Dare’s Christmas Gifts

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Dare’s Christmas Gifts Page 4

by AKM Miles

  "Dare, how worried should we be about the boys? Do they need some kind of counseling? They're so…so…" Jackie asked.

  "Needy? Clingy?" Dare supplied for Jackie.

  "Yes. It's not like either of them. That bastard! Look what he's done to them."

  "Hey. He's gone. The boys just need time to realize that they're safe. It's normal for Brandon to need JC. JC took care of him. He was so smart and quick and…I'm so proud of our boy, Ryan. He'll be okay. I need the closeness as much as he does, I swear."

  "Yeah. It's all I can do not to bring him in to sleep with us. I hardly want him out of my sight. Maybe I need to seek help." Ryan looked like he just might be serious.

  "Nah. I've got all the help you need. We just need to make things as normal as possible for them. Show them love and give them the security they crave. They'll relax and get back to their happy selves soon. You'll see."

  Jackie got up, yawning, and turned to leave the kitchen.

  "Good night, dear. Merry Christmas. We'll see you later this morning," Ryan said.

  "Good night. I love you all," Jackie replied, before shuffling off to the guest room.

  "And we love you," Dare added.

  Soon they were alone in their room. "I'm glad you're here. I seem to be as needy as JC and Brandon lately. I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling I had when I pulled him out of that old truck and he wrapped those little arms around my neck and cried. God, the love I have for that beautiful boy is so overwhelming sometimes," Ryan said, reaching for Dare.

  "That's just how it's supposed to be. It's an all-consuming love. You're doing fine. Now, I'd like to see if I could make your Christmas a little brighter, my love. Pretty soon, we're going to have to be 'on.' as they say. It'll all be about the boys and toys and food and fun and laughter and friendship and love. But tonight, I want it to be just about love. Manlove. My love."

  "Oh, I am so ready for some of that," Ryan murmured, pushing against Dare.

  "I've got something for you, one of your Christmas gifts. Why don't you get undressed? I'll be right back." Dare gave Ryan a quick kiss and headed for the bathroom.

  Ryan was on the bed, naked, and waiting, when Dare returned moments later. Dare grinned as he went to stand beside the bed. He'd written "Love You" on his stomach in chocolate and the tip of his hard dick was touching it, getting a nice coating. He crooked his finger at Ryan, who eagerly complied and headed for him.

  Dare put his hand out and stopped Ryan before he reached him.Dare pointed to his mouth. Ryan looked bewildered for a second, but, ever willing, leaned up and placed his mouth over Dare's. Dare shared the bit of Bailey's he'd been holding in his mouth for Ryan. Two of his lover's favorites, Bailey's and chocolate. Well, three, counting him. Ryan pulled him down, growling and laughing.

  "Oh, that's the best ever. I want more. Gimme chocolate," Ryan said, sounding like a little boy, but looking nothing like one. He helped Dare stretch out and knelt beside him, his eyes clearly showing his adoration and eagerness.

  Ryan bent to the task at hand and Dare shivered as he felt his lover's soft tongue starting on the letter L. By the time Ryan had gotten to the U, Dare was squirming and panting, as happy with the exercise as Ryan obviously was.

  "You have such good ideas. I'll do whatever you want, but before the night is over I want to feel you deep inside me. I can't seem to get enough of you," Ryan said, his voice husky with need.

  "I think I can help you with that. I feel the same way. I know we need to get some sleep for the big day tomorrow, but I need you now. This is a special night and I need to mark it by showing you just how much you mean to me. Sometimes, I feel like words just aren't enough. I can't tell you enough, show you enough, how much I love you, need you. I absolutely adore you, Ryan. I'll be eternally grateful that you love me, too, and that you share your life and your son with me. You all make my life complete."

  "Right back, Dare. You showed up when we needed you most and became everything to us. JC needs and loves you as much as I do. He thinks of you as a father, just like he does me. I think that is beyond wonderful. A testament to how you have made our lives complete, too."

  Evidently Ryan was through now with the vocal part of the evening, as he dipped his head and took Dare's mouth in a long and thorough kiss. Lips teased and tongues mated as they held onto each other, taking the next step in a long series of acts, each one more intense, sharing affection, lust, and love in varied and stunning ways. Eventually, they collapsed into each other's arms, sated and fulfilled.

  Chapter Nine

  There was a knock on the door, light, but insistent. Two sets of blurry eyes struggled to open.

  "Dads? Can I come in?" Bless his heart, JC always remembered to ask.

  Ryan cleared his throat and said, "Sure, son, come on in." He and Dare moved apart enough, and just in time, for JC to land in the space between them. JC lay on the long pillow they'd found for the head of the bed and looked at them solemnly. It was still dark, maybe four or so in the morning. The green light from the digital clock on the bedside table made a soft glow in the room.

  "I love you all. I'm sorry I woke you up."

  "That's okay, Just JC," Dare said, using his pet name for the sweet child. "What's on your mind?"

  "It's Christmas."

  "I know. Merry Christmas, baby. I thought you'd be excited. What's up?" Ryan's voice clearly showed his bewilderment at JC's quiet demeanor.

