Captured By A Royal Thug 2

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Captured By A Royal Thug 2 Page 4

by Heiress

  “A miracle? Abigail, I lost a baby? I was bleeding out with my head cracked on the ground. I was fed poison, and someone did try to kill me. How was any of this a miracle?” I cried.

  Abigail grabbed my hand and bent down to my height. “You’re still here, Bella. After all that, you’re still here. Yes, you lost a baby, but you gave birth to three other healthy babies. They all could have died but they didn’t. Three survived. All of that is indeed a miracle.”

  I let her words ponder inside my head. I could see the miracle but at the same time, I could feel the hurt. The grief of losing a baby. The anger of someone trying to kill me. The confusion of the vision with my dad. The deception of everyone lying to me and the worry of Adonis’ life. I could feel all of that and that made it hard for me to embrace this miracle Abigail was talking about. I could only feel for the bad things that has happened to me.

  “Wait. What about my dad? What about his death? Tell me about what happened with my dad?” I asked.

  “Bella, I think that’s enough devastation in one day. Maybe you should get some more rest and we can talk about that tomorrow.”

  “No!” I barked, standing to my feet. “No, I want to talk about it now. I need to know-”

  “Bella, I’m here to help you. I won’t keep anything from you because I need you to survive this. I need you to survive him. One of you have to, or I’m going to take my own life from the guilt, so please just calm down. Get some rest and I promise I will tell you everything in the morning.”

  “Promise?” I whispered.

  “I promise. Now let me help you back to bed.” She grabbed my hands and did just that. She got me back into my bed and tucked me in as if I was a little girl. After she left the room, I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. I needed to know what happened to my dad.

  The Next Morning…

  I constantly heard voices and noises surrounding me as I tried to sleep. I felt someone tugging on me as if they were trying to take off my clothes. I jumped up so quick, I almost fell out of the bed. I was scared but then I saw what was going on and I was now more confused than ever.

  “What…what are you all doing in here?” I asked the many women servants who were running around my room like chickens with their heads cut off.

  “King Enzo sent us. We have to measure you for your garments and wedding dress. We had some cleaning to do and were told to get your bath ready, so you could eat breakfast,” a very perky dark-skinned woman spoke. “He’s actually on his way here, so we should get you in the bath, so I can bathe you. He likes to make an entrance.” She smiled.

  “Bathe me? Girl bye. If you don’t get out my face with that. I don’t get bathed, okay? I can wash my own ass, so you all can be excused,” I spat, pulling the covers off of myself and heading towards the grand bathroom.

  “Oh, Queen Bella please. You don’t want to do that,” the girl said, trailing behind me.

  “What? I don’t want to wash my own ass? I think I do,” I sarcastically replied.

  “No, I mean you don’t want to reject his orders. If you don’t do what he says, we get punished and I just came out of the pit. I don’t want to go back. So please just let me bathe you. He needs to watch and-”

  “Watch?” I quizzed over my shoulder. “What do you mean watch? As in, Enzo is going to watch you bathe me?”

  “Yes. That’s how he starts his day. It’s his morning entertainment. He watches me bathe you. Among…other things.” Her eyes drifted off to the side as she tried to avoid eye contact with me.

  “What kind of other things?” I was almost too afraid to ask as much as I was afraid to hear the answer.

  “It depends on what he tells me to do. Just please get in the bath. He’ll be here any minute and if he finds you-”

  “Is there a reason why you both are clothed?”

  My eyes shot to the figure behind the servant girl. I didn’t even see him standing there or hear his steps. It was like he popped up out of nowhere. “Yes. As a matter of fact, there is. I’m a grown ass woman and the last time someone bathed me, I was still sucking on a pacifier. I don’t know what kind of freaky stuff you’re in to, but I’m not letting her bathe me. That’s borderline gay and I know I may have hit my head but I’m sure I don’t go that way. I don’t even eat seafood,” I declined.

