Dungeon Deposed

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Dungeon Deposed Page 5

by William D. Arand

  If a city is going to pop up around here, I need to make sure that I have amenities for people. Wish I had done some more prep-work. Maybe built a bathhouse, and a restaurant.

  Can still do it, but now I have to use actual manpower instead of summoned Hobs. It’d only take a wizard with a modicum of talent to detect the summoned creatures.

  They aren’t real after all.

  Berating himself, Ryker walked down off his porch and started down the lane to welcome his guests. There wasn’t much he could do about the town for now, but he could at least greet the queen’s guard.

  They were all dressed in plate mail, belted swords, a lance in a stirrup, and a shield on the saddle.


  He counted about forty of them. Give or take two or three. He also did a quick tally of their ranks.

  One commander, three captains, six lieutenants, thirty sergeants. And a couple of… somethings.

  “Greetings to you, would you be Ryker?” said the helmeted knight closest to him.

  Checking the ranking on the shoulder, he realized he was talking to one of the captains he’d noted at the start.

  “That I am. I can only assume the queen received my missive and has agreed?” Ryker asked, wishing he could see this person’s face.

  “That depends entirely on if there really is a dungeon, and what it holds,” replied the man.

  Ryker shrugged. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t expected.

  “Great. Dungeon is inside my inn. The best advice I can give you is to treat it respectfully, take the fights honestly, and you’ll be fine. From what I saw it’s more of a training dungeon.

  “Also, I had lunch and baths prepared for you all. You’re welcome to test out the dungeon if you like or move straight to eating and bathing,” Ryker said.

  Near the rear of the group he heard an excited shout.

  “Thank the queen’s mercy for that,” came a young woman’s voice. “Riding in the saddle that long and sleeping in the fields has done nothing for my sense of smell. I’ll take that bath immediately.”

  “May I present the queen’s cousin, Adele. She’s been sent as one of two special envoys to ensure that everything is taken care of in regards to the dungeon,” said the captain neutrally.

  In other words… she’s a token family member sent to support whatever we need to do to get this place up and running. High enough to outrank everyone nearby, not high enough to actually be important.

  Great. I get to babysit.

  An enchanting woman with dark black ringlets cut short into a man’s style rode up to him. She had bright blue eyes that caught his attention as she dropped out of her saddle in front of him. Her figure was athletic though she did have enough womanly assets to be attractive. She stood a paltry five foot four and seemed on the young side of twenty.

  She was definitely pretty, but there was a self-important aura to her that made Ryker’s jaw ache already.

  She was wearing a riding skirt that had once been quite fine. Now it was tattered, torn, and dirty. Dirt and streaks of road dust were splattered across her face and upper body.

  “You’ll show me to that bath, and then you’ll have lunch brought over. The sooner we can get everything taken care of, the sooner I can leave,” said Adele. Fretting at her clothes, she frowned and flicked at a piece of dirt on her sleeve.

  I’m going to murder her and dump her corpse in the dungeon.

  Not waiting for him to respond, the woman walked towards the inn.

  Watching her go, Ryker wasn’t sure he wanted to follow her.

  “We’ll keep her penned up as best as we can,” came a second woman’s voice.

  Looking over, he found another young woman, perhaps a year older than Adele. Her looks ran similar to Adele in many ways. So much so that he’d bet she was a relative. As pretty as the royal cousin, but she had a bit more curve to her figure than Miss Stick.

  Definitely far more mature as well.

  She looked pale and wan.

  Maybe riding at breakneck speeds is part of Adele’s upbringing, but not yours?

  “I’d appreciate that. I’d hate for the first dungeon in the land to be turned over to the adventurers guild instead because of one petty royal. The guild should be arriving in a number of days,” Ryker said honestly.

  Sighing, the woman bowed her head to him. “I appreciate your honesty. My name is Claire, another cousin to the queen, but much further removed.”

