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Restoration Page 4

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Then whose blood saved me? Callan? Keegan? Abby?”

  Asher swallows and shifts focus. I squirm under him to get his attention again.

  “As long as they are not blood sharing for a protector bond, only a mated female gargoyle can transfuse without tainting their mate bond. Or a non-mated male,” he explains slowly.

  My heart sinks. “Are you saying that Gage infused me with his blood?”

  Asher pins his dark gaze on me. “You think I would let another male create a blood connection with you? Let alone Gallagher. Not in this fucking lifetime.”

  “Then, who?”


  “McKenna!” I repeat in a shout. “Where the hell was Abby?”

  Asher flinches. “Abby wasn’t able to share.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “I can’t say.”

  I groan in annoyance. “You should have just completed the bond with me. I don’t care. I want to spend forever with you, Asher. Anything would have been better than McKenna.”

  “I didn’t want to take that decision from you because of potential death.” He smirks. “Good to know, though, that a forever with me is preferred over McKenna saving your life.”

  “You do realize she is never going to let me live this down,” I whine.

  “Oh, I’m counting on it.” He winks. Damn gargoyle.

  Asher releases my wrists once he’s decided I won’t harm him. Instead, I narrow my eyes.

  “Did you think I was going to plunge my daggers into you when you told me?” I quip.

  “Callan told me to guard my loins, but I know you love your daggers,” he banters.

  “You suck, gargoyle.” I push at his chest.

  Asher places his hands on the bed, one on either side of my head. He leans down, pressing his body against mine. “Can I tell you something, siren?”

  I swallow and nod, attempting to get a grasp of the sensations running through me.

  The tip of his tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Your mouth looks incredibly sexy when you say the word suck.”

  Asher’s breath is seductively warm and minty across my lips, causing my body to go on alert. Summoning all my willpower, I place my hands back on his chest and push lightly.

  “Aria told me that this journey is almost over. Yet, it feels like the calm before the storm.” I sigh. “Why does it feel as though we’re just beginning?”

  His expression falls. “Because we are.”

  “What do we do now?” I ask, biting my lower lip.

  Interlacing our fingers, Asher pulls me off the bed into a standing position. His lips quirk into a knowing grin as he steps into my space.

  “Now, siren, we brace ourselves for an epic battle.”

  Chapter 3

  Blood Ties

  The swooshing sound of air catches my attention as Asher and I step into the training room. Abruptly, Asher’s hand darts out in front of my face, plucking an arrow out of thin air, a breath away from landing right between my eyes. What the hell?

  My breath hitches at the sight of the sharp point he’s holding a hairline from my face.

  “I guess my blood does nothing for her reaction time,” McKenna says unenthusiastically.

  “For fuck’s sake, Kenna. Are you insane?” Asher barks out, snapping the arrow in half.

  McKenna rolls her eyes as a twanging sound from the bow’s string echoes through the room. She’s loaded another arrow, aiming at my heart this time. “Catch it, blood of Eden.”

  “What?” I ask, annoyed at her games.

  “Catch. It,” she repeats slowly, eyeing me as she looks down the arrow’s body.

  “McKenna,” Asher warns, but I step in front of him.

  “Aim and shoot, gargoyle,” I taunt.

  “You don’t have to do this, siren,” Asher states from behind me.

  I hold up a hand to quiet him. I know this is some sort of McKenna test, and if I don’t allow her to execute it, I’ll never hear the end of it.

  “Aim. And. Shoot,” I repeat.

  A smirk forms on McKenna’s lips as she pulls the arrow back and releases it. Within seconds, the weapon flies toward me, floating through the air. Strangely, when I focus on the tip, everything around me slows down, including the arrow. Even though it’s only been seconds, the slow motion allows me to reach out and snatch it before it hits me.

  “Holy shit,” I breathe out, astonished I did it. My widened eyes flick to McKenna’s before I walk over and drop the arrow at her feet. “You missed, cupcake,” I drop my voice.

  “Way to go, cutie,” Callan cheers, forcing my attention to the other side of the room.

