Dungeon Deposed

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Dungeon Deposed Page 34

by William D. Arand


  “How bedridden am I?” Ryker said, looking down at his sheet covered self. “I mean, I can’t feel much except the healing magic. Am I still broken?”

  “You’ll always be broken,” Adele said, smiling softly at him. Then she gestured at his body. “But you’re mostly put back together. I’d bet on your bones being weak, so nothing death defying for a while.”

  Marybelle bobbed her head in agreement. “Yes, that’s fairly accurate. You’re healthy and on the mend, but not fully whole. You must take it easy for a time.”

  Shaking his head, he adjusted himself in the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

  Take it easy they say.

  Meino stuck her head into the room from the doorway. “Master, a human soldier just came up and reported that a messenger arrived. They have a dispatch for Diane,” said the Minotaur. “And they said that it was urgent.”


  Ryker winced and grimaced with every bump in the road.

  He knew the carriage driver was doing their best, and that the carriage was probably the smoothest he’d ever been in, but it didn’t help. Every single jolt made it feel like his bones were grinding against each other.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not a trained cleric,” Marybelle apologized for perhaps the tenth time.

  “Not your fault they’re all ass fucking dimwits,” Ryker grumbled.

  Diane patted his hand gently. “We’re almost there. I’ll have mother command someone to fix you. I’m sure she has a cleric on hand that doesn’t worship the light pantheon.”

  Other than Marybelle, Tris, and Diane, there was no one else in the carriage.

  The message had been from Veronica herself, directing them to come to her an hour away from Dungeon by horseback.

  Apparently the two armies had clashed nearby. Each was recovering from the aftermath.

  Licking their wounds, so to speak.

  He imagined that he and Diane had been summoned so Veronica could yell at them for not helping the church.

  He was fully prepared to have his Fairies die for him and dive down into the earth with a spell. Then let Wynne and Arria do the rest, guiding him back to the dungeon.

  Time would tell though what Veronica was going to do.

  “In fact, we’re here,” Diane said helpfully as the carriage came to a stop.

  Ryker could only groan as the entire vehicle shifted, moving him around.

  At least the ride is over. And now it’s just a matter of hobbling my broke ass around.

  “I’ll get the door,” Marybelle said. She grasped the handle and swung it outward, getting down and waiting on the other side.

  Ryker clenched his hands into fists and levered himself up from the bench seat. With a grunt, he lowered himself down and shuffled through the door, practically falling out of the carriage in the process with the sudden dizziness he felt.

  Marybelle grabbed him by the shoulder and steadied him, bringing him around to the side.

  “Ah, are you alright?” she whispered to him.

  “Yeah. Just… not quite right, but on the mend. I’ll be—”

  Ryker paused to turn to one side and throw up everything onto the grass.

  “What the devil,” said a woman from off to the side.

  Sounds like Veronica.

  Ugh, tastes like carrots.

  Shit, looks like carrots.

  Why is it always carrots?

  “Someone from the church of light tried to kill him,” Diane said, coming up beside him. He felt her hand press to his back and begin rubbing in a slow circle.

  “What?” Veronica asked.

  “The. Church. Tried. To. Kill. Him. Then they refused to heal him. All because he wouldn’t let them execute a woman in broad daylight without a trial. Nor would he let them ransack the treasury, or use county resources. For all intents and purposes, they’re trying to kill him for being a loyal count to you, the queen,” Diane said. Her voice was calm, cold, and clear.

  It was obvious to everyone she’d been planning exactly what to say the moment she got the chance to do it.

  Ryker weakly lifted his head up and opened his eyes.

  Veronica was standing there facing him and his group. There was just the smallest bit of surprise, and concern, on her face. So small that he’d never have known what it was if not for studying Diane as often as he did.

  Veronica was just an older version of Diane it seemed.

  Let’s hope Diane never becomes as power hungry.

  The woman’s eyes flicked from Diane to him. “Is this true?” she asked him.

  “I swear on my life and soul that the man who did this to me was in the direct employ of Chadwick,” Ryker said. “As for the other part, yes. This all started because I refused to pauper the County of Dungeon to better the church. Though I may not have a choice soon, the number of troops in the area that belong to the church outnumbers your own soldiers.”

  Veronica blinked but said nothing, her eyes returning to Diane.

  “Come. We’ll have a meal together. I’ll have a priest come look at Ryker as we discuss this issue. For the time being, I fear we might have another battle tomorrow,” Veronica said.

  Ryker didn’t really care one way or the other. He just wanted to sit down somewhere and not move.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t get that opportunity until much later.

  During their meal, discussion, and subsequent meeting, Ryker was the subject of a flurry of different healers.

  Those who were part of the church of light seemed ill at ease, though Veronica had clearly said something to them privately.

  Everyone else reported what the church had also said.

  The damage was all repaired, and everything seemed right. He was on the mend, and there wasn’t much they could do to assist further.

  In addition to that explanation was always an excuse. If they had been summoned immediately they could have helped with the healing.

  “For what it’s worth,” Wynne said. “I do not believe they lied or deceived you. I imagine the magic that Marybelle used, in addition to using the dungeon, may have limited their ability to assist afterward. I only wish that we could have utilized priestly abilities instead.”