  "I was thinkin'."

  "Yeah?" Dare reached out and moved his fingers over JC's hair, smoothing it, caressing him, trying to ease him. He could tell something was wrong.

  "Mitch is dead, right?"

  "Mmmhmm," Dare responded, letting JC get to it on his own.

  "So, we're safe now. I know you told me and Brandon that, but how come I feel scared all the time? I know you guys won't let anything happen to me, I know it. But I'm afraid all the time and I don't like it. Brandon is, too."

  "What you all went through was really bad. I know you like to act like it was a big adventure. And you did do an amazing job of taking care of Brandon and getting away from Mitch. But it had to have been really scary, huh?" Dare asked, gently.

  Big tears filled JC's eyes and he nodded, raising his arm to cover his eyes, as if ashamed of crying. Ryan evidently couldn't take it any more, reaching to pull JC to him, holding him tight, cradling him against his chest. He stroked JC's head, his back, and looked to Dare for help.

  Dare got it now. JC had never really accepted the fear he'd gone through. He'd toughed his way through it, and had taken care of Brandon like he'd been told. He did everything he could to save them, never allowing himself to give in to the total and abject fear of dying that he must have been experiencing all along. He just hadn't let himself give in to it. Now that he was truly safe again, he needed to let it all go.

  "JC, you were the bravest little boy I've ever known. But, I know you were scared that Mitch was going to hurt you, or even kill Brandon like he told you. Instead of being afraid and giving in and crying, like a little boy should be allowed to do in that situation, you were brave. You took control and didn't let yourself admit how scared you were. You've held it in, all this time, because you thought you had to. Like it was your job. Am I right?"

  JC looked over at Dare from Ryan's chest. Both Ryan and JC were looking at him and listening carefully to his words. God, his men. How he loved them.

  JC finally nodded his head in agreement.

  "Do you remember me telling you and Brandon that it was okay to cry? Sometimes, you just need to let it all go and cry real hard to let all the bad feelings out. It's okay. You did the right thing at the time and now you're with the people who love you the most in the world. You're back safe in your daddy's arms. Do you know your daddy cried the night we brought you all back?"

  "He did?"

  "Honey, we both did. We lay in here, held on to each other, and cried like babies. We were so scared for you. Then we were so happy when we found you, that it was just too much
, and we had to let it out. We felt like we were going to burst we were so full of feelings. It felt good. What you need to do is let it go. If you don't feel like crying right now, that's cool. You just have to know that when you feel it building up, you come to one, or both of us, and we'll hold you, and you'll be able to let the bad stuff all out and feel better. Do you understand?"

  JC looked at Dare for a few minutes. He reached up and kissed his dad on his mouth and then reached for Dare. Dare took him and got the same quick buss on his lips. JC hugged him and whispered, "Thanks, Dareya."

  Dare smiled at JC's special name for him.

  They watched him slide right off the side of the bed and go to the door. He turned before he went out and said, "You all can go back to sleep now. I'm better. I think Brandon needs to cry, too. He's all tight and scared, too. We'll see you later. It's Christmas, you know. We'll come wake you up for presents." With that JC left, shutting the door quietly.

  Ryan looked stunned.

  "Did that just happen? Did my five-year-old just come in here like that, on Christmas? He should be jumping and happy and wanting to open toys and he's in here trying not to cry, still scared for his life." Ryan sounded so frustrated and hurt.

  "Hey, you've got the most savvy little boy I've ever known. I bet you in an hour or so you'll have your bouncy boy. He just has some things to work out. Pretty soon, he'll blow and you'll hold him and love him and then it'll be okay. You watch. I need to tell Jackie to look out for it, too, though Brandon was a little freer with his tears and fear. It's going to be okay."

  "God, hold me. I don't know if I can take this."

  Dare held him and they lay there for a while, quiet and thinking. Dare remembered making love with Ryan on that awful night. Oh my God, he thought. As soon as they’d gotten the chance, after the boys finally went to sleep, they had been like wild men. They couldn't seem to get enough, feel enough. They'd both seemed to want it harder, deeper, longer, and over and over. He knew the psychology stuff behind sex after trauma, reaffirming life and so on. Dare just knew they had worn themselves out until they'd been nearly insensate. Extreme relief and profound love made for amazing sex. Frankly, he could have done without the fear part.

  They'd managed to sleep for about two hours when there was a thump at the door.

  "Dad, Dare, come on. It's Christmas!"

  Then Brandon's voice joined it. "Yeah, it's Christmas. We got toys. Can we go down there…please…?"

  "Go on, guys, we're right behind you." Ryan's face was full of joy and Dare beamed at him as they dressed hurriedly and went to join in the fun.

  At the door, Dare paused and said, "I've got a special gift for you. I think you'll really like it. I'll have to show it to you later tonight. It's just for you."

  "That sounds intriguing. I might just have something for you, too, love of my life."

  Dare leaned in to share a Christmas kiss with his lover, his partner. He had to make himself ease back from Ryan's lips and questing tongue. "To be continued. We've got excited boys to handle. Just having them here, happy and healthy, is enough Christmas gift for me. I'm blissfully complete today. Come on, we're on!"

