Their Lusty Little Valentine [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Lusty Little Valentine [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Cara Covington

  The touch of a finger on her chin drew her attention and her gaze.

  “Did we devastate you, kitten?”

  She’d have been able to resist, she was certain, if the look in Preston Kendall’s eyes had been mocking, or even smug. The expression that greeted her instead, waiting for her, defined tenderness. “Yes, all three of you devastated me. And that has never happened to me before.” Oh, she really was risking too much to be so completely honest with the brothers Kendall. But she had no choice. She couldn’t be any other way. How did other women keep their wits about them at a time like this, so that they could be cool, calm, and sophisticated?

  They can do it because the men and the moment don’t matter. Samantha didn’t know where that certainty came from, but it was an answer that revealed itself then and there—actually, it was the answer.

  Samantha Kincaid wasn’t looking for a ring and a promise. Regardless, these men, and this time that they had between them, even if it was only an interlude, mattered.

  “I don’t know what happens next. I’m not a virgin. But this is beyond…” Oh, Samantha, shut up before they write you off as completely flighty.

  Preston cupped her cheek. “What happens next is really simple, Samantha. It’s kind of like dancing, in a way.”


  “Mmm. We lead. You hang on and follow.”

  “Because you’re in charge in the bedroom.” She had agreed readily enough when he’d suggested it just minutes before. She supposed she should protest the heavy-handed sound of his statement. But the flip side of their agreement—that she would be in charge out of it—had really been appealing at the time.

  And only time would tell if they honored their word, or not.

  Preston’s grin set off a fire of lust in her belly. He picked her up as if she weighed nothing. Before she could even think about what she was doing, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

  “Yes. Yes, we are. Tell me, darling, have you ever heard of a little game called dominance and submission?”

  Her heart thudded heavily in her chest. She’d had a roommate in college who’d been very interested in exploring her inner woman. More than one night had been spent listening to Lizzy recount her adventures with one particular boyfriend. Just thinking about those stories and then fitting these men and herself into that same picture made her incredibly wet. Unable to resist, she nuzzled Preston’s neck. “I may have heard a whisper or two here and there. Although, of course, I have no personal experience in the matter.”

  “Oh, baby, baby, baby. You are so getting initiated into that game.”

  “So you say. But then what did I expect? You’re lawyers, the three of you. Y’all talk a good game.” She personally thought that “y’all” was a nice touch.

  In the next instant she yelped when Charlie—sweet, mostly quiet Charlie—reached out and laid the flat of his hand on her ass, hard.

  Then he caressed over the spot he’d just smacked, and Samantha moaned as a luscious, lovely heat spread throughout her body.

  It never even occurred to her to give him hell for the blow. She swallowed heavily as she understood, for the first time, that perhaps there was a reason no other man had been able to turn her on. They hadn’t, any of them, known what button to push with her.

  She met Preston’s gaze, and she knew he was trying to gauge her reaction. She was entering uncharted territory, going to a place where logic and reason simply didn’t belong. Never one to gamble, Samantha decided right then and there to take the biggest gamble of her life.

  Making the decision to follow her instincts, she sighed and laid her head on Preston’s shoulder.

  Charlie leaned in close and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Good girl.”

  Samantha recognized the emotion that filled her. It was feminine pride, a pride born of pleasing her men.

  Preston carried her up the stairs. Lying against him as she was, she could feel the heavy beating of his heart and the ridge of his hard cock, even through his pants and her slacks. It thrilled her that he seemed to be as excited as she was.

  He carried her into a bedroom, and then turned with her so that she could see the room. She gasped as the bed came into view. It was the most enormous piece of furniture she’d ever seen—even larger than the one she’d glimpsed in Miranda’s bedroom at the New House.

  “Decadent, isn’t it?” Taylor asked.

  Samantha had to swallow a surfeit of saliva before she could answer. “It certainly is.”

  Charlie grinned and said, “If you think that’s something, watch what comes next.”

  I hope I do. She bit back the cheeky comment as Preston carried her through the bedroom and into the bathroom.

  “Holy moley!” The master bathroom that Preston had carried her into gave a whole new definition to the word hedonistic. The shower was enormous, with showerheads on three sides. In one corner of the massive room stood a large round tub that she recognized as a Jacuzzi. There was a long, padded bench, and a very big claw-foot bathtub, too. One wall held the countertop with four—four—sinks. She deduced that the door in the wall beside the claw-foot tub led to the toilet area. Her own parents had a good-sized master bath with a secluded toilet but nothing near the level of luxury she was looking at here.

  “I didn’t even know that beds and showers and tubs came in such big sizes!”

  “We can’t speak for elsewhere in the world, but ours are custom made,” Preston said.

  Samantha pulled back slightly, trusting in his strength to keep holding her as she met his gaze. “I guess you’d have to have some custom-made furnishings to live the way you do in this town.”

  “I don’t detect any judgment in your tone.”

  Samantha couldn’t prevent her one eyebrow from arching. “Of course not. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. I’d say the people of Lusty really take that motto to heart.”

  Preston’s smile flashed, a grin of amusement that just as swiftly tapered and became a flare of passion.

