
Home > Paranormal > Restoration > Page 10
Restoration Page 10

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Yeah? How’s that strategy working for you and McKenna?” I counter.

  Keegan stands and turns to face me. “Say what you will about Kenna and me, but we respect one another, as friends and mates, because we have open communication and are honest with each other. We have one another’s backs. We’re a team. A real team.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Says the gargoyle who carries an extra key to handcuffs.”

  Keegan’s lips pull. “Touché.”

  I meet his steely gaze. “I get why he’s pissed, Keegan. What I don’t appreciate is the way he expressed his emotion. Don’t restrain me, use words.”

  “Do you know why Kenna and I work, Eve? We respect the protector and blood bonds, and what they mean to each of us. Asher is not human. He is a protector. A gargoyle. One who has a dark side, and if you continue to treat him like you would a human mate, then you are bound to be disappointed when the darkness takes over. Consider the truth in my words before you retaliate,” he says, placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing.

  I study the floor, allowing my anger to dissolve as Keegan moves toward the door.

  “Where is he?” I ask over my shoulder.

  Keegan leans against the doorframe. “In the kitchen, planning our next steps with regard to our father and moving the clan back to Massachusetts.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek. “Thanks.”

  “Everyone loves darkness, until it consumes them.” Keegan adds, taking his leave.

  And once again, I’m met with silence.

  Chapter 8

  Into the Night

  My heart is thumping wildly in my chest as the private jet dips in and out of the turbulence. Threatening dark clouds blanket the circular windows, making visibility impossible. I frown when I see Abby rushing toward the ladies’ room, again, with Callan on her heels. Poor girl, this is like the fifth time she’s gotten sick in the hour we’ve been airborne.

  The weather from London to Boston is horrid tonight. I sigh and curse the ominous sky on her behalf. Then I shift my annoyance to Asher. As soon as he received word from Tadhg that Garrick was on the move from Egypt to England, the clan sent Fiona and Galena to the clowder for safekeeping. Not long after, we were packed and in flight, heading for the U.S.

  I glance over my shoulder at the closed door. After a brief contemplation, I unfasten my seatbelt and unsteadily make my way to it. Across from me, Gage arches a brow in a judgmental way, but says nothing. Ever since Nassa announced she would be visiting her aunt, Sorceress Lunette, instead joining us in Massachusetts, he’s been bad-tempered.

  My hand lifts to knock, but then I think better of it. Changing my mind, I simply push it open, stepping into the darkness and quietly closing the door behind me. A small glow emits from the overhead lighting located above the bed, allowing me to see the gargoyle.

  Asher’s back and head are resting against the cushioned headboard. His bare feet are crossed at the ankles. A novel sits in both hands with his focus on it. The corded muscles of his stomach draw my gaze upward, past the black cotton pajama bottoms he’s wearing, to his chest. I soak in the expanse of his shoulders.

  My eyes land on the protector mark before his voice yanks me out of my gawking.

  “Like what you see, siren?” he questions without looking at me.

  I decide not to dignify his question with a response. Clearly I do. Who wouldn’t?

  “Abby isn’t feeling well. Maybe you should offer her the bedroom,” I suggest.

  Asher closes his book and lays it across his lap. The very same lap I want to crawl onto and glue myself to. Crap. Focus, Eve. He left you on a pool table. In handcuffs!

  “This is a Boeing 757 business jet. There are two other bedrooms,” he replies haughtily.

  The plane dips again, causing me to stumble forward. Asher flinches to come to my rescue, but stops himself as soon as I even out my stance. His jaw ticks with apprehension.

  “I see,” I mutter, feeling stupid. “I’m sorry then for interrupting you, Your Highness. I just wanted Abby to be more comfortable since the turbulence is making her queasy.”

  Asher flashes me his signature sexy smirk. “I’m sure Callan will see to it that Abby is well taken care of, siren. It’s what mates do—protect and look after one another.” Was that a dig?

  I narrow my eyes. “Do they also use sex as a weapon to teach their loved one a lesson?”

  He shrugs. Actually shrugs. “From time to time. When needed.” No he did not.

