Vampire Descendants 2: A bite of bitterness

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Vampire Descendants 2: A bite of bitterness Page 15

by Pet TorreS

  “Oh! Thank you so much. I guess am set for tomorrow. Please go before you get in trouble, am actually almost done here. I only need to take care of a few things before locking up. Thanks a lot for coming. Good night guys.”

  "Thanks, Galvin, Good night," Elliot said as he turned to Edley and they started to make their way home.

  "Good night Galvin," Edley called out from the front door.

  "Good night, get home safe," Galvin replied as he bent down to continue his work.

  The two got to Edley’s house and Elliot bid her good night.

  “Please come on in for dinner dear.” Edley offered.

  “No I need to be going now, will see you tomorrow.” He declined and bid her good night.

  "Good night dear and sweet dreams," Edley said.

  “You too dear.” He replied as he turned and started going home.

  Edley watched him until he vanished from sight, then she opened the door and closed it behind her.

  "How did it go dear?" Asked Edley's mom who was at the dining setting the plates.

  "Fine mom, really well. Galvin will do well with his business,” she said.

  “Good evening dad,” she greeted, “did you see Dennis again about your tractor?" She asked.

  "Yes, I did. I see your evening outing went well?" Her dad asked.

  "Yes, it did." She replied smiling.

  “ Darling please change so you can help me with dinner." Her mother called from the dining room.

  "Okay, mom." She replied as she made her way upstairs to change.

  Now crammed in the limousine Fenton, his personal assistant, and chief security was on their way back to the villa.

  “What was that?” Fenton asked as he directed his attention to his chief security officer Edward.

  “My Lord as I warned earlier that area is not safe because most of those electrical appliances are still volatile. ” Edward replied.

  “Get the young man to the guest house when we get home, he should rest there tonight it would help him relax a bit after such a grievous loss. Make arrangements to visit the families of all those that lost their lives in that fire. Prepare a condolence message and some money for them. I will have to sign the messages myself.” He instructed his Personal Assistant Desmond.

  "Yes my lord," Desmond replied.

  They got to the villa and Fenton went inside. He changed into a t-shirt and jean trousers with snickers shoe. He was on his way out when he met his sister who almost collided with him at the door.

  “Oh! Sorry, dear I heard another transformer blew up when you were there. I hope you are okay?” Belinda asked checking her brother out, trying to see if there was any injury.

  “Dear am okay, it was a little distance from the place I was standing but it didn't get to me.”

  "Nice to hear, but where are you going dressed like that?"

  “I just need to go for a little stroll to clear my head. I will be back shortly.”

  “Okay, see you when you get back.”

  Fenton went downstairs where he was accosted by two of his armed guards.

  “Good evening my Lord” They greeted standing at an attention.

  "Good evening. Mathias where is Edward?" Fenton asked.

  “He is at the gate my lord, should I call him?” One of the guards, the one called Mathias replied.

  “Don’t worry I will meet him there.”

  Fenton walked over to the gate and saw Edward with two of his men talking. They all stood at an attention as he approached them.

  “Good evening my lord.” They all greeted in unison.

  "Good evening, at ease men. Edward, we are going on a stroll. Take two men with you."

  "Okay, my Lord. James, Adams come on let’s go." Edward issued the command and they obeyed him.

  The friendship between Edward and Fenton has lasted since their childhood days. They were inseparable, like blood brothers ever since their childhood. Fenton could remember those their scratching and fighting days. Those time they had to do anything they could to survive. A lot has changed since then but some things would never change as long as they were concerned.

  Edley was already fully dressed in her brown polo and combat knickers when Elliot came knocking on the door. She answered the bell hugged him.

  “Good morning Mr. Amilton. ” Elliot greeted Edley’s Father who he saw walking down the stairs to the living room.

  “Good morning Elliot, how are you?” He replied.

  “Fine sir.”

  “How about your parents?”

  “They are fine sir.”

  "Nice to hear that, extend my greeting to them. Please be safe.."

  “We will be, Bye sir.”


  “Hi dear, are you ready?” Elliot asked Edley.

  "Yes I am, let's go," Edley replied.

  “Bye Dad.” She called from the door.

  “Bye honey.”

  They got to Galvin's shop were a lot was already happening. Lots of customers had lined up to buy their buckets of ice cream. They entered through the back door and greeted.

  "Good morning Galvin, wow it's already really busy here," Edley commented.

  "Good morning, Thank God you are here, it has been crazy since morning. Please, Edley could you man the counter and give them their orders. Elliot please could you help me with getting their orders and their commodities for exchange. I never knew it would be like this, I would have made provisions for a full staff. I thought we would start little and grow from there. I underestimated the importance of ice cream in this weather.”

  "Don't worry we are here for you," Elliot replied as they went to take their positions.

  At the commodity exchange counter Elliot could see the exchange rates for some of the most common commodities boldly printed on the counter , an ounce of gold for two buckets of ice cream, an ounce of silver for a bucket of ice cream and so on, Elliot was familiar with these exchanges, in fact almost everyone in Anachia was familiar with the standardized unit of exchange. Though in some commodities like crops he still had to ask Galvin how much buckets he would be exchanging for that.

  About the author

  Pet TorreS is a pseudonym created by the author with the initial letters of her first name and real surname.

  She is a young author that was born in 1980 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Pet attended to Fashion Design College.

  But Pet started to write romances since she was ten, just in 2008, she decided to follow in her career as self-author.

  Her work has already sold thousands of copies. Pet TorreS had to abandon her work in a ready-made clothes factory to dedicate her books. Today she keeps up herself with her literature.

  One of her biggest dreams is herself being immortalized through her works.

  Books by Pet TorreS

  Valkyrie the Vampire Princess Saga

  Valkyrie the Vmapire Princess

  Valkyrie the Vmapire Princess 2

  Valkyrie the Vmapire Princess 3

  Valmont the Vampire Prince Trilogy

  Throne of blood

  Heir of blood

  Reign of blood

  Guardian from Neptune Series




  The Black Wolf’s Mark Series

  The Black Wolf’s Mark

  The Black Wolf’s Mark II

  The Black Wolf’s Mark III

  The Black Wolf’s Mark IV

  The Black Wolf’s Daughter

  Tear of Princess

  The Spell

  The antidote

  Tiger’s Obsession Series

  Tiger’s Obsession

  Robbed Virginity

  Ardent Affection

  Forced Penitence

  Renascent Soul

  Illusory Love Series

  Illusory Love I

  Illusory Love II

  Illusory Love III

  Illusory Love IV

  Black Owl Trilogy

  Owl Eyes

  Owl Kiss

  Owl Flight

  Wolf Academy Saga

  The Oath

  The compassion

  The revelation

  The sacrifice

  The purification

  The unification

  The rupture

  Love or friendship Series

  Love or friendship

  Love or friendship II

  Love or friendship III

  King’s Wife Trilogy

  The Nail Crown

  The Iron Crown

  The Metal Crown

  Club of Virgins Trilogy

  Club of Virgins

  Pact of Witches Series

  Pact of Witches




  Other books

  Arranged Marriage

  Princes Shadow

  Vampires Adversaries


  Illusionism Obscene

  Leione’s Diary

  Blood Moon


  Destiny with Blood


  Love Wave

  E 2000

  November Rain




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