Vampire Descendants 2: A bite of bitterness

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Vampire Descendants 2: A bite of bitterness Page 6

by Pet TorreS

  It is well after midnight.

  I get a fright when a black cat runs in front of me and hides in a hole behind a tree. The cat seems to have seen the same thing I saw moments before.

  To get away from my paranoia I drink the rest of the red wine at once and set the mug on the floor. I try to warm my hands as I put them into the pockets of my dark pants. My fingers are getting numb with the cold.

  Something approaches me suddenly, like a spark. And it whispers something into my ear.

  “Good evening, boy!”

  His tone of voice is hoarse.

  I look to the side and see a man dressed all in black, with a wine colored cape.

  His hair is long, up to his waist and I'm astounded by his resemblance to the man in my dreams.

  “Good evening!” I answer, looking at his obscured face. However, he avoids looking directly at me.

  “Are you expecting someone?” He asks.

  “Yes, I am ...” I answer beginning to feel troubled. I have never been scared of anything in my life. But that weird guy was making my legs tremble.

  “I want to show you something, my lad.”

  The stranger speaks and puts his hand on my shoulder.

  “Something?” I ask looking at his hand on my left shoulder.

  “It is of interest to you,” he says. “You will not regret seeing what I am about to show you.”

  “I don't want to see anything.”

  I start walking away and leave the eccentric man behind.

  He leaps into a somersault and lands in front of me. Now that makes me even more scared. No human would have a skill like that, not even after many years of training.

  “Nobody turns his back on me.” He speaks angrily.

  “What do you want with me?”

  “I want to show you something.”

  He moves his cape to one side.

  “Okay, but will you leave me alone after I see this thing?”

  “Yes, my young man ...”

  “So, show me!”

  “You'll thank me for the rest of eternity.”

  “I hope it's good what you want to show me, otherwise ...”

  “Otherwise?” He interrupts me.

  “I will not heed you next time.”

  He laughs and the sound of his laughter seems to wake the dead.

  “Your ears will be eternal to me.”

  I wasn’t sure what that meant.

  The man changes his mood rapidly and he becomes circumspect. “Okay, enough talk. Let's move on to what really matters!”

  He turns his cape around him and when he pulls his cape away from his face, his eyes take shape. They are gray in color and his teeth are pointed and larger than his mouth.

  “What trick is that?”

  I do not want to believe he is actually a vampire.

  “It's not a trick! You are standing before a vampire.”

  “That's what you wanted to show me?” I ask and try not to let fear become visible in me.

  “I want to show you something else.”

  He crosses his cape over my shoulder and he stands in front of me.

  “My world.”

  This is the last sentence that I remember as I lose consciousness.

  He penetrates his enormous teeth into my neck.

  When he sucks 50% from my blood, he withdraws his teeth from my neck.

  I feel dizzy, I feel like I’m going to faint or fall unconscious. I fall to my knees, trying to bear the weight of my body. Then I close my eyes to avoid dizziness.

  He holds my face and makes me look in his direction.

  “To know my world, you need to drink my blood,” he says making a cut in his skin on his left wrist with his own talon.

  A drop of blood reaches my chin.

  He brings his injured wrist to my lips and my human instinct is gone. I act like a carnivorous animal, crazed by blood.

  His blood has an inexplicable effect on me. An undeniable pleasure comes over me.

  Mortality is no longer part of my life.

  Scene 9

  I sleep for three straight days; my body needs deep sleep.

  I'm still lying on a hard bed made of marble when I awaken. When I open my eyes, I am unable to recognize the place. I've never been there before. Everything is unknown to me.

  I look down at my body which is clad in a black robe. Someone must have put that on me while I was unconscious.

  I stand up and walk toward the door of the room. I walk into a large, dark hallway and look up the walls. They are made of rock. The environment is lit by flaming torches hanging on the walls of the corridors. Bats fly over my head and move on. I stop in the middle of huge room where all objects seem so distinct. Most of the room is made of rock.

  I feel very lonely until I hear a voice.

  “Welcome, my boy!”

  The voice comes from behind me. I turn to see the man in the cape coming over to me with a glass of wine in his hand and the sound of his footsteps echoing heavily on the floor. It is the same man from my dream.

  “You slept for three days,” he informs me.

  “Where am I?” I ask anxiously.

  “On Neptune.” He smiles with his lips close to his glass. “Your new home.”

  Scene 10

  I stay on the Planet Neptune for a hundred years. I am considered the right arm of Vincent, the master of all vampires.

  So I am chosen to be among three of his servants, along with Valeska and Bizak.

  He calls for my presence along with Bizak and Valeska.

  The four of us are standing in the main room and the three of us are looking toward our master.

  “Eros, I need you,” Vincent says after a few moments of silence.

  “You need me?” I ask surprised.

  “You have a mission on Earth.” He approaches me.

  “And you will do it now.”

  “What will I do on Earth?” I ask looking into his gray eyes.

  “You will look for my daughter.”

