Captured By A Royal Thug 2

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Captured By A Royal Thug 2 Page 12

by Heiress

  “Queen Bella I want to but I’m afraid that if I tell you, someone will find out. I can’t die. Not like this,” she explained.

  A part of me wanted to have sympathy for her. After all, she had helped me so much since I've been in Zlato. She did everything for me and she treated me as if I was her daughter or something. She was sweet and kind, but I couldn’t let that overlook the fact that she was hiding something from me.

  “Listen, Abagail,” I stepped closer to her, backing her up into the wall, “I have been stripped of my life, my babies and my dignity. I betrayed the man I loved over a lie. I got pregnant with my babies with a contract that was a lie. I’m starting to think I’m here because of a lie and I can’t deal right now. I need to have the truth and nothing but the truth because let me explain something to you.” I got even closer to her face.

  “To stand in between a mother and her children is one dangerous ass place. So, if you’re not going to help me by giving me honesty, I’m going to take it as you standing in between me and my kids. That puts you in danger and I may look nice and sweet, but I will beat your ass and help you up after,” I threatened. “So, are you going to tell me the truth or not?”

  Abigail looked frightened. Slowly, she cracked the door open and looked both ways. “Come on.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room. We walked swiftly to my room and she closed and locked the door behind us.

  “Okay. I will tell you the truth. The entire truth,” she started.

  I took a seat on the bed and watched her pace the floor, rubbing her hands together like she was nervous. “Spill the damn tea, Abigail,” I spat.

  “Your mother was a recruiter,” she blurted.

  “A who?” confusion was written all over my life.

  “A recruiter. Before we started kidnapping kids, we used to recruit. We would send women and men out to befriend people who needed help or in need of rescue. Like homeless people, women being abused or men who were just released from prison with no place to go. Your mother was one of those people. She would always bring back good people and they were willing to come. They were never forced,” she explained.

  “Wait, so was she brought here or-”

  “Your mother is from, Zlato. She was born and raised here,” Abigail confirmed.

  “Huh? That’s crazy. How did I get here then? Was I born here too?” I was so full of question and curiosity.

  “Your mother went to America to recruit and end up getting herself into some trouble. She tried to help a girl who was getting beat on and the man tried to kill her. The police were called, and she was saved by an officer. Your father. That night, she fell in love with him. She sent us a letter saying that she wasn’t coming home. King Enzo was furious with her.”

  “Why was he so mad?”

  “Well because, he was set to marry her. He had always been in love with her but with her being a recruiter, she wasn’t a suitable fit for him. He was able to get the council to change her status so they could wed. He was planning on telling her, but that’s when he got the letter that she wouldn’t be returning. She was gone for about a year or so and in that year, she had you. One day, King Enzo couldn’t take her absence anymore, so he sent soldiers to retrieve her. Your father thought she had been kidnapped.”

  “Well she was,” retorted.

  “Yes, in your eyes. She broke the rules by leaving without having permission to stay away. It’s a crime to leave your country if you are not permitted by the council. When she came back, King Enzo made her marry him. That night, he found out she was no longer a virgin. He went crazy. He beat her so bad that she was barely recognizable. That night, he changed. He turned into a monster who enjoyed watching women hurt.” She shook her head as she continued.

  “He created the black room and every time she would misbehave, he would punish her. She endured that pain and suffering for years. I used to have to bath and clean her up after he was done with her. The same things I did for you, I did for her.” Tears filled her eyes as she stared at me. “You look just like her,” she smiled.

  “Is that why you’ve been trying to help me? Because I’m her daughter?” I asked, and she nodded.

  “She was like a daughter to me. King Enzo kept her locked away most of the time so all she had was me. When she died, a part of me left with her. I was so devasted.” The tears began to flow now. I grabbed some tissue that was on my night stand and handed it to her.

  “How did she die?”

