
Home > Paranormal > Restoration > Page 23
Restoration Page 23

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “That first week after you were stabbed, you had a breathing and feeding tube. Once we removed it, I thought it would be easier to feed you pureed food.” Callan shrugs. “So I did. Then I got to thinking, ‘Hey, this is just like baby food. I should make baby food for my actual baby.’”

  My mouth is hanging open before I shake my head. “You fed me baby food?”

  Abby rolls her eyes. “Eve, don’t be so dramatic. Look at it as something you did for your future niece or nephew. Now we know what the baby will like and dislike,” she offers while Asher and Gage chuckle.

  “You’re all insane,” I say.

  “Christ, don’t knock it, love. You look well nourished to me,” Gage quips.

  My eyes meet Asher’s playful ones. “We need our own place.”

  “Agreed.” He scowls at the large group taking up the entire downstairs.

  “No, you two don’t need your own place. There is a baby coming. All hands on deck,” Abby interjects. “Besides, Asher has news.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re pregnant,” I tease and bite my lip, preventing a laugh.

  “As cool as that would be, I am not.” He stands and walks over to the counter, picking up a large white envelope before returning to the couch.

  Pushing Abby over so he can sit next to me, Asher hands the envelope to me.

  “What is this?” I ask, flipping it over and studying it.

  “Your re-admittance package for Kingsley College,” Asher answers.

  I grimace. “After all that’s happened, you seriously want me to go back to school?”

  Asher leans in, dropping his tone. “You made a promise too. To both me and your mom.”

  Frowning, I sigh. “Ash, I don’t know if I can handle school right now.”

  “Queens need an education, Eve,” Keegan adds from the kitchen.

  “Yeah, what if my child asks their aunt Eve what two plus two is?” Callan asks.

  I throw a pointed look at him. “Four. I went to kindergarten, Callan.”

  “No child of mine is being raised in a home with a college dropout,” Abby argues.

  “Hey,” I scold. “There are amazing people who have never gone to college and still accomplished incredible things with their lives.”

  “I agree with Eve,” Rulf interjects.

  “SHUT UP, RULF!” Everyone shouts at once.

  “Fuck. No need to bite my head off.” He sighs and averts his attention.

  “Just think about it, okay, siren?” Asher cajoles.

  “All right.”


  “By the way, Ash, you owe me fifty thousand dollars,” Abby blurts out.

  His lids slide shut before he twists on the couch to face her. “For what?”

  “A beautiful little one-of-a-kind silk runway number you ripped apart in the throes of passion,” she counters.

  “Is it throes or throng?” I ask.

  “An English degree would help with questions like that,” Callan points out.

  “Suck it, gargoyle,” I retort.

  Keegan stands. “As always, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our witty banter, but it is time to head back to the manor. Eve’s house is too small for all of us.”

  “In England?” I ask, chewing the inside of my lip. My heart sinks at the thought of leaving. This is my childhood home, where I was raised.

  Sensing my internal struggle, Asher faces me and takes my bottom lip between his fingers, ending the torture I’m causing to my mouth. “We’re staying in Massachusetts for a while,” Asher states. “This is your home. We’ll come back as often as you would like.”

  “Plus, it’s perfect for the summer. The beach is right down the street,” Callan adds.

  “Ooh!” Abby squeals. “We’ve never had a beach house before. We should build an outdoor shower in the backyard.”

  “By the grace,” Kenna huffs. “Eve is right, this family should come with a warning label.”

  Everyone stills. “Did you just agree with me, cupcake? And call me Eve?”

  Realization crosses her face. “Don’t get used to it, blood of Eden.” She storms upstairs.

  A few seconds pass before everyone shakes off the moment and leaves. Rulf takes a few steps to go back, but I step in front of him, blocking his movement.


  “Your Highness.” His tone is cautious.

  “I’m actually really glad you’re here,” I say sweetly.

  His brows rise to his forehead. “And why is that?”

