She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4 Page 26

by Shvonne Latrice

  “You feel like hanging out with him is saying that what he’s doing is okay? Like you feel some type of guilt?”

  “In a sense.”

  “You’re so sweet. I did good with you.” She half-smiled. “In this case, honey, you have to separate yourself from his problems. Qamar is grown, and if he chooses not to be in his child’s life, that’s on him. You’re his friend, not his father, so what he does and the choices he makes in his personal life, have nothing to do with you. As long as you’re handling your business and not letting him influence you, then I don’t see a problem with you continuing the friendship.”

  “That’s what Ricky said, but I don’t know. It’s hard for me to even concentrate on normal conversation with him, without wanting to blast his ass.” I laughed along with my mother. “Mostly when I see him buying shit.”

  “Well don’t, love. Just keep out of that. And Qamar is pretty set in his ways, so I don’t see you being able to convince him to do anything. As long as you’re a good father to your kid or kids in the future, then all will be well.”

  I had to ask someone outside of the circle because, at the moment, I didn’t know what to think. A part of me felt like the worst nigga, hanging with a muthafucka who would do his kids like that. Then on the other hand, I felt like the shit had nothing to do with me, and I shouldn’t completely cut the nigga off because he chose to live his life in a stupid ass way. As long as the shit he did didn’t affect me, my money, or my kids, then I should be good.

  “You right. Thanks for the input.” I got up. “I gotta go though, so I can make it to this court shit.”

  “Okay. Well I’m praying that you get the outcome we all want.”

  “I will.” I nodded before going to find Kattlyn, who had fallen asleep in the guest room. I think her ass was pregnant again, but I wasn’t gon’ say shit until she said something.

  I left the crib and said a prayer before pulling off and heading to the building my court hearing was in. It wasn’t like a full on courtroom; it’d just be me, the judge, my lawyer, and then Isla’s mother and her lawyer in a conference type area.

  As soon I got into the building, I signed in and was given a badge to go ahead and ride up. I didn’t need to wait at all, because as soon as I stepped into the suite, I was told I could go to the back since everyone was here.

  “Good morning, Mr. Gaines.” My lawyer Amanda stood to greet me and we shook hands.

  “Hello, Micah.” Isla’s mother, Jane, smiled gently at me as she held her other grandson that Isla had with Butch, who, by the way, was in jail awaiting his murder trial.

  “Where is Michael?” I questioned.

  Ever since the shit went down with Isla and Don being murdered, Michael had been living with Isla’s mother, but she was much more lenient on letting me see him when I wanted. At this point, we were trying to get something legal put into place now that Michael’s birth parents were dead, and because I was on his birth certificate and the one he ultimately knew as his father.

  “He’s in the next room with my assistant, playing,” Jane’s lawyer replied, and I nodded before I sat down.

  “Okay. Now that everyone is here, we can try to do this amicably, which is always preferred. So we both know that Michael Gaines’ biological parents are both deceased, unfortunately, so we need to make sure we can put him in the best place possible at the moment. He’s only five years old now, and he’s gonna need a lot of comfort,” the judge explained.

  “Well, my client here has to be a full-time caretaker of her daughter’s newest baby boy, and because of that, we both feel it’s best that Michael live with Mr. Gaines here full-time. Not only to lighten the load, but we feel Michael will be better suited there and actually wants to be back in the home he grew up in,” Jane’s lawyer explained.

  “Understood.” The judge nodded before writing something down.

  “Yes, I agree with that, Your Honor, especially because Mr. Gaines is the only father that Michael knows,” Amanda added.

  “This was much easier than expected. So we all agree to grant Mr. Gaines full custody of Michael Gaines, and, of course, his grandmother will have visitation rights?” the judge said.

  “Absolutely.” I nodded.

  “Alright, well this was pretty easy.” The judge chuckled along with everyone else. “I’m happy everyone could come to an agreement so easily, especially in this extremely hard time for you all.”

