She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4 Page 4

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Can I have a word with you?” She neglected to apologize to me as she folded her arms.


  “I don’t know what plans you have now that Vigo is gone, but do not include my son in them. He is a good boy, and you will not send him on the same downward spiral that you sent Vigo down.”

  “Excuse me? I didn’t send Vigo anywhere! If anything, I tried to help him, but all he did was put his hands on me or insult me. And there is nothing going on with me and your son, so you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Yeah right. You probably couldn’t wait to get rid of my nephew so you could pounce on Trey.” She shook her head with a face full of disgust.

  “Actually, I have a man, thank you, so talk what you know, which ain’t much, so you should shut it up. Maybe if you weren’t so busy worrying about your son’s dick, you could get some for yourself, hag.” I walked off, bumping her shoulder.

  She was too shocked to respond to me in time, so I was able to make it to my car without her saying a word.

  Usually, I wouldn’t have said anything to Vigo’s people, but that was only because I didn’t want him getting mad at me, thinking I was disrespectful. However, trying to be on Vigo’s good side had been a thing of the past long before he died, so any of his family members could get it.

  Before I could even pull out of the Inglewood Cemetery, Trey waved me down, so I stopped and rolled my window down.

  “Hey, should we exchange numbers or something?”

  “Um, you can just hit me up on Instagram like you did when you told me you guys got here,” I replied with a subtle smile. A part of me didn’t think Trey would try anything, but just in case, I wanted to prevent that. I didn’t need his family trying to cause any more problems in my life. It was bad enough Vigo’s mama knew my address.

  “Oh right, uh…” He looked off for a moment. “Okay then, I’ll see you soon when I get some time squared away.”

  I nodded, and then we just stared at one another until he moved his hands from my door so I could roll up the window.

  Quickly, I sped my ass right up out of that cemetery so I could get home and get dressed for Frisk’s video shoot tonight.

  His video was gonna be like some pool party thing; you know, the typical rapper’s music video with a bunch of girls dancing in little ass bikinis and damn near about to break their backs. He wanted me in it and swore I would just be walking around with him, and at first I said ‘yes,’ but I’d quickly changed my mind. If I wanted to be seen as a professional in this music world, then I couldn’t be prancing around in a rapper’s video, even if I had on a damn dress from the 1800’s.

  After changing into something more comfortable since I was sure this would be an all-night thing, I sent out a few emails and was on my way out.

  When I pulled up to the mansion that was being rented, there were already a cluster-fuck of people outside, as if this were a real party. Stepping inside, I quickly scanned the large open area for any sign of Frisk, and when my eyes landed on him, I saw he was at the bar surrounded by three bitches, who were laughing their hoe ass faces off at whatever he was saying.

  “Hey,” I said after making my way over. I wasn’t sure what these bitches had in mind, but they were here to work, and not for Frisk personally.

  “Oh, what’s up, babe?” Frisk turned to look down at me, and the faces them hoes made upon hearing him call me ‘babe’ almost brought me to an orgasm.

  “Hey, shouldn’t everything be getting started? We have to stick to schedule, right?”

  “Right. Well nice meeting you, ladies,” Frisk said to them as I began to pull him off.

  After about thirty damn minutes of rallying everyone together so the video shoot could start, finally, the director had shown up and was ready. The video didn’t take long at all because it was only a couple shots, and didn’t take much acting. I admit, the girls being all over Frisk annoyed me a little bit, but I had to remember this was just for the video. I’d never really been the jealous type, and I wasn’t about to start now. So far, Frisk hadn’t given me a reason to act crazy besides the little shit with Charmaine, so I was gonna be cool.

  While Frisk got changed into his clothes, I went around making sure everything was being packed up and nobody was around here messing this house up. The last thing we needed was a lawsuit, or a hefty bill being sent to us because of some reckless ass people.

  By the time mostly everyone had left, I went in search of Frisk but didn’t see him in the backyard. Figuring he was still changing, I went to the pool house where he’d gone. As soon as I stepped in, I heard female laughter, and immediately my blood began to boil. Giving myself a pep talk with each step that I took, I spotted Frisk standing near two thirsty looking hoes; both being the ones I saw in his face earlier.

