and Dean, but the Steer brothers should care.
“Do you know what makes me sick?” William asked, looking at the people around his table. “What makes me sick is the fact you two care more about a club you never visit, a club you don’t own, instead of asking me how your sister has been.”
“She’s not our sister,” Paul said. William saw the other man grinding his teeth, but he didn’t give a shit.
“I beg to differ, friend. I believe the DNA test you demanded Daisy take, provided all the information you needed.”
“Don’t say her name here. She’s fucked up so much in our lives already,” David said.
Gabriel put a hand on his arm.
“You two pieces of shit,” William said. He had a lot of years on the two men in front of him. “So Daisy, a twenty-five year old woman is responsible for one, if not all, of your fathers going to her mother, fucking her, and leaving a baby behind. The last time I checked a science journal it never said a woman could produce semen. If my science is correct—and forgive me, it has been years since I was in school—to make a baby, it needs an egg, provided by a woman, and then sperm, provided by a guy.” William knew the sarcasm in his voice wouldn’t be lost on anyone. “Daisy had fuck all to do with your parents' infidelity. She is innocent in all of this.”
“She’s a first-class bitch,” Paul said.
“She doesn’t know any better. For her whole life she’d been living with that first-class bitch she calls a mother. You don’t have to like what your parents did, but put the blame where it fucking deserves.”
“This is none of your concern, William,” Paul said.
Anna walked out, followed by Laura and Amy. They were all silent as the women approached. Anne was carrying a tray of fruit, which rested against her hip. “I thought you’d like refreshments,” she said.
Laura sat down next to her husband, and Amy took the seat next to Gabriel.
“I heard you yelling. Please, continue,” Anna said.
“Baby, we don’t need to talk about it,” David said.
“That can only mean you were talking about Daisy. How is she?”
William noticed her question was directed at her two husbands. At least Paul and David had the grace to look ashamed.
“You’re going to continue blaming her for everything?” Anna asked.
“Everything would have been fine if she hadn’t come out.”
Tears were rolling down from Anna’s eyes. “I know she can be a pain, but this is horrid. I want no part in it.”
She turned and walked back to the house. David and Paul went to get up to follow her. Anna turned at the last minute. “Don’t follow me. I don’t want to talk to either of you.”
They both sat down shooting glares at William. “You shouldn’t be butting your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“When a young woman comes into my club and begins to drink herself into oblivion, it becomes my problem. Daisy is hurting. I don’t want you anywhere near my club until you sort something out with her.”
William stood and walked away. He was at his car when he saw Gabriel’s reflection in his car window. “Why are you following me?”
“It is not like you to take an interest in someone like Daisy,” Gabriel said.
He let out a sigh and turned to his only real friend. “Do I need to contend with you being mean about her as well?”
Gabriel shook his head. “I’ve never said more than two words to her. I don’t know her enough to ruin our friendship.”
“Good, keep it that way.”
“You’re taking her at the club, aren’t you?”
William closed his eyes, counted to ten, and then turned back to his friend. “She needs my help. Daisy came to me, and I’m not going to let her go because of people disliking her.”
“I’m not trying to say that, William. I knew there was something going on between the two of you the moment you began to defend her.”
William flicked the badge of his keys between his fingers. Images of Daisy over his knee entered his mind and went straight to his cock. He wanted to sink into her warm heat. William wanted to hear her scream out her pleasure. What would his name sound like coming from her lips?
“No woman has ever gotten to you this way.”
“She’s not just any woman.”
“I know, William. She’s younger than you.”
“So is Amy for you, but that didn’t stop you.”
“I’m here if you need me.”
William nodded his head at his friend’s offer. “I don’t know if anything will come of my time with her. She needs something, and I’m more than happy to give it to her.
“I’ll see you around,” Gabriel said, then turned back and began walking the way he’d come.
William got in his car and drove back to the club. Peter was already back cleaning glasses. William took a seat at the bar wondering what life was going to be like. At forty-five he was already beginning to feel his years. Daisy was young and vibrant. He knew he could bring out the best inside her.
Peter put a cup of coffee in front of him. “How did it go?” he asked.
“The same as always. David and Paul are blaming Daisy for all the wrong in their lives instead of getting past it.”
“I saw that she got home safely. She’s living in my old apartment. It is a good little place.” Peter smiled.
