
Home > Paranormal > Restoration > Page 6
Restoration Page 6

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Meaning if he fell in love with me, I would end up like Camilla?”

  “Asher never meant to fall in love with you. When he did, the panic set in. His awareness of what Camilla’s death did to me, along with his understanding of just how dangerous the Declan clan and Garrick are, caused him to fight his feelings. When the council removed Asher, he turned to the only protector he knew would guard you with his life. Given my history and inside knowledge, he felt you would be safest with me since his brothers were unaware of our infiltration plan.”

  “I thought the clan didn’t have any secrets?” I murmur, slumping in annoyance.

  “Some undisclosed information is necessary. Even amongst family,” he retorts.

  “This entire time, you’ve both been playing everyone, including me? Why didn’t you and Asher just tell everyone? Why all the need for secrets and lies?” I say, defeated.

  “You didn’t need to know. It would have been too dangerous,” he responds. “If you are planning to be in his life, then you need to learn that protector and royal business, at times, will not be a place for you to intervene.”

  I curb the desire to punch him in the nose at his misguided, and frankly annoying, remark. Instead, I watch the sun fully come up over Paris. “Did Abby and McKenna know anything?”

  “They were in the dark too. I’m sure by now they’ve been enlightened,” he answers.

  I exhale. “I thought you didn’t pick sides, Gage. All this time, you were on Asher’s side.”

  “Make no mistake, the London clan and I are not on good terms. Don’t misunderstand my part in this for anything more than it is. The only side I’m on is Camilla’s, even in death. The dark prince and I will continue to work together to bring Garrick, Deacon, and the dark army down. That’s all. My earlier announcement of support was for show. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things,” he states coolly.

  “And me?” I challenge. “What am I to you, Gage? What is my part in all this?”

  “My redemption.” Gage catches my gaze and holds it firmly. “You aren’t mine, but I will protect you as if you were, while you restore balance. You have my word.”

  “And what happens when I do?” I study his face. “What happens to you when you finally get the revenge for Camilla that you so desperately want?”

  “Peace. Fucking peace, so that maybe, just maybe, I won’t feel numb.”

  “And Nassa?” I whisper. “I know she means more to you than you let on.”

  “She has no knowledge of any of this. Nor will she, for her own protection.”

  “Don’t you think she deserves to know?” I ask. “It wouldn’t hurt to let her in, Gage.”

  Gage’s jaw clinches. “I’ve hidden my scars for so long they’ve become a part of me. I hate that my heart feels empty, but letting Nassa in isn’t the answer right now.”

  “You can’t go through this alone anymore,” I plead. “She cares about you.”

  “In my world, I’m better off alone, and she’s better off without me tainting her future.”

  “Nassa comes from your world, Gage. Let her into the pieces of the life you had before.”

  “I’m not ready for that, love.”

  I lift my eyes to the now bright blue sky, filled with the warmth of the sun. Exhausted.

  Gage stands and extends his hand for me to take.

  “I’m sure the dark prince is having a heart attack that you’re not back by now.”

  I place my hand in his and allow him to assist me up.

  “You’re not alone. I’m here, and if you let them, so are Nassa and the London clan. Whatever you do, don’t slip away from us.”

  Gage’s brows pinch together at my statement. He nods once and interlaces our fingers.

  Suddenly, the air becomes unnaturally still around us. My eyes lift to the rapidly darkening sky. My lips part in confusion. A second ago, the heavens were cobalt and bathed in the sun’s rays. Now, darkness is blanketing the atmosphere in inky black.

  An angry clap of thunder crashes overhead, and ominous clouds churn and dance over one another as danger lurks closer. I watch the chaos below us as people run to take cover.

  The heavens produce a deep rumble, introducing thousands of dark silhouettes. Inhaling the putrid smell of sulfur, I choke back the bile rising in my throat. This scene is eerily similar to a recent vision. I drag my focus back to Gage, who meets my panicked expression.

  “The dark army is descending. We need to get inside the cathedral, love,” he orders.

