Embrace The Shadows (Shadows Ascending Trilogy Book 3)

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Embrace The Shadows (Shadows Ascending Trilogy Book 3) Page 8

by Jenn D. Young

“Because she was taken from my house. At my party. I was the one that let those fuckers inside. I want a chance to help get them out of there.” Although her voice wobbled, she spoke with a finality that couldn’t be argued with.

  Damius cut his eyes across the table to me and arched a dark brow in question. “Your thoughts?”

  “I don’t think there is anything we can do or say that’s going to stop her from doing it. We might as well work it into our plan and go forward.” I shrugged and turned to Leo. “Hey, master strategist, do you think it’ll work?”

  Leo rolled his eyes before turning to look at his smart board, rearranging several data screens and projections. “It greatly increases our chances. Drya, I say we apprehend Craig and use him to suit our purposes. I have an idea.” A conniving smile curled across his lips as the plan formulated in his mind.

  I hated to admit it, but Leo had a brilliant plan. Currently on route to the facility after retrieving Craig from one of the lesser protected Syndicate safe houses, we would use him as part of our strategy to make our way into the facility where Lorelei and Layla were being kept. Using the mental manipulation powers that Leo and I possessed, we would warp Craig’s mind and have him take Drya prisoner and present her to the facility in the mountains as directed.

  What they wouldn’t know is that we would be right behind them and Drya and Craig would be little more than a decoy to distract the security. I may hate Leo’s guts, but the man really was an exceptional strategist.

  My head tilted toward Craig, pushing forth the compulsion in his mind deeper. I would ensure that this plan worked. Craig would be my walking, talking puppet, only moving and speaking when I willed it so.

  The man was despicable, deserving this fate and so much worse after his part in drugging Drya and letting The Syndicate infiltrate the party. A human with knowledge of our world, he was a rare entity, but Drya had befriended the man and supported his transition to working with supernatural beings. Now, he was a slave to my powers because he betrayed us.

  “Do you understand your objective?”

  “Yes,” Craig responded robotically.

  “Only speak with whom I tell you. Only follow the movements that I project to you.” My power swirled around the car, Craig’s eyes growing glassy and dim as I fully immersed myself in his mind.

  “Yes, Master,” he murmured.

  “Really, Vincent? You have to lay it on thick with the whole master bit?” Damius snorted from the driver’s seat, his red eyes flickered to mine through the rear-view mirror.

  I glared back at him before using my middle finger to scratch my forehead. Damius just shook his head and laughed in response to my rude gesture.

  Nicolae shifted in his seat, his gaze never wavering from the rapidly passing scenery as we traveled along the route to the remote compound. He had barely spoken a word since we had departed with Craig. He didn't offer his thoughts to the strategy, didn't crack any jokes, and didn't even capitalize on Damius and me bantering back and forth. He had been a wreck in the hours since the connection to Layla had been severed. I didn't blame him for his withdrawal. It was a difficult thing to find your mate and then to have her thrown into such a dangerous situation.

  But it was gut wrenching to see Nicolae in such a state. I hated to see it, even though I was experiencing it myself. Nicolae never thought he would find a mate, much less one that was a Seraphim. The bond was intense and all-consuming. There was nothing that could be done to stop it once it had been initiated.

  "We’re approaching the end of the drive," Damius said as the gravel road ended and threw the car into park. "We’ll have to hike from here. The plans are set; make sure that you keep your mental pathways open for communication." He gave Nicolae a pointed look. "And no one goes rogue. The only way this plan works is if we all work together."

  I wrapped my fingers around Craig's forearm in a vice grip as I exited the large SUV. The human was firmly under my control, but I still wanted to make sure I maintained an airtight control over him. I couldn’t leave anything to chance right now. "Drya," I called out and she crossed the clearing to reach my side.

  "Yes, Vincent?"

  "You ready for this?" I asked and she nodded sharply, her face hardening as she gazed up at me.

  "Vincent, this is on me. I am going to do this and make you all proud of me."

