She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4 Page 12

by Shvonne Latrice

  “I just… I don’t mind caring for my grandson at all, but it’s just hard being my age and dealing with such a small child. If Lace was three or even four years old, it’d be better, but he’s only months old.”

  “I feel you.” I nodded. “What about this other baby he got coming?” I quizzed.

  Lately, some new bitch had been claiming she was pregnant by Qamar. I didn’t believe the shit, but when I asked him, I could tell by his tenor that he felt like it was probably his. That nigga was gon’ have kids all over the fucking U.S. with no damn daddy.

  “Honey, I don’t know, but that one’s mother is alive for now, so that won’t too much fall on me. I hope it’s not his though, because the last thing he needs is another child.” Winona exhaled.

  After about twenty more minutes, Ricky and I left Winona’s place. For a minute, we just sat in the car, I guess both thinking about shit.

  “What we gon’ do?” I looked Ricky’s way.

  “I ain’t doing shit. I got my own muthafuckin’ life to worry about, and Qamar’s ass is not only grown, but we know him, Micah. You know ain’t shit we can do to make him do what the fuck he needs to,” Ricky hissed.

  “You right.” I nodded. “I hate seeing his mom like that, but shit, I need to be focused on getting my own son.”

  I think that was part of Qamar’s problem; people were always there to pick up the pieces of his life when he’d fuck it up. Not Ricky or me per se, but his mother mainly. Every fucking thing he did, she was right there, rubbing and patting his back, making him think shit was gravy. It may sound harsh, but I guess God was now showing her ass that all that coddling and sympathy she had for a nigga that didn’t deserve it, wasn’t worth it. ‘Cause that same nigga, her own damn son, didn’t even give a fuck enough to care for his kid to give his mama a break. All he cared about was getting money to floss with, a new record deal, and having a hold on Bia.

  “Exactly. Fuck you look like playing daddy to a nigga the same age as you?” Ricky frowned. I chuckled softly as Ricky cranked the car up and started down the street.

  He dropped me off at home, and I immediately texted Isla to see if she was on her way with Michael. Kattlyn was in her lab class, so I knew this would be the best time for Isla to drop him off. I didn’t want my son witnessing his mama getting her ass whooped, and I was sure Kattlyn wouldn’t hesitate to do so. Plus, I had to assure Isla that Kattlyn wasn’t here before she agreed to let me have Michael, but only for two fucking hours. I couldn’t wait until Michael was in my custody fully and completely.

  After making some quick food and scarfing that shit down, I heard the doorbell ring, so I hurried and got it since I knew it was Isla. I ain’t wanna take too long because she was bound to do some dumb shit like say she thought I wasn’t home and leave.

  “Damn, what took so long? You better not have been hiding that bitch,” Isla snapped.

  “Aye, that’s the last time you gon’ call my girl out her name, aight?”

  “Whatever.” Isla stepped in, holding Michael who was asleep.

  “Give him to me.” I took him from her.

  “Alright, well I will be back in two hours—”

  “Nah, let me talk to you for a little bit.” I smiled down at her. For a moment, she just looked up at me with a surprised expression.

  “About what?”

  “Just come on and let me talk to yo’ ass.” I started off, going up the stairs to put Michael in the bedroom he had here. Once he was down, I led Isla back downstairs to the den. “Want something to drink?”

  “No, nigga, I wanna know what the hell you need to talk to me about.” She folded her arms.

  “Aight, well I got a lawyer to help me get shared custody of Michael,” I half lied. I had in fact gotten a lawyer, but I wanted full custody. My lawyer didn’t even know that, but since Isla had fucked me over, I was gon’ fuck her hoe ass over too.

  “Excuse me? Nigga, he’s not even your son, so how the hell do you think you’re gonna get shared custody? See, that’s why I don’t like being nice to your ass!”

  “Nice? You stole almost half a fucking million dollars from me! You fucked two other niggas and got pregnant, during our damn relationship! When the fuck have you been nice, Isla?”

  She panted heavily, chest heaving up and down rapidly as she glared up at me.

  “You know what I mean! I don’t have to let you see Michael, but I do! And you repay me by seeking custody?” Her brows dipped. “You are low!”

