She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4 Page 21

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Oh shoot, I’d better get this list from you and go.” Virginia hopped from my lap, as we stole glances from one another every few milliseconds.

  For a little bit, I just stayed quiet, because a nigga was still wrapped up in the moment.

  “Yeah, you right,” I was finally able to speak.

  I gave Virginia my list of shit that I needed her to do, making sure to take a little longer so she wouldn’t have to leave just yet. When finished, I decided to walk her back out to her car while Calvin got everything set up. Once we got to her whip and she tossed her things in, I couldn’t help myself, so I started kissing her sexy ass again.

  “Jason.” She moved back after a little bit, right when shit was getting hot. “Make sure you actually want a relationship before you try this again.”

  “I do.”

  “Prove it.” She nudged me back some and then hopped into her car like she was in a damn hurry. I closed the door and watched her pull out the lot, before taking my ass back into the studio.

  About four hours later, Calvin and I were finished and had laid down two complete tracks. I was proud as hell of myself, because usually we’d only get some rough shit done. I was on my A-game though, because I really wanted to get this damn album out. I ain’t want my single’s buzz to die down before I could do so.

  By the time I’d left the studio, it was 7 p.m. in the evening, so I stopped to get me some Mexican food and then took my ass home. I thought about dropping by on Virginia, but I wanted to eat and take a shower first.

  When I pulled into my driveway, I saw a truck that I didn’t recognize. I knew it wasn’t none of the homies, shit, because nobody I knew had a fucking Kia truck. The wheels in my mind started turning, trying to think if any of the bitches I’d fucked in the past had that car, but nothing came up. And I never brought females to my crib unless I trusted their asses; Charmaine, Haleigh, and Virginia being the only ones, and none of them drove that whip.

  I hopped out with my food in hand, and hit the alarm on my car as I walked up closer to my front door. Before I made it though, I peered into the vehicle just as the driver’s side door came open, and Charmaine’s baby daddy, Coby, stood before me.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I mumbled with a subtle laugh before exhaling.

  I’d only seen this nigga one time, when he found out Charmaine was cheating and told her he was leaving the state. I honestly didn’t know why the fuck he was here. Just when a potential reason came to mind, the shit went right out the window because I saw Charmaine’s stupid ass in his passenger seat.

  “I wanted to have a word with you, Frisk.” Coby folded his arms.

  “Word with me for what, bruh? I ain’t fucking ya baby mama no more, so ain’t shit for us to talk about.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about being disrespectful towards her. Now you convinced her to stay out here with you—”

  “Nah.” I waved my hand in the air. I wasn’t even about to let his stupid ass finish because he already had his facts wrong. “I didn’t convince her to do shit. She chose to stay out here with me, despite the fact that I told her ass we were just fuck buddies.”

  “Well I’ve got a different story from her, and since I don’t know you too well, I’m gonna believe her.”

  “You gon’ believe the bitch that was sucking my dick and coming home to kiss you in the mouth?”


  As soon as I finished my sentence, Coby hit my ass in the eye immediately. I was so baffled by his reaction, that for a minute, I was frozen. Finally what this bitch ass nigga had done actually registered, so I swung back on his ass, hitting him in his damn eye as well.

  “Coby!” Charmaine shouted. She was lucky I didn’t stop fighting this nigga and turn this anger onto her messy ass. Out of all the bitches I’d stuck my dick in, I regretted busting down Charmaine the most.

  “Daddyyyy!” Charmaine’s son cried from the back seat, prompting me to snap out of it and back away from Coby.

  When I saw my food on the ground, I was even more pissed. I think I was angrier at the fact that my food was on the ground than at Coby and Charmaine.

  “Y’all get the fuck off my property, and, bitch, if you ever bring yo’ stupid ass around me or anyone I know, I’ll have yo’ ass knocked off,” I warned them both, as Charmaine helped Coby into the car.

  “Fuck you, Jason!” Charmaine shouted as I started towards my door.

  “You wish, bitch!” I barked over my shoulder before going into my crib.