  My heart fell looking at the succubus. "Drya, that’s not what this is about." I drew her into my arms and hugged her briefly before letting go. Even though Lorelei and I were secure in our mating, my demon still did not like touching another woman. "You’ve nothing to prove and nothing to make up for."

  Drya nodded. "I have a lot to make up for. In here." She pounded her fist across her chest. "I failed you and myself. I let something happen that will haunt me for the rest of my days. I can only imagine the hell that Lorelei and now Layla are going through. I’ll make this right, Vincent. Even if I have to give my life."

  The last whispered words made my gut contract with anger. "There will be none of that, young lady. Do you understand me?" My voice was a low, deep rumble as I turned the full force of my demon upon her. She was like my little sister. A member of my beloved family and I would not let her sacrifice herself if there was still breath in my body. Screw the walls that I had built to keep myself away from everyone else. Lorelei had destroyed them the second she entered my life and our bond became tangible.

  "You can't stop me Vincent. You and Lorelei. Nicolae and Layla. You four are the future of our kind. Not me." She shook her head and turned away. "We’re stalling, and time is running out. Let's go."

  I knew there was no way to get through to the stubborn demon, so I just had to go with it. "You swear to me that you will be cautious. No going off all halfcocked and getting yourself captured or worse." I pointed a finger in her face and growled.

  A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Yes, sir." Drya gave me a mock salute and we made our way to the rest of the group.

  The hike was long, making up several miles of steep and dangerous terrain. We passed through hills and valleys filled with dense evergreen trees, taking the long way around so that we wouldn’t be noticed.

  "No wonder they use the supply tunnels for deliveries." Leo grunted, reaching into his backpack to retrieve a bottle of water. Taking a long pull, he sighed, and we set off again.

  We were making our way to a cross section of the supply tunnel to pick up the path. Not only were the tunnels used to bring in supplies, it was also how The Syndicate brought in prisoners and came and went from the facility. There was an active schedule that Layla had informed us of. We would capitalize on that to get inside the facility.

  "What, General, are you out of shape?" Damius thumped him on the shoulder and moved to take point.

  Craig struggled to keep up and I had to layer my power deep in his mind to keep him focused on walking rather than the pain he was feeling in his muscles. As a human, he wasn’t used to the difficulty of the hike. Not that I cared about the toll that it took on his body as long as he was able to play the part we needed him to.

  Nicolae remained silent, pressing forward through the thick brush of the mountain path. Tension rolled off him in suffocating waves. Drya had to be struggling with her empathetic abilities around him, because I was having trouble staying focused under the weight of his dismal emotions. Not to mention adding my own in on top of it.

  I quickened my pace and stood next to him. "Nic," I said gently. "We’re going to get them back. Just stay focused." I was turning into a sap in my mated state. Lorelei changing me in so many ways just in the short time we had been together physically. Nicolae and I had an unspoken understanding. We were best friends, but we didn't get too in touch with each other’s emotions. But mating had thrown that all out the window.

  He clenched his jaw, the muscles in his face and neck bulging out under the strain. "I know, Vincent." He reached out and laid his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for trying to reassure me. I know it isn't you
r style or forte, but I do appreciate it. We'll get them back and I’m sure in a decade or two we’ll all have a great laugh about this." The smile on his face was forced, never reaching his eyes.

  Neither of us would truly smile again until we got our mates back.



  My neck was on fire. Waves of pure agony rolled throughout my body, swept out from the collar. It caused my muscles to atrophy and seize up. I couldn't focus on anything but the pain that was being inflicted upon me by the device. I swear when I get out of this place, I’m going to hack Adrianna into little pieces and laugh while I do it. The woman was the vilest person that I had ever encountered in my short existence.

  Everything in me cried out to be released from the pain. I just wanted to be reunited with my mate, who would sweep me up in his arms and take me back to safety. He would heal me with his magical blood, comfort me with his strong body, and kiss me with his warm lips. Gods, I needed him. Never had I been filled with so much desolation, my soul aching as I yearned for my Vincent.