  “I’m low, but you made me think he was mine from day one. So what the fuck are you?”

  “I only did that to preserve your feelings, Micah.”

  “Nah, you did that shit because you had fucked up with a nigga that didn’t give a fuck about the fact that he got you pregnant. So what you did was run a game on a nigga that did give a fuck.” I moved closer. “But you fucked that shit up, and now you don’t know whose dick you wanna sit on.”

  “Fuck you! Trying to play me like I’m some hoe just because you couldn’t keep me happy!”

  “Yeah, because I ain’t got multiple dicks to fuck you with!”

  “Okay, you know what, I’m leaving, and I’m taking Michael with me.” She turned to walk out of the den.

  “Oh, and umm, just to let you know… my lawyer said I got a real good chance of getting joint custody considering you ain’t even with Michael’s biological dad.” I was lying my ass off, but she’d never know that shit. She was too busy looking for come ups, day in and day out, to know anything about the fucking law.

  “We co-parent.”

  “Yeah the fuck right. That nigga probably ain’t seen Michael in six damn months. And now ya new baby, where he at?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Yeah, aight, but aye, leave Michael where he’s at.”

  For a brief minute, Isla stared at me like she wanted to kill me, and then stormed off through the foyer and out the door, leaving it open. I happily closed that shit behind her, and then went to chill in the den, happy as fuck with my accomplishments so far.


  The next day…

  Since Greezy had approved my latest track, it was time to do a video shoot for the shit. I was happy as fuck he and I could come to an agreement on some shit because if I rapped one more damn track that wasn’t a go, I was gon’ have to take a muthafuckin’ break.

  “So what do we have to do?” Kattlyn asked as I pulled into the parking lot of the shooting location.

  “Nothing, baby.” I smirked. “You just watch the show happen.”

  Kattlyn was off and didn’t have a class today, so I was able to bring my baby with me. She’d never been on the set of a video, so her ass was giddy as hell about being here.

  “No, I need to be running something. I’m your girlfriend, so I need a job. Maybe I can be the bodyguard against the groupie hoes.”

  “I bet you’d like that shit.”

  We snickered in unison as I got out of the car, then rounded the back to help her down. I led her inside, greeting a few of the people in the crew as well as my assistant and manager, before making sure Kattlyn went to my dressing room with me. I wasn’t about to leave her ass out here to start terrorizing the video girls, which I knew her ass would do.

  “Ooh, this is nice, baby.” Kattlyn looked around the large room as I began sifting through the shit I was gon’ wear.

  “Yeah, they know how to treat me.”

  “They better, or I’m gon’ have to hurt somebody.”

  Turning to Kattlyn, I walked over to her and slipped my arms around her body. She was so sexy that it made no sense. And despite the innocent look she bore, she was violent as hell. However, for some reason, that shit turned me on like a muthafucka.

  “Listen to me, I don’t need you to protect me like that. I love that you got my back, but sometimes I just need you to chill and look pretty, aight?”

  “I know, but I just get so angry when people do things to you.”

  “I feel you
, but I can take care of myself. You ain’t gotta worry about nobody fucking with me, aight?”

  “I guess.”

  “Nah, say yes.”

  “Yes.” Kattlyn rolled her eyes just before I pulled her in for a hug. “You keep me calm,” she whispered as she hugged my neck even tighter than before.

  “And you keep shit interesting for a nigga.” I kissed on her neck while grabbing on her ass. Shit was perfectly round.

  We stood there kissing for a little bit before a loud knock on my dressing room door interrupted us. I gestured for Kattlyn to have a seat, just before getting the door to see it was my stylist.

  For the next two hours, we did the scenes that I was gonna be in by myself. Kattlyn stood by the cameraman the whole time, cheesing like a clown or some shit with her fine ass. I admit this video shoot in particular didn’t have me anxious as fuck to be done because Kattlyn was a distraction but in a good way.

  Finally, the last scene of the day and the damn video, involved a couple of video girls. And shit was all fine and fucking dandy until I saw Diana was one of them. For a minute, I didn’t say shit because I wanted to believe a nigga’s eyes were deceiving him, but when I saw that smirk on her stupid ass face, I realized this shit was really happening.