  My patience lost, I decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. “Good to know.”

  A playful gleam lights up his eyes. “Is there anything else you need?”

  “Actually, Asher, there is something I need.” I drop my tone to a husky one right before I awkwardly tumble forward, thanks to another quick descend. Super sexy, Eve. Fucking plane.

  Asher bites his lip, hiding a laugh, and I roll my eyes at my lack of seductive smoothness.

  I manage to pull myself together and crawl across the bed on my hands and knees next to him. The gargoyle’s expression turns curious, but his stare is guarded.

  I rake my teeth over my bottom lip and watch Asher watching the movement. Instantly, his eyes darken and a light blue hue emits from them. That’s when I know I have him.

  Slowly, I take the novel off his lap. My face pinches when I see it’s Prince Lestat by Anne Rice. “What can we do but reach for the embrace that must now contain both heaven and hell: our doom again and again and again,” I quote Lestat’s words from The Vampire Chronicles.

  Asher’s eyes dip to the book, then lift and lock onto mine. “I know what you’re doing, siren, and it’s not going to work,” he warns.

  Silently, I lick my lips. His focused gaze follows the movement. I strategically lean over him, placing the hardback on the table next to the bed, and smirk to myself when I feel him inhale the scent of my hair. Gotcha, protector.

  Moving back over him, my chest brushes his. At the connection, he swallows audibly.

  I present Asher my best bedroom eyes. “I have no idea what you’re referring to, gargoyle,” I whisper across his lips while straddling his lap.

  I gather, from the large hard-on he’s sporting, my lame attempt is working. His hands twitch, itching to touch me, but he keeps them securely on the bed.

  From under his sooty lashes, he stares at me intently in that all-consuming way that makes me feel like he can see directly into my soul. I take in a slow breath and remind myself to stay in control. It’s the only way I’ll win this round.

  Holding his gaze, I grab the hem of my shirt and tug it up, over my shoulders and head, exposing my bra, then toss it behind me onto the mattress. The plane hits another air pocket and my body bolts forward clumsily burying Asher’s face into my cleavage. Oh. My. God. How unsexy is this?

  Asher chuckles into my skin, his hot breath causing a rush of warmth to flow through my veins. “Is your plan to suffocate me with your absolutely fucking perfect breasts? If so, I’m not going to lie, siren, that would be one hell of a way to die.”

  The tip of Asher’s tongue peeks out and slowly makes its way up my chest and neck. I release a contented sigh. At the sound, Asher captures my mouth in a searing kiss. His touch is hungry, traveling along my trembling body, which is compliantly melting into his, as it memorizes every inch of me.

  My lips become urgent as he deepens the kiss. His hands squeeze my waist before sliding to my lower back, flattening and pushing on the mate mark. It hums in pleasure, though the sensation is dulling slightly. Odd. Oh God. What if it’s disappearing?

  Asher slowly ends the kiss, pulling away and angling his head. “What’s wrong?”

  I ignore my unease and whisper across his swollen lips. “I’m supposed to be doing this to teach you a lesson.”

  His brows arch. “And what lesson is that?” Lust lines his voice.

  “If you ever use sex against me again, I’ll cut off your piercing.” I hold his eyes.

  Fighting a grin
, he recoils slightly. “There is no need to threaten the piercing. Lesson learned. I’m sorry,” he says sincerely in a gruff voice and nips at my bottom lip.

  I moan. “Do you promise to never do it to me again?” I ask, brushing my mouth over his.

  “I was wrong and pissed off. It was misguided. I apologize for my behavior. The handcuffs, though, we will be exploring again.” He wiggles his brows, sucking on my lip.

  I pull my bottom lip away from him and into my mouth, mashing my top one over it.

  “I was wrong too. We’re mated now. I should have told you what I was planning to do so you didn’t panic. I’m sorry.” My voice is full of need.

  His hands on my lower back push me forward as he lowers his head, brushing his lips along the curve of my jaw before moving upward.

  “I want you,” he growls into my ear.

  Asher’s hands slide to my waist and his grip tightens, jerking me roughly along the length of his lap so I can feel how much he wants me.