  “Mm. Welcome to my inn,” Ryker said, holding his arm out to gesture to the building. “Stables are around the side. Hobs will take your mounts when you go over there.”

  Not waiting for anything else to be said, he headed back to his seat on the porch.

  They’d come talk to him when they were ready. He imagined they’d want to snoop around a bit first. They’d find nothing, of course.


  In the end, it took an hour for the Royal Guard to head down into the dungeon. He could only imagine they were under orders from the queen to ascertain if the dungeon was real, if it could function, and if it was worth protecting.

  Not that he blamed them. He’d do the same.

  Sitting on the porch, Ryker stared out at nothing. His eyes unfocused as he followed the guards’ progress in his mind.

  They’d cleared the entry rooms with the solo Hobs that had almost no gear instantly. The outskirts went next in a steady crushing death march of trained precision.

  Wynne plopped down on the rail in front of him, her eyes as unfocused as his.

  She’s watching, too.

  The group of Hobs at the exit were dispatched as if they were nothing more than scarecrows.

  The royal guard really is something to be respectful of.

  Adele sat down heavily next to him. The chair creaked under the sudden weight.

  “I feel as if I were a civilized woman again. Riding through the ass end of nowhere with nothing but soldiers and dust for companions is not my ideal ride,” Adele complained. “Even if I love to ride.”

  Ryker looked at her for a second, then proceeded to ignore her and went back to the guards.

  They had broken into two groups of two, and the last guard who remained at base camp at the entry point to the city.

  The teams were quickly and methodically mapping out the streets and buildings. They managed to keep to the shadows and corners, hiding their presence as they did so.

  “So how long have you owned this pothole of an inn? Looks like you cleaned the place up. Were you expecting us?” Adele said.

  Blinking, Ryker turned his head to look incredulously at the woman.

  “I beg your pardon?” he asked icily.

  “Ah, I believe Adele was inquiring as to how long you’ve been the owner of this establishment. It seems recently renovated,” Claire said quickly.

  Ryker wasn’t quite sure if he wanted to take offense or not. He was already considering pitching the whole dungeon at the adventurers guild, despite hating them, and it was only day one with the spoilt little twat.

  Claire gave him a tired smile, pressing her hands together in front of her chest.

  Ahh… fine. Maybe I’m a sucker for that pained expression.

  Or the pretty smile.

  Before Ryker could let those thoughts go any further, he forced himself to nod his head at Claire, accepting her silent apology.

  “I’ve owned the inn for a few weeks. I had it built specifically over the dungeon,” Ryker admitted.

  “A wise move. And is the land around here yours?” Claire asked.

  “As if anyone would want it? There isn’t much more than horse shit and prairie dogs,” Adele said.

  Claire closed her eyes as her cheeks turned a faint red. She got control over herself and bowed her head fractionally to Ryker.

  “That’s a good question, Adele. Maybe you should take your horse and go for a ride around the country. I imagine our cousin would like to know an answer to that herself?” Claire asked.

  Adele shot out of h
er chair as if it were on fire. “A good plan! I’ll do it.”

  And she was off towards the stables.

  Ryker watched her go with a glower.

  “She’s a spoiled monster. Why did the queen send her at all?” Ryker asked aloud, intending for Claire to hear it.

  “Because Adele will be honest with her when she’s recalled. For all her faults, she isn’t a liar, nor an incompetent. She’s a trained fighter. I am merely an expendable relation of questionable worth,” Claire said.

  “Hmph. You can stay, she can leave. You can tell the queen that in your report, too.”

  Ryker paused, his thoughts turning inward. The royal guard who was playing home-base had encountered a mother and child pair of Hobs who were fleeing the city. The man hesitated, his sword halfway out of its sheath before he realized what he was drawing on.

  Ryker couldn’t get the details, he wasn’t watching closely after all, but he got the impression the mother and child passed around the soldier unmolested, and fled off into the tunnel he’d come from.

