Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks [Love in Stone Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks [Love in Stone Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “This is just insane,” Troy said.

  “Our home is going to be up to scratch. I don’t care.”

  Someone cleared their throat. Troy looked to see Roger stood in the doorway, staring at them.

  “Yes, sir?” Troy stood to his feet, wanting to make a good impression.

  “Brad’s finally turned up. He’s terrified of me, but he’ll get you hot water by the end of the day. Your electric’s fine. I’m putting in some safety devices to help you. I’ll come by later in the week to check and see how things are going.”

  Chris stood tall, with his back ramrod straight.

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice Ruby’s attire. I see it, and you boys better know that if you break her heart, we’ll break you,” Roger said.

  “We’ve got no intention of hurting her,” Chris said.

  “Good. I know we’re a small town but we’d gladly hurt anyone who hurts one of our own.” Roger glared at each of them before heading back out.

  “Wow, I’m terrified,” Troy said.

  “He’s taking care of his daughter. We’re not going to hurt Ruby. We should be fine.”

  The rest of the day went by in a blur. Troy couldn’t remember what time it was. So many people passed through the house that he lost count. A lot of people greeted them, and before long, it was time for food. Darla and Bessie arrived with lots of burgers. Troy helped to hand them out to everyone working.

  Daisy arrived to help Ruby. His woman was busy working one room at a time. She dusted, washed, and ironed everything before putting it back up. She also escorted them around the room getting their ideas on what color to have where.

  By the time night had fallen, Troy was exhausted. Ruby saw the last person out of their house before coming back into the kitchen.

  His woman looked like a ball of energy waiting to explode. Troy watched her bounce around the kitchen, collecting up cups, plates and anything else that needed washing.

  “Everyone has agreed to come by next Sunday. In the evening, you’ll probably get a couple of calls from those that helped. They’re intent on helping you.” She hummed as she worked.

  “I don’t know how you handle it,” Troy said. His feet were hurting from standing all day. Working at the shop, he’d taken the necessary breaks in between. With his home, he’d moved from one person to the next. So much attention and so little time.

  She moved behind him. “You look tired.” Her hands settled on his shoulders, rubbing out the tight knots.

  “I think I blew the kettle. Our baby is not used to making so many hot drinks,” Chris said, looking at the worn electric device.

  “Sorry guys. You weren’t ready for such a herd of people, were you?” Ruby asked.

  Kissing her hand, Troy tugged her around to sit in his lap. “It’s something we’re going to have to get used to.”

  He kissed her neck, loving the way she quivered in his arms. Reaching under the vest she wore, he found her full tits with her hardened nipples.

  “You can’t be that tired!”

  “Troy has the right idea.” Looking over her shoulder, he watched as Chris approached, unbuckling his belt as he did. “I’ve been watching you all day, shaking that ass around in my boxers. I think it’s time we got something back for our torture.”

  Chris dropped to the floor in front of him. Troy held onto Ruby as his friend removed the boxer briefs from her body. Opening her thighs, Troy kept them open with his hands.

  “I’m going to lick this pussy and then I’m going to fuck you,” Chris said.

  “What about Troy?” Ruby asked, rubbing her ass against his length.

  “Stand her up,” Troy said, tapping her ass.

  Chris pulled her to her feet, giving Troy enough time to push his jeans around. “I’m going to have all the fun I need behind here.”

  Ruby went back on his lap with her ass over his cock. They’d be working her behind with a butt plug soon, and then they could both take her at the same time. Until then, Troy was more than happy to be part of Chris fucking her. He got to play with her body, learning what she liked and what had her screaming.

  Chapter Eleven

  The crowd outside the Pleasure Palace was unbelievable. The grand opening was doing really well. Ruby watched from across the street. Her door was wide open and she stood leaning against it, waiting to catch a glimpse of her two men. She wore Chris’s checkered shirt and a pair of Troy’s jeans. Purchasing some of her own accessories, she made the outfit look feminine as opposed to the masculine look she imagined she had. Her weekend with her two men had been strangely fulfilling. They’d talked, fucked, made love, and worked through some chores.

