
Home > Paranormal > Restoration > Page 14
Restoration Page 14

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  I scoff. “Does Asher know this?”

  The angel doesn’t flinch. “Mr. St. Michael is operating under the assumption that he is your protector, at my request, fulfilling a divine assignment. His understanding of the divination of redemption is clear, but only as it relates to his existence.”

  “So if I break our bond, for any reason, not only will the dark army hunt me, but—” I begin.

  “The divine will as well,” he finishes. “A consequence that even I can’t protect you from.”

  “Well, that is just fucking peachy,” I retort.

  “The Angelic Council permits your existence because of your promised bond to Asher through the divination of redemption,” he says slowly. “Your love for him is the purest form of sacrifice. If you are connected to Asher, then you will honor that love by helping him control the darkness and protect Heaven. It takes a dragon to fight a dragon.”

  “And in return for sacrificing my love to a bond, I have divine protection,” I add.


  “Keegan and Callan both stem from the same bloodline. Why’d you pick Asher?”

  “The council has a long standing relationship with the London clan. We’ve partnered with their family for centuries on divine protection assignments. After speaking with Garrick on numerous occasions, and observing the connections each had with the McIntyre and Donovan girls, I assumed that Asher would be the one unmated when you turned eighteen.”

  “I see.” I nod once. “And our bloodlines?”

  “At my order, both your and Asher’s bloodlines were altered by Everley, the cherub angel of ancestry. Yours at birth, to derive from Eve, Adam’s second wife, and a light of Heaven, and Asher’s was altered right before your protector link. His was to include the bloodline of Lilith, Adam’s first wife, and a demon of darkness. Lilith’s ancestral tie enhanced his dark gifts, making Asher the stronger male and next in line for the throne. The additional demon lineage also allowed Asher to accept your pure blood when he became your main protector through a blood connection.”

  “Wow, you’ve really thought of everything, warrior of Heaven,” I snap.

  Without warning, Uriel appears in front of us. His soft golden glow lights up the dark evening sky. The sound of water sloshing over the earth pulls me back to reality and I stand, brushing the sand off my pants. Michael follows the movements but remains seated.

  I stare at Michael in disbelief. “Sooo, Dad,” I draw out. “My takeaway from this bedtime story is that you knocked up my human mother, and then needed to protect your secret. So you created a predestined blood tie to an unknowing gargoyle prince, who I happened to meet at college and fell in love with through a nonconsensual blood bond, all to protect Heaven’s gates. Your boss must be thrilled. Hope you’re up for a raise.”

  “Is this true, Mikey?” Uriel questions as if he was unaware of the full plan.

  “It was posed a bit angrily, but yes, I suppose that synopsis is accurate.”

  Uriel releases a loud laugh. “That is the most fantastic plan I’ve heard. We’re good.”

  Michael frowns. “We are good?”

  “The plan was clearly a joint effort, strategized through my intellectual portion of our shared DNA,” Uriel suggests. “I am the archangel of knowledge and wisdom.”

  I stretch my neck from side to side. “What about the earth realm and the humans? If I protect Heaven, then who protects mankind from the demonic legion? I was under the assumption the divination of redemption has Asher and I redeeming mankind.”

  “That is why there are protectors. Without the darkness, there is no need to protect the innocent, and the gargoyle race would cease to exist,” Uriel points out before sighing dramatically. “It’s a vicious cycle really.”

  “As bonded mates, your and Asher’s moral choices will decide fate. Mankind has free will. They have the ability to rebel against the darkness or embrace the light. Together, you and Asher will lead the next generation of protectors, keeping this realm safe,” Michael adds.

  “No pressure,” Uriel jests.

  “Why didn’t you just tell us from the start?” I ask.

  Michael’s expression softens. “Regardless of my limited dealings with human emotions, you are still my daughter. It was Libby’s and my wish for you to find true love. In spite of the bond and altered bloodlines, you have chosen to love one another of your own free will.”

  “Also in spite of the fact that he’s foul-mouthed, tattooed, and a gargoyle,” Uriel interjects with a shiver. “I guess this really does mean a power angel is out.”