  I smile at his excited manner before catching Abby’s sympathy-marked expression.

  Furious, Asher storms up to the beautiful, blonde gargoyle warrior who is currently seething at me. Keegan steps between his brother and mate.

  “What the fuck was that about, Kenna?” Asher growls around his eldest brother.

  McKenna narrows her eyes at him. “I was testing her blood connection.”

  Asher slides his glance my way before returning his attention to McKenna. “Explain.”

  “As cousins who share blood ties, Abby and I have a link to one another’s feelings. Just like you and your brothers do. Now that my DNA has been mixed in with the blood of Eden’s, Abby and I have opened our connection with her,” McKenna points out. “We’re blood tied.”

  I watch Abby carefully. Her expression has contorted into one of guilt and pain.

  “Sorry, Eve. I sensed your heart rate increasing out of fear, so I slowed down the air in the room so you’d catch the arrow,” she admits.

  “There are truly no boundaries in this family.” Abby and McKenna can now sense my emotions. Fabulous.

  “Guess you’re truly clan now,” McKenna sneers.

  I force a casual shrug. “I’ve always wanted to be blood sisters with you, Kenna.”

  She scoffs. “Don’t twist it. I saved your weak life out of duty. Nothing more.”

  I step around Asher toward her. “Nothing says family bonding like a gargoyle protector saving a human charge.” I need to stop taunting her before she really does snap me in two.

  McKenna moves around Keegan and looms over me. “Like I said, you’re nothing more than an assignment.”

  “I love you too, cupcake,” I snip.

  McKenna just death stares me down. “Fuck off, blood of Eden.”

  Abby gets in between us. “Girls, please.”

  At her proximity, the strong scent of vinegar hits me and I scrunch my nose.

  “Why do you smell like pickles?” I ask Abby.

  She looks at me sheepishly. “Callan made me a fried pickle sandwich earlier.”

  “Ew, why?” I question, taking a step back. The scent of garlic and dill is overwhelming.

  Abby rolls her beautiful sapphire eyes. “Don’t ask,” she replies, blowing her long red strands of hair out of her face as she moves away from us. “It’s something new he’s trying.”

  I turn to Callan. “You’re pickling now? What happened to baking? Or the chili cook-off?”

  “Pickles are a very underestimated food, cutie,” Callan argues.

  “Baby, they’re a condiment, not a food,” Abby counters.

  “What?” He squawks, clearly in disagreement with his mate. “Pickles are most certainly a food, babe. It’s a preserved cucumber. A cucumber is a food. Hence, pickles are food.”

  Abby sighs and places her hands on her slender hips. “Pickles are used to add flavor to food, which, Callan Thomas St. Michael, is the very definition of a condiment!”

  “I hate to say it, Callan, but relish is made from pickles and it’s a condiment,” I add.

  Asher comes up behind me and pulls me into his arms. “Don’t get involved, siren.”

  “But it’s true,” I defend.

  Keegan clears his throat. “I hate to put an end to another . . . fascinating clan food debate, but now that Eve is feeling better, we ha
ve more important things to discuss.”

  “What could possibly be more important than discussing my pickle?” Callan admonishes.

  We all stare at Callan. His expression becomes marred by confusion at our shocked silence. After a few seconds, he offers us his megawatt toothy grin, catching on.

  “That came out different than it sounded in my head,” Callan admits.

  “What else is new?” McKenna bites back.

  Abby wraps her arms around Callan’s waist. “It’s okay, baby. We all love your pickle.”

  “Speak for yourself,” I mumble.

  Callan’s eyebrow arches before he grabs Abby, dipping and kissing her inappropriately.

  “By the grace, get a fucking room,” Asher exhales.

  Callan points at his brother. “What’s wrong, Ash? You want a piece of my pickle?”

  Asher scowls. “What the fuck is wrong with you? No, I don’t want your pickle.”

  “If everyone could rein it in, we have a summit to convene,” Keegan states pointedly.

  Asher turns me in his arms so I’m facing him. “We need to meet with the other clans, to alert them of my father’s resurrection and strategize what our next steps will be.”