  As they headed down the stairs, Dare smelled coffee and bacon and biscuits. Jackie had been busy this morning. Mmm, this family stuff was nice.

  "Dad, Dare, look! We both got some of the same stuff."

  Ryan looked at his watch and smiled when he heard a knock at the door. He hurried to answer it. Dare grinned as he watched Ryan pay the man and take the big basket from him.

  "Jackie, you better get in here," Dare said. "You don't want to miss this."

  Jackie came in from the kitchen, drying her hands on a tea towel. She quickly came over to Dare and watched the scene play out.

  Ryan carried the box over to the couch and stood. "Boys, could you both come over here and sit down for a minute?"

  The two boys put down the big truck they'd been playing with and moved to sit on the couch, JC in his Shrek jammies and Brandon, of course, in his Spiderman ones.

  "Dare, your mother and I figured it was time, and you both were ready for some responsibility around here. Scoot back and close your eyes a minute." They both complied with his request without question.

  Ryan opened the top of the basket, and with Dare's help, took out two squirming puppies with red bows on their necks. They were golden cocker spaniel pups and looked like identical twins with thick soft hair, long ears, and huge brown eyes.

  "Okay, you can look now," Ryan said.

  You could have heard the screams of those two boys two counties away. All three adults were misty-eyed as little boys and little puppies wiggled and squirmed and licked and laughed and hugged and loved.

  Ryan and Dare held each other, then, opened their arms to let Jackie in.

  "Merry Christmas."


  Later that night…

  Dare looked up from the new computer on his lap and both a smile and a blush crossed his face as he caught sight of Ryan. His wonderful partner was lying across the foot of the bed, thumbing through the book Dare had given him one more time. This must make about the fiftieth time Ryan had gone through it, cover to cover. Ryan had thanked him profusely and in the most ardent manner. He was still tingling in places, delicious tingles in much-loved places.

  "Hey," Dare said, quietly, getting Ryan's attention.

  Ryan looked up at him and Dare drew in a breath. The look on Ryan's face was stunningly sensual. As Ryan's eyes met him, Dare had no doubt that sex, or even better, making love, was on the man's mind.

  "I'm glad you like the gift."

  "It's beautiful, both the subject and the work. This lady is fantastic, just as you said. I would love to have her do some family pictures. I'd love some close ones of JC. I bet she could do some wonderful things with him, too. But I'm almost speechless when I look at this."

  "You've seen it all before. It's all for you, the real thing."

  Ryan scooted around, closing the book carefully, and crawled up toward Dare on the bed. Soon he had placed both the new laptop and the book on the bedside table. Dare sat very still, watching to see what Ryan had planned.

  Ryan sat beside Dare, reached over, and pulled him over onto his lap. Dare put his arms around Ryan's neck and waited for him to speak. It was that kind of moment. Dare could tell that Ryan had something to say.

  "I can't believe you went to a stranger and posed for those pictures for me. I know you were not comfortable doing that. But you did it, for me. I know what it took for you to do that and I can't tell you how much it means to me. Besides the fact that I'd love them because they are of you, those pictures are truly art. She is good. Of course, look what she had to work with." Ryan started to chuckle. "You're blushing. I love that. I love you." Ryan spoke the words without ever taking his eyes off Dare's face.

  "I love you, too. Yes, I did it just for you. I was uncomfortable at first, nervous, and shy even. But she's funny and smart and made me feel better just by saying over and over how much you were going to love it. That was enough for me."

  "Thank you again. It is something I'll always treasure. I'll probably wear out the pages, looking at it so much," Ryan said.

  "Will you go in and have some shots done for me? We could put them in the back and have a special book for both of us. We can get a separate one made for the family photos. I would even consider having some done…a few…with both of us. She had a couple of ideas for shots that sounded really…uh…sexy." Dare's voice was getting lower and huskier, but he hastened to add, "But, not tacky. I wouldn't mind looking at pictures of the two of us, close, touching, without our shirts on…and…"

  "God, stop." Ryan put his hand over Dare's mouth, then replaced it with his lips. He kissed him with so much passion and intensity that Dare could only figure that Ryan liked the idea of some shots of them together, close together.

  Ryan began tugging the soft T-shirt off Dare and letting his lips take a slow journey over Dare's exposed stomach as he unc
overed it. Dare laughed as Ryan blew a raspberry on it. He helped Ryan get the shirt off, then, reached to take his lover's off too.

  Ryan suddenly pulled back and said, "Show me."

  "Huh?" Dare was confused, trying to focus on Ryan's face.

  "Show me how we'll have our picture made."

  Dare looked at Ryan for a few seconds, seriously, and then stood, pulling Ryan with him. He led Ryan to a mirror on the closet door. Standing in front of the mirror, Dare got in front of Ryan and pulled Ryan's arms around him, one low around his waist and one high, over his shoulder. The low one Dare placed onto his stomach and the high one he set over his heart. With his own hand, he reached up and pulled Ryan's head down to his and turned so that his face was touching Ryan's as it was beside him. For a second Ryan looked into the mirror and sucked in a deep breath. It was a very sexy pose.


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