  Michael and I both turn our attention to the quirky angel before returning it to one another. “I guess this explains why you allowed the blood connection in the first place, knowing only death could break it. And I suppose this is why you approved Asher’s and my visit to the Eternal Forest, to see Priestess Arabella, knowing we’d have to stone state to get there, and what that meant for our bond. All those times you pretended to be upset, you weren’t. You wanted Asher and me to fall in love.”

  “Love is your sacrifice, daughter of Heaven,” he replies.

  “A sacrifice that won’t end the war between Heaven and Hell,” I add.

  “It doesn’t end. The balance cannot shift.” He sighs heavily. “It never could. One side will never rise to power, just as one side will never fall to fate,” he explains. “Everything in life must have lightness and darkness within it to survive.”

  “So what is the point of war then?” I ask.

  “We must always keep the balance, Eve,” Uriel states.

  “I guess the real question is, will I risk it all for love?” I counter. “And if I do, who will pick me up and put the pieces of my heart back together when they finally shatter?”

  “I will,” Asher’s deep, masculine voice floats to me.

  Chapter 12

  No Regrets

  My heart stops at the sound of Asher’s voice. I inhale with relief and turn to face the beautiful gargoyle. The moment my gaze collides with his, the darkness inside me fades. A rush of shivers crawls over my skin at the sight of my protector watching me with a raw, painful expression.

  I allow my gaze to roam over him, taking in every piece. My lower lip trembles as I shift my weight from one foot to the other, sinking into the sand. I soak him up with my eyes. A collection of memories plays in my mind—our eyes meeting for the first time in architecture class, his declaration of love in the rain when he returned to me, his promise of forever as he made me his. Despite what Michael contrived, every cell in my body knows I’m Asher’s.

  I love him.

  I would risk it all for him.

  The End.

  Tears burn my throat as our gazes hold one another’s. He grants me his signature sexy smirk and I become light-headed. My intense feelings for him swell in my chest. Within seconds, my veins flood with love and warmth, and I step toward him on shaky legs.

  Each step I take becomes faster and faster as I cross the distance on the beach. Without realizing it, I’ve broken into a full run before jumping into his open and waiting arms. Asher firmly catches me, not allowing me to fall. Ever. He’ll always catch me.

  With shaky hands, I wrap myself around his body, burying my face into his neck so I can breathe him in. Our contact sears through my clothing, branding my skin. Asher pulls me to him tightly before releasing me and setting me down gently.

  Once I’m steady, he clasps my cheeks with his warm palms, lowering his head until our mouths are a breath apart, sharing the same air. He doesn’t move. Instead, his indigo gaze travels over my face, committing every inch of it into his memory.

  “You heard,” I say, my voice cracking.

  “Every word,” he whispers. “It changes nothing, siren. You are mine, forever.”

  A little spark of hope infiltrates the confusion I was plagued with after my conversation with Michael. For the briefest of moments, I thought this wasn’t real. Seeing Asher, here, awake and in front of me, I know it is, wi
th every fiber of my being. We belong together.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry all this was manufactured, Ash.” My voice cracks again.

  One of his hands slides off my cheek and curls into my hair at the back of my head. His other hand trails down the length of me, settling on the curve of my waist, tugging me against him. My hands clench as they fold into the cotton material of his T-shirt, clinging to him, afraid he’ll disappear. I’m so scared all this will be too much for him and he’ll walk away.

  Sensing my distress, Asher’s arm circles around me in a tighter embrace. The fingers on his other hand spread across the back of my head, pressing my cheek against his heart. I squeeze my eyes shut, basking in the sound of his heartbeat and his scent.

  “It’s okay,” he whispers against the top of my head before pressing his lips to the crown. “I understand. You saw me and couldn’t resist my good looks and charming personality. I get it, siren. Because of my gargoyle awesomeness, you assumed I was way out of your league, and you didn’t trust it to happen on its own. Totally explains why you had your archangel dad scheme and plot so I would fall in love with you.”