  “Kiss me, kitten. I’m starving for the taste of you.”

  Why did that smoky command thrill her so? Other men had tried to tell her what to do, and all of them had turned her off. Unable to resist either the tone or the man, Samantha leaned in and melded her mouth to his.

  Hot and hungry, his kiss devoured her. Instantly in command of the kiss, Preston’s lips moved on hers, his mouth sucking ever so slightly so she could almost believe he drank her down. His flavor intoxicated her, making her head spin and her heart pound.

  Still held aloft in his arms, she relaxed into him, utterly trusting him to keep her safe. Heat surrounded her as she felt Taylor and Charles close in, as they stroked her back and arms and made masculine sounds of approval. Taste and touch, scent and sounds, the harvest of all her senses combined into a silken cord, binding them together in the heat and the moment.

  Samantha shook with a need so acute, it overruled any effort she might have made to hang on to her logic and her reason.

  She wanted these men. She wanted them one at a time, and she wanted them all together. Her mind envisioned taking them all into herself at the same time. Though lacking personal experience, she possessed a better than average imagination. The mental image that imagination provided sent a delicious tingle down her spine and just shot her cravings even higher.

  Preston tore his lips from hers and kissed a trail down her neck. “Your nipples just turned rock hard against my chest. You want us.”

  “Yes. I do want you. I want all three of you—and I don’t know quite what to think about that.” Samantha wasn’t in the habit of lusting after men. Actually the brothers Kendall were the first she’d ever been so aroused by. Why them? Why now? Was it because she was so far from home? Was there a part of her that reveled in the relative anonymity of the here and now?

  “No.” Preston set her on her feet and then cupped her face. His hold on her was such that she had no choice but to meet
his gaze. “Turn off that brilliant mind of yours, kitten. No more thinking, not until later. It’s time to just feel. Now be a good girl and say, ‘Yes, Preston.’”

  I think I gave them too big of a blank check. She took a moment to look at each of the men in turn. To a one, laughter and lust shone from their eyes.

  Samantha mentally shrugged. It wasn’t as if she were setting a precedent for an entire lifetime here. She was living in the now. And in the now, she could be accommodating—submissive, even.

  “Yes, Preston.”

  “Good girl.” His compliment rode on a sigh, just loud enough for her to hear. He let his gaze wander down her body. If possible, his expression turned even more lustful. She had the strangest sensation that he could actually see her naked body beneath her clothing.

  As if he read her mind, he met her gaze, and said, “Sweet Samantha, that is a very fetching outfit you have on. But it quite simply has to go.”

  “Allow us.” Taylor put his hands on her shoulders, then moved them around to the front of her simple cotton T-shirt. He tugged the ends of the garment out of her pants, then gathered the hem in his fingers. “Arms up, sweetheart.”

  Excitement shivered through her belly as she did as asked. Taylor slipped the shirt off her in the blink of an eye.

  All three men looked at her lace-covered breasts. Her nipples hardened into tiny pebbles, and pressed against the fabric.

  “Mmm.” Preston licked his lips and Samantha could not deny the feminine thrill that filled her. She didn’t know she could feel a sense of accomplishment because three men found her breasts attractive.

  Charlie took Taylor’s place behind her, and she shivered when he slipped his thumbs under the waistband of her slacks. He didn’t pause, just simply unsnapped, unzipped, and eased the cotton off her hips and down her legs.

  “Step out.”

  Preston held her hands so she didn’t lose her balance as she complied with his brother’s directive. Charlie took a minute while he was still down on his haunches, to ease her sandals off her feet.

  She stood before them in her matching bra and panties. The set wasn’t anything sheer or particularly enticing. At least, she hadn’t believed so until now.

  The way Preston, Taylor, and Charles were looking at her made her feel as if she were wearing the most daring lingerie from Frederick’s of Hollywood—or nothing at all.

  “My God, kitten. I don’t think I could have dreamed you.” Preston met her gaze.

  Her nipples pinched almost to the point of pain and her sex quivered. Moisture coated her pussy lips and she knew just that easily, her panties had become sodden.

  “Please.” Hunger filled her, an amazing, almost desperate hunger. In that moment she understood the songs and the sonnets and what all the fuss had been about in this age-old dance between a man and a woman. She finally got it.

  “Another time, I think we’d like to have you beg. But not this time. Not now.” Preston leaned forward and placed a too-chaste kiss on her lips. He took a single step back from her and then, with his brothers, began to strip.

  Samantha didn’t know where to look first. The way they’d arranged themselves in front of her, she could see each man as he tossed off his clothes and what she saw made her whimper with lust.

  Nearly identical in physique, they could have been Olympic swimmers. Tan and lithe and subtly muscled, their chests varied only in the amount of hair decorating well-defined pecs—and the fact that Taylor had just a little more muscle mass than either of his brothers. Preston’s hair, jet black, had taken on almost blue highlights as he stood there in the sun spot that formed through the bathroom window. Samantha couldn’t help but notice how blue his eyes looked then. Taylor and Charles, both with dark brown hair, had gray and brown eyes respectively. And yet, despite the differences between them, they were identical in height, in mannerisms—and in the way they affected her.