  “Hey, boo,” she mumbled, fixing her bathing suit.

  Usually I would have spoken back, especially now because I had a gang of fucking questions; namely, when the hell did she become a video vixen? But right now, in front of Kattlyn, wasn’t the time.

  The scenes we shot went by smoothly with no hiccups in the road, despite Diana being here. But as soon as the director yelled cut, Diana was on my bumper.

  “So what you doing later?”

  “Aye, look, I thought we discussed this shit, D? I told you things have changed for me now, and I got a girl, so you can’t be trying to do whatever the fuck you trying to do right now,” I whispered.

  “What’s this?” Kattlyn walked onto the set, since Diana and I were the only ones still on the scene. Fuck.

  “Oh, we’re just having a moment, boo,” Diana replied, giving Kattlyn a fake ass smile. I guess Isla didn’t relay the message that Kattlyn’s ass was violent and crazy as fuck. Then again, Diana didn’t care.

  “A moment with whom? Because I know you’re not having a moment with him right here.” Kattlyn pointed to me.

  “Alright, ladies, y’all—”

  “Ah!” Kattlyn cut me off and put her hand in my face, while locking eyes with Diana. “Now who the fuck are you having a moment with?”

  “Oh my fucking gosh,” I mumbled, trying to pull Kattlyn away.

  “With MG! But it looks like you’re gonna continue to be rude, so I guess I’ll get at him another time!” Diana snapped.


  Kattlyn tried to swing, but I grabbed her ass up quickly as hell. I guess my grip wasn’t tight enough though, because she dropped down out of my hold, then sprung to her feet to run back up to Diana who thought she could take her. Before I could even apprehend Kattlyn, she was beating Diana’s face in, as Diana held tightly onto her hair.

  “Aye, one of y’all muthafuckas help me!” I barked at everyone standing around watching with their eyes wide.

  I gripped Kattlyn’s body, and my bodyguard came over to help pry Diana’s hands from Kattlyn’s hair. After a cool minute, we finally got the ladies fully apart, and Diana was angrier than everybody because she’d gotten her ass whooped. The muthafucka that was the angriest in the end was always the loser; that shit was a dead giveaway.

  “You stupid bitch! I better not catch you outside!” Diana shouted through tears, not even caring that her bikini top had moved to the side, exposing her titties. The niggas in here weren’t even giving a fuck about her crying; they had their eyes on her titties, making me chuckle.

  “Kattlyn, what I just tell you?” I placed her to her feet, and kept her up against the wall because she was glaring at Diana from afar.

  “Fuck you, and get off of me.”

  “So now how much longer before I can get some?” I half joked. It’d been a minute since we’d fucked.

  “You’ll be lucky if it happens this year.” She nudged me off and switched towards my dressing room.

  I couldn’t do shit but smile as I took in the view.

  Chapter Five: Frisk

  A few days later…

  Even though I wasn’t fucking with Virginia’s ass, I still planned to get at Charmaine about the shit she pulled at Wonder and Carla’s event. I’d been calling and texting her ass, but she wasn’t answering for obvious reasons, and when I went by her job a week ago, they told me her ass was in Colorado for a little bit.

  The shit she was doing pissed me the fuck off because I’d made it very clear with the bitch that she wasn’t my girl. We had a fucking understanding, but none of that mattered. Women were always complaining about niggas leading them on, but even when we don’t, they still wanna act the fuck up.

  I wasn’t used to this type of shit either. Every situationship that I had that had ended, ended with no damn problems. But nah, Charmaine had to just fuck that shit up by acting stupid. And I think what made shit worse for me was the fact that I wasn’t too sure how I was gon’ stop her ass from doing dumb shit like what she’d done to Virginia. I was on the up and coming with my career and really couldn’t have all this damn drama surrounding me. I’ll be damned if I let a situation like this bullshit here ruin something I’d worked damn near all my life for.

  “So what do you think?” the dude editing my music video, Joey, asked once he’d turned the projector off.