  “I couldn’t tell,” I tease breathily, rolling my hips over him again.

  At the friction, Asher exhales noisily. “Always, siren. I’ll always fucking want you.”

  My chest rises, grazing his, and Asher’s lips find mine again while his hands skim up over my arms, capturing my face so he can deepen our connection. I shiver, and after a few languid moments, pull back, a little dazed. Game over. He wins. Again.

  “I’m done,” I exhale.

  “That was quick,” he murmurs against my lips. “I have to admit, even I’m impressed with my own awesomeness this time.”

  On a grin, I bark-laugh and place my fingers over the protector tattoo, tracing the lines.

  “No. I meant that I’m done with the game I was trying to win.”

  Asher plants a light kiss on my bruised lips. “You weren’t really winning.”

  I pout. “Was too.”

  Asher brings my face forward, trailing a path of sexy, open-mouthed kisses over my face before his lips are at my ear again. “I fucking love you,” he murmurs.

  “I love you too,” I exhale, tightening my arms around him. “I’m scared that someday, I’ll have to let go.”

  “You don’t ever have to let go,” he assures quietly before sucking on the spot under my ear in a bruising way. “I’m yours, always.”

  All of a sudden, Asher’s body becomes rigid. All humor and desire leaks out of his expression, which is now hard and focused. “Don’t make a sound,” he warns, his voice low.

  He releases his hold on my cheeks, and I follow his roaming eyes around the room. Abruptly, he leans us backward, grabbing my shirt and helping me to get it on quickly. Once redressed, my gaze darts to his in question.

  Asher brings his index finger to his lips, instructing me to stay quiet while he gingerly moves me off his lap, onto the bed. He stands and tilts his head, listening.

  Worried eyes meet mine before his wings angrily snap out of his back, startling me. Swiftly, he throws the pillows off the bed and takes hold of his sword, which was hiding under them. At the same time, he clutches my wrists and yanks me to him, protectively.

  I recognize the fury in his expression, though he’s trying to mask it. “What’s happening?”

  Asher’s gaze meets mine, and something in the depths of them causes me to shudder.

  “The—,” he begins but gets cut off when the plane jolts hard.

  My gaze flicks to the door in shock when a loud explosion comes out of nowhere, rattling the jet. Seconds later, a loud rumble permeates the air. Asher swings opens the door and looks back and forth, taking in the destroyed cabin.

  “Fuck,” Asher growls and tugs me toward the grouping clan.

  “The dark army is attacking. No sign of Garrick,” Gage says.

  “The explosion?” Asher asks Keegan.

  “They blew out the cockpit,” he replies calmly. “The crew is gone.”

  The plane drops quickly, jerking us all forward. Asher’s grip on me tightens as we attempt to keep our balance. My heartbeat thumps heavily in my chest while the aircraft swerves and dips. The metal rattles and groans like it’s twisting and snapping as we descend rapidly.

  The hairs on the back of my neck tingle when the lights flicker. We begin to spiral and tumble through the air at a faster rate and Asher pulls me into the air so we’re hovering over the wreckage. The furniture shifts and slides underneath us violently.

  The force of the plunging aircraft causes pieces of the metal to peel off the plane. A large hole rips into the ceiling above us. The harsh wind and frigid night air burst into the cabin, making it hard to hold onto anything. Tiny flickers of electricity begin to spark throughout the now darkened cabin. I gasp and my stomach roils.

  Callan stares at the opening, eyes wide. “We need to get out of here,” he bellows.

  Asher nods in agreement and leans into my ear, yelling over the noise. “Hold on, siren.”

  Each gargoyle releases their wings, and seconds later, we’re all hovering in the inky sky, watching the large airplane fall hundreds of feet in the air before it shudders and hits the ground with a hard bang. Smoke fills the atmosphere below us before the mangled carnage erupts in flames and explodes.

  “Holy shit,” I exhale and study the tiny fireball below while clutching Asher, because we are really high up, and to be honest, I am petrified.

  “It’s a good thing we have insurance,” Callan jests.

