Captured By A Royal Thug 2

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by Heiress

  KC Mills Presents

  Captured by A Royal Thug 2

  By: Heiress

  © 2018

  Published by Supreme Works Publications

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or print, including photocopying, recording or by information storage retrieval system, without the written permission from the publisher, writer, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

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  My first, my last and every book in between will forever be dedicated to my daughter, KaiLyn. For you are the reason, I do this.


  To My Family

  Without your support, I would not have made it. Thank you to my mother, who is willing to support me no matter religious beliefs or others’ negative opinions on what I choose to use my gift and talent for. Thank you to my husband who's always been there for me and supporting me. Thank you for staying up with me all night when I was writing and editing. You’re the real MVP. Thank you to my big sister Kalin and my little brother Cartier who keep me motivated and always let me know that I’m great at what I do.


  Heaviness was all I felt when I tried to open my eyes. I started to panic when I couldn’t move my body. It was like I was bound by something, but I couldn’t open my eyes to see what it was. Using my other senses, I paid attention to what I could hear. Nothing. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Don’t try and move, Lady Bella. You’ve lost a lot of blood and had to have surgery to remove the bullets,” a woman’s voice spoke.

  Bullets? I was shot, I asked myself.

  “The doctor should be in shortly. Just try and relax and don’t move too much. You might open the wounds,” she instructed. Once I heard the door shut, I tried once again to open my eyes. After many attempts, I finally lifted my lids. It was blurry for a minute but the more I blinked, the clearer it got. Looking around, it seemed as if I was still at the palace. I could tell by the floors. They were uniquely designed.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  The door crept open and I was hoping it was King Adonis. I really could use his comfort. My hopes were let down when King Enzo stepped foot in the room, closing the door behind him. I rolled my eyes to show my attitude.

  “Not happy to see me?” he quizzed, standing at the foot of my bed. I shook my head no since I couldn’t speak. “I see you still aren’t able to speak. That makes my job an ease. That way, I won’t be interrupted,” he grinned and again I rolled my eyes. “I need you to listen very closely to what I’m about to say to you, Lady Bella,” he paused.

  “In about ten minutes, a doctor is about to come in here and lie to you. King’s order. He’s going to say that your injuries weren’t that serious and that you’re going to be fine. He will also lie about what happened to you five months ago.”

  My eyes frowned when he said five months.

  “That’s another thing. You’ve been in a coma for five months. He will tell you that it has only been a few days and that your babies didn’t survive.”

  When he brought up the pregnancy, I struggled to feel my stomach. It was difficult, but I managed to do it. My stomach was as flat as an ironing board. I started to panic. My breathing sped up and I felt like the room was getting smaller.

  “Lady Bella, you need to calm down. I’m here to tell you the truth about what happened,” King Enzo said, placing his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. “The doctor will tell you that it was an attack on the royal family. That would be a lie. The attack was solely on you,” he informed me. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about my life being targeted.

  “They don’t know who planned the attack, but it was arranged to take your life and the lives of your babies. And yes, I said babies. Weeks ago, you had a C-section in which you gave birth to two boys and one girl. They were taken from you and put in a secure nursery. King’s orders.”

  “But why?” I asked barely audible. It hurt to speak but I needed more answers.

  “Because you signed a contract. In that contract, you gave up your rights to the babies once they were born. They do not belong to you anymore. They have been signed away to the King and Queen,” he explained.

  “Adonis wouldn’t do that. We were supposed to get married. He was going to leave Queen Mena for me. He told me that. We planned that,” I tearfully expressed.

  “Lady Bella, you should have taken heed to our conversation that day in the spa. King Adonis will never leave Mena. She is his Queen. You are beneath her in everyone’s eyes. Even his,” he paused, stepping closer to me. “No matter what he says, he will never leave her.”

  I didn’t want to believe King Enzo. I may not have remembered what happened five months ago, but I remembered my love for him and his love for me. I could still feel my heart beating for him. There was no way that I could believe what I felt was one sided. Adonis had to feel the same.

  “So, where is he?” I asked. “I mean, has he been here to visit me or-”

  “No.” His answer was straight and to the point. “Lady Bella I’m trying to get you to see the King’s true colors. He used you. All he wanted from you was his heirs and fornication. He didn’t even think enough of you to try and save you. How do you think you were able to survive? I was the one who saved you.”

  “But I thought I saw my dad.”

  “No, Lady Bella. That was me. You must have been hallucinating. I was the one who got you to safety while your precious King coward ran away.” Reaching behind his back, he pulled out a scroll. “Lady Bella this is a marriage proposal.” He sat it down on the tray that was over my bed with a pen.

  “A marriage proposal for who?” I asked.

  “For me and you. I want to take you as my wife. You would be the new Queen of Zlato. Your life will never be in danger with me. I can guarantee you that. All you have to do is sign and you’ll forever be taken care of and safe. No matter what. I will never let you go or down,” he promised. I hesitated on giving him an answer.