  Sensing a threat, energy begins to flood through my body, embracing me, threading itself through every part of me at the lure of the danger the dark army emanates. Gage closes the distance between us with a single stride and snakes his arms around my waist.

  “We need to move. It’s unsafe to be out here,” he whispers in my ear.

  My fingers twitch at my sides, as the need to release the light becomes more and more insistent. “There are innocent people down there, Gage. We can’t just run and hide. We have to protect them,” I insist, moving us toward the ledge.

  Gage tightens his hands around my body, pulling me back to him. “Eve, you are my charge at the moment. The humans can’t see the demons. All they see are darkening skies. They’re taking cover, assuming the sky will open up, sending rain down on them. I promise, we’ll help if they are in danger. Right now, you are the only one who is.”

  Surrendering, I nod my agreement to do as he asks. Just as we’re about to transport, the heat from Gage’s body disappears. Whipping around to see where he went, I come face-to-face with a demon.

  I cast my gaze over the dark being’s shoulder to see Gage entwined with two more of the dark army’s minions, and immediately withdraw my daggers.

  “Is there something I can do for you?” I snip out at the demonic creature.

  The scaly, black-leather-fleshed demon snarls. “Daughter of Heaven, your time has come to an end.” His chin dips, like a dog ready to attack, as his white irises focus on me.

  Tightening my grip on my daggers, I summon the light within me, drawing it to the tips of my fingers. “You want me? Come and get me then,” I taunt.

  The serpent-like demon lunges forward, and a furious blast of energy funnels through me, slamming into the beast with enough force that it staggers backward.

  Interestingly enough, it doesn’t poof into blue flames. Shit.

  Standing straighter, it shakes its smooth head, and two more identical demons appear by the first one’s sides. My eyes slide to Gage, who continues to fight off at least ten of these things. Crap. I back up, trying to strategize, while pulling the power source to me again.

  The light rushes through me, out of my palms and into my daggers, splitting like lightning bolts, hitting all three targets at once. The demons stand without movement, their forked tongues flicking out in displeasure. What the hell?

  The scales must be repelling the force somehow. Hundreds, if not thousands, of dark creatures begin to fall from the sky, landing gracefully on the platform of Notre Dame. I meet the dread in Gage’s gaze. There’s no way the two of us will be able to handle the dark army alone. Gage disappears, and within seconds, he materializes in front of me, putting his body between the demon and me.

  “Stay behind me,” he orders.

  “I think we’re outnumbered.”

  “Excellent observation, love.”

  “Thank you.”

  “When I tell you to, grab onto me and don’t let go,” Gage instructs.


  The dark army moves forward as one entity. Each silent movement is taken in unison. It’s as if they’re one being. My breath hitches at the sheer volume of them. My eyes lock onto Gage’s gray flexed wings. The muscles in his broad back twitch under his cotton black shirt.

  “Now, love,” Gage barks, pulling my focus back to our situation.

  I wrap and lock my arms around his waist, pressing my body to his back. Within seconds, we’re airborne before Gage and I dema
terialize, leaving the dark army behind.

  A few seconds later, I land with a hard thud in cold water. With my legs scissoring, I push my body to the surface and gasp for air while my arms flail, as I try to get my bearings.

  Gage’s laughter floats over to me from the side of the pool, at the manor in England, where he is sitting on a lounge chair, completely dry. Damn gargoyle.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Every. Fucking. Time, Gage?”

  His face relaxes as he leans his elbows on his knees. “I’m sorry. It’s just that . . . getting you all wet and bothered brings such joy to my life.”

  I girlie growl at him and pull myself out of the pool. “I hate you.”

  “You don’t.” He easily falls into our usual banter.

  Wringing out the water from my hair, I sigh, trying to hide my smirk. “I do too. A lot.”

  He holds my gaze with amusement clear on his face as he stands and takes a step toward me. Once he’s close enough, I notice a small cut above his eye. I move slowly to inspect the wound, but Asher’s pissed-off, deep voice stops me in my tracks.