  “Daughter?” I ask surprised.

  “Yes, I discovered that I have a mortal daughter.”

  “How do I do this? How do I find her?”

  “You will know when you are on planet Earth,” he advises me looking back at my face.

  “When will I go to Earth?”

  “You will leave now.”

  After the ten scenes, the black square disappeared from the mineral wall and everything came back to the normal. Eros looked pleased to have shown me all about his life before he had turned into a vampire. I was also cheerful to know all that had happened to him that epoch and how my father had made him become his servant.

  “Are you content now?” he scorned. “Or Do I need to show you anything else?”

  “No, No.” My head shook as well. “All is okay.”

  I made a pause and Eros remained gazing at my appearance.

  “I think you looked very objective at your demonstration. After all, you always do it very well.”

  The vampire ended up smiling at my eulogy.

  “Okay then.” He agreed and rose up from the chair. “My drink is over.”

  His hand rose up as he tried to show me the empty glass among his pale fingers.

  “Have an excellent night, Valkyrie.” His voice declared with disdain and seduction, “Dream about good vampires and never evil ones.”

  “Okay,” I sad back with sarcasm as well. I thought I was getting excellent at it. “Your recommendations are very precise for me this night.”

  Eros gave me another reticent smile over his left shoulder and after that, his steps won life. He walking in the direction of the huge corridor and disappeared soon subsequently.

  I remained in the living room alone for some more time. My thoughts were on Eros’s image. He was not present there, but his power of dominion was always over me.


  This day was my father’s birthday. Since then his thousands of years should be commemorated with a big banquet and an
excellent ball. Valeska had told me that after I had opened my eyes and gone out of my bed. She was in my room, trying to show me courteously some charming long dresses that were in her arms.

  “Valkyrie, you need to choose one of these dresses for tonight.” Made a pause in her voice. “Today is your father’s birthday.”

  “I think I can do it later.” I declared after removing my nightgown from my body and reaching to wear a comfortable dress for the hours of daylight.

  “Not even.” Valeska’s shook at me. “You need to decide it now because that later I have other things to resolve, dear.”

  “Okay then.” My eyes rolled up. I ended up walking in the direction of Valeska and stopped facing her. “I will decide it now.”

  My right hand apprehended some dresses and I looked at them with more interest.


  The night had arrived. The big ballroom was decorated with lots of chandeliers. The throne of my father was full of dark flowers. He was sitting in it with his luxurious clothes. All the vampires there had wished him a happy birthday and inclusively me. Together with my desire, I had offered him a pretty gift in a black box. My father had got very happy at my surprise. I was also very happy because that this was the first birthday of my father in my presence.

  “Thanks, daughter.” He said, after holding the black box in his hand. “It is beautiful, daughter.”

  He confessed after opening the small box and seeing an adorable amulet.

  “Father, you deserve very more than this.”

  His lips smiled in my direction and he embraced me after he had left his throne. We remained embraced for some minutes. So, my father looked away at his vampires standing in the middle of the room and ordered with his elevated voice.

  “Begin the ball now!” his hand compressed mine and my father looked at my pale face. “Let’s dance the first song, dear.”

  “Okay.” I smiled at him. “I think this is your second gift come from me this night.”

  My father’s hand beat softly on my left shoulder and he ended up showing a smile as well. “Yes, really, after all, you are my unique daughter and this night is special for you as much as is for me.”

  Vincent started to walk beside me to the center of the ballroom. We stopped in a great circle on the ground and so seconds after a fantastic song began to play there.

  We started to dance softly. The borders of my long violet dress moved tenderly from one side to other according to the song came up.

  Eros, Valeska, and Bizak kept looking in our direction as they were standing near there.

  “Valkyrie looks very attractive in her violet dress.” Valeska murmured to Eros, her voice sounded dawdling. “Don’t you think that, Eros?”

  Eros’s eyes narrowed at my back as he saw me involved in the dance.

  “Why do you insist on that, Valeska?” his voice declared. “Valkyrie really looks beautiful this night, but I see her just as a silly princess.”

  Valeska almost released a smile of scorn.

  “Please Eros, I think you could be less insensible with the women, mainly with the princesses like Valkyrie. She doesn’t deserve this.”

  “I know this, dear.”

  The word dear sounded with sarcasm from Eros’s lips and Valeska made a face during that.

  “With your permission, but I need to get some drink.”

  Eros said and left Valeska alone in the big room. Valeska’s eyes compressed at his back as he walked to a vast table full of foods and drinks.

  “Stupid vampire!” her voice murmured at herself. “One day you will see the universe does not gyrate around you, you idiot!”

  “Are you talking alone, Valeska?” Bizak questioned after approaching her with a drink in his right hand.

  “What terrible thing do you see at that?” she responded with abuse.

  Bizak’s shoulders moved softly. He ended up saying.

  “Well, I see no terrible thing.” His cold lips approached her left ear and he whispered. “But if you could talk to me in a private room, I imagine that this would be no loss of time.”