  We discussed a few more details before signing some paperwork, and then everything was set; Michael was mine and legally. And I didn’t have to worry about his scheming ass mama trying to come in between that shit.

  “Micah, I want you to know that I never supported my daughter’s actions and the way she treated you. And I am so happy that she chose you at one point because I can’t think of a better father for Michael. I appreciate everything you’ve done for my daughter and your son, sweetheart, and love that, even though you know he isn’t your blood, you still see him as yours and are willing to care for him.” Jane touched my shoulder in the hallway of the suite once the session was over.

  “Of course, Mrs. Tyree. Michael has been mine from day one, and ain’t no type of DNA test gon’ change that. And Isla wasn’t bad the whole time, just the past few years,” I joked, making her titter before we hugged tightly.

  Once she left, I went to the room Michael was in, and when he saw me, his little face lit up.

  “Daddy! Am I coming to your house today?” He rushed me, and I picked him up to kiss his cheek.

  “Yeah you are. You’re moving back in with me too, so no more back and forth.”

  “Aww shit!” he shouted excitedly.

  “Aye, aye, where the fuck you learn that shit from?” I frowned, but then realized I had just cursed too. “Never mind. You wanna go to Toys ‘R’ Us?”

  “Yes sir!” he shouted when I placed him to his feet.

  I waited for him to grab his Spiderman backpack, and then we left the building so I could take him to get some toys.

  On the drive to the toy store, I couldn’t help but to smile. That bitch Isla had played me and good, for the latter of our relationship, but as much shit as she did, I still came out on top. I didn’t kill her ass directly, but I did that shit indirectly like a muthafucka.

  See, I knew once I put that bug in Don’s ear about losing Isla, his ego would send him on a mission to getting her back. And I knew if Isla thought being with Don would keep Michael from me, she’d fuck with that nigga in a heartbeat to keep up appearances. All I did was dangle the bait, and both them muthafuckas took it.

  And once I found out they were indeed fucking around from Don’s own mouth and from the cloning of Isla’s phone, I sent crazy ass Butch an anonymous text about where his bitch was and how she was getting fucked by another nigga, making him look weak. I made sure to give him an address since I saw the texts exchanged between Isla and Don saying they’d meet at Don’s house. And what did Butch do? Ran his stupid ass up in there and blasted them both just like I knew he would. And now… Michael was mine. I legit sat back and let them niggas do all the work for me. I didn’t have to worry about looking suspicious either, because Butch already confessed, and Don’s camera system had proof of his confession.

  I felt bad for Isla’s other son, but he had his mama and her shady ass ways to blame, and his dumb, unstable, broke ass dad to blame too. Plus, he was better off being raised by Jane anyway.


  A week later…

  Michael was asleep for the night, and I knew Kattlyn would be home soon from her new job. I was proud as hell of my girl, getting her Visa, her cooking school certificate, and a fly ass job cooking at some fancy ass restaurant. And to top it all off, she was fine as hell. From Isla to Kattlyn was such a big upgrade that I felt like I owed the Lord up in heaven some money.

  I had the Jacuzzi bath filled with hot water, bubbles, and some rose petals, just because I wanted to do something nice for my girl. She swore she didn’t like romantic shit, but
every woman did, so she was about to experience it. I also had another surprise, but she wouldn’t get that until tomorrow.

  When I heard her coming up the stairs, I waited. She didn’t come right to our bedroom though; I listened to her stop to check on Michael. I swear she was like his damn mama, and he loved the shit. I low-key knew he had a crush on her, so whatever she told Michael to do, he obeyed like a little drill sergeant, and when she loved on his ass, he was in paradise.

  “Micah!” Kattlyn called out, coming into the bedroom. “Micah my back… hurts.” Her sentence trailed off when she saw me in the doorway of the bathroom. Her eyes were looking behind me though at the bathtub filled with bubbles and rose petals.

  “For you.” I gestured towards it.

  “Micah,” she whined, dropping her purse on the chaise in the bedroom before kicking her shoes off.

  “Come get in.”