  Her heart thumbed in her chest, remembering the feel of them against her. Troy and Chris knew how to pleasure her body.

  “Are you going inside?” Darla asked. Nathan was playing with a Teddy bear while holding his mommy’s hand.

  “Not yet. Have you seen the chaos? It’s far too busy.”

  Darla looked over at the store. “I’m not interested in going. Nathan and I are spending the day at the park.”

  “How are things going with you and Luke?” Ruby asked.

  “You’re not mad?” Darla’s cheeks were bright red and Ruby took pity on the young woman.

  “I’m not mad. I wish you felt you could have talked to me.”

  “It’s been a really hard time. Anyway, Luke, Jon, and Ryan are waiting for me at the park. They want to know him.” Darla whispered the words.

  “He doesn’t know?” Ruby made sure her words couldn’t be heard by the four-year-old.

  Darla shook her head. “I can’t bring myself to tell him just yet.”

  “They’re not going to run away, you know?” Ruby leaned down, ruffling Nathan’s hair.

  “I know. I’m just nervous. Luke’s not the easiest guy to know.”

  She spoke with Darla for several minutes, trying to give her young friend some comfort and advice. Nothing helped. Darla wasn’t going to stop worrying just because she told her not to.

  Darla left as Lily Smile came to her door. Lily owned the florist shop around the corner.

  “I’ve got a delivery for you,” Lily said. “It’s really weird. The order came over the phone, but this card came through today for you. It goes with the order.”

  A dozen red roses were bound together with a piece of string. “Do you know who placed the order?”

  “No. The guy that delivered the card also had an extra card filled with payment for this order. It was strange. Weird and strange.” Lily handed over the card.

  “Thanks, Lily.”

  “Anytime, and congratulations on snagging the two hunks,” Lily said. “You’ll be the talk of the town, you hussy.”

  Rolling her eyes, Ruby shushed her away. “I’d be a hussy if snagging two hunks wasn’t the norm.”

  “Isn’t that the truth?” Lily left her alone.

  Looking at the roses, Ruby frowned. They were not from Chris and Troy. She knew they’d find some reason to bring them to her themselves. Opening the letter, she pulled out the single white paper.

  In bold, black ink, the words sent a chill down her spine.

  They’re mine! Stay away from my men, or you’ll be sorry.

  Without thinking, she contacted Trevor Buttons, the Stone Valley Sheriff. The letter made her uneasy. He pulled up outside her shop within minutes of her phone call.

  “What seems to be the problem, Ruby?” Trevor asked.

  She handed him the note and told him everything that happened. Chris and Troy chose that minute to walk into her shop. In the time it had taken her to receive the flowers, call the Sheriff, and for him to arrive, the queue outside the Pleasure Palace had dwindled down.

  Ruby watched the two men tense as they saw the Sheriff.

  “What’s going on?” Chris asked, stepping close beside her.

  “Ruby has received a warning letter. I don’t think this is much to worry about, Ruby. Probably some bad joke or something,” Trev
or said.

  “What if it isn’t?” Ruby asked.

  “They sent it with red roses. Red is the sign of passion and no one in Stone Valley would ever hurt you. It could have been a huge mistake but I’ll look into it. Will you boys keep an eye on her and the shop for me?” Trevor asked.

  Both of her men agreed.

  When Trevor left, she gave them the rundown of what happened.

  “Has anyone ever done anything like this before?” Troy asked.

  “Tessie got some bad phone calls last year, but that was over a drug bust and everything about that went down. Marshall Rake was sentenced and it’s all behind us. I don’t know. Maybe I’m fretting for nothing. I’m a worrier.” She threw her hands in the air, laughing. “What about you two? Anything interesting happen today?”

  She tried to push all the focus back on them. Ruby couldn’t handle their intense gazes on her person.

  “We’ve been hit on and asked for more of a discount. Markus and Brant asked us to give a demonstration on the use of butt plugs. We refused,” Troy said.

