Not Just Another Romance Novel

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Not Just Another Romance Novel Page 3

by Lisa Suzanne

  I swung my stool around so I could remove myself from the situation when I felt Ryker’s hand on my arm.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I turned toward him with a smile. “It’s okay.”

  “Hands off.” Stone’s voice came out forceful and clear. His two words were slow. He was staking a claim on me.

  “It’s a free country, asshole,” Ryker said.

  And then things took a turn I hadn’t been expecting.

  Stone reached over the bar and grabbed Ryker’s black shirt near the collar. “Stay the fuck away from her.”

  What the hell? Ryker and I had just met. Come to think of it, Stone and I had just met.

  What made him think he owned me? Because he saw me first?

  This was a clear pissing contest, and suddenly I thought dating a bad boy was a really, really bad idea. But getting involved with two of them—especially when they had a clear history of fighting over women?

  Probably the worst idea ever.

  I had no clue what to do to diffuse the situation. One part of me liked the attention, but my logical side won.

  “I think I’ll be on my way,” I said. The two men were still having some sort of staring contest across the bar, and Stone’s hand still fisted Ryker’s shirt.

  “Get your fucking hand off of me, Stone.” Ryker’s voice was eerily quiet. He clearly meant business.

  I stood up from my stool. “Bye,” I said hastily, and then I ran over to Austin and got the hell out of the bar, questions about Stone’s first name long forgotten.


  “So check bad boy off the list?” Scott asked, merriment in his warm eyes.

  I nodded.

  Shannon giggled. “Never check all of them off. You just never know.”

  Scott rolled his eyes. “Are you going to tell us what happened?”

  “The bad boy bartender gave me tequila. We flirted. Another guy came in. They kind of got into a fight over me. End of story.”

  “They got into a fight over you?” Shannon shrieked.

  I nodded again. “They were like these two animals trying to mark their territory. Definitely not my thing.”

  “Not the happy ending you’re looking for?” Shannon asked.

  I shook my head. “Not so much.”

  “You can do better anyway, Piper,” Austin said.

  Scott cleared his throat. “So who’s next?”

  “Austin, you got any more bars to take me to?”

  Austin shrugged. “Sorry. No more bars. Unless you want to meet the rock star.”

  “I’d love to. When?” I asked, wondering about this rock star.

  “His band is on regularly at a bar that’s a lot nicer than the Lucky Lady.” He scrolled through his phone. “I can take you to check him out. Then you can decide if you’re interested.” He held up his phone toward me to show me something.

  “Is that him?” I asked, snatching the phone from Austin’s hands.

  He nodded, and I studied the screen in front of me.

  He was gorgeous.

  Like, freaking perfect.

  Longish light brown hair. Intense blue eyes. Perfect arms—not too bulky, not too skinny. Tall, but not a giraffe. A little smattering of facial hair without being overly hipster or too beardy.

  Shannon grabbed the phone out of my hands to check out the rock star.

  “Where have you been hiding him?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I’m not hiding him. I’ve known him since kindergarten.”

  “Why isn’t he with someone?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at Austin.

  “He had a long term girlfriend. She cheated on him and he ended it. He’s been playing the field ever since.”

  “Band name?” I asked.



  Austin and I were apparently having our own conversation now. Scott and Shannon looked back and forth between us as we spoke.

  “It stands for My Favorite Band. They were being ironic when they decided on their name. So if someone asked, ‘Who are you seeing tonight?’ the other person could respond, ‘My Favorite Band!’ It eventually shortened to MFB.”

  I giggled. It was certainly creative. “Why don’t we all go check them out one night, and you can introduce us?” It might work out better than a random at a bar. If this sex god—uh, I mean ROCK god—knew we had someone in common, he might be more likely to give me a chance.

  Plus, and I wasn’t going to admit this to Austin, Rock Stars were my favorite of all of my book boyfriends. In fact, I’d labeled one in particular my book husband.

  And maybe this guy Austin knew would be my happily ever after.

  A girl could most definitely dream.

  And he was certainly a dream-worthy specimen.

  “They play tonight at ten, so we could go after our meeting with Dr. Prestbury,” Austin said.

  I grinned. “I’m in.”

  “Definitely in,” Shannon said.

  “This experiment is for her,” Austin reminded Shannon, pointing his thumb in my direction.

  Shannon rolled her beautiful blue eyes and did her little hair flip again. “I know, I know. You in, Scotty?”

  He nodded.

  Apparently we had a concert to get ready for so I could meet the next man on my list…after our meeting with Dr. Prestbury.


  I felt his eyes on me, scrutinizing my every move. It was like those television shows where a character visits a psychologist who writes down everything she or he says. Only scarier.

  This man was actually judging everything I said.

  And my future degree depended on it.

  I’d been dreading this meeting because I had no idea whether or not my advisor would approve this topic. And after the debacle the night before, I was debating whether I still even wanted to research this topic.

  “Let’s start with Piper this week,” he’d said after we had all settled into our usual chairs in Dr. Prestbury’s office.

  Great. Yes, let’s start with me. Good plan, Dr P.