  As if they’d practiced the maneuver several times, all three men dropped their pants at the same time.

  “Oh, look at the look in her eyes,” Preston said. “Like she wants to gobble us down.”

  “Lord, woman, keep that up and I’m going to come before I even get inside you,” Taylor said.

  “Sweetheart, you’re overdressed for this party.” Charlie reached out toward her.

  Samantha shook her head. This was her decision, and Charlie was right, she was overdressed.

  It took a tad longer than usual to shed her bra. She’d never before appreciated how hard it was to open those tiny hooks with shaking hands.

  Preston flicked his gaze down to her breasts the moment the garment was off her body. Then he focused on her face. “Drop the panties, kitten.”

  They were, all three of them, naked, and with the flick of her wrists, and a subtle kicking aside of a silken triangle, she was, too.

  It took every bit of her resolve not to cover her breasts or her pussy. She’d been nude before, and even had been seen in the nude a couple of times, but this was the first time in her life she felt totally naked.

  “I thought Preston told you to stop thinking.” Taylor quirked one eyebrow and Samantha met his gaze.

  “Under the circumstances, it’s hard not to.”

  “That’s on us, then. We haven’t sufficiently distracted you.” Charlie stepped forward and scooped her into his arms. He’d moved so quickly and decisively she gasped.

  The next thing she knew, the shower had come on. Taylor tested the water, nodded, and then Charlie carried her in, and under the downpour.

  Charlie set her down, and as she closed her eyes under the spray, she felt the three men move in close to her, surround her.

  And then, oh, God, there were hands on her, so many hands slicked with soap and set on seduction.

  “Keep your eyes closed.”

  Preston Kendall is a bossy man. At the moment, though, since water was showering down on her and the scent of shampoo filled the glass enclosure, she did as he commanded.

  Someone took hold of her hands and raised her arms above her head, and then she felt a tug on her hair. Following the silent directive, she tilted her head back.

  “Mmm.” The sensation of having her breasts, belly, and hair all washed at the same time overwhelmed her senses. She shivered, and her pussy clenched, as if looking for a cock to grasp onto. Not one to mince words, she said, “This feels so good.”

  “It gets better.” Preston’s whispered words brushed her face. He covered her mouth with his own, his kiss carnal as he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

  His hand slid down her stomach in a straight line to her cunt. Fingers delved, and Samantha moaned into his mouth. She couldn’t prevent her hips from rolling toward him, wordlessly begging for more of his touch.

  Preston tapered his kiss, then used his lips to caress her throat. Behind her, someone stood flush, and the press of a hot, fully aroused cock rubbed against her ass, nestling at the top of her crack.

  “Your cunt is hot and wet. Is it hungry, kitten? Is your cunt hungry for us?”

  Arousal soared high and fast. Samantha moaned and nodded, simple words now beyond her. Hungry? No, her body was starving for the touch of these men, nearly desperate to be filled by them.

  “I think that’s a yes.” Taylor’s words sounded in her right ear, and then his lips kissed her, nuzzled her, and Samantha shivered.

  “I want to feel her pussy.” Charlie’s voice had deepened and taken on a guttural edge. She felt movement and understood he was the one holding her arms aloft, as he maneuvered on her right side and then slid his hand down to join his brother’s.

  Fingers stroked and then delved and, oh God, she had two fingers inside her pussy, and it felt so good.

  The sounds that emerged from her seemed to thrill the men.

  “You are hungry. All right, then, kitten, we’re going to take care of you right now. Come for us, baby.”

  I should tell them that’s something I’ve never been very good at…the thought evaporated, fizzing
out under the onslaught of their mouths and hands and fingers. Someone pinched and then tugged on her clitoris.

  Samantha came, her orgasm exploding out of her, unexpected and completely overwhelming. The sound of her scream echoed against the glass shower enclosure. Arms supported her as her knees lost all strength, and she whimpered as wave after thrilling wave of life-altering energy sizzled through her.

  “Hot holy hell, woman, you’re responsive.” Charlie took her left nipple into his mouth and suckled strongly.

  “Let’s see how you fly, now that we’ve taken the edge off for you. Now we can love you properly.” Taylor nuzzled her neck and shoulder.

  Her arms went lax. She didn’t recall Charlie releasing her hands. Then Taylor’s words penetrated, and she shivered. “Taken the edge off?” There were other words he’d spoken, too. One word in particular, that she didn’t want to hear or even think about.

  He probably just said “love you” to be a gentleman, choosing not to use the crasser “have sex with you” or the even baser “fuck you.”

  Samantha’s heart raced, her lungs fought for air, and she felt as if every single bone in her body had turned to rubber. Needing to distract herself from her own recent thoughts, she said, “Any more excitement and I may not survive.”

  Preston chuckled. “We’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?”

  Chapter 7

  Samantha had never been pampered. It was a new and seductive experience.

  Towels in hand, the brothers Kendall surrounded her with their care as they gently blotted the water from her body. Preston wrapped a towel around her, picked her up, and then sat with her on his lap. Taylor used another towel to tenderly dry her legs and feet. Charlie focused on taking care of her hair, being careful as he squeezed the water from her curls.


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