Tricks & Treats: A Romance Anthology

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Tricks & Treats: A Romance Anthology Page 17

by Candace Osmond

  I love the vibe on Halloween.

  The next couple of hours pass swiftly and it is on the last ride of the night that I look up for a moment to look down the line. My gaze stops on a masked guy, dressed in a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans about twelve people down the line. His costume is a black mask that covers his eyes and part of his nose, leaving his mouth exposed. With his long, lean, toned body encased in a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans, I flush. This guy has sex appeal that radiates from him. I can see his gaze boring into me, making me flush.

  Lifting my chin, I tear my eyes away from him to continue looking down the line but they come back to him.

  He grins knowingly.

  I quickly move my eyes away from the cocky bastard and focus them on the girl in the front of the line, shouting, "Next!"

  The line continues and as I let people through, I am aware that the black masked guy is moving closer and closer. I focus my gaze on collecting tickets, not on looking up to see who is next.

  But my body feels, reacting of its own accord, when he is next.

  "Hey," he says upon reaching me.

  "Ticket please," I say stoically.

  His right hand comes out to grasp mine and I jump while noticing a cross tattoo just over his thumb. His action has my eyes coming up to his.

  Such beautiful green eyes.

  "What time are you done?" he asks quietly.

  Clearing my throat, I respond, not knowing why, "After this ride."

  Nodding, he says, "I'll be back," then squeezes my hand before handing me his ticket with the other, causing me to notice the multitude of tattoos over each of his arms. When he releases me, I realize my breathing is hitched. His smile is erotically gentle as he turns from me to climb into the seat.

  As the wheel continues to move, moving him further and further up into the air as more people climb on, I silently wish I was with him. To look out over the park, the crowd, but then to look skywards, and watch the stars.

  Finally, the lineup of people is down to one and I let the last person through. The big wheel begins its tedious process of grinding to allow everyone the vantage point of feeling like they are on top of the world. As my mystery mask guy is lowered, his gaze finds mine until he is taken back up into the air again. But he always holds my gaze each time he is lowered.

  As the big wheel grinds to a stop, my heart picks up its beat.

  I could leave now but something keeps me here. Waiting...

  As the wheel turns, allowing passengers off, my masked guy comes into view again. He holds my gaze until it is his turn to exit the ride. He thanks Billy, the operator, before heading over to where I am standing.

  He doesn't hesitate as he takes my hand, threading his fingers through mine. I watch as he brings it up to his mouth for a kiss.

  I want to swoon. What guy born in this century thanks an amusement park operator and then strides confidently over to you to kiss the back of your hand?

  "Shall we go someplace?" he asks quietly.

  With my body on high alert, so highly attuned to him, I try to focus my brain. To think.

  "You're a stranger. I was always told never to go anywhere with a stranger," is my mumbled, stupid reply.

  He grins as he teases, "I never said I was whisking you away to some place where we would be alone. I asked if you wanted to go somewhere, of your choosing."

  My cheeks flush further. I feel like an idiot.

  With him still holding my hand, he gently gives me a tug, prompting me to move, for me to guide us to anywhere I want to go.

  "There's another way out, away from the crowds," I confide.

  "You lead, I'll follow," he says gently.

  I guide him around the Ferris wheel onto a path that encircles the entire park. It allows employees to move around the park quickly instead of through the hordes of crowds. It is relatively quiet, except for an occasional fellow employee who stops to wish me well, telling me they will see me tomorrow evening for my going away party.

  "You are finishing up here tonight?" the masked guy, walking next to me, holding my hand asks.

  I nod.

  "What's your name?" he asks.

  I flush again, scolding myself that I am walking and holding hands with a guy I just met and I didn't even think to ask his name.

  "Cass," I reply.

  "Borden," he replies in turn.

  I nod, flustered.

  "You have another job, Cass?" he asks. Hearing my name on his lips sends a flush of desire through me.

  Clearing my throat, I answer, "Yes. I started as an advertising executive assistant in September."

  Forcing my mind to think, to stop looking down at our joined hands, to stop wondering how his hands would feel on me.

  "You have a job?" I ask. I lick my lips as I look up at him walking next to me. His long dark hair curled down around his strong neck is enticing. I envision pulling his head down so that I could trace his jawline with my tongue.

  My nipples pucker.

  "I do," he admits but pauses before continuing, "I'm a musician."

  "Are you any good?" I blurt out.

  He chuckles as he responds, "Some people think I'm good."

  As we near the exit for the park, I suddenly have no idea what to suggest.

  Bringing him back to my place is out of the question, it's too forward. But it's what I want.

  "Do you have a car?" I ask.