  Everyone’s shaken expressions shift focus to the adorable gargoyle.

  He shrugs. “Please. You know you all were thinking the same thing.”

  “Is everyone all right?” Asher asks, surprisingly calm.

  A chorus of “We’re fine” erupts before a low thrumming pulses through my entire body.

  “I think we have company,” Abby points out just as hundreds of demons surround us.

  The night’s shadows conceal their scaly, black-leather flesh, but the red glow of their eyes gives away their presence. There are so many of them. If their eyes weren’t crimson, from this height, someone could almost mistake their presence in the sky for stars.

  Keegan’s nostrils flare. “Looks like the vermin have arrived.”

  “Fucking demons,” Asher grits out of a tight jaw, tightening his hold on me.

  “How can we help you fine beings this evening?” Callan banters. Fucking Callan.

  A demon with white eyes moves forward. He must be the leader. “The girl,” he demands.

  Callan folds his arms. “Which one? Not counting Asher, there are three of them.”

  The demon’s jaw tightens and his nostrils flare. “The daughter of Heaven.”

  “Let’s see.” Callan flaps his wings and spins, facing Asher and me before winking and twisting back to the fiend. “No one here by that name. Sorry to disappoint you.”

  “Eligos, she’s here. I sense her,” another demon states in a slithery cool tone.

  Asher’s grip on me constricts and Eligos senses my presence, straightening and turning his gaze our way. The edges of Asher’s vision tinge and his body stiffens. The tension radiating off him alerts me that he’s ready to shoot across the sky and strike if need be.

  Callan soars in front of us, so we’re not in the general’s sightline. “Listen, dude, we’re in a bit of a pickle here.” He snickers at his own joke. After a few seconds, he recomposes himself. “You wouldn’t know this, Eligos, but given my new hobby, that statement was pretty ingenious. Unintentional, but clever nonetheless. Right, babe?” His head twists to Abby.

  She smiles but it’s forced. “Very shrewd of you, baby.” Her voice is tight.

  Unnoticed by Eligos, Gage moves closer. Asher transfers me into the safety of his arms without much effort or protest, given our elevation. Once Gage has a firm grip on me, he edges us back a bit from the demon army leader.

  Asher does his best to control the pissed off glare wanting to take over his stunning features as he and Keegan shoot forward and take their places on either side of Callan.

>   My protector’s lips turn into a cold twist of a smirk. “What my brother is trying to say is that you fuckheads have to be a special kind of stupid to destroy a one-hundred-million-dollar private jet. Then again, demons aren’t known for their high levels of intelligence.”

  Eligos’s gaze moves over Asher’s shoulder, toward me. “We came for the girl.”

  Rage whirls through Asher, and he shifts his body, blocking me from Eligos’s sightline. “If you look in her direction again, or breathe her air, I will kill you,” he threatens.

  “Listen, dude, if you’re having trouble getting a girl, maybe brush up on your cooking skills,” Callan quips casually. “Also, the creepy eyes probably aren’t helping your case.”

  Eligos advances and is suddenly pushed back by a heavy gust, courtesy of Abby.

  Angered, the demon moves smoothly through the air. “Enough of this foolish behavior.”

  He nods to one of his minions. At the command, the demon soldier rushes forward just as Keegan’s fist crashes into his ribcage, doubling him over. In one swift move, Keegan lifts the demon’s upper body and pushes his fist into the demon’s face, knocking him out, before running a knife through his heart, causing him to vanish into a blue flame.

  Asher tightens his grip on his sword. “You and I both know that no matter how hard you or this army try, you will not succeed. She is protected by this clan. You. Will. Get. Nothing.”

  I can feel Gage’s heart rate increase as Eligos narrows his eyes and screws his mouth up at Asher. Gage’s arms tighten around my waist and he pulls me against him in a firm grip. “Easy, love,” he coaxes while the energy source pulsates through me, sensing danger.

  “GIVE ME THE GIRL!” Eligos hisses through his bellow.

  The Angelic Sword twists in Asher’s hand before he cocks his head. “If you don’t want to know what it feels like to have your limbs ripped from you one by one, I suggest you leave.”


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