  “So we’re going to London then?” I inquire, knowing the flats in London are where the clan likes to hold meetings.

  Asher scans the room before returning his focus to me. “No. London isn’t safe. My father has access to all our homes. We’ll stay in Wiltshire, just long enough to convene with the other clans. Then we’ll head back to Massachusetts. It will be safer in the States.”

  “We have two days. That’s it,” Keegan reminds Asher.

  “Why only two days?” I interject.

  “Tadhg is watching Garrick. They’re in Egypt at the moment. He’ll be there for the next two days, amassing an army, after which . . . well, we don’t know,” Asher explains.

  “You think he’ll come here?” I ask.

  “Without doubt, Eve,” Keegan answers. “Garrick St. Michael is not someone you want as an enemy. His will is strong. As are his motives. Unfortunately for you, you’re the target.”

  “Oh,” I exhale.

  “Yeah, ‘oh,’ blood of Eden,” McKenna mimics.

  “We should begin outreach to the clans immediately,” Keegan suggests.

  “Let’s roll,” Callan replies, and everyone begins to make their way out of the room.

  “Hey.” I tug on Asher’s shirt so he’s forced to look at me. “Give me a minute.” I motion my head toward McKenna’s retreating back.

  A small smile forms on his perfect lips. “Are you sure you want to poke the bear?”

  “I need to,” I reply.

  He places a kiss on my forehead. “This time, watch out for flying fists, yeah?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Excellent reminder.”

  Just as McKenna is about to leave, I cup her elbow, forcing her to face me. “Hold up.”

  Angry eyes scowl at me as she yanks her arm free, with little effort. “The next time you touch me, blood of Eden, I’ll snap your neck and leave you for dead,” she threatens.

  I roll my eyes. “As much fun as that sounds, all I need is a moment of your time.”

  She grits her teeth. “What do you want?”

  “To say thank you,” I deadpan.

  She stares at me, unblinking. “I knew saving your human life would bite me in the ass.”

  “Yes, well, I have that effect.” I attempt to rein in my anger.

  “Are we done now?” she asks, clearly irritated.

  “I mean it, McKenna. Thank you,” I repeat sincerely.

  She blows out a long breath through her perfectly glossy lips. “You’re welcome,” she answers in an aggravated tone. “For the record, it’s our duty to protect one another in this clan. I guarantee it won’t be the last time I save your pathetic life, and I don’t want to braid one another’s hair and share our innermost secrets every time it happens. Understood?”

  I think that might have just been her version of a welcome hug. Suddenly, I’m feeling all sorts of warmth and love from the ice queen. I smirk knowingly.

  “I understand, McKenna. You think of me as family.”

  “How hard did you hit your damn head?”

  “You just admitted that you’re planning to keep me around, and dare I also say, you offered to protect me again. As. You. Would. Family,” I speak each word slowly.

  “By the grace, you’re dense,” she mutters under her breath.

  “So I’m growing on you then?” I tease.

  McKenna steps around me, attempting to leave the training room.

  I smile, unable to help myself. “Good talk, cupcake.”

  “Fuck off, blood of Eden,” she throws over her shoulder on her way out.

  I could have sworn her tone was laced with the tiniest amount of amusement. McKenna can deny it all she wants, but she’s saved my life twice, stood by me when Asher was hurt, and subtly protected me on a number of occasions, which can only mean one thing.

  McKenna McIntyre St. Michael likes me.

  I study the circular driveway from my spot on the upstairs landing. The open window allows the spring breeze to pass freely, bringing with it the smell of freshly cut grass. I watch McKenna and Abby greet each supernatural being as they arrive. Each ethereal warrior smiles graciously and stands with a poise and elegance I find myself envious of.

  Surprisingly, Keegan was able to secure everyone’s attendance for this morning. I guess when the royal gargoyle family requests an audience with you, your schedule clears and you arrive quickly and without question.

  After a few moments of gawking, I turn to see Asher coming up the staircase, carrying a handful of rolled up maps. With great dramatics, he tosses them on a nearby table.