  A faint smile crosses my lips. “Seemed like a good idea at the time,” I play along.

  “It was. I’ve seen me,” he teases.

  I choke out a half-sob, half-laugh. “I’m so afraid that someday you’ll see us as one big lie and walk away, leaving my heart in thousands of pieces.”

  Asher tightens his hold. “I’ve broken every protector rule and gone against my kind to be with you. I mated with you, killed demons for you, and would light the entire world on fire to keep you safe. Nothing in this world, or any other world, will ever change or diminish my absolute fucking love for you.”

  “I was so scared when that door opened and Keegan carried you in,” I trail off, swallowing several times as the emotion clogs my throat. “When he said it wasn’t safe to get you into a stone state healing sleep, I nearly lost it.”

  “I will always come back to you, don’t ever doubt that,” he vows.

  I nod and inhale. After a few moments, I let go and take a step back.

  Asher’s eyes flick to the two archangels behind me. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  I watch as he steps around me over to Michael and Uriel. Keegan stands and comes to my side, also watching with confusion.

  Asher dips his chin in respect before looking Michael in the eyes. “Divination or not, I love Eve. It’s that simple. She’s mine and will always be. I would give it all up for her.” Asher’s gaze slides back to me then returns to the archangel.

  Michael’s expression softens as his focus slides between Asher and me. “I’m glad to hear that, Mr. St. Michael. You have not only my divine blessing, but my paternal one as well.”

  Asher tips his head and returns to stand in front of me with a wicked smile before placing a light kiss on the corner of my lips, eliciting a shiver from me. A long moment stretches between us before Asher takes one of my hands and places it over his heart.

  “All of these lies lingering in the air don’t matter. WE matter. Whatever the reason that you were brought into my life, I’m grateful. You’ve ended the darkening skies in my world. YOU are all I want. YOU are all I need.” He swallows, flicking his gaze behind me before meeting mine again. “I’ve never dreamed that I could love someone the way I love you, siren. The fragmented pieces of my life only come together when I’m with you.”

  Tears sting my eyes, and I fight to catch my breath with each of his words. I love him.

  “You live in fear that no one will hear your cries—I hear them. I’ll catch you when you fall, always. All of your broken dreams—I will make them fade away. When you’re lost, I will find you and bring you home. I will pick you up when your world shatters.”

  A deep ache settles into my chest as his love rattles through me, touching my soul. Asher’s focus shifts to Keegan, and one of his hands releases mine, reaching toward his brother. A moment later, the glint of a granite sword catches the moonlight bouncing off the water.

  Asher releases my other hand, holding his sword in both of his as he takes a knee in front of me. Softly glowing eyes lift and watch me through dark lashes as he places his sword at my feet.

  “Here in the darkness of the night and in the light of the moon and stars, I vow this to you. There is nothing I will fight harder for than to love, shelter, and revere you, forever, with every fiber of my being. Nothing stronger exists than my love for you, Eve Marie Collins. I will protect you, always.” He bows his head to me and falls silent.

  I sniff as the tears flow freely down my cheeks. My words are lost for a moment while I study the sword at my feet and the striking protector on his knees in front of me. My hands shake as I grip the soft material of his shirt at the shoulders, forcing him to stand.

  I bend down and lift his sword, laying it back in his open palms so we’re both holding it.

  “You are truly, in every sense of the word, my soul’s mate. There is no one else I want with me on this journey, Asher. I love you. We do this, together. Mated. Bonded. Forever.”

  “No regrets.” He steps closer.

  “No regrets.” My voice cracks.

  Asher’s mouth presses against mine, parting my lips while he kisses me like he’s starving. The sword falls to the sand and a rush of sensations tremble through me, causing my legs to become unsteady.

  There is nothing soft or tentative about this kiss. It’s hard and demanding. It’s one hundred percent Asher St. Michael. He’s showing me that what he feels for me is real and not insincere.

  He’s claiming me, forever.

  I swallow the bile threatening to crawl up my throat at the sickening sight. Oh. My. God. I try to avert my eyes to no avail. In a strange way, it’s mesmerizing to watch. I guess it’s similar to seeing a zoo animal eat its own poop. Gross, yet, you’re fascinated.