  Ryker didn’t bother to respond.

  Without the backing of a god, holy spells simply wouldn’t function.

  Marybelle’s own healing work had been based out of personal skill, rather than divine.

  “It is what it is. Marybelle did everything she could, and I’m grateful to her. She’ll be getting those two cores she wants.”

  Wynne made no response to that. He got the impression she agreed with him.

  “I’ll leave you be for the night. Sleep well, my king, be at ease,” she said, her essence fading rapidly away.

  Leaving him alone with his thoughts.

  He stared up at the inside of the tent he was sharing with Diane, who was snuggled up next to his side.

  Marybelle and Tris were curled up inside the front of the tent.

  Right at the entrance. Anyone who attempted to enter would have to step over the women.

  This all came to be because by the time Veronica had finished with them it had gotten quite late. In fear for their lives and of bandits, or so Veronica claimed, she insisted Ryker and Diane remain with her for the night.

  Closing his eyes, Ryker cast his control spells without even a twitch.

  Then he began to work on a simple human avatar. One that looked nothing like him, dressed in simple leathers, and with a smattering of stealth skills. Nothing close to Charlotte’s ability, but more than enough to get him past sentries and guards. Nondescript enough that no one would mark him, or remember him. Then he built the form and sunk himself into it.

  He’d decided to do this over dinner.

  Veronica had apparently resigned herself to the fact that Diane and Ryker might end up being killed by Chadwick.

  Her response to the entire situation was little more than a passing concern. Maybe
she had a second heir squirreled away somewhere, a nephew or a niece. Someone she had reasonable control over and could mold in whatever way she desired.

  It meant Diane was disposable to her.

  Then again, when hadn’t she been? She’d cast Diane towards him without a thought. If Diane was meant to be the future queen after her mother, wouldn’t she want to control who the royal consort would be?

  The whole situation had only reinforced his desire to help Lauren. She’d been calculating, as any good ruler should be, but had always sided with him and his people.

  Veronica would be a cold queen with a throne built on corpses.

  Scurrying along through the night, Ryker pressed himself faster and faster. Hurtling along, he used every bit of skill he’d given himself to move quietly, though at speed. Practically passing through the posted guards, he was inside the camp before he finally came to a stop.

  Not wanting to spook anyone, and get a sword in the gut for his trouble, he stood up in plain sight and lifted his hands above his head.

  “I have a message for Queen Lauren, and would like to be taken to her so I may relay it,” Ryker said loudly to a soldier not much more than five feet away.

  The man jumped at the appearance of Ryker, and drew his sword.

  “A message for the queen!” Ryker shouted loudly, holding his hands up as high as possible. “Just ask her if she brought the candelabra and she’ll see me!”

  All around him, people turned to look at him.

  With so many people looking at him, and armed, Ryker wondered if this was going to turn out the way he hoped.

  A sergeant appeared, and wrestled Ryker to the ground, pushing him face down into the grass. Not resisting in the least, Ryker took whatever they wanted to do to him as payment to have a chance to speak with Lauren.

  Bound, blindfolded, and gagged before the sergeant let him up, Ryker internally sighed. It was every precaution they could take to keep him from doing anything, at any level. All the truly useful spells needed a visual target to do anything.

  Ryker would have needed to be able to see the target, or his surroundings, to do anything violent.

  Then he used his dungeon sense to look around himself.

  They picked him up bodily, and carried him off to a small tent.

  Great. Torture. That’s all I needed. Dumping an avatar body here wouldn’t be very helpful. I’d have to power it long enough so that they could dispose of it without being suspicious. That or just make it vanish outright. As if it were some type of ability.


  Frickin’ guards.

  The two men carrying him dumped him into the tent, and three more entered. One of them nodded at another, and that one left, leaving four in the tent with him. No one said anything, they all just stared at him.


  Well. As soon as they find the royal torturer, I might as well make an exit.

  Ah well.

  Ryker started to prepare to cut the avatar of power. He wanted to do it in such a way that it’d simply wink out of existence, and the ropes, bag, and gag would hopefully fall to the ground.

  “Everyone out,” said a voice he knew well.

  “Your Majesty. He simply appeared in the camp. He could—”

  “Out. Now. Everyone. Then set up a cordon around the area. Have one of those damn war wizards put up a shield to block any eavesdropping as well,” Lauren said. “And someone get me two chairs.”



  It worked.

  Chapter 32- Baited Line -

  Ryker watched as everyone left after two chairs had been brought in. Then a minute after that, someone came back in to confirm with her that her requested shield had been erected.

  Lauren came over to him and quickly untied his hands, then sat down.

  Pulling his hands free of the untied bindings, Ryker began to work off the hood, blindfold, and gag in short order. Spitting and trying to work some moisture into his mouth, he looked up at Lauren.

  Who stared down at him.

  She had a calm and smooth face, betraying nothing.

  He briefly wondered how to handle the situation, and then decided he might as well go all in.