  “What are those?” I ask with a puzzled expression.

  His lips tilt in a wicked smirk. “Apparently, siren, you’re using one of your newest powers and manifesting escape plans.”

  “What?” I whisper to him, shocked that I would do what he’s accusing me of. “You can’t be serious,” I state, rummaging through each floor plan. It’s true. There are five layouts of the manor, staring at me. “I must have unknowingly done this in the shower,” I explain. “I was thinking of how much I’d rather be anywhere but at this summit.”

  Asher arches his brow in a cunning way. After a moment, he saunters over to me and deliberately leans into my personal space, running his fingers down my cheek and over my jawline. His eyes soften and his fingertips brush across the necklace he gave to me.

  “You’re on edge.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Clearly,” I reply, motioning to the blueprints. Lifting my eyes, I fall into his stare. “Walking into a room full of supernatural beings tends to end poorly for me. You know, given our semi-bonding and my divine bloodline and all.”

  He smiles down at me. “You can relax, siren. Everyone at this meeting is an ally.”

  I pin him with a hard glare. “Isn’t that what we thought about Lady Finella? Or your father? How about the countless others who have deceived us recently?”

  He studies me thoughtfully. “This meeting is important. We need to strengthen our alliances within the protector and supernatural communities so we have a fighting chance.”

  “I know,” I exhale.

  Asher slides his hands around my waist, pulling me to him. He breaks our connection by dipping his head to my neck, lightly kissing and nipping his way back up to my lips before claiming them in a searing kiss, sending tremors rippling through me.

  My body becomes pliant as he glides his lips slowly and sensually across mine, ceasing all worried thoughts I have.

  With a growl, he pulls away, allowing us to breathe. “I will protect you, always.”

  “I know,” I whisper.

  “Do you?” he asks, frowning while scanning my face.

  “I do,” I reply in a firm tone.

  “We are stronger together, yeah?”

s,” I declare.

  After a moment, he releases a breath and dips his chin, stepping closer to me.

  “Will Gage be joining us?” I question, changing the subject.

  “After he takes care of a business matter in Paris,” he replies, gazing into my eyes. “You are mine to protect. No one can take that from me, except you. Are you planning to, siren?” he asks with sternness in his voice.

  I tense. “To what?”

  “To take it away from me?” Asher holds me tighter to him, searching my face.

  Something inside my stomach drops. I inhale and trace the spot just above his heart, where the protector tattoo is. “Never,” I promise. “I will never, of my own accord, leave you again, Asher. I swear. I am yours, forever,” I respond, trying to reassure him.

  “Good. Then stop manifesting escape routes and let’s go greet our guests.” He smirks.

  With my heart drumming rapidly in my chest, I nod my agreement. Asher links our hands and guides me downstairs. A few moments later, we step into the conference room and my gaze roams over the gargoyle clans with a combination of awe and trepidation.

  Callan steps into our sightline and I can’t help but notice his T-shirt.

  “Family drama: the gift that keeps on giving,” I read out loud.

  “Too soon, cutie?” Callan’s eyes twinkle.

  I attempt to hide my grin as Asher pushes at Callan’s shoulder to get his attention.

  “Keegan is going to have a shit fit when he sees that.” Asher points to Callan’s shirt.

  “He already has.” Callan shrugs. “Besides, it’s clever and witty. Like me.”

  Asher sighs and motions his chin into the room. “Let’s get this over with, yeah?”

  We push our way between the numerous bodies to stand by Keegan. Asher clears his throat, gaining the attention of the murmuring room. Everyone quiets, turning their attention to us. Asher clutches my hand in a show of unity not missed by anyone.

  “Thank you all for coming on short notice,” Asher begins. “If you’re not already aware of the recent supernatural happenings, let me brief you. It’s come to light that Lady Finella, Queen of the Fae realm, was mated to Asmodeus, King of the Nine Hells. Together, they conspired against and slaughtered our revered Priestesses. In the process, the Eternal Forest has fallen, its life essence gone with the priestesses.” Asher’s tone is solemn.


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