“Dean and Laura were there,” William said. The smile on Peter’s face vanished.
“How are they?” he asked.
William knew he should tell Peter the truth, but he couldn’t do it. It was hard enough seeing Peter’s pain on a daily basis. The poor guy needed to move on.
“They’re happy.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
Silence surrounded them. William
drank his coffee while Peter cleaned his glasses.
“I was wondering if you’d considered employing more people to work here,” Peter asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Gabriel mentioned at some point you had a club back in the city. A well respected and busy club. Do you think if we got some of your old employees back, we’d bring more business over here?”
William thought about it. He’d been considering using some of his old contacts to try to bring more people into his club. “It might be something I consider,” William said. “I’m going to go and look up a few friends and check out some of my contacts. Can I leave you alone for a few hours?”
“Sure, I’m going to get the bar ready, and then go and do some target practice on the coiled whip.”
William shook his head, laughing. “Target practice?”
“Yeah, I’ve got to be able to hit my target without damaging the surface. I’d never want to scar a woman, William.”
William tapped Peter on the back and started back to his office. In all of his years of training to become a Dom, he’d never thought of target practise as a description.
Daisy was exhausted, but a loud banging sound was interrupting her sweet and pleasant dreams. She moaned, not wanting to leave the warmth William had created inside her. When she opened her eyes and saw she was back inside her own apartment, she groaned. Dreams were a pleasure and a curse.
Would William ever consider binding her to a post and then fucking her from behind? Where were all these fantasies coming from?
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she said.
She stood up and moved down the hall toward the door. There was no security peep hole, so she had to open the door in order to see who was knocking. Her mother, Tracy McAllister, stood on the opposite side. Daisy stared at her mother. Her heart pounded as she saw the grim line of her mouth, which was always in the same bitter line it was currently sporting. She looked into her mother’s green eyes, and there was all the nastiness she needed to see.
“What do you want?” Daisy asked. She felt ten years old with her mother standing glowering at her.
“Your temper tantrum has gone on long enough. Are you going to invite me inside, or will you be as rude as some people are in this town?” Tracy asked.
Daisy didn’t want her inside her house. Seeing no other alternative, she moved aside and let her mother enter.
Tracy didn’t wait for her. She moved through to the main apartment. “This place is a tip. How can you live in a pig-sty?” Her mother stared up and down at her. “There is my answer. You’ve stopped the diet already? Wow, you’ll be the size of an elephant in no time.”
She hadn’t been able to say anything else. Daisy moved toward her small kitchen. The tears filled her eyes as she filled the kettle. Like so many times before, she forced them down as she listened to her mother curse and begin rearranging her living space.
“Why are you here?” Daisy asked when she could no longer bear it.
“What, a mother cannot come and see her daughter?” Tracy asked. She was perched on the end of the small sofa that had been left behind by Peter.
“You’ve never cared about me, Mom. Why are you trying now?”
“I’ve heard you’ve been to that horrid club we’re trying to get shut down.”
“Control?” Daisy asked.
“Yes, I can not accept you going to such a disgusting place. Have you heard what the owner is? He’s a pervert of the highest order. I want you back home where I can make sure you’re not in any trouble.”
Daisy ignored her mother. She stared out of the window and saw the sun was beginning to set. “What time is it?” she asked.
“Who cares what time it is? Start packing your things.”
“No, I’m not going home.”
“I will not let you live here.”
“Mom, this is not your choice. Yes, I’ve been hanging out at Control. I like it there.” Before Daisy could react her mother slapped her on the face. The palm on her cheek hurt.
“How dare you behave like a slut, ruining our good name?”
Tears spilled down her cheeks. The pain in her cheek was nothing compared to the anger she felt at her mother’s words. “I’m the slut? I’m not the one who has a daughter by a married man. My father, one of the other generation of Steer men, slept with you while they were married. I’m not the slut. You are.”
Tracy raised her hand to strike her again. Daisy didn’t have time to react. William had caught her mother’s hand before Tracy could do anything else.
“Let go of me, you brute.”
“I’m a brute? I’ve never struck a young woman with the intention of hurting her, Miss McAllister.”
“You’re that pervert who owns that club.”
“I’m the guy who owns the club. I’m also the guy who owns your daughter. If I see a bruise on her caused by you, you’ll be sorry.”
