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Restoration Page 16

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  Sora finishes with her blessing, lifts her head, and opens her eyes. “If you would both be so kind as to hold out your left palms,” she instructs.

  My brows pinch together in question.

  “It contains the vena amoris, or vein of love.” She smiles kindly and places her frail hand under mine. “Please keep still, Eve. This will smart only for a moment.”

  I watch as she takes the sharp tip of the dagger and pricks my ring finger four times, while chanting “in-zen, mání, vas-wís, ew ter-ort,” between each puncture. The blade is so sharp I barely register the tiny stabs.

  “Each represents your mating vows: heart, mind, body, and soul,” she whispers.

  Sora leans toward Asher, repeating her steps. I watch as the tiny holes ooze with the smallest amount of blood. The elder gargoyle turns to me and hands me the blade.

  “Eve, you must bring the dagger to Asher’s protector mark. In the middle, please make a small incision so that the wound can open, releasing his blood,” Sora coaches.

  My heart turns over heavily, almost painfully. I swallow hard and my horror-filled expression catches Asher’s understanding one. Memories flicker through my mind of when I pierced Asher in the heart with my own dagger. I swore I would never hurt him again.

  A heartbeat of silence passes before warm fingers wrap themselves around my wrists. Asher’s grip is firm as he moves my hand and the weapon toward his heart and the mark.

  “You won’t hurt me, siren.” His voice is silky, coaxing.

  For a moment, I stop breathing as I watch the tip of the knife caress the scar that sits in the middle of his protector mark, reopening the wound. Asher doesn’t flinch when the blood begins to seep out. Instead, his lips tilt in a trusting smile before he gently pulls my wrist away. With ease, he releases the dagger from my hand and places a chaste kiss on my palm.

  Stepping closer, he tips his head and brushes his cheek across mine before his breath crosses my ear. “Turn around,” he demands.

  Slowly, I spin, revealing the deep cut in the dress, exposing my mark to him. At the sight, Asher releases a low, rumbling sound before his fingers lightly brush over it. Seductively, he raises the dagger, and with the lightest of touches, runs the tip down my spine, causing my body to tremble. Once the dagger is on the mark, he steps closer.

  My eyes slide closed and I feel the slightest pressure before the blade disappears.

  “Open your eyes, siren,” Asher implores in a low voice, turning me back to face him.

  At the familiar command, my lids flutter open. My insides twist at the depth of love, and the intensity of desire, floating in his eyes. He pulls me closer, pressing every part of my body against his so that not an inch of space exists between us.

  My heart races at the sensation of his finger pressing into the open wound on my lower back. The warmth that floats through me when his blood mixes with mine, binding us forever, is intoxicating.

  “I give to thee forever, Eve Marie Collins,” he vows softly into the night.

  Lifting my finger to his cut, I run it down the length of the wound, infusing his protector tattoo with my blood, again. This time, of my own free will. After a moment, Asher releases his grip on my waist and places his hand over mine, pressing it firmly against the mark.

  My throat tightens as I repeat quietly, “I give to thee forever, Asher St. Michael.”

  Instantly, my heartbeat syncs with his, and my mind fills with emotions and images that aren’t my own. My soul feels brighter and complete. My heart feels whole. The mark comes to life on my lower back again, pulsing and throbbing with want and desire.

  “The Spiritual Assembly of Protectors and the gargoyle elders have accepted and blessed your binding on this day. You may heal the wounds,” Sora announces.

  Asher rests his forehead against mine. We push our healing energies into one another. I watch with relief as the dark tendrils close the wounds. Sealing the binding. Making us one.

  After a moment, his hand grips the back of my neck, forcing me to cling to him, my fists clenching his shirt. Asher’s mouth meets mine in a deep, searing manner. I’m overpowered by emotions. His. Mine. Ours.

  His hand tightens around my neck and he groans into my mouth. The vibration surges through my body, fueling my desire. The mark pulses in bliss.

  “You are mine.” His lips caress mine as he speaks. “Forever.”

  “I am yours, forever.” I smile through his long, drugging kiss.