  She walked towards me, removing every article of clothing and giving me a show of perfection. She tied her hair up, and then dipped her pretty foot in the water to test the temperature.

  “It’s hot,” I told her.

  “You never know. Niggas like to take lukewarm showers and claim it’s hot,” she replied, eyeing me as if she was taking shots at me, before bringing her other foot into the large tub.

  “Nah, you just like showering with boiling water.”

  “Whatever, nigga.”

  Once she submerged in the tub, she let her head fall back, and I began to massage her shoulders, making her moan.

  “I know you claim you don’t like romance, but I know you do.”

  “Just a little. Only from you though.” She tilted her head back for a kiss.

  “I got something for you tomorrow.”

  “Some diamonds?”

  “Maybe, but I got some people I want you to meet and shit. I think you gon’ like ‘em.” It was funny she mentioned diamonds because I’d planned to propose tomorrow.

  “No. I’m telling you right now I won’t. I don’t like people, Micah! Why would you think I’d want to meet new people?”

  “Not even the ones that gave birth to you?”

  She turned to face me so quickly that she got some of the bubbles on my jeans. Her mouth was open and her eyes were wide as she stared at me.

  “You… you found my… parents? They’re alive.”

  “Last time I checked, yeah. If they’re not alive, then I’m seeing shit.”

  “You met them? They liked you? My daddy specifically? How did you communicate with them?”

  “Yeah, he liked me… It’s me.” I pointed into my chest. “I used a translator even though they speak a little bit of English. I got them set up in a hotel right now. We gon’ go have lunch with them on a boat tomorrow.” I smiled, and she blushed hard as hell. “Kattlyn!” I shouted when she yanked me into the tub. She got me good because my guard was down. “This fucking sweater is $1,000!”

  “Take it off then.” She bit her lip and I complied like the horny nigga that I was.

  Never did I see myself with the female that robbed me, but stranger things have happened. And now a nigga was in love.


  The next day…

  I walked out of the bathroom freshly showered with my towel around me, and heard my phone ringing. I was in New Jersey at the moment because I had a show last night, but I was happy to be headed home tonight. I needed some good ass sleep in my own big ass bed.

  Walking to my phone, I saw it was Haleigh, so I quickly picked it up to her let her know my room number. We’d still been in touch, but not as much because my work schedule had picked up, and I was busy trying to prove to Virginia that I wanted her on some serious shit. I was hoping that the cold shoulder I’d been giving to Haleigh’s ass would prepare her for the conversation we were about to have, but if not, I’d deal with it.

  By the time I was done brushing my teeth and fully dressed, I heard Haleigh knocking on my door. I peered out of the peephole just to be sure, and when I saw her, I pulled it open wearing a smile.

  “Hey. I wasn’t even sure if you were gonna see me today,” she jabbed, sauntering in and looking good as hell.

  “Nah, I told you when I came to your city I was gon’ see you.” I closed the door behind her and led her to the seating area that was like a living room.

  “Well, I couldn’t be too sure. It’s not like we’ve been keeping in touch as much as at first. I know you’re busy and so am I, but I was a bit worried.”

  We both sat down on the couch, and I took a moment to process my thoughts and what I was gon’ say to her. Haleigh wasn’t like Charmaine, so I wanted to be careful with my words. I didn’t give a fuck about Charmaine, but I cared for Haleigh, so I wasn’t gon’ just toss her ass off somewhere.

  “Haleigh, baby, I think because we were ripped apart from one another in a sense, we kind of had all these feelings and shit upon seeing one another. But I feel like now that we’ve been able to come back together, and actually get a little bit of closure, I’ve realized that I’ve moved on from who we were back in the day.”

  “Was it something I said or—”

  “Nah, nothing like that. You’re perfect now, just like you were back then. But because you were taken away from a nigga, for years I harped on that shit. And seeing you had me feeling like this was my chance to finally be with the girl I loved so damn much. And don’t get me wrong, I do love you, but being in your presence and having spent time with you after wishing to for years, I’m seeing that I was caught up in a dream and not real life.”