“You can’t do anything to me, Mr. Pervert. No one in Cape Falls will believe you.” Her mom sneered.
Daisy had never felt so ashamed in all of her life.“It is a good thing I’m from the city, Miss McAllister. We do things differently there. I might also warn you that Gabriel is of the same ilk as I, and he does not like seeing women abused, especially by a parent. Get out.”
Her mother looked at her and then walked out. Daisy couldn’t stop her body shaking. The door to her apartment slammed closed, and she pressed a hand to her cheek.
William cursed then moved her hand away. “She got a hit in before I got here?” he asked.
“Yes, not a bad one.”
He tilted her head back to the light. His thumb caressed the flesh of her face, turning her this way and that way. “I don’t like it. I wish I could show her what real fear was.”
“I’m fine.”
“I don’t like women who take advantage of their position. She took advantage as a parent. I don’t like it, Daisy.”
She nodded her head and stared down at the floor.“Has she hit you like that before?”
“I wish I’d gotten here sooner.”
“She’s my mother. My baggage.”
“And you promised to be mine, Daisy. I’m the one in control.”
Daisy smiled then went to take a seat on the sofa where her mother had perched.
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing,” she said.
“Tell me. You promised to give me everything. I want to know what you’re thinking.”
She took a breath turning toward him. “I’m waiting for you to run out. A lot of guys couldn’t stomach my mother. They hated being with me after they’d seen her. She’s not a great person to be around before a date.”
“No, she can kill the mood. It is a good job that I’m not a little boy. I’m a man,” he said.
“What does that mean?” she asked.
William's gaze penetrated her to her very soul. She couldn’t look away as he captured her whole attention. “Come here,” he said.
She moved closer, and he placed a hand on her leg and got her to straddle his lap like she had that morning.
“Do you feel that?” he asked, pressing up against her mound.
“Yes.” His thick erection pressed to her covered pussy. She moaned as his hands went to her ass.
“That woman will never affect my need for you,” he said.
“You need me?”
She stared down into his eyes. “You want me?”
He chuckled. “Is that so hard to think about?”
“I just thought you didn’t seem happy about training me when I asked. I didn’t think you wanted me.”
“Daisy, if I didn’t want you then I wouldn’t have agreed. I also wouldn’t have allowed you to be tied to my bed. Make no mistake in my actions, woman. I want you.”
She smiled feeling better already.
“Have you ever seen a man naked?” he asked.
aisy shook her head. “On a few movies, but no, I’ve never seen a guy naked.”
“I know this is embarrassing, but I need to know. Do you mind me asking you a few questions?”
“I don’t mind.”
He settled down with her still on his lap.
“Have you ever been naked with a man?”
“No, I told you that.”
“Ah, you told me you’d never seen a man naked. This was a different question.” She closed her eyes when his hands curled around and underneath the shirt she was wearing.
“The answer is still no.”
“Do you want me, Daisy?” he asked.Her eyes opened as she stared down at him. She wanted him so badly. Daisy knew it was one of the reasons why she’d begun visiting the club in the first place. William intrigued her more than anyone else in her whole life. He was a muscular man, and he was also private. She’d seen the way he’d brushed off all the sneers and comments as he walked through the town square. William did not concern himself with the snide comments from the residents of Cape Falls.
“Yes, I want you.”
“What about my age, pet? Does my age bother you?”
She shook her head. “I like the fact you’re older.” Daisy saw the small flash of insecurity in his eyes. These questions were for him as much as they were for her.
“Have you ever had an orgasm?” he asked.
“Do you want one?”
He smiled, and her whole body turned to mush. She’d never seen anything as powerful as the charismatic smile he gave her. Daisy knew she was gone. She would spend the rest of her life trying to earn that smile.
Chapter Five
Did she have any idea how sexy she looked as she straddled his lap? He saw the wetness of her arousal through the fabric of the sweat-pants she wore. Her scent permeated the air between them. She smelled like warm honey, sweet and succulent. He wanted a taste of her. William knew he should take it slow, but he wanted to be the first man to give her an orgasm. Every woman should know what it feels like to reach a climax.
He cupped her ass and pressed his cock against her warm pussy. How long had it been since he’d last sunk inside a nice, tight cunt? It had to be two years, possibly more since he’d felt any real need to let go.