  "Not with me," he replies.

  "Okay..." I stop in the parking lot, torn. I really shouldn't be in my car with a stranger I just met. He stops beside me.

  Flustered, awkward, I say, "I shouldn't offer to take you in my car."

  "No, you shouldn't," he replies. He stands quietly, waiting for my next decision.

  He does nothing to persuade me in any direction, only stands there, looking hotter than any guy I have even met, waiting for me to decide.

  "Come on. This way," I say after a few moments, tugging him to my car.

  I hear him chuckle.

  I reach into my back pocket to pull out my car keys and press the unlock. As the locks whir open, Borden reaches down to pull open the driver side door. I let go of his hand and settle myself behind the driver's seat, flushed once again at his gentlemanly ways.

  I watch as he crosses the front of my car to walk to the passenger side. I continue to watch as he slides in next to me, his jeans pulling even tighter. I notice the large bulge between his legs.

  Shocked, I whip my head up to stare straight forward. Fumbling, I start my engine.

  We don't say much as I drive and I realize he is letting me make all the decisions, giving me complete control.

  I feel myself relax a little. I glance over at him, to find him staring at me intensely. He reaches out and places his hand on my jean clad thigh. Liquid seeps through my core.

  I want him. Very badly.

  Whether it's my mind or my body that makes the decision, I head to my apartment building.

  "We will just go for a late night swim," I convince myself silently.

  The drive doesn't take long and I see his eyes move to my face appreciatively as I pull into my parking space.

  His hand squeezes my leg as he says quietly, "Thank you for trusting me."

  I nod but admit, "We are only going as far as the pool."

  He nods before letting my knee go. I watch as he opens his car door, his fingers long, the cross tattoo flashing in the street light. He crosses to my side and opens my door for me. Taking my hand, he swings the car door shut behind me before walking with me to the pool area.

  Taking a seat on a lounger, he pulls me down next to him. He brushes my hair back over my shoulder, exposing my neck. His hand wraps around the back of my neck, his thumb grazing the pulse that I am sure is throbbing there.

  "So beautiful, " he whispers.

  I swallow thickly.

  "Are you going to take off your mask?" I ask quietly. I love the secrecy but I want to see his face more.

  I feel him st
iffen before he says, "If you want me to."

  Wondering why he stiffened, I nod.

  I watch as he reaches behind him, untying the mask. As it drops from his face, I have my first full look at him.

  He is stunning.

  His gaze penetrates me, as if searching for something, as I reach up to touch his facial features.

  "You're the one that is beautiful," I admit quietly as I trace the slope of his cheek, down to his lips.

  I can't help myself as I lean forward, pressing my lips to his. It's electric.


  I feel my breath, hitching, coming out slowly as she leans back from me. Her simple kiss has a profound effect on me, one that I have never experienced before.

  And I have had tons of experience.

  I was concerned about removing my mask, afraid that she would recognize me.

  I capture her gaze and unable to resist touching her, I reach back up with my hand to wrap it around the back of her neck again. I run my thumb underneath her jawline, then over her cheek, to her lips. Lightly grazing them, I watch as her mouth opens slightly, taking tiny gasps of air as her chest rises and falls.

  This time I lean forward, and just before touching her lips I whisper, "I know I don't know you, but I want you." I inhale and then exhaling softly, I add, "So bad."

  She doesn't move away from me and with my heart pumping, I lean in to close the gap between us.

  Her soft lips, opening underneath mine causes my head to explode, my body filling with lust. With my free hand, I pull her tighter to my body and wait for a reaction. She softens against me, her hands coming up into my hair.

  I deepen the kiss, tangling my tongue with hers, tasting her for the first time.

  I want more.

  I push her down onto the lounger, my heart racing, my cock throbbing. Settling between her legs, I move my lips down to her neck before coming up to whisper in her ear, "I think we should stop. Maybe go for a swim."

  I feel her freeze underneath me. I lift my head so I can look into her eyes.

  "Trust me. I want this to go further but if you want this to stop before it goes too far, we have to stop now," I whisper and place a light kiss on her lips.

  I hold her eyes as I see indecision there.

  I question myself, my actions. Usually I never hold back from seducing a girl, just wanting the next sexually satisfying, no strings attached encounter.

  But with Cass it is different. Even though I have a flight in the morning, taking me to my next tour, I don't want to rush things with her.

  I hear her soft sigh as she begrudgingly says, "A swim might be a good idea."

  Reluctantly pushing myself off of her, I quickly tug my t-shirt over my head before unzipping my jeans, her eyes on me as I tug them off completely along with my low rise boots. Standing in just my underwear, her eyes slowly wander over me, making my erection pulse against my shorts.