  The guard only watched them do so.

  So… those personality quirks I was putting into some of the runes… worked? Interesting. Interesting. Enough to make a hardened royal guard let them pass.

  “I… I can relay that to the queen. If you’re serious, that is,” Claire said slowly, peering at him from hooded eyes.

  “Hm? Oh, yeah. Prefer you in a heartbeat so far. Right now I want to put Adele in a sack and toss her into the dungeon for the Hobs to eat,” Ryker said, shaking his head.

  “I don’t like her,” Wynne said. “She called me a monster.”

  “To be fair, Wynne, you are a monster, just a very cultured, pretty, and intelligent one,” Ryker said, shrugging one shoulder.

  Wynne sighed dramatically. “Yes, master. Thank you, master.”

  “Adele is third in line for the throne,” Claire said.

  “And? She’s first in line for a boot in her asshole. All she has to do is bend over for me and I’ll punt it right up there. This is my land. I bought it. I own it. I can have the city in on this deal. The adventurers guild. The church. The last in line for the throne. But I chose the crown. I think I have a right to choose who I work with,” Ryker grumbled.

  “Yes. Yes, you do. I’ll let Adele know on her return. Perhaps we can dismiss her quickly with our findings. I’ll remain here as Her Majesty’s envoy,” Claire said.

  Ryker took a moment to reflect on that entire exchange.

  She can play the game.

  She’s playing me right now, in fact. If she were to get a position like that, directly from me being cross with Adele, then she’d probably move up in the noble’s game.

  Do I care though? Should I help her build that?

  What can I get out of her?

  He hesitated. He thought. And thought, and thought.

  Never had a head for politics. Let’s be direct.

  “You’re welcome to tell Adele which way I’m leaning right now. I’ll not be signing anything quite yet, so there’s always the possibility of change. When the time comes, I’d be more than willing to sign anything for the queen,” Ryker said. The implication being that he would want to sign whatever report was leaving.

  “And when the ink is dry, we can discuss where you and I stand. I imagine a position like this would be important to anyone seeking to rise in court. Enough to forge an alliance, or make concessions,” Ryker said.

  Claire’s face remained the pretty and polite mask that it was, but he caught just the barest flicker of surprise in her eyes.

  Then she smiled genuinely at him.

  “I’m yours to command until such a time as that comes to pass, master Ryker,” she said without a hint of subtlety to it.

  Maybe she’s willing to take the minor partner role? So long as she gets a title?

  Whatever. Another problem for another time.

  “Have a seat, enjoy the silence with us. It won’t be like this for long,” Ryker said, indicating the chair Adele had left.

  Sinking down in his chair, Ryker closed his eyes and focused on the dungeon.

  The Royal Guard had completed a quick circuit of the city, and found the exit of the dungeon. Rather than testing their mettle on the inhabitants, they met up again, then immediately made for the exit.

  So much for that. Maybe they don’t want to risk losing what information they have?

  “It is rather peaceful,” Claire murmured. “Maybe country life wouldn’t be so bad. It’s a shame a city is likely to spring up around this place.”

  “To answer your earlier question, I own all the land around here. The entire hill, and a number of acres and acres and acres on every side. I don’t plan on letting anything go up on my land that I don’t own, or don’t approve of. As for the country… I think my hill and farm will remain empty. I like my farm,” Ryker said with a smirk.

  “I wouldn’t figure you for a farmer, master Ryker,” Claire said.

  “I wasn’t. Not originally. Trained at the university. Full wizard. Talented even,” Ryker said bitterly.

  “But?” prompted the royal cousin.

  “But… not enough magical stamina. Wasn’t something I had really worried about either. You train, practice, and live the life. Then you go down into the dungeons to see what’s what,” Ryker said, then paused.