  Enzo looked around the grand bathroom with his eyebrows raised. He did not look pleased. Not one bit. “Will you ladies clear the room? I need to speak to my soon to be Queen alone and I don’t want you to witness anything if it gets out of hand,” he spoke over his shoulder. The girls scattered like scared roaches when you cut the lights on. I’ve never seen so much fear in one person’s eyes. After the door was shut, King Enzo’s eyes burned into mine.

  “Bella, you should have a seat, so we can discuss the ways in how I run my castle. What I like. What I don’t like. What I expect out of you as a wife and a submissive.”

  “I’m sorry… a what?” My face turned up with disgust and confusion. I’ve heard the term before, but from what I can remember about it, it wasn’t good.

  “Let’s start from the beginning. Have a seat.” He held out his hand, so I could sit down in the chair that sat directly in front of the tub. He stood in front of me with a frown on his face. “I run my castle a certain type of way. As you can see, I have nothing but women who work for me. My men for my army stay in a castle behind us. They are not allowed in the castle unless a threat is near. I do that because I trust no man with my woman.” His eyes turned serious, as if they weren’t before.

  “What, you don’t trust your men?” I asked.

  “No. I don’t trust my woman,” he sternly replied. This man has some serious trust issues if he was willing to keep all of his male staff away from his castle. All because he didn’t want his Queen to sleep with them. I found it both sad and ridiculous.

  “As my, Queen you will do nothing. Zlato doesn’t need a Queen. They have me. Zlato will never see you after we marry. You are here for me only, not my country.”

  “But, I’m your Queen. I should be doing things like-”

  “The only thing you will be doing is listening to me. You are my woman and women are placed on this earth to please men. You are here to please me. When you wake up in the morning, you will be bathed by one of you servant girls. Whichever one I choose, and you will enjoy her in any way I see fit,” he explained.

  “I’m not letting some girl bathe me, Enzo. I’m grown and I can-”

  “I’m sorry. You seem to think that this is up for debate, but it’s not. You will be bathed by whichever servant girl I choose, and you will enjoy her in any way I see fit. She is not bathing you because you are incapable of bathing yourself. She is bathing you for the mere pleasure of me.”

  “I’m not a lesbian and I don’t look at women that way, so no. I won’t do it,” I declared, standing my ground.

  “That pushes me to my next rule; disobey me and you will be punished. Severely. I like my women submissive and obedient and you will be just that or you will suffer the consequences. And trust me, you don’t want to suffer. I gain pleasure in your pain, so I will enjoy it.” He grinned.

  “You are evil,” I whispered. “Madame told me you were evil, and I should have listened.” I shook my head as my eyes began to water up with tears.

  “Evil is not the word to describe me. I’m a dominant. I like to be in control of everything and everyone. Especially my woman. Sex is the one place where my dominant side could be… overwhelming. I like things done in a different way. I’m not the make love to you type of man. I’m the tie you up to a pole and whip you until you bruise and beg me to stop. Instead of having sex with you, I like to use objects. Instead of holding you, I like to slap you around a little bit. It gives me so much pleasure to see you squirm in discomfort.”

  His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he spoke. Then his eyes intensely stared at me. I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes and imaging himself beating me to a pulp. I could see the
insaneness in his eyes. I could see the lust and evil that poured out of him. I was so scared that I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t even move. I barely wanted to breathe.

  “So…so you want to basically hurt me so that you can feel good? Is…is that how your other wives died? By you abusing your power in the bedroom? By you fucking them to death?” My eyes widened, wanting answers.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes. All of my previous wives have died in my bedroom. With the exception of one.” His eyes fell to the floor and it was the only time that I saw sadness in them. “My first wife. She was the love of my life and she took her own life. Why? I’m not sure. I was good to her and she just…” his words trailed off just as he looked up at me.

  “Ahem, that is beside the point. Bottom line is you will do what I say when I say and how I say do it. Understood?”