  “WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL, GAGE!” Asher shouts as he and Nassa reach us.

  I turn and place my hands on Asher’s chest, attempting to calm him down.

  “Easy, Ash. The dark army had us cornered at Notre Dame. Gage teleported us out.”

  Asher’s eyes drop to mine before he yanks me by the hips and pulls me to him.

  “Are you all right, siren?” he questions, scanning me for injuries.

  “I’m fine, Asher,” I reply, sliding my gaze to the sorceress.

  Nassa is studying Gage, intently. Her expression is a mixture of pissed off and concerned. The sorceress moves toward Gage, and I watch his body become rigid at her approach.

  Asher backs us up so Nassa has a clear path while she prowls toward the ashen protector. Gage works his jaw in agitation as she steps into his personal space, going toe-to-toe with him.

  Nassa’s petite arms fold over her chest, and she nods her head to his cut. “You’re hurt?”

  “Why do you even care, buttercup?” Gage lashes out unexpectedly in a harsh voice.

  I watch as her shoulders visibly drop, the only sign his words affected her.

  “You’re right, Gallagher. I don’t fucking care,” Nassa bites back.

  She turns to storm off, but not before Gage’s voice cuts through the awkwardness.

  “I’m not yours to worry about,” he comments in a low, pointed voice.

  I hear her sharp intake of breath before she stops and turns back to Gage. “No shit.”

  Asher and I silently watch the uncomfortable standoff before Gage shifts awkwardly and lowers his voice.

  “I can’t offer you the world. Christ, I can’t even offer you a tomorrow,” Gage proclaims on a long breath before stepping around the sorceress and walking toward the manor. After a moment, he stops and looks at her over his shoulder. “I’m broken.”

  Chapter 5

  Evening Star

  I shift my focus to Asher’s and watch his eyes darken to a midnight blue, and I know I am in deep trouble. When he draws back, I take a step forward as if an invisible thread stretches between us, pulling me to him. However, the intensity and anger in his glare stops my progress.

  “The dark fucking army, siren?” His heated voice cuts right through me.

  Needing a moment to collect myself, my eyes float to Nassa and take in her rigid posture before returning to Asher’s irate demeanor.

  “What in the hell were you thinking, going to Paris, alone? Unprotected.”

  “I wasn’t alone and I was protected. Gage was with me,” I remind.

  “Of course he was.” Asher snorts, running his hands over his face in frustration.

  “I’m fine,” I promise. “Although I could use a few moments to dry off.”

  Asher’s tight expression cascades over my soaked figure before releasing a long breath.

  “Please,” I beg and shift my focus back to Nassa, hoping he will pick up on the hint.

  His head tilts back, toward the sky, and his eyes slide shut before returning to watch me, watching him. “This discussion about your unprotected disappearance isn’t over.”

  A small smile forms on my lips. “It never is. That’s the beauty of forever. You can brood about my missteps until we are, like, a bazillion years old.”

  At my gentle tease, Asher’s body relaxes, and he plants a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Using our bond to calm me? Well played, siren. I’ll curb my need to cut off Gage’s oxygen supply until he’s an inch from death, for allowing the dark army within ten feet of you. I guess I’ll go check on Galena and Fiona instead.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper and brush my lips across his.

  Asher steps back. I watch him make his way into the house before I turn toward Nassa, stepping to her side. With a sideways glance, I notice the blankness on her face.

  “Gage was in Paris to clear his head,” I offer as a lame attempt to smooth things over.

  “Where Gallagher was, and why he was there, isn’t my business,” she answers evenly, not looking at me. Though her words are harsh, her body language tells me it does matter to her.

  I turn toward her. “He’s different with you, you know.”

  She shrugs. “It doesn’t matter. Camilla is a ghost that will haunt his heart forever.”

  “I understand it’s complicated, Nassa,” I respond. “Love normally is.”

  “Love,” she snorts. “Look, it’s nice that you care for him. Gallagher should have people around who love him deeply. I’m just not one of those beings,” she states in a detached tone.