  I really needed to take a shot of something strong before these meetings in the future. Or an anxiety pill. I knew he only wanted me to go first because I hadn’t even had a topic the last time we had met.

  My hands shook as I answered. “I’ve chosen my thesis topic.”

  “And?” Dr. Prestbury drew out the word, as if the future of the entire universe depended on my next words.

  “Well, I may need to change it. I started my research last night and I’m not sure if it’s going to pan out.”

  “Unless it’s trite or unresearchable, it’s likely I’ll approve it. Get on with it, Ms. Andrews. What’s your topic?” Dr. Prestbury’s eyes bored into me, while my friends appeared to look anywhere but me.

  “The modern day romance novel leading man creates unrealistic expectations for prolonged adult relationships.” I blushed as I spoke, mostly because I knew what his next question would be.

  “And your research subject?”


  He chuckled. I wasn’t sure what that meant. Was it a rude chuckle like this is a ridiculous topic to research? Or an amused chuckle like this is a unique topic he’d never heard before?

  Was he laughing AT me or WITH me?

  “Ms. Andrews, I must admit in my seventeen years advising graduate students, I’ve never heard of anything like this.”

  Well that still didn’t give me any hints as to how he really felt about my topic. Austin shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Scott cleared his throat. Shannon flipped her hair behind her shoulder.

  And I sat under Dr. Prestbury’s close inspection, his beady eyes narrowing in on me.

  Nerves bloomed in my belly, so I rambled. “I started researching yesterday, and I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to pull off the studies. I may need to change my topic.”

  He stared at me thoughtfully. “I’ll leave the decision up to you, but I have to admit, I’m curious about the results. I’d love for you to keep this
topic, but if you feel the need to change, you have until next Monday to lock in your working thesis statement. Mr. Redland, talk to me about your topic.” He’d shifted his attention to Scott, so the heat was off of me.

  He’d more or less approved my topic.

  I was, frankly, shocked.

  I couldn’t believe he’d actually approved it.

  I smiled despite the solemnity of our meeting. I couldn’t help it. Images of the rock star Austin knew had made their way into my head, and I was excited for what lay ahead of me.


  The four of us made our way into Emerson’s, the bar where My Favorite Band was playing. They weren’t onstage yet, but Austin fed me little morsels about Dax Hunter, the lead singer, on our drive over. I learned that he liked to wear novelty t-shirts, he loved pancakes, and he played baseball in high school. Scott, ever the responsible one, had volunteered to drive so the rest of us could have a good time.

  Shannon and I stood toward the back of the thick crowd that had gathered to watch MFB perform while Austin and Scott walked to the bar to grab our first round.

  Four men walked onstage, and then a fifth followed shortly behind. The women in the crowded bar went absolutely crazy. I mean you would’ve thought the Beatles had taken the stage. Or New Kids on the Block. Five Seconds of Summer?

  Whatever the generation, the screams were deafening. Each of the men picked up his instrument, and Dax grabbed the microphone with both hands. His jean-clad hips began to sway with the first riff of the guitar. His gray t-shirt proclaimed “SEX MACHINE” in bold lettering. Austin hadn’t lied about the novelty shirts.

  He wasn’t just attractive. He was freaking hot.

  And then I heard his voice.

  If just looking at him turned me on, listening to him brought a whole new experience to my senses.

  I suddenly realized I’d chosen to meet the rock star much, much too early in this experiment, because I definitely wanted to end up with him in the end.

  His eyes took on a smoky glow as he looked out over the audience. He smiled at a group of girls between the words, and they went wild with obscene yelling and screaming. He had the attention of every woman in the bar, and probably some of the men, too. He was in his element for sure.

  After the first song, he introduced all of the guys in the band. I mentally scrolled through all of the rock star romances I’d read. I had a soft spot for the rocker with a hard past, and Dax seemed to fit the bill perfectly. He’d broken up with his girlfriend because she had cheated on him? I couldn’t imagine cheating in the first place, but to cheat on such a perfect male specimen…it just didn’t add up.

  Dax’s eyes met mine during a more upbeat song, and I swore I saw a smile flash across his handsome face.

  That couldn’t have been for me.

  Could it?

  My heart stuttered at the possibilities.

  And then insecurities swarmed as I realized he could have his pick of any of the women in this bar.

  I was falling right into the trap of the romance novels. The average girl who never thought she was good enough for the man.

  I was good enough, dammit. I was a strong and beautiful woman who deserved a chance with this rock/sex god.

  I looked around me. Sure, there were other beauties who also deserved it, but they didn’t deserve a shot at happiness any more or less than I did.

  I allowed myself to get lost in the music, enjoying MFB (and my fourth beer) immensely, when Dax announced they only had time for one more song.

  A murmur of disappointment rippled through the crowd, but my excitement revved up. I didn’t know what the band did once they finished their set, but it would hopefully be my chance to meet Dax.

  A cheer rose up once more at the close of the final song, and then the crowd started to thin out except for the really dedicated fans hoping for their shot with any one of the members of MFB. They were all attractive men, but Dax was easily the hottest. Maybe it was because he was the singer, the leader. Or it could have been his erotic presence onstage. Whatever the case, I definitely wanted to meet him.