  I made sure them niggas left before ordering some food to be delivered to my house. Even then, I was still salty as fuck about them fucking nachos I’d been salivating over for the last fifteen fucking minutes that went to waste.

  After scarfing down my food, I went up to take a shower and immediately dialed up Virginia. Right when she answered, I saw I had another call, and when I pulled it from my ear, I peeped that it was Haleigh.

  I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her right now, and since I had a show in New Jersey soon, I was gon’ tell her the real deal. We had too much history for me to break whatever the fuck we had off, via the phone.

  “You feeling better?” I questioned Virginia.

  “Yeah, a little, thanks for asking.”

  “No problem. I know yo’ ass is bored over there, so I can come through and keep you company.”

  “I bet.” She giggled.

  “I can. As long as you’ve finished all the shit I told you to handle for me. If not, then I can’t grace you with my presence.”

  “Boy, please. I finished it hours ago. Step your list game up.”

  “Aight, shit.” I laughed. “I’ll do that. But since work is over, I should just come by and make sure you’re doing alright.”

  “Wow, you’re really not gonna give up.” I could tell she was stretching by the change in her voice.

  “Nah, I’m not. See you in a little bit.”

  I hung up my phone and then slipped some gray sweats over my boxers, before pulling on a wife beater. I slipped my feet into some socks and slides, and then checked myself out in the mirror. My hair was freshly cut and shit, and my beard was lined up nicely as fuck. Yeah, Virginia had seen me earlier, but a nigga still wanted to make sure he was looking right after that damn unexpected scuffle with Steve Urkel.

  Once I was in my BMW, I smashed the gas all the way to Virginia’s condo, and parked right in her driveway behind her shit like I lived there. It was dark as fuck by this time, so when I stepped up to her door, the porch light came on.

  Just as I rang the doorbell, some older lady next door peeked out of her front door at me. I laughed, thinking about Virginia mentioning her nosey ass neighbor Geraldine. Bitch probably knew everybody’s business.

  “Hey, sorry, I had the TV up.” Virginia let me in.

  “You good.” I slipped in and closed the door behind myself.

  “Stop!” Virginia laughed when I smacked her ass. The shit was jiggling under that short nightdress, so I couldn’t help myself.

  “My bad. My hands be doing their own thing sometimes.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Her bedroom was dark, and only the TV illuminated it. She slipped under the covers, so I joined her after removing my slides and my hoodie.

  “I’ll stay the night since you asked.”

  “I did not ask—”

  “Shh. Watch.” I pointed to the TV, and out the corner of my eye, I could see her smiling before rolling her eyes.


  “Mommy?” Lily called to me before eating some of her omelet. She along with the twins and I were out having breakfast at this little cafe in Manhattan Beach.

  The school she attended got out early at noon, so it left her free most of the day. It was an okay school, but once I got her in my care legally, she’d be changing, and to somewhere closer to home.

  Ricky didn’t want her at some far away school; not only because it was less convenient, but because he didn’t want people fucking with her and he not
be able to drop by ASAP.

  “Yes, sweetie?” I half smiled, after peeking into the stroller and making sure Camellia and Frederick were okay.

  “Are all mommies and daddies like you and Ricky?” Lily cocked her head. I swear kids asked the strangest questions, and I didn’t notice it until Lily and I were reunited.

  “What do you mean, like me and Ricky?”

  “Me and my new daddy watch movies, play games, do the gym, and wrestle. My old daddy never did that.” Lily shook her head before biting her piece of toast. She stared at me innocently, waiting for an explanation.

  “I see.” I half smiled, thinking of Ricky, but then it quickly faded as I only imagined how terrible Lily’s childhood had been thus far. “Well no, all daddies are different; mommies too.”

  “That’s why you let me out of my room, and let me help cook and raise the babies?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “Finish your food, baby, so we can run our errands, remember?” I reminded Lily in order to change the conversation. Talking about her old home life only infuriated me and had me wanting to whoop Antonia’s ass. And I wasn’t trying to do that until after all of this legal stuff was done and Lily was mine ‘for real.’