  “No!” I barked, rising to my feet. I backed away from him and let tears fall down my cheeks. “I’m not staying here with you. I will never be a submissive and I will not allow you to beat on me like I’m a punching bag. No! I want to go back to Adonis! I want to go back to him. I love him, and I need to be with him and my babies. I can’t stay here with you. I love him. I don’t love you, so no. I don’t understand-”


  The hit was so strong that I flew back into the mirror and cracked it. I could feel the blood tricking down my face. I turned to look in the mirror and more tears conjured up in my eyes as I saw how bruised my face was already getting. Then my eyes trailed off to him who stood there with a grin as if hitting me made him high.

  “My first wife loved another. I thought I could love her better and stronger, but nothing worked. So, I beat her within an inch of her life and then she took it herself. You don’t know how much you remind me of her. I won’t let you get away from me like I let her. If I have to beat the love out of you that you have for Adonis, I will. One way or another, you will love me, Donna.”

  At this point, I knew he wasn’t talking to me. He must had been talking to his first wife. It was like he had went to another place. I wanted to get up and run away. I wanted to cry for help. I wanted to fall to my knees and pray to God that he granted me a miracle. I wanted to call up my friends and ask them to come get me, but I couldn’t do any of that. I could only cry.

  “Elaine!” he shouted. Seconds later, the same servant girl rushed into the bathroom.

  “Yes, King Enzo?”

  “Queen Bella here is ready for her bath now.” His eyes never left mine.

  “Okay. I’ll undress her and get her in right away.” Elaine rushed over to me and tried to take my clothes off, but I pulled away. “Please, Queen Bella. He will kill me if you refuse. Please just do this. If not for you or him, do it for me. Please,” she whispered in my ear.

  I felt so bad. I didn’t want her to touch me in ways that I knew he would make her touch me. At the same time, I didn’t want to get beat for not doing what he said. I didn’t want to get her killed. I had to do it. Thought I dreaded it, I had to do it.

  Closing my eyes, I relaxed my shoulders. Elaine tried to disrobe me again and this time I let her. When I was completely naked, she disrobed herself and then helped me in the tub. At first, everything was going normal. All she did was bath me. She even washed my face that was now bruised and bloody. Then he spoke.

  “When you wash her this time, I want your fingers to linger in between her thighs. Make her cum for you.”

  Elaine didn’t even hesitate. Her hand slid down my chest and she found her way in between my thighs. At first, I was embarrassed and so uncomfortable. I didn’t want to enjoy it, but her hands were so delicate. The way she touched me made me feel as if I was playing with myself. I hated that she was making me feel good. I hated that I was being forced to enjoy this. I hated that I was here and that agreed to marry, Enzo. I should have chosen death.

  King Adonis

  The way my head was spinning, I thought I was having a fucking brain aneurism. I was trying to process too much information all at once. I was still trying to comprehend what Mena had just told me. Then Iman come out the blue with secrets and shit. On top of that, I couldn’t get my mind off, Bella.

  “Adonis? Adonis say something?” Iman spoke, waving his hand in front of my face due to my blank expression. “Adonis speak the hell up-”

  “And say what, Iman? Huh? That my whole life is a fucking lie? That my soon to be ex Queen was a hoe and the love of my life might be dead? That not only do I have another brother but the woman who’ve I’ve called my Aunt is my mother? I don’t have shit to say because I don’t know what to say. Give me a fucking minute! Fuck!”

  I slammed my fist into the wall out of anger. I didn’t know who to be the most pissed off with. My Aunt for not telling me. My mother for lying to me my whole life. My father for being nasty as fuck for fucking his sister. Or my oldest friend for keeping this shit from me. I wanted to kill all their asses but before I acted off impulse, I needed answers.

  “So, do you know who tried to kill, Bella? Since your ass seems to know so fucking much,” I snapped.

  “Adonis, no one tried to kill, Bella,” he paused, swallowing air. “The hit was for you. They were trying to kill you,” he confirmed.

  “What? What the fuck you mean-”

  “That’s why when those men rushed in the palace, the guards grabbed you. They were trying to protect you because they knew the hit was designated for you. I tipped them off.”