  Turning to the pool, I do a running dive and then kick my way to the surface. Cass is still standing, fully clothed, watching me.

  "You coming in?" I tease, grinning at her.

  She bites her lips and then she shyly says, "Turn around."

  I do as I am told until I hear a splash in the pool.

  Turning back around, I see Cass, in her underwear and bra swimming towards me. As my eyes take in her full breasts bobbing in the water from the movement of her strokes, the curve of her waist before the flare of her hips, I suddenly want this woman more than anyone I have ever met before.

  She is so exotically sensual.

  Her long brown hair, piled on top her head, with her light skin is not my usual type. But for some reason, since the moment I first saw her standing at the end of the line accepting tickets, I knew I had to meet her…if only for one night.

  She does a circle around me, grinning, then laughing as she splashes me with her legs as she swims away from me.

  I reach out and grabbing her leg, I pull her back to me. She sputters, her laughter increasing becoming a whole hearted laugh as I wrap my arm around her small waist. I sink us beneath the water, kissing her. Her arms come around me and then her legs, returning my kiss eagerly.

  I bring us back to the surface, both of us breaking apart to catch our breaths, not from being submerged but from the intensity between us.

  Holding her gaze, I push her back against the pool wall, my hands on either side of her, allowing her escape if she wants it. Leaning forward, I press my lips to the pulse of her throat. I feel it thrumming just under the skin and I open my mouth to gently suck it in. Her hands come up to my hair, her fingers entwining. I move my lips from her pulse down to the swell of her breast. Her white bra leaves little to the imagination as it clings to her breasts, her nipples clearly outlined.

  "You're so sexy," I moan softly against her skin.

  Using my teeth, I gently take one of her covered nipples into my mouth and lightly tug, causing her to gasp. I watch it harden further under the confines of her bra, wishing I could rip the bra off of her.

  Now assured that she wants to be here as much as I want her here, I move my arms to encircle her, bringing her breasts in contact with my chest. I kiss her again, and moving one of my hands, I cup her ass.

  She moans, encouraging me.

  I slip my finger and then my whole hand under her underwear so I can cup her bare ass. Her skin feels like silk. So soft, so seductive.

  I want more.

  "Cass..." I whisper heatedly against her lips. My cock is going to explode at any moment. I want to be inside of her.

  "We have to stop..." I pant, trying to force myself to let go of her.

  She lifts her head from mine, shaking it, making my inside tense, hopeful.

  "I don't want to stop," she whispers, lightly grazing her lips over mine.

  I pull my head back from hers, to look her in the eye.

  "I leave in the morning. I probably won't see you again," I whisper, knowing as I admit this that I am probably ruining my chances with her.

  But I'd rather that than walk away and have her hate me for not telling her.

  She holds my gaze, considering me, weighing my words, for a moment.

  She finally brings her lips back to mine, about to touch them, as she asks, "So this will be a one-night sort of deal?"

  I nod. I have never been so honest with anyone in my life.

  She pushes me away and I feel myself reeling, trying to control myself, from the abruptness of being suddenly disconnected from her.

  She swims away from me and slowly climbs out of the pool, her long brown hair now hanging straight down her beautifully formed back, dropping water onto her rounded ass. Turning to face me, I see her full profile in the dim lamps that are placed sporadically around the pool.

  "Are you coming?" she asks quietly, holding out her hand.

  My heart jumps, my cock swelling even more. I don't waste a second and quickly swim over to climb out of the pool. She takes my hand, not letting go, as we each pick up our clothes that we had strewn around the pool deck.

  Pulling her into me, I ask while holding her gaze, "Are you sure?"

  She smiles, gently, warmly as she nods.

  I allow her to move away so that she can lead me to her apartment. Reaching the door, she retrieves the key from her jean pocket and slides it easily into the slot.

  The only sound as she swings the door open is our breathing. I feel as if my heart is going to beat out of my chest.

  Turning to me she, suddenly shy, she holds out her hand. I see it tremble a little.

  My gaze moves up her chest, my heart beating, erratic...erratic...until I meet her gaze again. I take her hand and giving it a squeeze, I allow her to lead me to her bedroom. We both simultaneously drop our clothes to the floor that we had each clutched in our hands.

  My chest is hurting, I am filled with so much trepidation, fear that I may hurt her somehow.

  Slowly, I pull her to me and I sway with her, a song that hasn't been written yet, flowing through m
y mind. I feel her shudder and move a little closer. I smile into her hair.

  I can't resist moving my hands down her back, feeling her curves, suddenly feeling like a drowning man if I don't have her.

  "You're so very beautiful," I whisper into her ear.


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