  Realization filters through that we’re not alone when I hear Callan’s chuckle from somewhere far away. We pull away slowly, never releasing one another’s gaze.

  “Eve, the next step in the ceremony is to accept Asher’s clan as your own family. Are you prepared to pledge your devotion to the St. Michaels? To declare unwavering loyalty to each member, to love, and embrace them as your own kin?” Sora questions.

  Taking in a deep breath, I promise to. “I am.”

  “London clan, do you embrace your new kin and future queen?” Sora asks.

  “We do,” Asher’s family says in unison and my heart soars.

  Asher interlaces our fingers and leads me to stand in front of a seated Keegan. His gaze slides between his eldest brother and me. “You must complete the oath via blood ties.”

  Keegan and I lift our left palms at the same time, holding one another’s glance. Asher punctures each and guides Keegan’s over mine. He covers our clasped hands between his.

  “Zhen pri,” Asher calls out.

  “Zhen pri,” Keegan and I repeat, together.

  “It is a privilege to welcome you, Eve.” Keegan lowers his forehead to my fingers.

  Asher guides me to stand in front of McKenna. I lift my hand and wait. McKenna’s sapphire eyes slide from my face to my hand. A silent pause beats between us before she snaps her palm out to Asher. With a quick piercing, she slaps her hand onto mine, forcefully.

  “Zhen pri,” Asher repeats.

  “Zhen pri,” we reply.

  McKenna drops her forehead to my fingers. “It is an honor, blood of Eden.”

  She lifts her head and we hold one another’s stare.

  “It is I who am honored, McKenna, to be your family,” I push out.

  Her eyes widen slightly at my declaration before she dips her chin and sits back.

  “It’s my turn,” a tearful Abby exclaims, grabbing my arms and pulling me to stand in front of her. She already has her hand out, waiting.

  Asher releases a soft laugh and shakes his head at her enthusiasm, repeating the process.

  “Zhen pri,” Asher states, amused.

  “Zhen pri,” Abby exclaims in a cheerful tone and lays her forehead on my fingers. “We love you so much, Eves. I’m thrilled you are officially family now.”

  Leaning in, I pull her into a quick hug. “Me too.”

  I step in front of Callan and he abruptly stands, picks me up, twirls me, and then returns my feet to solid ground. “Let’s do this.” He winks and holds his hand out to his brother.

  Asher bites back another laugh then stabs Callan and places our hands together.

  “Zhen pri,” Asher says.

  “ZHEN EFFING PRI!” Callan shouts in excitement.

  He places his forehead on my fingers. “I have no idea what you see in my brooding, ugly brother, but it’s official, cutie. You’re one of us. Sucks to be you.” He chuckles and lifts his head, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Family dinners will never be the same, Eves.”

  “There is just one last vow,” Sora interjects, looking a bit frightened at Callan’s proclamation. “Your oath to the Spiritual Assembly,” she continues, taking the dagger from Asher. “Eve, present your right wrist to me, please.”

  I hold out my arm and watch as she makes a small incision across it, doing the same to hers before allowing a few drops of her blood to fall onto my wound. At Sora’s nod, Asher immediately steps forward and heals the cuts on my palm and wrist.

  “Do you come here today, of your own free will, to pledg
e your allegiance to The Spiritual Assembly of Protectors?”

  “I do.”

  “Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. Like the stars, you offer light when faced with darkness. Like the stones, you offer darkness the ability to ground itself. It is a great gift that your heart and soul embrace both darkness and light. This balance will be an asset in showing resilience to your kin, both human and gargoyle. In taking this oath of protection, you will be expected to uphold, in the highest regard, human and supernatural life. Your binding to our council will make you an aegis against any and all evil. Divine assignments and defense of allies, clan, your mate, and king, will be called upon. As our future queen, you must promise to serve, honor, and protect your new race. On this day, Eve Marie Collins St. Michael, do you stand with us and recognize all that we ask of you?”

  At the addition of Asher’s last name to mine, I stumble and pause, taken off guard.

  “Eve?” Asher encourages.

  “Sorry, I do.”