  “Do you have plans to head back to Scotland?”

  “I was thinking about it. Why?” he asks.

  “Do you like babies, Rulf?”

  He shrugs. “I guess they’re cute when they aren’t drooling, crying, or peeing on you.”

  I grimace at the image he’s conjured up. “Agreed. Anyway, I think you are the perfect protector for my new niece or nephew,” I state, meeting his confused expression.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Eve, but hell no,” he scoffs.

  “You owe me,” I whine.

  “For what?”

  “Does a kidnapping incident with the council ring any bells?”

  He holds my stare before his shoulders fall. “Are you telling me you are cashing in your You Owe Me card on babysitting services?”

  “It’s not babysitting, it’s protecting a charge. A very important charge, because not only is the baby my niece or nephew, but technically, they’re next in line to Asher’s throne.”


  “The way I see it, the council no longer exists. You were a council guard. That means you’re out of a job. It just so happens I have one for you. A royal guard to the prince or princess and heir to the gargoyle throne.”

  He sighs. I’ve so got him.

  “You owe me,” I remind.

  “Fine . . . but if she or he bites me, you will pay me additional compensation.”


  “Everything okay, siren?” Asher asks, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Yes. Rulf has decided to join us at the manor,” I explain.

  Rulf growls and storms around us, sulking his way out the front door.

  Asher’s breath is at my ear. “What are you up to?”

  I shrug innocently. “Just fulfilling my royal duties and protecting this family.”

  A light rumble releases from his chest. “Come on, we have to pack.”

  “You start, I’ll be right up. I want to wash these mugs first.” I point to the empty cups.

  Asher presses a light kiss to my neck before stepping away. “Don’t be long.”

  I grab the hot cocoa cups, then step into the kitchen and start washing them in the sink, cursing my mother for not installing a dishwasher.

  A throat being cleared shifts my focus to the bad-boy gargoyle leaning against the doorway. One arm is crossed over his chest, and the other arm is stretched out in front of him, an unlit cigarette in his hand. Gage rolls it nervously between his fingers. He’s dressed in all black, similar to the first day I met him.

  I wipe my wet hands on a dishtowel and smile at him, studying his nonverbal mannerisms. My shoulders sag, and I place the towel on the hook before swallowing the lump forming in my throat.

  “You’re leaving?” My voice cracks.

  A small smile crosses his lips. “I am, love.”

  I fold my own arms over my chest and cock my hip, leaning against the counter.


  “My job here is done.”

  “Technically, you’re still my protector. I need you,” I admit.

  Gage exhales. “I beg to differ.”

  A silent beat passes between us as I hold his gaze.

  “Can I ask you something?” I question, ending the quiet.

  “You can.” He dips his chin in that sexy way he does.

  “Did ending Garrick give you the peace you were seeking?”

  Gage exhales, his gaze lifting and focusing on the window behind me. “Y

  “It won’t bring her back.”

  “No, love, it won’t. Either way, Camilla is gone.”

  “What are you going to do with all your free time now that you don’t have to babysit me?” I try to keep my tone light.

  Gage steps forward, dropping his crossed arm. “My art studios and architecture firm in Paris could use some attention.”

  “So then, back to Paris it is?” My eyes meet his.

  “I have a stop to make first.”

  I smile. “Would this stop be to the magic dimension?”

  “There is a very sexy sorceress I need to see. Apparently, she feels that actions are louder than words. Therefore, love, I have some actions I need to put into place.”

  My hand moves over my heart. “Gage Gallagher, are you admitting that you are ready to open your heart to Nassa?” I feign shock.

  “I don’t know, but she’s worth trying for,” he admits quietly.

  Tears fill my eyes. “Your story is just beginning. I’m glad you’ve restored your faith.”

  I step into his open arms and inhale his scent of cigarettes and spices one last time.

  Gage drops a kiss to the top of my head.

  “Thank you for being my redemption, Eve.”