  “Okay, we don’t want to be late,” Lily replied before sipping her juice. She was the cutest thing in the world, and until her and the twins, I never knew I could love someone so much. I was obviously crazy about Ricky, but it was different.

  Lily and I finished our breakfast date before going to my lawyer’s office. He’d already had Antonia served, and today he wanted to see me in order to talk about some things. I wanted to be well aware of how we were to paint Antonia, so I wouldn’t be looking like a fool in court. I also wanted to know as much as possible so that my baby wouldn’t have to be subjected to testifying against Antonia. I wanted this to be so smooth for Lily to where she believed all we did was move her in. When she got older, she could know the details.

  “Good morning, Miss Omari.” My lawyer Pascal smiled, but had his eyes on Lily and my twins in their stroller. “And I see we have some guests here.”

  “Yes, I’m Lily.” Lily grinned and stuck her hand out. “These are my baby brother and sister, Frederick and Cam.”

  “Nice to meet all of you. Come on in and sit down. Lily, I have some snacks right over there on the table if you’d like some.” Pascal gestured towards the leather couch and table in the room. I told him Lily would be accompanying me, so I guess he’d set it out for her.

  “Thank you!” Lily rushed over and sat down before picking out a cookie off of the glass table.

  I pushed my stroller over to where she was, and handed her the iPad mini Ricky bought her, along with the over-the-ear headphones so she could watch the kid section of my Netflix. Once she was settled, I pushed the stroller back by Pascal’s desk and took a seat across from him.

  “Okay, so it took a nice while, but my guy finally found some information on Antonia,” Pascal spoke lowly even though Lily couldn’t hear us. He removed some files out of a folder and continued. “Basically, her ‘husband,’ Mark, was a pimp, and she was one of his… workers for lack of a better word, and they were both arrested on prostitution and procuring charges.” He placed a paper in front of me along with a few more following. “This was why they weren’t allowed to adopt through a legitimate agency.”

  My breathing became shallow as my eyes ran amuck over the many sheets of paper and countless mug shots of Antonia and her husband, Mark. All kinds of thoughts began to percolate throughout my mind, wondering if my baby had witnessed anything they’d done, or even been hurt by anything.

  Lily seemed normal but almost afraid of Antonia. She was probably even more petrified when it came to Mark, which is probably why she didn’t seem fazed by his death. I hadn’t witnessed Lily cry once nor ask about him, but who knows what Antonia was telling her on the nights she took her home. Just the thought of all those days I allowed Lily to go home with that woman began to haunt me right this second.

  “Oh my gosh,” I finally let out.

  “Honestly...” Pascal exhaled and clasped his hands together. “I wasn’t expecting something like this. I thought it’d be something much more menial, but this is some pretty terrible stuff. So, I know you told me you have Lily in the home, but upon finding this, I’m gonna file for Lily to be immediately taken from Antonia, and that way, Lily will be with you legally temporarily.”

  “But if you file that, can’t they take Lily and put her in some foster home or something?”

  “Yeah, they can, but they won’t. These systems all want children with their biological parents. We have evidence that Lily has been spending time with you for months now, so they will not hesitate to allow her to stay with you until we get all of this handled.”

  “I see.”

  “Miss Omari, I just want to make sure that Antonia’s lawyer doesn’t have Lily snatched from your home. I want you to have some paperwork stating that she can stay with you until her final home is decided. Her lawyer isn’t green at all, and he will find a way to get Lily back, no legal adoption paperwork needed. And she may run off with Lily before we even go to court if she gets her. That’s why I want this done.”

  “I understand. Well thank you. How long until I get something saying she can stay with me?” He now had me scared, feeling like we needed to beat Antonia’s lawyer to the punch.

  “Give me a few days. Oh, and Miss Omari, take her out of public school. Find a homeschool teacher for right now, maybe even for a year. Because if Antonia would purchase a child off of a website, she would definitely take her from school even after a court decision.”