  “I’m not sure how much longer I can stomach this.” I still stare.

  Asher sighs. “Unfortunately, we have another six or so months of this.”

  “Don’t either of you dare speak to me,” Abby scolds around her chocolate-covered pickle.

  I narrow my eyes from across the kitchen. “I thought pickles gave you heartburn?”

  Abby releases the hold her ravenous mouth had on the condiment. “Do not change the subject, Eve Marie Collins. I can’t believe Asher got on his knees, TWICE now to ask you to be his mate, and I was not present for either proposal,” she sulks.

  “Uh oh. My girl is using middle names. Better run, cutie,” Callan suggests.

  I pfft. “She doesn’t scare me,” I reply and give a pointed look to Abby. “You don’t sca—” I stop because the look she’s giving me scares the shit out of me. I step closer to Asher.

  Angrily, she rips another bite off the poor pickle and crunches loudly like a wild animal. “I mean,” she continues with a full mouth. “Keegan was there. Of all the clan members to be at the poignant moment, he’s the one who gets to see it.” She huffs and takes another large bite.

  I watch her, with a tiny bit of disgust, gnaw on the thing like a horse with a carrot.

  “It was really heartwarming,” Keegan adds sincerely and Abby shoots him a harsh glare.

  Callan gives us his megawatt toothy grin. “I hear you did the whole sword thing. Nice.”

  “Abs, want us to reenact it for you?” Asher asks, moving his lips toward mine.

  “No!” Abby bellows but it’s muffled because her mouth is full.

  I scrunch my nose. “Why do you have to dip them in chocolate?”

  Angry crystal blue eyes narrow at me.

  “Never mind,” I mumble and cower back into Asher’s side.

  Abby sighs and places the fake cucumber down. “All I crave is chocolate so it’s the only way I can eat them. Plus it takes away the heartburn.”

  Callan steps next to her and puts his arm around her shoulder before dropping a kiss to her head. “That’s not all you are craving, baby.”

sp; “Settle down, brother, isn’t that how you got into this predicament,” Asher jests.

  Gross. “I thought we’ve discussed boundaries?” I bark out.

  McKenna strolls into the small space we’ve all managed to cramp ourselves into. My beach home isn’t that large, but for some reason, we always end up in the tiny kitchen.

  She looks around the limited counter space and rolls her eyes. “By the grace,” she huffs. “How much more of this shit are you planning to pickle? This house is bursting with the damn things,” she balks, looking around at the jars.

  I have to give it to her, it is kind of ridiculous. “It does seem like you have some obsessive-compulsive issues to work out.” My eyes skate around the room.

  “I’ve said this before, ladies, pickling is a fine art. One that is highly underappreciated,” Callan says.

  I give him a pointed glare and smirk. “I thought role playing was a fine art?”

  Callan’s eyes twinkle. “They both are. In different ways, or the same, depending.” Ew.

  “Well, I appreciate it, baby.” Abby beams and dips another whole kosher dill into a bowl of dark chocolate before meeting my grossed-out expression. “Don’t judge me, human.”

  “It’s kinda hard not to, Abs,” I counter.

  “It’s also pretty difficult not to watch,” Keegan points out.

  Abby rolls her eyes and continues chomping away.

  Callan’s hands drop to his hips. “Listen, all the ladies in this clan suddenly don’t want my badass cookies. ‘They’re too sweet,’” he mimics in his version of a girlie voice. “So, I started with the chili. ‘It’s too hot,’” he mocks, using the same voice. “So now, it’s pickles.”

  “It would be great if you would actually make something useful, like, beer for instance,” Asher replies and the room falls silent.

  “There is no pleasing this clan,” Callan grumbles.

  “I hate pickles,” McKenna throws out.

  Callan’s head tilts toward her. “Those who hate pickles can’t be trusted.”

  “What?” I laugh. “That’s ridiculous. If she doesn’t like them, she doesn’t like them.”


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