  “What did you think?” Austin asked me once the bar quieted down enough for conversation.

  “I thought they were amazing! I can’t wait to meet him!”

  “So you’re interested?”

  I nodded enthusiastically, eliciting a laugh from Austin. He sent a text while we finished our round of drinks, and a few minutes later a notification buzzed through with a reply. Austin flashed his screen at me to show me. Come out back, behind the bar. I’d love to meet her.

  I grinned as a tingle of nerves bundled in my belly. The lead singer of an amazing local band wanted to meet me?

  I screamed silently in my head in excitement, like in my favorite movie, Love Actually, when Laura Linney jumped up and down when she got the chance to hook up with that hot guy she worked with.

  And then the four of us made our way to the back of the bar.

  Security stood guard, not allowing any fans behind the bar while the band loaded their equipment. But Dax came up, slapped Austin on the shoulder, and said a few words to the guard.

  “Austin, man. It’s great to see you!” Dax’s voice sounded exactly like it did when he was on stage. He was even hotter up close. Every part of his face looked chiseled from stone. The picture hadn’t done him justice. It was dark out back, but it was light enough for me to see what I was getting into. His hair was this messy, thick shag that was somehow perfect even after he’d performed under the heat of the lights. His eyes were even more intense in the darkness outside. I could make out the blue irises from the streetlights and the moon. And his body…Dear Lord, his body. His gray shirt stuck to his chest, showcasing broad and hard muscle. He was a musician who found time to keep fit. I had the sudden inclination to rest my head against that broad chest. Or tear the shirt from his body. It really seemed an injustice to hide it under clothing.

  “Dax, these are my friends, Scott, Shannon, and Piper.”

  Dax shook each of our hands, landing last on me. His hand lingered in mine for a minute. “Nice to meet you,” he said softly, his eyes connecting with mine.

  My knees grew weak from swooning.

  He was this image right from a book…the perfect book boyfriend. I knew I’d definitely use the term “book boyfriend” in my research essay.

  I would also describe him as extremely fuckable, but somehow I didn’t think that term would end up in the essay.

  I giggled when he spoke to me, and I had no idea how I’d possibly hold my cool if the two of us went out on a date.

  “You too,” I finally managed.

  He was really too attractive for words, especially after I’d seen him perform.

  He smiled this earth-shattering smile at me, and if I wasn’t already in too deep, that would’ve put me there.

  “Are you free next Thursday?”

  If I had plans next Thursday, I’d cancel them.

  It was a week away. I didn’t want to wait that long. I wanted to go home with him that night.

  I wanted to see what he kept underneath that gray “SEX MACHINE” shirt.

  “Yes, I’m free.” My voice didn’t sound like my own. It came out sultry and breathless. Probably because I was panting.

  I took a deep breath as he shot me another smile. I’d never actually seen a panty-dropping smile in real life, but he definitely had one. I wanted to hand my panties directly to him when he smiled at me like that.

  “Austin has my number. Text me this weekend and we’ll set something up.”

  I nodded, not sure what to say. I knew I’d only come out sounding like an idiot, anyway.

  I needed some lessons on how to act around men who looked like him. Stat.


  I happened to be at the grocery store the next day when I met my next victim—I mean my next research subject.

  Our hands had met over the cucumbers the first time. His left hand reached for the same cucumber as my right hand.

>   It seemed like something I would’ve orchestrated, but it actually was just a coincidence.

  I checked out his hands. Strong hands were an immediate stimulant for me. I noticed the third finger on his left hand was empty. It was always the first thing I checked.

  A single girl didn’t read romance novels obsessively without picking up a thing or two.

  I smiled shyly—more at the girth of the cucumber than anything else—and let go of the vegetable. And then I turned to look into the eyes of the man next to me.

  He was, simply put, gorgeous.

  I must not have been looking hard enough before, because attractive men seemed to be literally all around me in San Diego. This one had lighter hair cropped short and brown eyes. He looked like a runner. His body was strong and lithe and definitely fuckable.

  Oh shit. Did I really just think that? Again?

  I’d just met my next fuckable subject the night before. And now…

  I smiled at him, and he motioned toward the cucumber. “Go ahead.”


  He smiled back, and I headed over toward the grapes when I saw him return to his cart. A little girl sat in the front of the cart, her chubby little legs poking through the leg holes. She smiled up at him and giggled at something he said while I tried not to stare.

  He hadn’t been wearing a ring when our hands had met over the cucumber. He could, quite possibly, be my DILF.

  I deduced he had to be a dad by the way the little girl in his cart looked at him like the entire universe revolved around him.

  And I definitely wanted to sleep with him based on looks alone.

  So he fit the definition of the DILF. And even if it wasn’t his kid, I’d find some category to put him in. I just had to time things right. Assuming, of course, he was actually single.

  I grabbed the groceries I needed, and then I purposely looked for him. I found him in the snack aisle.

  I tried to be stealthy, walking up to the same snack I saw him reaching for.

  It seemed like a good plan. Our hands met on the box, and I felt a little tingle start in my hand where he touched me before it ran up my arm.


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