  “Found out I could only cast about half as many spells as a normal wizard. Then I was spent. I always got lightheaded after a while, but everyone assured me that was normal. Right up until they told me it wasn’t normal. This was a number of years ago, though. Maybe I’ve increased my ability since then, who knows. Doesn’t really matter anymore anyways. I own a dungeon, why would I need to worry about going inside. I just have to charge every asshole who wants to go in,” Ryker said honestly.

  Chapter 5 - Getting the Horns -

  With the Royal Guard confirming the dungeon was real, and in reality something they could utilize easily, things were progressing.


  Half their number rode back to the city to hire carpenters to build their garrison. The remaining half began setting up where they wanted said garrison as well as the guard booth at the limits of the encampment.

  For his part, Ryker sat in his office, staring down at a map laying on his desk. He’d made sure to have it drawn up when he was in town. In fact, he’d paid a little extra to make sure it was approved by the Royal surveyors. Which meant his map would be legal for all land disputes.

  The map listed every boundary marker for the land he owned in its entirety. From this view, he owned more than enough land to build a city equal in size to the nearby hated Warrenton.

  Actually, it might even be bigger. That’d make it the third largest city in the land by acreage alone, wouldn’t it? And that doesn’t even count the hill.

  Maybe the family fortune wasn’t wasted after all.

  Losing his original train of thought, Ryker had to force himself back on track. He’d been sitting here for a while, trying to figure out how he wanted to lay out everything for a city.

  There was no doubt civilization would spring up around him as Claire said. The question was when, and how. Planning out everything he wanted in advance was necessary to make sure he didn’t get swindled. Or lose out on business opportunities.


  I’m no city planner, gods damnit… I’m a scheming wizard.

  Bitter and angry, Ryker pressed his head to the map and closed his eyes.

  “Still no ideas?” Wynne asked from his elbow.

  “Nothin’. I can hire all the carpenters and stone masons I want, but if I can’t figure out where to put it all, it’s pointless.”

  “Can you hire someone to figure that out for you?”

  “I… don’t know. Could probably ask Claire if she knows anyone from the government,” Ryker said into the table.

  “Claire doesn’t know shit,” blurted out a rough voice from the door. “She’s a pretty face and a political bitch.”
  Lifting his head up quickly, Ryker found himself staring at Adele.

  “I see you have as little respect for your family as you do strangers,” Ryker said coolly. He was tired of this woman already and wanted to send her packing.

  Adele scoffed and flopped down in a chair. She slouched low, her dress riding up her legs.

  “If she even is family. They’re so far removed I could bed her brother and marry him,” Adele said dismissively.

  Ryker’s eyes widened. He was by no means some naive child, but there was a certain amount of civility granted to strangers entering into a new business deal.

  Especially from a crowned princess.

  “What? It’s true. Though it’s unlikely Her Majesty will allow me to marry until something comes up that she wants to tie the royal name to.” Adele shook her head, her curls bouncing back and forth. “What’d you need Claire for, anyways?”

  Ryker briefly considered telling her to simply go away. He didn’t want to deal with her sharp tongue and direct nature. Especially if he didn’t have to.

  Then again, she might tell him exactly what he wanted to know because of that direct nature.

  “Planning what will inevitably be a city. I own all the land around here. Bought it cheap when I first moved out here,” Ryker began to explain. “I want to try and get my head around figuring everything out before people start showing up. Making demands. Offering deals. I’d rather not be cheated.”

  Adele frowned at that, her eyes clouding in thought as she stared at her riding boots.

  Her fingers linked together, and then unlinked. Then linked again.

  Seems like she can’t sit still.

  “That’s a good point,” Adele conceded. “I read the report the guards were sending back to Warrenton. Your little dungeon is going to be very high on my royal cousin’s agenda. Very high. With that in mind… I’d say you’d best ask her for assistance in planning the city. I’m willing to bet if you let her have a government building—make sure you specify the size if you do—with no rent, she’d probably send you a team of her engineers and a planner to help get the city going.”


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