  Valeska gazed furiously at him. Her tongue looked to spit saliva of fire.

  “Bizak, don’t look so ridiculous! You know you would never have any chance with Me.” she faced him in the eyes. “I am loyal to my vampire prince.”

  “Vampire prince?” Bizak’s face changed expression, from attractive became confused. “What are you talking about, Valeska? Who is this vampire prince?”

  She shook her shoulders again at him.

  “Forget it, Bizak!” she drank her wine. “I think I am getting drunk.”

  Bizak’s forefinger caressed his chin as he kept observing Valeska with great suspect.

  The word vampire prince still was hammering his mind.

  After my father had released me from our first dance, I decided to walk to the great table and chose a glass full of red strawberries with solution of chocolate.

  In next to no time, I looked over there and saw someone was not present in the ballroom. My father was sitting on his throne, drinking his red wine. Valeska was sitting in one chair, also drinking from her red wine, and Bizak was around the gigantic table, trying to pick some sweetmeat.

  But where was Eros?

  My eyes questioned in silence as running from side to side in the room.

  No answer came up.

  My steps triumphed there and I started to walk in the direction of the long corridor. The lit torches helped to shed light on just where I was stepping.

  Very soon after some minutes of search, I saw Eros standing in the final of the corridor. His back was turned to me, not necessarily to me, but to someone who could be there at his back.

  “Came after me as always.” his voice sounded cold, even not looking back and seeing that this was me.

  “Have you really taken your vaccine against sarcasm today?” I asked back and remained stopped at his back.

  Eros glanced over one of his shoulders and declared for the second time.

  “Yes, I have.” He ended up turning slowly to me and faced my gray eyes. “But it sounds you have not taken yours.”

  The two of us left a short smile to become apparent in our faces.

  “You are really getting excellent at that.” He asserted. “I am truly surprised.”

  I looked at my glass with red strawberries and decided to offer him with civilization. “Do you want one of them?”

  His eyes descended at the glass and saw the strawberries there so red.

  “No, thanks.” His head shook in negation. “I am drinking wine.”

  Made a pause.

  “I also hate sweetmeats.”

  “Now it is explicated the why you look so bitter.”

  “Please Valkyrie, don’t start with your satires.” His head ran down and he gazed at the floor. “Today I am not in my best day, so I think you should pay some respect in this. Right? ”

  My head descended too. I looked at my glass of sweetmeat and perceived Eros was not prepared to be in my company that night. He looked to want to be alone, and away from my presence.

  “I am sorry.” Finally, I affirmed with a stumpy voice. “But why do you sound that way? What happened to you?”

  He released a mouthful of air.

  “I have had some nightmares. They have made me a little confused, just that.”

  “What nightmares?” I insisted.

  “Nothing to be worried about.”

  “Okay.” I got a hold of a strawberry and took it to my lips. After some seconds, I asked then. “Could we change the subject then?” Looked at him again, “I wish to keep our converse up for a long time.”

  Eros almost smiled at me, but instead of that, he drank a little from his red wine.

  “That is always right you always wish to prolong our conversation.”

  His body turned more back and his lips almost touched my ear as he said in undertone. “You always love hearing my provocative voice.”

  An immense shudder c
overed all my body, almost closed my eyes.

  Eros left a malicious smile in the air during that, just after perceiving that his words had provoked me that.

  “I am sorry.” He offered his apologies, after a short retrocession of body. “I had really forgotten that you are sensitive to my voice and your body even more.”

  I got even more confused after that, and tried to look away, maybe to the sides and make an effort to keep the shudders away from my skin.

  “You are always refined.”

  My voice came to be evident to our ears.

  He smirked at himself, seeing his black shirt a little open in front of his chest. His necklace with the symbol of Neptune shone even more in this occasion.

  “I make a great effort to look like this.”

  At this exact moment, someone made a strange noise with the throat at our back. Eros and I looked back and saw Bizak standing.

  “I am sorry for ruining this agreeable moment for the two of you.” Bizak declared with his serious voice. “But our master is calling you to share your birthday cake.”

  Eros looked down at his glass of wine and remained silent. I glanced at his image and after that, I started to walk in the direction of Bizak. He extended his hand to me and I touched his palm with mine.

  “I had forgotten the birthday cake.” Murmured to Bizak while we started to walk side by side and our hands continued as one.

  “You father would look like a wild animal if you were absent during the partition of his cake.”

  Bizak affirmed then and Eros raised his head and looked in our direction. His gray eyes narrowed as he heard everything and also perceived Bizak and I looked to be so connected to each other as two friends or maybe as two young vampires interested in love.


  A little dizzy by lots of red wines, I helped Valeska to walk to her bedroom. She was very content and smiled at nothing all the time. We had ended up coming from the living room where everyone had reunited minutes ago.

  “Today I am very very very Happy, Valkyrie!” she declared after had thrown herself on a stone chair beside her bed.


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