  I nodded to let Pascal know I understood, and then glanced Lily’s way. Boy was I thankful that Ricky had found him; he reminded me a lot of Ricky. Pascal just wasn’t as hood and way more calm, but I could tell he was an intelligent beast when it came to his job, and that was exactly what I needed on my side.

  After leaving Pascal’s, Lily and I went to Starbucks, and then we stopped by the house to change the twins before going to see Angie.

  I hadn’t seen Angie in a few weeks, and it was obvious why; she was broken up about her mother. I didn’t care about her mother, and I kind of knew that she knew I had something to do with it. I honestly expected her to have me investigated or something of the sort, but so far, nothing had come from it.

  I missed Angie though. We hadn’t been the closest as of late due to her wild ways as we grew up, but she was my cousin, and I loved her. I hoped we could continue our relationship despite the obvious.

  “Who lives here?” Lily questioned as she sipped her iced tea.

  “My cousin Angie. You haven’t met her yet, but she was there when you were born.” I smiled, slipping my key into the door.

  When Lily and I stepped into the house, loud moaning could be heard from the bedroom, so I told Lily to sit down, and I parked the double stroller next to her. I closed and locked the front door, and then went to the back just so I could let Angie know we were here. I didn’t want to interrupt her sex session, since clearly the dick was good as hell from the sound of it.

  “Hey, Ang. Lily, the twins, and I are here,” I said softly, and the moaning stopped right away. “Okay, we’ll be in the living room.” I spun on my heels to walk away, but after a bunch of ruckus, the bedroom door came open.

  “Hey, Draylah, I will be right out. But can you and the kids go into my mom’s old room for a minute.”

  “For what?” I frowned.

  “Just do it for me, please,” Angie pleaded in a whisper.

  “Fine.” I went to the living room and gathered my kids to take them into my aunt’s bedroom.

  While in there, an eerie feeling came over me. All the talks we’d had in this room and the many nights I’d spent in here with her, just all seemed fake now for some reason. I felt like the person I thought to be my aunt didn’t actually exist. And it was strange as hell having Lily in the room of the woman that had sold her.

ing like Angie was taking too long, I got up off the chair in my aunt’s room and cracked the door to peer out. My heart damn near stopped upon seeing Greezy’s robust scary ass coming out of Angie’s bedroom with a big ass smile on his face. I swear this man had the devil in him; it was like I was suffocating in his presence. I shut the door slowly so that it wouldn’t make a sound, and after a couple minutes, I listened as the front door shut.

  “Okay, sorry about that.” Angie walked into her mom’s room.

  “Lily, this is Angie, my cousin.”

  “Hi!” Lily rushed over and shook Angie’s hand.

  Angie smiled down at Lily, but I could tell how shocked she was that Lily was actually alive. Angie squatted down and then lifted her hand to stroke Lily’s long dark hair, before letting her eyes cascade over her entirely.

  “She really did this,” Angie whispered in disbelief, referring to her mother’s horrendous actions. “You are definitely Lily.”

  “Of course I am, silly!” Lily shook her head, not even the slightest bit aware of what Angie meant.

  Standing to her feet, she kept her focus on Lily for a little bit longer, and then finally gave me her attention. She didn’t say anything, just looked at me, so I escorted my kids back to the living room with her following me. As Lily looked around the living room with her little nosy self, Angie sat next to me, not able to take her eyes off of her.

  “I’m sorry. I know I’m acting weird, but I honestly didn’t want to believe my mama had done this.” She sighed, eyes still locked on my little girl.

  “Me either, but…”

  “She looks exactly like you.”

  “Mommy! Is this me?” Lily lifted a picture frame off the shelf and showed me. “I don’t know the other girl.”

  “No, baby. That’s me when I was your age, and the other girl is Angie.”

  Both Angie and I chuckled as we watched Lily survey the photo with a suspicious stare. Angie fawned over the twins for the next ten minutes, and even though I tried to mind my business, I couldn’t any longer.


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