  “Lady Bella, I don’t mean to rush you, but you have to give me an answer now. When the doctor comes in, he will be escorted by two guards. They have orders to kill you, but they can’t touch you if we’re wed,” he explained.

  “Kill me?” I quizzed with wide eyes. Just then, the door to the room flew open. It was my doctor and just like King Enzo said, two guards were with him. The doctor searched the room and when his eyes fell on King Enzo, he frowned.

  “King Enzo you are not supposed to be in here. King’s orders. Leave now,” he barked. King Enzo didn’t move a muscle. I needed the truth before he left, so I spoke up to distract him.

  “What happened to me? Where is my baby? Am I going to be okay?” I asked, pretending to be frantic.

  He cleared his throat and then stepped to my bedside. “Lady Bella you are going to be just fine. There was an attack on the royal family, and you were caught in the crossfire. King Adonis saved you right in time. If it wasn’t for him, you would have died,” he lied, according to King Enzo. “Unfortunately, you lost too much blood and your baby died. King...” he lied again.

  “I want to see him. I want to see King Adonis now!” I barked.

nbsp; The doctor glanced at the guards and I could see how hostile they seemed. “I’m sorry, Lady Bella but the King is not available at the moment. These guards will take good care of you. King Enzo please leave the room. Now.”

  I panicked. I could see the guards reaching for their weapons and I panicked. My heart raced, and I could feel myself about to go crazy. I just knew they were about to kill me. Acting off impulse and fear, I grabbed the pen and signed the proposal. The guards stepped closer to me and I felt like the room was getting smaller by the second.

  “Stop!” King Enzo yelled, holding his hand up to them. “Lady Bella is now in my possession. She belongs to Zlato. As of today, she is their new Queen,” he announced. The doctor reached for the papers from the table and read through them. His face scrunched up.

  “You can’t do this! We have orders from the King to-”

  “To what? Kill, Lady Bella? Yes, this I know. That was before she became my wife. Now if you don’t mind, I will be leaving now and I’m taking my Queen with me,” King Enzo sternly stated.

  Oh. My. God. What did I just do, I thought in my head.

  “But, King Enzo-”

  “That’s an order, doctor. Unless you want to explain your actions to my guards on why you’re keeping their new Queen captive,” he grinned. Just then a group of guards stormed into the room armed and ready for whatever was about to go down. The doctor and the other two guards looked shook. Without a word, all three of them left the room.

  “Where is Abigail?” King Enzo spoke.

  “I’m here your highness,” an older lady barged into the room in rich attire.

  “Bella, Abagail will be your new servant. Anything you want and need, she will supply. Right now, she’s going to help you get dressed while I go speak a few words to the King.” His face turned cold after his words and I could see the anger. I didn’t know what he was about to do, but I prayed it didn’t bring harm to Adonis. No matter what, I still loved him. I couldn’t stop though I was trying to.

  After he left out, Abigail helped me get dressed. When she stripped me naked, I saw my reflection in the mirror. My fingers drew over my C-section scar. My heart wanted to cry for my babies, but I couldn’t. I felt so disconnected from them. I wanted to see them. I wanted to see them so bad.

  “You’re all dressed now, Bella. Shall I help you out to the car or do you think you can manage?” she asked with a smile on her face.

  “No, I got it. Thank you.” I shared a smile back to her as I helped myself into the nearby wheelchair. My legs were still weak, and I could barely stand without holding on to something. Once I was in the wheelchair, I used all my strength to wheel myself out the door. My arms felt like spaghetti, but I didn’t want to feel helpless. As soon as I turned the corner to walk out the door, I caught a glimpse of Madame.

  “Madame?” I uttered. Hearing me say her name, she turned around.

  “Lady Bella,” she smiled, walking over to me. “You’re finally awake. That’s good news. I know my nephew would be so happy to-”

  “You lied to me,” I cut her off.

  “I lied to you? I would never lie to you, Bella,” she defended.

  “Yea, but you did. You promised me that you wouldn’t let anything happen to me. You promised me that I would be okay, but I wasn’t. I’m not okay,” I cried.


  “Men tried to kill me because I was pregnant with your nephew’s baby. I almost died. I wake up months later to my stomach ripped with my babies out of me. Your nephew, the King, was not by my side. He left me to die. His guards were going to kill me, Madame. How could you do this to me?” Tears flooded my eyes. I thought of Madame as a mother and I had never felt so let down and hurt. It was if my dad was dying and leaving me on this earth alone all over again.

  “Bella, I assure you I had no idea that-”

  “I’m sorry, but I have to get Bella to the car. King Enzo will be upset if she’s not outside and ready,” Abigail spoke.

  “King Enzo? What does King Enzo have to do with you?” she quizzed.

  “Bella and King Enzo are married. She signed the papers today. Will you be coming to the wedding?” I didn’t have to see Abigail’s face to know that she was smiling. She was weirdly happy.

  “No, I won’t be coming because there won’t be a wedding,” she spat, glaring at Abigail. “Bella please tell me you didn’t sign a proposal to wed King Enzo? Please tell me you didn’t betray Adonis?”