  She wiped her nose and took a deep breath. “She took her own life. She said she couldn’t take it anymore and she took her own life. I told her to wait for me and I would help her escape and when I came back, she had slit her wrist.”

  I gave her minute to get herself together. I too needed a minute. I didn’t even know my momma, but I found myself in tears. The story was sad and awful. I could only imagine how my daddy felt.

  “So, what about my dad? How did he die?”

  “He came here. He was doing an investigation and found out almost everything about us. He came here for your mother, but he was too late. Your mother had already taken her life a year before he showed up. I recognized him from the pictures so when he showed up, I tried to warn him. I tried to get him to leave but King Enzo caught me. Your father didn’t even have a chance. He was struck in the heart. I watched him die,” she spoke with sincerity in her voice.

  “Abigail you’re acting as if it’s your fault.”

  “It is! I should have protected her more. I should have helped her escaped. I should have done something and maybe you would have your mother and your father. It’s my fault that you’re even here,” she blurted.

  I glanced at her suspiciously. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Again, she took a deep breath before she spoke. “King Enzo knew about you, yes. He didn’t know where you were. I knew your name and I told him. He threatened my life and my kids’ lives. I had to tell him,” she explained.

  As a new mother, I could understand. I haven’t even been with my babies long and I was still willing to die for them.

  “I told him your name and he found you a year later. That’s why you were brought here. But you got separated. He thought that since you were so beautiful you would be sold but instead, King Zuse kept you in Droga as a lady. He had been trying for three years to get to you. After his last wife died, he saw his chance to have you. What I’m trying to tell you is that he will not give up the fight for you,” she spoke clearly.

  “Your mother was the love of his life who was the first and last woman to break his heart. She is the reason why he became this…monster he is today. He will not just let, King Adonis have you back. Both countries will go to war over you and I’m afraid that Zlato will win.”

  “I can’t let that happen. Abigail I can’t stay here. If he beats me one more time or sends me to the black room again, I may not make it. I have to get away from him and I have to get back to Adonis and my babies. You have to help me. Please,” I begged.

  “I have been thinking of ways to help you. I came up with a plan back when your mother was alive, and I think it may work. You just have to be ready to do what needs to be done.”

  “I will do anything. Just tell me what to do.” I was desperate.

  “We have to go to the basement where the oils and plants are.”

  “Now is not the time to be trying to think of some African ritual, Abigail,” I stressed.

  “That’s not what it’s for,” Bella.”

  “Then what is it for?” I quizzed.

  “Poison. You’re going to poison the King of Zlato.”

  Later that night…

  I couldn’t sleep. I stayed awake just lying in bed thinking. I thought about my Adonis the majority of the time. I thought about my mommy. I thought about Leah and Twan. My mind always seemed to come back to my daddy. Ever since I came to Africa, I seemed to think about him a lot. Now I knew why.

  A few days ago, Enzo brought entertainers to the castle to celebrate ou
r upcoming wedding. One of the ladies there was a so-called psychic. I didn’t believe in them but to humor myself and take my mind off how I was feeling, I agreed to talk to her. What she told me was the very thing that seemed to keep me up at night.

  “Have you had any near-death experiences lately?” Psychic Priya asked.

  “How did you-”

  “I feel a strong death presence around you, though it’s not necessarily you. It’s like a family member. Like a parent, are your parents still alive?” she quizzed as she continued to rub my hands.

  “My father is-”

  “Yes,” she cut me off. “I knew I felt a man’s presence. He has been trying to get in touch with you from the other side. Do you want to talk to him?”

  My eyes frowned in confusion. I didn’t take these types of people serious, but in this moment, I didn’t want to chance it. If there was a way for me to talk to my daddy again, I wanted to take it. No matter how crazy it sounded.

  “Yes,” I answered. She nodded her head and then closed her eyes. I started snickering to myself when I saw the strange faces she was making as if she was on the shitter.