  “How the hell you tip them off, Iman? You knew they were going to try some shit like this? You knew, and you didn’t say shit?” I snapped again, taking a few steps closer to him. I was waiting for him to say the wrong shit, so I could break his fucking jaw.

  “Adonis, I knew because I’m the one who tried to get you killed. It was me and before you react-”


  I clocked his ass dead in the jaw. He stumbled back, but he didn’t fall. He went to try and speak again but I swung again, punching him in the eye. Once he figured out there wasn’t gone be no talking, he charged at me. My back went into the wall and I repeatedly elbowed him in the back to get him off me. Once he was off, I charged him back and we fell to the floor. I threw hit after hit, trying my hardest to break this nigga’s face. He caught me a few times, but I ate them like it was nothing.

  Iman and I trained together, so he knew my weaknesses and I knew his. We both used that as our advantage, so every time I threw a punch, I had another one coming back at me. I didn’t want to kill my oldest friend, but this nigga was on some foul shit and he had to go.

  “Adonis! Listen to me!”

  “Nah, fuck you bitch!” I barked.

  “I know I fucked up, but I tried to make it right. I tipped them off so they could save you. I tried to make it right bro.”

  “Don’t you ever call me that!” I shot back. “Don’t you ever call me your bro. We ain’t fucking brothers. Fuck blood, you ain’t shit to me no more nigga. Nothing!” I went to clock his ass again, but someone grabbed my arm. Next thing I know, I’m being pulled off of him by five guards.

  “Adonis what in heavens name is going on here? Why are you and Iman fighting?” my mother asked. Before I could answer, my old man and my Aunt Madame barged in the room surveying the scene.

  “Son, what the hell are you doing to Iman? You’re so angry and hurt over that damn girl that you take it out on your friend?” he barked.

  “Man, fuck that nigga. Why the fuck you been lying to me my whole life?” I quizzed. His facial expression looked as if he didn’t know what I was talking about. “Don’t play dumb, old man. Why the fuck you didn’t tell me that Akeena is not my real mother? That in reality, my Aunt Madame is my real mother.” I let that shit out straight, no chaser because I didn’t have time for the back and forth. I needed some fucking answers.

  Everybody in the room grew quiet. They all one by one stole glances at each other with questionable expressions. I don’t know if they were trying to figure out how I found out or who wa
s going to start explaining.

  “Oh, all y’all mutha’ fuckas deaf now!” I barked.

  “Adonis mind your tongue,” Akeena frowned.

  “I don’t have to mind a God damn thing. I want some fucking answers and if I don’t get them, then all of you are going to die,” I threatened.

  “You can’t do that-”

  “I can do whatever the fuck I want because I’m King of Droga. Not you! We call you King out of respect, but you are no longer ruler of this country. So, if I feel like killing you, I have the power to do so. So, I suggest one of you get to talking,” I snapped. I have had just about enough of being the calm, cool, collected King who minded his manners and spoke with honor and respect. That seemed to not get me anywhere, so I had to try a different approach. Everybody was going to be bitches, hoes and niggas today and I wasn’t going to give two fucks how anyone felt about it.

  “I will not speak on this matter. It should never have gotten out. We had a deal Iman, and you betrayed me. I let you live in this palace as if you were a royal when you were only a bastard. Your mother should have aborted you when I told her too, but she thought we could be a family,” he laughed, shaking his head.

  “Mistresses and Kings do not belong together. The relationship is simply physical and that is all. I should have sent you back to her when I had the chance. But no, she wanted to be a weak whore and die, and I was stuck with you. I took you in and this is what you do? You tell him the truth!” he shouted.

  “I didn’t tell him the truth. Mena did. I was forced to come clean after that. I deserve to be here in this palace just as much as your other children do. I have your blood too, Zuse,” Iman cried. This nigga was really in his feelings.

  “You deserve nothing, but your head cut off!”

  “I don’t care about Iman and him being a bastard and having a whore as a mother. I need to know how the hell is it that your sister, my aunt, is my mother,” I interrupted, growing impatient.


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