  Haleigh stared at me blankly for a little bit, but I still attempted to read her expression. I wasn’t sure how she’d react, and I honestly was hoping she wouldn’t be mad as fuck or super broken up about the shit. There was nothing I could do about how I felt, and I wasn’t gon’ force some shit just to make her happy.

  “Is there someone else?”

  “There is, but even if I didn’t have her, which I kind of don’t yet, I still know that this ain’t quite right for me. I’m not the same Jason I was back in high school. My mentality is different, and what I’m looking for as far as what I need ain’t the same. You feel me?”

  “Yeah, I understand. I still have love for you, but I guess I can agree. I didn’t know where this was headed really, but I do know that I don’t want a rapper for a husband, no offense.”

  We laughed together.

  “None taken. Just like I want a girl who understands the business I’m in, and what I deal with while still being that go getter.”

  “Hmm, what’s her name?”

  “I don’t know if I should tell you.” I smiled.

  “What, you think I’m gonna go Glenn Close and try to break y’all up? I was just curious because you seem to be extremely smitten.”


  “With that name, I know she’s a good woman.”

  “Get off my girl’s head, aight?” I grinned. “Well, soon to be woman; I got some work to do, but it’s all good.”

  “It’s no fun if she’s easy, right?”


  We both stood up. There was a pause before we hugged tightly and held it for a little bit.

  “This doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, Jason Hensen. And I’d like to meet her some time, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Yeah, it is.” I nodded.


  Later that night…

  “I swear you only come see me because you like swimming in my pool.” Virginia smiled when she came up from under the water.

  “Nah, I come because I like the jacuzzi.”


  We chuckled in unison.

  “So how much longer I gotta show and prove. It’s been awhile, and I’ve been busting my ass more for you than you for me, and I pay you.”

  Laughing, she replied, “I know. But remember, I won’t be your assistant by next week. I will be a music manager.”

  “I know. Now you gon’ be getting that bread.” I
licked my lips at the way her titties sat up in that bikini top. “But answer my question.” I pulled her closer to me and we moved slowly in a circle in the middle of the pool.

  Throwing her arms around my neck, she cocked her head and said, “You have been working hard. I have more flowers than I need, and too many gifts. And the affection is overflowing as well.”

  “Yep.” I nodded, making her cheese widely as we continued to spin.

  “I guess you can be my man since you won’t stop begging.”

  “Shit, I ain’t too proud to beg. Say what you want about a nigga, but begging works, aight?”

  “It does.” She nodded with a half-smile before we kissed slowly, introducing our tongues seconds later.

  Backing away from me, Virginia pulled on the string of her bra, letting it fall off and float away as she stared me down salaciously.

  “I think I love yo’ ass,” I commented, gazing.

  “Oh yeah?” She nibbled on her lip as I hemmed her up against the pool wall to take her ass down.


  After Kattlyn sent me those images of the house she swore she saw Antonia in, you’d better believe my ass told my lawyer. He had it investigated, and Antonia definitely was this Miss A. person. I guess after her husband died, she began running a whorehouse or something. My lawyer, Pascal, believed her husband ran it initially, but when he passed, Antonia took over. I honestly didn’t care, I just knew it helped my case when trying to get my daughter back.

  The decision would be made in a few weeks since we’d already gone to court and presented our evidence. Antonia definitely tried to paint me as a bad mother who was reckless and about to marry a criminal rapper. I wanted to beat her ass after watching her lawyer throw mud on my character because from the outside looking in, the things he said sounded legit. But at the end of the day, she illegally obtained my baby and she was running a whorehouse, which she was facing charges for in a separate case now. I had high hopes that Lily would remain in my home.

  My brow bar closed early tonight because these men that Bleu Cosmetics had hired were coming in overnight to set up for my event tomorrow night. It would be the official first look at my product line, and the people I personally invited, as well as some people the company invited, would be the first to see. I did pick a few winners from my YouTube channel to come, so it’d be fun to meet them as well.


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