  “Jason!” I snapped, making the two girls jump at the sound of my voice.

  “What’s up?” He turned to me as if what he was doing were okay.

  “Are you gonna leave with me, or are you gonna stay here and chat it up with these hoes?” I quizzed.

  “Hoes?” the two girls said in unison.

  “Yes, hoes.” I nodded to them to let them know they’d heard me right. “And y’all need to get the fuck out. This ain’t his damn house, it belongs to someone else.”

  “Virginia, chill.” Frisk shook his head at me, making me roll my eyes.

  The two girls started out of the house once they realized Frisk wasn’t about to go against what I’d said. As soon as they left, I turned on my heels to leave as well, only for Frisk to be right on my bumper, hugging me from behind.

  “Get off me. Go hug them hoes you just couldn’t keep away from, nigga.”

  “You know it ain’t even like that. I was just being nice to ‘em.” He kissed me on my neck, just before I turned to face him.

  “I’ve been in this business for a very long time, Jason, and there is no being nice to those types of women. They want you, whether you want to believe it or not, and I can’t have you putting yourself in situations to be seduced, like just now.”

  “Can’t nobody seduce a nigga but you.”

  “Jason, I am serious!” I giggled when he started to suck on my neck like always. There was nothing like some neck attention. “You being off somewhere alone with them is low-key disrespectful to me.”

  “Aight, I understand.” He looked me up and down with only his eyes for a few moments, before saying, “The last thing I’m trying to do is make you look dumb, especially in front of other females.”

  His words made me smile softly as I tossed my arms around his neck, before we engaged in a kiss.

  “I’m glad you understand because I was this close to slicing one of them hoes up for not leaving you alone.”

  “You can’t bring yo’ ass to no more of my video shoots,” he joked as we held hands on our way past the pool and into the main house.

  “Nigga, please. I wish you would not have me here,” I spat back, and he burst into laughter.

  I was really into this man, so I hoped like hell that he meant everything that he was saying to me right now. I honestly didn’t think I could take any more disappointments in the romance department, but like always, I’d have to keep on trucking.

  Ricky AK

  I wasn’t really sure what the fuck to do about that bitch ass detective being the muthafucka that killed my mama. I knew one thing though, this would be his last year on Earth, and I didn’t give a fuck how I had to go about achieving that shit. He may have been my father biologically, but in my mind, he was no different from the muthafuckas that walked these streets. If I could blow Bryen’s head open, then I could for damn sure get at his hoe ass. But that nigga was gon’ suffer first, on everything I loved.

  I’d handled all my business as far as me recording and shit, so at the moment, I was focusing on my record label. The first thing I needed to do was get some artists, and since I knew this hole in the wall ass club in Hollywood usually had some pretty good ass acts,
I was going to see if I could find some shit worthy of being my first signee.

  I had my deejay, Wonder, with me because he had a good ear with shit like this, hence why I’d hired his ass. Plus, the nigga had been acting like he was about to kill his muthafuckin’ self over Virginia, so his ass needed to be out. I just hoped he didn’t think he was about to be venting to me and shit all night, because I wasn’t in the mood to listen to a muthafucka cry over some dumb shit.

  “You guys can have a seat anywhere you’d like,” the hostess said as soon as we stepped in. Wasn’t too many muthafuckas in here tonight, but I wasn’t tripping. I didn’t really give a fuck if the people on stage tonight didn’t already have a fan base because I was willing to get them there.

  “I hope they got some good shit tonight,” Wonder commented, just as my phone rang.

  I put my finger up to him and then stepped outside so I could answer the shit. As usual, it was a number that I didn’t have stored, and it would keep fucking calling until I answered. And once I did, the bitch would hang the fuck up and call me from another number on a different day. I knew it was one of these loose pussy ass females because they did foolish shit like this.