  “Do you remember the night you almost died?” she asked with her eyes still closed.


  “Your father wants to let you know he tried and he’s sorry he couldn’t help you escape,” she spoke.

  “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “While you were unconscious, he tried to carry your spirit back home with him. He wanted to get you as far away from the-” she paused, opening her eyes. She glanced around, I’m guessing to make sure no one heard her. “He was trying to get you away from the King. He says he’s a dangerous man and he was afraid for your life because of what happened to your mother. She says hi by the way,” she smiled.

  I wanted to cry. I had every right to cry but I was still suspicious of her talents. “So, he wanted me to die?” I asked for clarity.

  “In your words, yes. He just wanted you to be with him and your mother. They miss you very much. They felt that dying was better than living a life with the King. He regrets it though,” she shrugged.

  “Huh? Why?”

  “Because he doubted. He said you’re stronger than he thought and that he knows you’re going to get away from him. He-he says he has to go but he wants you to know something,” she paused again, smiling. “He said he loves you and that he always thinks about you. He said if you feel that presence again when you’re sleeping, embrace it. It’s him.”

  I couldn’t help myself this time. I broke down and allowed the tears to flow like a river.

  “Oh, and he says don’t worry about him and your mother. His grandson is keeping them company,” she ended.

  I was already crying and now I was acting like a big baby. Abigail had to bring me tissues and rub my back. Once I calmed down, I thanked Priya and asked Enzo could I have a moment of privacy. He granted me a moment and I went back to my room. As I sat on the bed and cried, I thought about my parents and my son that didn’t make it. Both joy and sadness filled my heart.

  I was sad that I couldn’t be with them, but I was also joyful that they had each other.

  “Hey, Daddy,” I said as I allowed as my eyes to roam my dim room. “I don’t know if you’re here or up but, I miss you. I wish I could miss mommy too, but I can’t remember her. I’m sure you know what’s been going on with me here. I hate it. I want to go home. I want my friends back. I want to be with my babies. I want to be in Adonis’ arms again. I want my life back,” I teared up.

  I didn’t know if he could hear me, but it was worth a try. I had no one else to talk to.

  “Remember when you used to wake me up extra early for school every day, just so I can eat breakfast? You cooked your famous chocolate chip pancakes and got mad when I ate it with jelly and not syrup.” I laughed.

  “You did everything for me. You came to every recital and every parent teacher conference. You made sure my hair was done every week and you helped me with my homework. You read me bedtime stories at night, and you let me sleep with you when I thought there was ghost under my bed. You were the best.” A single tear trickled down my cheek as I spoke.

  “I commend you on being there for me. Not a lot of men would look after their child when their mother leaves. Especially a daughter. You were an officer who was on duty everyday all day with barely any off time, but you still made time for me. I never felt lonely or put aside. You were my best friend and I’m sorry I never got to tell you that before you died. I love you daddy.”

  Wiping my face, I laid back down in my bed. I clinched the covers close to me and closed my eyes. Out of nowhere, a soft wind blew across my face. I smiled to myself. I just knew it was him. Right then and there I made it up in my mind. I had to go through with the plan. I had to kill Enzo. It was the only way to get away from him.

  King Adonis

  The anticipation was killing my ass. After hours of explaining to the council what happened, Madame and I waited for them to decide on what to do. It was nerve wracking as hell because if they didn’t believe our story, our entire family could get exiled. Madame knew how serious it was. She even faked a few tears to make the story sound believable. I knew deep down she was happy that my old man was now dead.

  “So… what should I call you now?” I spoke, starting up a conversation. We had been sitting in silence for too long. “I can’t just keep calling you Aunty Madame since I know that’s not who you are to me. Would you prefer I call you mother?”

  “I don’t think I deserve that title yet.” Her head hung low.

  Getting up from where I stood, I approached her. My hand hooked her chin and I lifted her head. “You have always been a mother to me. I used to think of you as my second mother before I knew you were the one and only,” I confessed.