  “Betray him? He betrayed me. He lied to me. He hurt me,” I cried. “I had no choice. His guards were going to kill me if I didn’t sign the papers. Do you think I want to be married to King Enzo? With the crazy things that I’ve heard about him? I don’t want to, but I had to.” I continuously shook my head. I was in so much disbelief as I spoke it out loud.

  “No, Bella please don’t do this. Wait here. Please. I’m going to go get King Adonis.” She ran off so quick I couldn’t even stop her.

  “Bella do you want to wait-”

  “No. I want to go. Get me out of this place. Please.” Tears tickled my nose as they fell like raindrops.

  King Adonis

  Little fingers curled up around my finger. Never have I ever felt this much joy and love. And it was three times as much since I had three gorgeous innocent souls looking up at me. I had been in the nursery ever since they were born. I couldn’t leave their side. I slept in here most days just admiring them all. My two sons were the spitting image of their mother, but my daughter was my twin. I fell more and more in love with them the more I was around them. Though it was bittersweet without Bella around.

  I hadn’t seen her since she slipped into a coma the night of the massacre. I had been so busy with trying to find out who targeted her and who orchestrated the attack. When I did try and visit her, my old man would distract me. Or Mena would have one of her fits and I had to try and calm her down. Even the doctor made up excuses when I tried to visit. It was like they were keeping me away from her on purpose.

  “King Adonis?” I heard Iman speak from behind me.

  Breathing out slowly, I flared my nose. “I thought I told y’all to leave me the fuck alone when I’m with my babies. What the fuck is it, Iman!” I barked.

  “It’s the council. They are here and want to speak with you. It’s about, Lady Bella.”

  As soon as I heard her name, my heart skipped a beat. I kissed my three heirs and placed them back in their cribs. I then turned away and made my exit. I didn’t feel the need to address Iman. I was so desperate to find out about Bella.

  When I walked in the room, I was caught off guard when I saw my father in attendance. “Father what are you doing here?” I asked, but he only hung his head down in response.

  “King Adonis, the council and I are here to discuss your last two requests. First, you asked if Lady Bella could become your mistress. We were all willing to agree, but then you asked if she could be your wife. Unfortunately, neither of those requests will be granted,” Councilman Afran spoke.

  “Why the fuck not?” I barked.

  “I beg your pardon?” he quizzed.

  “Nigga I ain’t fucking stutter. I said why the fuck not!” I barked harder. Now was not the time to act like the perfect King. I was in full Don mode. When it came to Bella, I was passionate, and I didn’t care about anything but her in this moment.

  “Adonis, you don’t use that type of language with the council. Apologize,” my father spoke.

  “Nah. I ain’t apologizing for shit. Tell me why I can’t marry the woman that I’m in love with?” I asked once again.

  “Should I tell him, or do you want to do the honors King Zuse?” Councilman Afran quizzed. My father remained silent. He only avoided eye contact with me as he adjusted and readjusted his crown.

  “Somebody better tell me something now!”

  The room fell silent for a few seconds. Everyone was acting like they were too scared to say what needed to be said. My patience was running thin and I was two seconds from fucking up
everybody. I had so much rage and hurt inside of me that I was liable to kill everybody in this room.

  “King Adonis, the only way you will be able to take Lady Bella as your mistress or even your wife is if you’re willing to wed a dead woman.”

  I stood there confused as shit as Afran spoke. “The fuck you mean by that? Lady Bella is very much alive.” The room once again fell silent. “Am I missing some shit? Why the fuck all the silence. Just say the shit!”

  “King Adonis, your father wrote in the agreement that after Lady Bella gives birth to your heir, she will be killed. The same document that was signed by Lady Bella, you and everyone in your family. I’m sorry King Adonis but Lady Bella will be beheaded. You signed off on it.”

  My heart had sunken into my feet. I was paralyzed as I stood there trying to wrap my head around what was just told to me. Again, life flashed before my eyes and life without Bella was no life at all. She had three of my heirs. There was no way she could die.

  “I’m sorry son. I didn’t think you of all Kings would fall in love with her. You’re the most faithful King I know. I never would have done this if I knew this could happen. She was only supposed to birth your heir. That was it.”

  I could hear my old man speak, but all I could see was red. With every word he spoke, the angrier I got. “So…you were going to kill her?” Was all I could say.

  “Adonis she was merely an object to hold your heir. She served her purpose and I’m sorry, but I still believe she should be beheaded,” he contributed his opinion. “Look at how you’re acting, Adonis. She’s made you conform back to your old ways. She was only a distraction. She will and must die!”

  Without even thinking, I charged at him. I couldn’t control my anger, let alone my fist that kept aiming at his face. Blood leaked from his nose and lip, but all I saw was green and I couldn’t stop. Guards tried to pry my off of him, but they were no match to my strength. I was too heated to be stopped.

  “King Adonis!” Councilman Afran yelled, but I ignored him.


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