  “Aye, whoever the fuck this is, bitch, you better not ever let me find you or I’m gon’ break ya fucking collarbone,” I said through gritted teeth, watching the cars speed up and down the street.

  “Why so mean, baby?” she cooed, almost in a teasing manner.

  “You right.” I grinned as if she could see me. I needed to change up my tune to find out who she was. “You busy?”

  She paused for a moment, I guess surprised as fuck by my response. But I hoped she fell for the shit. And if she wanted this dick as badly as she was making me think she did, then she’d fall right into my muthafuckin’ trap.

  “You mean like… busy tonight?”

  “Yeah, tonight. You acting like you gon’ let me fuck, so I wanna fuck, and tonight. I don’t like waiting.”

  “Uh… can I call you right back with my information?”

  It almost sounded like someone was telling her ass what to say, which only meant I had two muthafuckas to handle, and was hoping to do that shit tonight.

  “Whatever you gotta do, but don’t have me waiting long or I might change my mind and just fuck my girl.”

  “Oh no, it won’t be long, baby, I promise!” I could hear the excitement in her voice, and I couldn’t wait to choke that shit right out of her stupid ass.

  “Good. You got twenty minutes before I change my fucking mind, aight?”

  “Got it.”

  I hung up the phone and then went back inside of the small venue before searching the place with my eyes to find Wonder. When I saw him seated at a table almost up front, I went to join his ass. As I made my way through, the girl on stage singing kept her eyes hard on me, as her smooth voice flowed into the microphone and poured from the speakers.

  “What you think about her?” Wonder quizzed, just as a waitress came by to see what I wanted to drink. I wanted some Remy, but since they ain’t have that shit, I just got some Hennessy.

  “She’s good, but I wanna see her damn face. The microphone is blocking that shit, and I ain’t signing no ugly hoes.”

  Laughing, Wonder replied, “I’m sure Draylah don’t want you signing anything too sexy, my nigga. She ain’t gon’ let that shit happen.”

  “Draylah knows this is about getting that muthafuckin’ bread and nothing else. She knows I don’t give a fuck about these hoes, no matter what they asses look like. And at the end of the day, Draylah don’t tell me what the fuck to do, especially when it comes to making money.”

  “I don’t care what you say, bruh; if you sign a female that’s too attractive, she is not gon’ like it.”

  “Have you seen Draylah?” I looked his way as I sipped my Hennessy.

  “Whatever.” He laughed.

  “Exactly. My bitch is bad as hell; she ain’t worried about what these other females looking like.”

  “I feel you.” Wonder nodded.

  When the female that was on stage finished her set, a girl group came on. From what I could see, they were pretty as hell, but usually when that was the case, that meant they couldn’t really fucking sing, rap, paint, or whatever the fuck their talent was.

  “I’m Cassidy… I’m Allyson… I’m Quinn… and we’re Indigo,” they introduced themselves. “We’re a singing group from right here in L.A., and we hope you like what we sing for you tonight,” Cassidy continued, before taking the microphone off of its holder.

  Wonder and I watched the girls closely as they performed, but halfway through, I felt a presence just hovering near me. At first I assumed it was the waitress, but when I turned a little bit, I saw it was the bitch who was on before them. I already didn’t like how rude her ass was.

  “Fuck you standing over me for?” I inquired with a slight frown, as I looked her up and down.

  “I saw you come in, and I just had to come meet you, AK.” She grinned as she squatted down. “I’m Ophelia.”

  “Nice to meet you, but back yo’ ass up a little bit. You leaving ya weave hairs all on my damn jacket. Shit is shedding like a fucking cat.”

  She moved back some and chuckled softly.

  “So did you like what you saw? If so, then maybe I can get on a song of yours or something? I promise I’m a lot of fun.” She rubbed her hand up and down my forearm, which I promptly moved.

  “I didn’t like what I saw, and I don’t wanna work with you. Get ya rude ass ‘way from my table.”

  I could tell her ass was a hoe and was only interested in working with me so she could get fucked. Wasn’t shit her bony ass pussy could do for me.