  The single “High Life” that Greezy had chosen as my single did fairly well. I’d been in the top 10 on Billboard for a couple weeks now, so believe me, that was the furthest I’d ever gotten in my career. However, I couldn’t help but feel like the song I had with Ricky would have at least gotten me to number two, shit, maybe even one. And it wasn’t just because of Ricky being on it, it was just a better song. Ricky said Greezy didn’t want it as the lead single because he was pissed at him about wanting to move on, but I really didn’t want to believe that shit.

  “I think it’s dope.” I nodded. “You did a good job, bruh.” I slapped hands with the scrawny white guy, and he nodded with a wide grin.

  “Alright, great. So I will go ahead and shoot it to the label so they can cut my other half of the check.”

  “Yeah, get ya money.”

  We both laughed in unison as he began shutting his equipment down. As I replied to a few texts from my manager and Virginia, who was still assisting me although we were broken up, I heard an alarm go off. Popping my head up, I stayed still for a second, trying to listen good because it sounded like the alarm to my whip.

  “Is that you?” Joey questioned with furrowed brows as he threw his backpack onto his back.

  “Bet not be,” I mumbled as I darted towards the exit of the building Joey worked out of, with him right on my heels.

  Soon as I stepped outside, I shut my eyes out of frustration seeing my BMW covered in eggs. That was at least three-dozen eggs covering my shit, ruining my fucking paint by the second.

  “Whoa, bro! What the hell!” Joey shouted, pushing his hair back as he surveyed my car along with me.

  “Fuck!” I shouted after seeing the message ‘Lying ass nigga’ written in some red lipstick on my driver’s side window. “Stupid ass bitch!” I barked, prompting Joey to buck his eyes and stare at me as if I were talking to him. I spun around, trying to see if Charmaine was still in the distance.

  “Damn, man, I hope you find out who did this,” Joey said.


  I immediately began dialing Charmaine as Joey walked off to his car. I was so damn furious that I couldn’t stand still, so I paced the area near my whip for a minute. The line rang and rang before going to voicemail, but I hung right up and called Charmaine’s ass back. When she finally saw I wasn’t gon’ give up, I guess she decided to answer.

Hello?” Her voice was calm and soft as if she hadn’t just egged my damn car. But I could tell she was in a car, confirming for me that her ass had just left the scene of the crime.

  “You think you funny, huh?” I gritted into the phone, squeezing the fucking life out of my shit as if it were her muthafuckin’ neck.

  “What I do?”

  She couldn’t even help herself as she giggled lowly.

  “You know what you did, Charmaine, and I’m gon’ tell you right now; I’m not who you wanna fuck with, aight? You do one more fucking thing, and I’m gon’ hurt yo’ ass, you hear me!”

  “I ain’t do shit, nigga!”

  “Who egged my damn car, huh?” I hollered so loudly that I had to bend over some. People walking by, of course, looked my way, but when I turned in their direction, they played blind. “Exactly! Just one more thing, Charmaine, I swear to God! You doing all this dumb shit when I told yo’ ass we wasn’t serious!”

  “You let me blow up my life for you!”

  “Let you? You a grown ass woman, how I let you do any fucking thing! You chose to leave that fuck ass nigga you was playing house with! I ain’t once told you to do that shit!”

  “Fuck you, Jason! I hate your ungrateful ass!”

  “Ungrateful?” I laughed. “What the fuck do I have to be grateful for? Getting some pussy? I get pussy all the damn time, so getting it from yo’ ass was nothing special!”

  No words were spoken, but I knew she was still there because I could hear her shallow breathing. Suddenly, the line went dead, so I shoved my phone in my pocket. For a little bit, I stood there staring at my car, trying to figure out what the fuck I was gon’ do. I just decided I’d take it to the shop that usually did all the bodywork on my vehicle so they could clean this shit off, and fix any cosmetic damage if need be.

  Getting into my car, I texted Virginia to tell her to set me up a rental just in case the shop had to keep my shit. As I cranked up my car, my phone started ringing, and I saw it was Haleigh.

  She and I had kept in contact ever since I’d left New York. The night we chilled in the hotel, nothing happened; we just talked and caught up and shit. I wasn’t trying to go there with her simply because, in my eyes, I was still with Virginia. But after catching her ass out again with the same nigga I’d told her ass I didn’t want her out with, I said fuck it.


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