  Chapter 21

  This Remains

  The barista calls my name and I snatch up my café mocha before pushing the café doors open. The light breeze caresses my skin, and a small shudder runs through me. I wrap my scarf tighter around my neck in an effort to keep the cool air at bay.

  “Cold?” A deep, cocky voice greets me.

  A bashful smile crosses my lips at the familiar greeting. I look up to see Asher leaning against his black Aston Martin DB9. Damn if he isn’t looking every bit as delicious as he always does. I cock my head, deciding to play along, recreating the recognizable scene.

  “Why do you care?” I question in a light, teasing voice.

  At my customary response, Asher flashes his signature sexy smirk and holds his stance while I internally melt. I inhale, basking in the burning sensation his gaze leaves on my skin as it seeps into my soul. His stare is so intense I bite the inside of my cheek and look away.

  “Do I make you anxious, Eve?” he asks.

  “No.” I shiver, knowing what comes next.

  Nodding his head in understanding, Asher prowls toward me, leaning into my space.

  “You sure, siren?” he whispers.

  I lift my chin and get lost in the deep layers of blue in his gaze. “Yes.”

  The corners of his mouth lift smugly as he moves closer. So close I can feel his minty warm breath across my lips. With each breath he releases, I inhale, breathing him in.

  Chuckling quietly, he takes off his leather jacket, and my heart rate picks up. Slowly, he leans forward, wrapping his coat over my shoulders, engulfing me in warmth and his intoxicating scent.

  His lips brush my ear as he whispers. “I’ve got you, siren, always.”

  “I know you do, pretty boy.”

  Asher drops a light kiss to my forehead and wraps his arms around my shoulder.

  “Let’s get out of here, yeah? We don’t want to be late to your first class,” he says, snatching my coffee and taking a long sip.

  “Hey,” I whine.

  He pulls me tighter into his side. “We’re mated. What’s yours is mine and vice versa,” he announces while we walk toward his car.

  Once we reach his car, I stop moving and stand defiantly. After a moment, I meet Asher’s questioning glare with a smirk. “If that is true . . .” I hold out my hand.

  Asher’s indigo eyes drop to my outstretched palm before his expression turns horrified.

  “Siren,” he drawls out in warning.

  “A deal is a deal, Asher St. Michael.”

  A long pause beats between us before he swallows, hard, and lifts his gaze to mine. His face is serious. I wait. Finally, he reaches into his jacket pocket and produces the car keys. With a painfully slow nod, Asher lifts the keys and drops them into my waiting hand.

  “Fuck,” he spits out and tosses my empty coffee cup into the trash.

  Giddily, I clap and all but run over to the driver’s side, sinking into the seat. Oh. My. God. The leather seats in this vehicle are like Heaven. I could die right now. I can’t help but beam watching Asher slide into the passenger seat. Holy shit! He’s actually going to let me drive.

  Placing his palms on the dashboard, he closes his eyes, leans in and drops his voice.

  “Normally, once you’re mine, I don’t share. In this instance, I’m making an exception to keep my promise.” He sighs. “No one touches her. She is the love of my life. Yeah?”

  I roll my eyes at his dramatics. Damn gargoyle.

  “She and I are connected in a very intimate way. She is my íde ámo. Protect her,” he whispers sexily and opens his eyes, sitting up and meeting my hesitant expression.

  I frown. “Ash, I promise to take care of your car. I know you love her.”

  He looks at me thoughtfully for a moment before reaching over and pulling the seatbelt across my body, then snapping it in.

  “I was talking about you, siren,” he says softly. “You are the love of my life, tas ámotas.”

  Tears sting my eyes and my lips part. It’s insane how much I love this damn gargoyle.

  “I will protect you, always,” he vows.

  I hold his gaze. “I love you. That will never change.”

  Asher runs his thumbs under my eyes, wiping away the tears. “All things change, siren, but this,” he motions between us, “this remains.”