  “Speaking of butt plugs.” Chris lifted the bag he was carrying. “Our shop is locked up for lunch. Troy, lock the door.”

  She saw the predatory look in Chris’s eyes. “What’s in the bag?” she asked, knowing the answer.

  The sound of the lock clicking into place echoed through the shop.

  “Have you got somewhere for us to do this in private?” Chris asked. He kept taking a step toward her, making it impossible for her to act nonchalant.

  She took the lead this time, going into her private office.

  “Quaint,” Chris said. Troy followed behind him.

  Without taking her eyes off them, Ruby looked from one man to the other.

  “Well, what do you have for me?” she asked. All thought of the letter and the roses left her mind. Chris and Troy dominated any kind of thought she had. Their eyes raked her body and she heated under their gaze.

  “Take the jeans off, bend over the desk and spread your legs wide.” The order came from Chris.

  Troy folded his arms, staring at her.

  “Why should I?” she asked, wanting a reaction from them.

  “If you want to take both of our cocks, you’re going to have to do as he says,” Troy said, speaking up. “Think about it, Ruby. One of us in your ass, the other in your pussy. The pleasure would be immense. All three of us fucking together.”

  The picture he painted was a hot one.

  Licking her lips, she nodded her head.

  * * * *

  Chris’s cock hardened in the jeans he wore. Ruby wriggled out of Troy’s jeans, went over to the desk and did everything he asked. Going to the chair, he eased his weight into it and sat behind her. Troy stayed leaning against the wall. His friend would join in when he was ready. There was no need to rush him.

  Putting the bag to the floor, he pulled out the tube of lubrication to start off with. The scent of her arousal permeated the air between them. Sliding a thick finger between her folds, Chris felt how wet she was for them.

  He told Troy the truth. His friend whistled.

  “You want us both at the same time, don’t you, baby?” Troy asked.

  “Yes,” she said. The word was faint but he and Chris caught it along with the sigh from her lips.

  Pushing two fingers into her cunt, Chris teased her body, feeling the cream gather on his digits. She was so fucking perfect. His cock tightened and he had no choice other than to release himself from the confines of his jeans. It was too tight for him to move or to think clearly.

  Opening the tube of lubrication, he pressed the tip against her anus and then grabbed the plug he intended to use. He smeared plenty of lubrication over the fake cock. Troy moved away from the wall, getting closer.

  “You want to see?” he asked, knowing Troy would love to watch this cock disappearing inside their woman’s ass.


  “Open the cheeks of her ass wide,” Chris said.

  Troy leaned over, gripping each of her ass cheeks and spreading them. He ran the plug through the lubrication, getting the toy really nice and wet.

  “I want you to push out when I tell you to,” he said, caressing her thigh.

  Her cream coated the lips of her sex. Using his free hand Chris slid his fingers through her slit, teasing her clit.

  “You’re so wet for us, baby.” Chris pinched her clit, relishing the sounds of her screams. Her hips jerked, but she tried to get closer.

  Letting go of her clit, he pressed the tip of the butt plug to her ass. He waited patiently for her to take the cock.

  She moaned and he pressed harder, trying to get her to take the cock.

  “Come on, baby. You can do this.”

  Troy massaged the cheeks of her ass as Chris went back to fingering her clit.

  “Breathe out,” Troy said.

  Ruby’s ass relaxed and he pushed the first inch of the plug inside her ass. It was only a small plug and she’d be able to work around it.

  “It’s too big,” she said, shouting.

  “I think it’s time to give her an orgasm,” Troy said.

  Chris fingered her pussy, waiting for her to explode in pleasure. He didn’t have to wait very long before she was screaming in ecstasy.

  He pressed the plug deeper, watching her anus expand for the plug. Chris palmed his erection as he watched the plug settle inside her ass.

  Ruby was shaking, her pussy soaked with cream.

  “It feels so good,” she said, whimpering.