  “Hey there, miss fancy footcheese,” Ryker said, slumping down into the other chair. “Your goons are rougher than I expected, but hey, they didn’t torture me. So that’s nice.”

  “Ah…” said the queen, a delicate brow lifting.

  “You already know I have some type of contract with the dungeon. I guess it’s time to come clean about more of it, since we’re going to be wedded and all. Hey, maybe this might be grounds for you to toss me loose? Here’s hoping,” Ryker said, shaking his head. “Anyways, it’s me. Ryker. My deal with the dungeon does a lot more for me than I was willing to talk about at the time. And more than I’m willing to admit right now. Suffice to say, I can ask the dungeon for a false body. Or an avatar as the floating jerk calls it. It’s helpful for wandering around the dungeon without being at risk.”

  “Floating jerk as in… your fairy?” Lauren asked, her arms folded across her chest.

  “Wynne. Yeah. That’s what she calls them at least. Anyways. Hi. You look nice,” Ryker said, looking her over from toe to head. “Leather armor definitely suits your figure.”

  Lauren stopped breathing for a second, then cracked a smile, her head tilting to one side. “It really is you, isn’t it?” she said.

  “I did kinda already say that, yeah. Why, you want me to quote your love letters to me back to you? I might be able to do that,” Ryker said.

  Snorting at that, she dropped her arms to her side, then stood up suddenly. She crossed the distance between them and hugged him. “I’m glad to see that you’re at least still yourself, princess. I feared the worst when I imagined Diane ravaging you,” Lauren said.

  “I will fucking end you,” Ryker said, hugging her tightly, trying to cause her distress.

  Lauren laughed at that and then pushed him back into his chair, re-seating herself.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure, or the displeasure, of your company?” she asked, settling herself demurely.

  “Eh, wannabe queen cunt made us come up here. So we’re here. I figured I’d drop in. Say hi. Give you some information first hand.”

  “Ah? That’d be helpful. Our spies are doing quite well for themselves in Dungeon, but less so when it comes to actual field movements.”

  “Veronica has the field personally. Her entire army is here and her plans are to move on tomorrow. She said that her general wants to try and keep flanking towards your left towards Queensrest.”

  “Mm. Alright. What about the church? The last report I had was they were building up forces down in Dungeon.”

  “Yeah, they are. Roughly ten thousand church soldiers, and ten thousand of Veronica’s. She’s starting to suspect that the church will make a move on her soon, but at this point, she’s really got no ability to go back.”

  “Yes. I’ve been much more stringent with how much help I’m willing to receive, but I do fear that if I don’t handle this correctly, they might make a play on my throne at the end.”

  “Yeah, we figured something like that.”


  “Uh… Adele and I, that is. We share information and try to figure out how we can help you.”

  Lauren’s face clouded for an instant, and then returned to normal.

  Is she annoyed that I didn’t mention Claire?

  Don’t worry, we’re not saying anything to Claire,” Ryker assured her.

  Lauren wrinkled her nose, her eyes flashing.

  Yep, it was Claire.

  “I don’t think she’s actually betrayed you, she’s just unwilling to jeopardize herself.”

  “Anyways,” Lauren said, pointedly ignoring the subject. “What else can you tell me? Are they lacking in anything? Is there anything we can exploit?”

  “Not really. I’m afraid you’re fairly evenly matched. It’s… this… is
going to be a bloody affair. I’m afraid that even killing Veronica directly wouldn’t end it either. It’d just change ownership of the army. And if it fell out in a bad way, it might even shift towards the church.”

  Lauren frowned, lifting a hand to her head.

  “As if this all wasn’t bad enough. The war between the churches is ever escalating. I heard recently that the black lord of the north has been making noises as well. That the constant war, and death, is calling to him,” said the queen, her shoulders drawing inward.

  Shit. Really? That’s the last thing we need. He’ll sweep the life from the land and enslave everyone.

  Damn both pantheons to the hells.

  “Something happened up there. A small force got close to the fort, chasing some fugitive. They got close. Too close. The gates opened and the black warriors swept out and cut everyone down to a man. Not a single survivor. All well within view of that hut city that they trade with and take in people through.”

  Ryker frowned at that. That was a bit extreme. Normally, even if you approached, they ignored you completely unless you wanted to join them or fight them.

  “After that, that fort of his started to rapidly increase. Taking more land. Building earthworks and buildings further and further out. On top of that, the normal rotation didn’t happen. No black sails, no troops filing in and out. Instead, they quadrupled. It’s a buildup,” Lauren said. “Or so I heard from an emissary.”

  “It’s a wonder that dark bastard never sent out his own emissaries. Or simply invaded the whole land.”

  “Who would have received his people? Pointless to even try. As for invasion… no one knows, and it’s not something to ask. I apologize for derailing the conversation. Let’s talk of simpler things. Tell me about your life and what’s going on in Dungeon. How’s the farm?”

  Ryker grinned, and let the subject swing towards simpler things.


  The next morning was amusing to Ryker. He watched as Veronica’s army started on their maneuvers for the day, trying to move quickly and turn Lauren’s flank before she could act.

  It wouldn’t be the end of the war by any means, but it would cost soldiers.


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