  “As an Aunty, it was my job to be there when your mother wasn’t. I was supposed to-”

  “You weren’t supposed to do shit,” I cut her off. “A mother is supposed to make sure her child eats. Make sure he gets bathed daily and read a story at night to help him sleep. When he has a bad dream, his mother is supposed to sooth him back to sleep. When he’s hurt, his mother is supposed to clean it up and put a band aid on it. When he cries, a mother holds him and tells him everything is going to be all good. Akeena didn’t do that shit for me. You did.”

  Her eyes watered as she tried her hardest to fight them back. “I couldn’t have you in real life, so I tried to be all that you needed. Like Akeena said, we agreed on it. I just felt like that wasn’t enough. I felt like, I should have told you the truth. There were times I tried but I stopped myself. I didn’t know how you would take me as you Aunt, telling you that I was your mother. I was protecting you father because I knew that you would look at him different. I’m so sorry, Adonis,” she cried.

  All I could do was pull her body into mine and hold her. At first, I was pissed off at her ass. More so hurt but as a man, I called it anger. Though I knew anger was not a first emotion. You always hurt first and then get angry later. The more I thought to myself about the situation, the more I sympathized with Madame. She was raped by her brother and was silenced. I was both her son and her nephew. I couldn’t imagine what she was feeling and because of that, I had no right to judge her. I had no right to fault her. I had no right to punish her.

  “I love you, Madame,” I declared. I could feel my shirt being soaked with more tears.

  “Estella,” she mumbled before picking her head up. “My real name is Estella, but you can call me mother if you wish.” She smiled. “And I love you too.”

  Just as she declared her love for me, the doors to the council room opened. “The council has reached its decision,” the guard spoke.

  My mother and I both walked inside the room, I’m sure hoping for the same outcome.

  “King Adonis, I will first like to give my condolences to you and Madame for your loss. I have been always skeptical of your father and his…ways but I didn’t not say a word out of re
spect. I do believe what you have told me to be true. With that said, I grant you both any request you chose. Madame if you want to give up being a Madame, you can do so, and you will have your name back. King Adonis, if you choose to marry Bella you can do so.”

  “Word?” I quizzed. He looked confused and I laughed seeing that he didn’t catch my lingo. “I meant, are you serious?” I cleared up.

  “Yes, I am. If that is your request. I would act soon though. King Enzo has sent out the invitations for his official wedding. They are married on paper but without a proper wedding, it is not sealed. I will overlook any… events that occur in the process of you getting Bella back home.” He eyed me, and I knew exactly what he was implying. The council had let me slide plenty of times with wrongful deaths caused by my hands.

  I started to agree with that, but I knew I had two siblings that were counting on me to make shit happen in their favor. “I respect your council, but my only request is that you grant the request of my siblings. They have more pressing matters,” I spoke.

  “King Adonis. Always the righteous one. I will grant your request.”

  “In that case, my request is that my request be given to my son. I do not wish to use mine. Now that my son knows that I am his mother, that’s enough for me,” my mother requested. I could only look at her and smile with such proudness.

  “Well…Adonis? What is your selfish request? You deserve one.” He smiled.

  I thought about the plan, Zara came up with. I know that with her free request, she would do her part. Now I had to do mine. I spoke my request and surprisingly, the council thought it was a good request to make. After the meeting was over, I went to go speak with my siblings. I brought them all in a room and told them what they needed to request when going to the council. They agreed and did their part.

  While they were doing that, I went to go talk to my army. They were all geared up and ready. “Today we fight. We fight not for power. We fight not for victory. We fight not for praise. Today we fight solely for love. I know every man before me and almost all of you have loved one. Today you fight for them. I ask you to help me bring back the love of life. The mother of my heirs. The woman that I cannot live without. Fight with me and I promise to make your life as an arms man, less difficult. Will you fight?”


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