  “It’s going to get better.” Chris grabbed the condom he’d brought with him, put it on and slammed deep inside her tight, hot cunt. Ruby screamed and Troy stayed where he was, holding the cheeks of her ass open.

  Chris saw her reach for Troy’s jeans. Within seconds, the jeans were around his ankles with his cock pointing at her lips.

  “Fuck, that’s it, love, take it deep.” Troy groaned, thrusting into her waiting mouth.

  He didn’t wait for her to grow accustomed to his penetration. Chris reared back and watched his cock slide out of her tight hole before slamming back inside her.

  She was tight and the plug made her pussy even more so. “I’m going to fuck you hard,” Chris said, slapping the side of her thigh.

  Ruby yelped around Troy’s cock. There was no stopping her suction. The lust ignited in the room, setting off a spark that Chris didn’t want to put out.

  Together, they worked in sync, drawing out Ruby’s pleasure, making her scream and beg them around her sucking Troy’s cock.

  Chris saw stars dance before his eyes and within seconds, he exploded inside the condom. Troy grunted and he saw Ruby working her throat, swallowing every jet.

  He pulled out of her body and tugged her into his arms. Troy came around the side of the desk, wrapping his arms around her as well.

  “I love my toy,” she said. Their laughter was a light sound within the small office.

  “There’s plenty more where that came from,” Chris said, kissing the top of her head.

  After the cloud of the orgasm passed, Chris remembered the letter and the roses. Who had sent them?

  Could it be Brad? No, he was sure the men mentioned had something to do with him and Troy.

  Shaking his head, Chris let his thoughts wander.

  “Will you be stopping by the Pleasure Palace?” he asked.

  “I’ll stop by later after work. We could meet at the diner for some food,” she said, looking up.

  Caressing her back, Chris looked over at Troy. His friend looked deep in thought as well.

  “Both of us would be happy to meet you at the diner.”

  She rubbed her nose against his and stood. “You’re going to make me keep this plug in my ass, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “You’ll thank me for it soon.” He tapped her ass, loving the sound of her moan as he did.

  “Shit, lunch is almost over and I’m starving.”

  Chris and Troy helped her to dress.
He loved seeing his clothes on her. Ruby had a way of filling out the clothes that tempted him to take her again and again.

  Pushing the hair off her face, Chris caught it for a kiss. “Dinner tonight at the diner?”

  “Yes. I’ll be there.”

  “I know where you live,” Chris said, kissing her again.

  “You’re keeping her all to yourself. Let some of us have a taste of those lips,” Troy said.

  He watched his friend kiss her as well. Their life was perfect with Ruby. Chris didn’t want it to change at all.

  * * * *

  After the lunch hour, Troy didn’t get to talk with Chris properly as another rush into their shop happened. Several women tried to strike up a conversation. Neither he nor Chris was having anything to do with it. They were taken and that’s what they told the women. They were Ruby’s men.

  He heard a couple of them mutter, “Ruby’s two hunks,” but he wasn’t going to argue with that. By the end of the day, he was tired and most of the stock had been cleared out.

  “Please, go and put the closed sign up. I’m tired,” Chris said, falling into the nearest chair.

  Troy did as he was bid, only because he couldn’t stand to serve another person. “I thought this would be easier than running security.” He bolted the door but left the blinds open so he’d see Ruby if she passed.

  “I’ve never been so tired in my life,” Chris said.

  He took a seat near the dildo display.

  “Do you think we made a mistake, opening a sex toy store?” Troy asked.

  “Why would we make a mistake?” Chris looked at him frowning.

  “Come on, you don’t think the letter Ruby received had Sandra’s name all over it?” No matter how busy he got, he couldn’t stop thinking about those blasted letters.

  “No, I don’t.” Chris waved his hand. “The Sheriff said there was nothing to worry about. I’m not worrying about anything.”

  Troy shook his head. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “It’s a small town. Sandra doesn’t have a clue where we are,” Chris said.

  “Stone Valley is a small town, and she could cause trouble for us. Remember, Chris, she likes to cause trouble.”


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