  Sora places her hand over my wrist, which feels as though it’s burning. Her thumb gently rubs over the skin, soothing it. “Through the darkness, you will be blind no more. Your soul shall not falter. You have the acceptance of the guardians of spiritual protection. May your daggers and shield keep you safe, always, Your Highness.”

  Sora releases my hand and I stare at the small Celtic cross that has suddenly appeared on my wrist. It matches Abby and McKenna’s perfectly.

  “You bear the mark of the Spiritual Assembly of Protectors. It is a great honor,” Sora says and dips her head respectfully.

  “Thank you,” I reply in a quiet tone.

  Asher steps in front of me, holding a few Shamballa bracelets, like the ones Abby and McKenna wear, only these are black onyx.

  Gently, he takes my hand and slides the bracelets onto my wrist, hiding the mark. As soon as the cool stones hit my skin, the most magnificent energy runs through me.

  “Why four?” I question, staring into the depths of his eyes.

  Asher’s stare bores into mine with palpable love and desire. “Heart, mind, body, and soul. They symbolize our mating vows.”

  “I do believe there is a final proclamation that needs to be made,” Sora interjects.

  Asher’s eyes rake over my body in a tactile manner, a promise of things to come. Interlacing our fingers, he spins me so I’m facing the small group of guests witnessing our bonding. My eyes meet Gage’s for a brief moment, and he offers me a small, sad smile.

  Keegan steps forward and hands Asher his sword with an approving nod. A loud, happy sob releases from Abby and Callan wraps his arm around her shoulder while McKenna rolls her eyes at the dramatics of it all. I internally smile. It’s nice to have family.

  Asher takes a knee in front of me, his sword lying across both uplifted palms. I shiver as Asher looks up at me through sooty eyelashes, with a noble gaze. “Your creation was the first step toward the destiny we share. Know this, when the skies darken and this love is tested, we shall not run. When death becomes silence and the battle lines are drawn, we shall fight. On this day, we fall to fate, as one. Your light breathes life into the darkness. It is with duty, honor, and protection I lay my sword at your feet and declare my love, devotion, and loyalty to you in the presence of the supernatural monarchies.” Asher bows his head and places his sword at my feet. “You are mine. My soul is yours. This love . . . is unbreakable.”

  Chapter 14


  Strong hands curve along my cheeks and gentle fingertips run along my jawline. The touch is so powerful my skin glows and warms in response. I slide my eyelids shut when warm lips connect with my forehead. My heart clings to this moment, because it’s one I want to last forever. A brief glimpse at perfection before it all gets swept away and displaced in the morning’s light.

  Asher sways us as one with the music in front of the blazing fireplace while staring into my eyes. “Do I own your soul, siren?” he whispers, his minty breath caressing my lips.

  “Always,” I reply breathlessly.

  He angles his head, his eyes penetrating through each of my layers, seeking out my soul. My cheeks redden under his desire-filled gaze. The back of his knuckles lift and glide over the pink while a cocky smirk appears across his lips.

  “I fucking love that I’m the only one you blush for.” His voice is a mere growl.

  Hooded eyes flick to my parted lips, and before I can take in a breath, Asher’s mouth brushes across mine. Heat spreads throughout my body. This kiss is delicate, tender, and loving as he cups my face and his thumbs softly stroke my cheeks. He stares at me for the longest time before speaking.

  “Do you know how unbelievably sexy it is you’re mine in every way possible?”

  My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. His mouth descends again without hesitation. God, this man is everything. Asher’s kiss grows harder, more demanding, as he steals my breath with each stroke.

  After a while, my legs become unsteady. Sensing this, and without breaking contact, his arm finds its way under my knees, and Asher scoops me into his arms.

  He breaks the kiss, pulling back only an inch to gaze into my eyes. The amber flickers of the massive amount of lit candles bounce across the azure specs.

  “Where is everyone?” I whisper in a needy voice.

  Asher’s sooty lashes lower over his eyes as they darken. “The clan returned to the Vineyard. Lunette offered us her guest suite and cottage for the evening. The charms are up and the dimension is locked out. It’s just you, me, and my piercing, siren.”