  “If you don’t try, Nassa, you’ll never know what you could be missing.”

  “Don’t put your and Asher’s lovey-dovey bullshit on us, Eve.”

  I inhale, ignoring her outburst. “You calm his storms. We all see it.”

  She toes her Converse on the ground. “You’re wrong. There’s nothing in his heart for me.”

  I can see the hurt in her eyes as she forces out each word, willing herself to believe them.

  “If there was a small spark in his heart, would you want to give yours to him?”

  Her lips part as she stares at me blankly before composing herself. “He doesn’t have a heart to make room for me in. Just broken pieces from the destruction of a life before me.”

  “Maybe you are the glue he needs to mend the broken pieces?” I offer.

  She laughs harshly. “Even if that was true, I have too much self-respect to wait around for some guy to never make me his priority.”

  “I’ve seen how he looks at you, Nassa,” I begin, but she interjects.

  “He likes fucking me, Eve,” she snaps. “That’s it. So no, I will not become a cliché and ask him to pick me. To choose me. To love me, because he won’t,” she says on a shaky breath.

  “Isn’t he worth fighting for?” I ask, disregarding her incorrect read of his feelings.

  “I certainly am. Yet, he isn’t wearing his battle gear. Is he?” she counters.

  “I get that you’re scared. I do—”

  “I won’t chase him, because once I do finally catch him, Gallagher is just going to pull me under, and I know I’m going to drown. There is no life preserver with a guy like Gage. I’m not prepared to jump in, knowing he won’t save me,” she explains.

  “Then I guess you aren’t worthy of him,” I whisper sadly.

  “I never said I was.”

  The normally bright and airy room is cool as I step into it. The silk curtains are drawn closed, keeping out the light. The darkness dulls the buttery yellow walls. Quietly, I close the door and step into the bedroom, careful not to disturb the peaceful bedside vigil being held.

  I swallow my apprehension and focus on the heartbreaking expressions marring the faces surrounding the beautiful, petite werecat. Her short brown hair has lengthened slightly and her cheeks have hollowed during her coma. I can’t help but feel somewhat responsible for t
he panther’s state. Galena was on guard duty, protecting me, the night she was attacked.

  My eyes skim the room in search of Asher, but he isn’t here. A warm, welcoming limb wraps around my shoulders, pulling me to a hard chest. These arms always make me feel safe, and for a moment, I’m grateful not to witness this scene alone.

  “Is this . . . a bad time?” I ask in a whisper.

  “Of course not, cutie. She’ll be glad you’re here,” Callan assures calmly.

  “Asher mentioned coming to check on Fiona and Galena. Was he here?”

  “Yeah. He’s in the study with the rest of the clan now. Pay your respects and I’ll take you to him,” Callan offers.

  I make my way toward the grey-haired, plump woman stroking her daughter’s pale face. Once there, I place my hand on the caretaker’s shoulder and squeeze lightly. A frail hand reaches up and covers mine, tapping an appreciative acknowledgment.

  “Has there been any change, Fiona?”

  Somber yellow cat eyes meet mine. My heart sinks as the clowder’s alpha stares at me for a moment, with a lost expression, before speaking in a solemn voice. “No,” she answers.

  “I’m sorry, Fi,” I say in a grave tone.

  The panther sighs and pats my hand again. “Aye. Me too.”

  A few moments later, Callan ushers us out, allowing Fiona private time with her daughter.

  “I can’t believe Galena still isn’t awake,” I mumble offhanded.

  “It’s what we’re meeting about now.” Callan guides us into the study.

  As soon as I step into the room, Asher prowls toward me and snatches me away from his younger brother, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead and tucking me into his side.

  “Onix has agreed to the meeting,” Nassa rasps. She’s looking everywhere but at Gage.

  “That’s excellent news,” Keegan replies. “Thank you for reaching out, Nassa.”

  I meet McKenna’s narrowed sapphire eyes before she rolls them. She’s always so lovely.


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