  “But I was just—”

  “I said get the fuck on.” I gripped her hair a little bit and shoved her off to the side lightly, making her stumble a little and hit the table next to us.

  Wonder and the few people surrounding laughed lowly as she stared at me in disbelief. I stared back at her ass, wishing she would try to come incorrect at a nigga. Choosing the right decision, she walked her ass off, so I turned my attention back to the females on stage.

  A couple minutes later, they were done, and the small show was over, so the deejay that worked here began to just play some music for everyone to listen to whilst drinking.

  “I don’t mean to impose, but I had to come meet you guys.” Cassidy from the girl group approached with her band members behind her.

  “Guys?” Wonder quizzed.

  “She and Allyson are huge Ricky AK fans, so they know his deejay and everything too,” Quinn replied as Cassidy nudged her.

  “Well, what did you think? It would mean a lot to me to get some feedback from you, Ricky.” Cassidy smiled as she stared up at me.

  “I fucked with it. Y’all got some nice ass voices. I actually came here because I’m starting up my own shit, and I need some new talent to work on to get everything off the ground.”

  “Oh my gosh, I swear if you’d give us a chance, you will not be sorry, Ricky,” Cassidy pleaded.

  “We have a demo with us and everything if you’d like to listen,” Allyson offered up, pulling a USB from her jean shorts pocket.

  I liked the hunger in their eyes, so I was definitely willing to give that shit a listen.

  “You gon’ give me the whole fucking USB?” I quizzed with a grin.

  Laughing along with Allyson, Cassidy, and Wonder, Quinn replied, “It’s totally fine. We will get another. Just please take it.” She removed it from Allyson’s grasp and handed it to me.

  “Aight, I’ll check this out. Let me get an email that’d be good to contact y’all at.” I wasn’t taking down no numbers and shit just yet, because I wanted to actually hear and see if I even wanted to fuck with them. I couldn’t have these little bitches blowing my shit up, because then they’d see another side of me. Not to mention, Draylah would blow the fuck up.

  Allyson read me off the email, and I paid for them to have some of the cheap
ass champagne and food since I could tell money was tight for them. By the time I was leaving, I had a text from that bitch letting me know what her address was.

  “Aye, so what are Virginia and bitch ass Frisk like?” Wonder asked as we drove towards his crib.

  “I don’t know, muthafucka. I don’t be sitting up paying attention to what another nigga got going on. Only dick I’m worried about is mine. You wanna know how that shit is going, find out for ya fucking self, bruh.”

  “I’m just saying because V trying to play me like she really wanna be with that nigga, and I’m just—”

  “Nah, I can’t deal with you and Qamar crying over these females. Either you about some fucking action or you not. Sitting up boohooing ain’t gon’ get it.”

  “So what would you do then? If Draylah was dating another nigga.”

  “Before or after I kill his ass? Only way I’m letting Draylah date another nigga is if he murks my ass, which won’t fucking happen, and even then, I don’t know. A nigga might fuck around and Walking Dead her ass.”

  Wonder laughed as he stared out at the houses on his street. I finally dropped him off then busted a bitch, speeding to see that hoe. I made it to a shabby ass crib in Hawthorne, but then I hit the block and parked a ways down. Getting out, I made sure my strap was on me, and then walked coolly back to the house with my hoodie on. I was a big ass nigga height wise, so I would stick out no matter what, but I ain’t wanna make shit even worse. It was dark, so this hoodie would shield me a little bit.

  I got to the door and knocked lightly on the rickety screen door, and I could hear a little bit of whispering and ruckus. I could tell they were trying to be quiet, but their asses were clearly dumb as fuck. I was beyond ready to see who this bitch was, to the point where my hand began to tap against my gun locked in my waist out of impatience.


  I hit the door hard as fuck to let them know to hurry the fuck up, and right after the wood door and screen door were opened.


  “Fuck is wrong with you?” I snatched her up by her throat as I barged into the house. I slammed the door behind me with my free hand, then locked it before turning back to face her, squeezing tighter around her fucking neck. I didn’t recognize her stupid ass, which pissed me off a little bit.


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