  My lips tip up on the side as I rake my top teeth over my bottom lip, biting back a laugh. Asher’s head dips back to my mouth, and he nips at my lower lip before running the tip of his tongue over it and dragging it into his mouth.

  I moan in pleasure as he tightens his grip on me. Hurriedly swinging us toward the stairs, he takes them two at a time, rushing into the guest room.

  “Always in such a hurry,” I whisper.

  Placing me on my feet, he arches a brow. “I can promise you, Eve, nothing about what I do to please you this evening will be hurried.”

  My eyelids flutter, trying desperately to open. The darkness is too powerful. It swallows me whole, pulling me into its deep, vast emptiness. Fear sits at the edge of my subconscious as the air engulfs me in cold and decay. The weight of doom and dread push heavily on my chest while I take shallow breaths.

  I swallow. My throat is painfully raw from screaming and lack of water. With my eyes closed, I roll onto my back and realize my ribs are still broken. Fuck. I drop my head back in frustration, bumping the stinging spot on my scalp. It is raw from being yanked when I kicked and struggled before my body went numb and the darkness took over.

  Another tremble rocks through me, and I float to the safety of my mind, where I’m with Asher and he’s the cause of my uncontrollable shaking. Briefly, I allow myself to indulge in the memory of our last night together.

  I remember, in vivid detail, the way Sorceress Lunette’s cottage was lit with candles, bathing the entire chalet in warm light. I pretend to be surrounded by the scent of lavender from the fields around the magical dimension. Warmth floats over me when I remind myself of what it felt like to be carried by Asher as we laughed and kissed endlessly.

  A sick, odd laugh bubbles out of me. My sanity is slipping again. I picture Asher’s intense gaze as he slid in and out of me, leaving me breathless. A tear slides down my cheek as my body recalls our connection when his skin slid across mine. Just for a moment, I pretend his mouth is at my ear, vowing his love as he devours every inch of my body.

  I move slightly and my body protests from the agonizing pain I’m in. My eyes roll to the back of my head, behind the closed lids, threatening a black out. I try to fight off the ache in my skull, no doubt a side effect of being medicated over and over again.

  The sound of metal sliding causes my heart rate to kick up a notch. My nerves jump and my muscles tighten. The thick steel d
oor opens with a heavy groan, and I press myself into the dirt floor. Adrenaline courses through me, and my eyes fly open when the door slams. Steeling myself, I lie still, waiting, as the silence lingers in the air.

  “Get up!” The command tumbles around the quiet cell.

  After a few attempts, I manage to push myself up and drag my body across the dirt, ignoring the excruciating pain. For support, I prop myself against the stone wall. The coldness drifts over me as the being bends so he’s eye level with me.

  “So much for epic love, Miss Collins,” Lord Falk, leader of the Royal Gargoyle Council of Protectors, spits in my face. Literally. Asshole.

  My head lolls back from weighing heavily on my neck, forcing my chin to lift. I narrow my softly glowing gaze and seethe with anger and frustration.

  “Fuck you,” I reply, disregarding the dryness in my throat.

  The sting of his backhand is quick and lingering. My entire head falls onto my left shoulder from the force. I inhale slowly through the pain and lift my head, not giving him the satisfaction of tears because it will show weakness.

  Though inside, all I want to do is bury my face in my hands and cry for days.

  The gargoyle sighs and stands, pacing in front of me. “You will show me some respect.”

  I bark a laugh. “I will show you nothing.”

  I cower back into the wall as the gargoyle pushes into my face, spitting foam from his mouth. “Listen here, human. You are nothing but a disgrace to our kind.”

  “Funny, that’s what I’ve heard about you,” I retort and suffer a harsh kick to the ribs.

  I release an ear-splitting cry, because my ribs have already been broken several times over and I can’t heal myself. My eyes water from the pain as I croak and wheeze, trying to suck air into my burning lungs, while at the same time forcing myself not to puke.

  “I told you to watch your mouth,” he roars.

  The cell door opens again, allowing a sliver of light to enter the darkness. I immediately recognize the inky black neck-length hair and slate-colored eyes of the guard dressed in all black. His dark brown wings are extended.


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