  * * *




  Winter brings immense beauty into the world. There is a spiritual tranquility in the cleanliness of snow and the quietness of the world. I stare at the snowflakes as they fall and press my index finger to the cold windowpane, tracing the random patterns the delicate, untainted crystals make as they tumble out of the darkened sky.

  The pure white snowfall covering the Massachusetts landscape adds a breathtaking exquisiteness to the estate, turning La Gargouille Manor into an enchanting wonderland. I’ve been standing here for almost an hour, watching the feathery crystals gather onto the bare, weak wooden branches of the estate’s trees.

  The silence is peaceful, a rare thing in our world. In a strange way, the serenity of the pure snow is perfect for this day. It’s almost as if the universe knows the chaos that is about to unfold and it’s steeling itself for her arrival.

  I savor one last moment of peace before the velvety swishing of car tires on snow shifts my focus. I exhale and relax. Thank God they made it in time. I watch as the black Escalade pulls into the driveway and all four doors open simultaneously.

  A ghost of a smile crosses my lips when I see four protectors slide out of the vehicle, all dressed in black. They look just as intimidating and unapproachable as the first day I met them. Sensing my presence, a set of indigo eyes lift to the window, and my soul ignites at the sight of my mate and gargoyle protector.

  Instantly, I turn to the staircase, and in record time, make my way down to the first floor just as the heavy wooden doors swing open. I don’t even wait to confirm it’s Asher I’m running to. Instinctively, I know it’s him. I leap into his strong arms, and he pulls me tighter against his hard body, engulfing me in the scent of smoky wood and leather.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you, siren.” His voice is ragged and heavy near my ear.

  “I missed you too.” I sigh into his shirt.

  After a moment, I’m gently placed on my feet. Just as I touch the floor, large hands cup my cheeks, pulling me into a warm, soft, delicious kiss.

  “By the grace, do you two think you could wait until the rest of us get into the manor before you attack one another?” McKenna barks from the doorway, stepping around us.

  Asher and I ignore her snip, and he continues to unapologetically devour my mouth.

  “You’d think it was a
month, not a week, they were apart,” Keegan mumbles.

  A frigid wind floats over Asher and me from the open doorway, causing us to pull away. My fingers brush my bruised lips, and Asher smiles, knowing he was the cause.

  Damn gargoyle.

  “Ye kids ah gonna catch pneumonia if ye don’t shut dat der door,” Fiona reprimands from the top of the second floor rise.

  Asher rolls his eyes, and I smile at the plump woman’s scolding just as Callan strolls in.

  “Did I miss it?” Callan asks, looking scared.

  I shake my head. “Nope. You got home just in time.”

  He grins widely at all of us, shutting the doors behind him. “Thank grace, my girl would have skinned my behind if I had.”

  I scrunch my nose. “Is that a real thing? The skinning of one’s behind?”

  “Yes, and it’s pretty painful from what I understand,” Asher adds.

  “Says the gargoyle with an apadravya piercing,” Keegan chimes in.

  Callan visibly shivers. “Both scare the unicorns right out of me.”

  “What the hell does that even mean?” McKenna narrows her eyes at Callan.

  “By de grace, children.” Fiona sighs.

  McKenna begins to make her way upstairs, mumbling under her breath about the stupidity of this family’s endless discussions over nonsignificant topics.

  “Abby is resting in her suite,” I call up to her.

  “No shit, blood of Eden. Thanks so much for the insight,” she throws over her shoulder.

  “Language, lass,” Fiona warns before turning and facing the clan. “Let me be crystal clear, less der is any confusion amongst dis here royal clan. A baby is about ta be born. Foul language,” her eyes dart to Kenna’s retreating form before returning her gaze to the group, “and vulga’ behavior won’t be tolerated by me. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” erupts in a mumbling chorus.

  “Good, ye children need ta learn some manners. Ye get worse as ye get oldah. ’Twill be nice ta have an age-appropriate gargoyle en da house,” Fiona states wearily.

  “Are you saying we act like babies, Fi?” Callan feigns hurt.


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