  "Up," a snarl came through the bars of my cell a moment before the door swung open. Kristoff stood in the doorway, light flooding the small room and silhouetting his figure. "Time to have a little fun." His cruel lips curled into a smile, the dark intentions behind it making my stomach churn with anxiety.

  Hardening my resolve, I held my chin high. If I were going to be tortured or toyed with, I would keep my wits and my pride about me while I was doing it. "Do your worst, you self-absorbed asshole."

  Kristoff chucked, the scars on the side of his face pulling tight across his face as he laughed in my face. "You’re so amusing little Nephilim. It’s going to be such a joy to break you." He stalked across the cell, his heavy footsteps echoing in the small space.

  Swallowing deeply, I steeled my face, not letting any emotions other than disgust cross over my expression. "You can try, dirt bag."

  "You’re so original with your insults, Princess." He jerked me up by the bicep and I fought to keep the wince of pain from crossing over my lips.

  “So original, calling me Princess,” I spat back.

  My jaw clenched, I remained silent as he roughly pulled me through the lab and into another part of the building. While we walked, I took in my surroundings, memorizing each path that we took. Taking in every possible way that I could escape. I would get out of this place and get back to Vincent, even if it was the last thing that I ever did.

  A scream of pain made me snap my head to the right, the agony evident in the way it drew out and cracked at the end. Kristoff chuckled “It seems Adrianna is already working on your uncle."

  "I'm going to enjoy ripping your intestines out and letting you watch while I stomp them into the dirt. You’ll writhe in agony while I watch and laugh."

  "It will be a cold day in hell before that happens, Ms. Blackstone," he replied caustically.

  "We'll see about that." I kept my chin up as we walked into a lab and Kristoff pushed me down into a chair. With a palm in the middle of my chest, he held me down while he flipped up a plate and clamped down a metal shackle over my wrists.

  "Good, you already have her set up," Adrianna drawled as she walked in. Blood dripped from down her face unchecked and she did nothing to stop the droplets as they gathered in the collar of her shirt. “Well done Kristoff.”

  Kristoff beamed as she sauntered toward him. He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close. His tongue darted out to lick the trail of blood from her neck and cheek. “Mmm. The Prophet does taste delicious.” He licked his lips as he spoke, eyes glazing over with bloodlust.

  Anger coiled deep within my belly at the mention of Kaniul. I struggled in the chair, the metal biting into my flesh as I squirmed. It was in vain, of course, even if I did manage to break the bars, the collar around my neck would activate and I would be dragged right back. Probably tortured within an inch of my life and then thrown back into my cell to rot.

  “That he does, my love,” Adrianna purred and raked her nails along his arm while giving me a hungry look. “It was so much fun, trying to break him.”

  “I’m going to bathe in your blood,” I seethed. My hands clenched into fists, curling into the cool metal of the chair. My fury was barely contained. If this damn collar weren’t around my neck, I would light this place up with electricity and happily watch them both fry.

  They laughed and Adrianna turned to the cabinet to gather supplies. She pulled out a syringe and quickly filled it with a clear liquid from a small vial. My mind whirled, thinking of all the possibilities of what she was going to inject me with.

  “You must be wondering what we’re doing.” Kristoff gathered my hair in a fist and jerked my head back. “We’re going to get you to tell us exactly what we want to know. Then I’m going to sink my fangs into that beautiful neck of yours and drink until my belly is filled with your blood.” His eyes flashed red, glowing with an internal hunger as he peered down at me.

  “Stop playing with her Kristoff,” Adrianna snapped sweeping a hand in front of him and pushed him away.

  My heart rate ratcheted up at the look of pure joy that spread across Adrianna’s face. She depressed the plunger of the syringe, clear liquid shooting from the tip before she brought it down to the crook of my elbow. As the sharp point pierced my skin, an alarm blazed through the small laboratory.

  “Fuck,” Adrianna cursed. “Kristoff. What could that be?”

  Kristoff hurried to the other end of the room and picked up a phone. Speaking in hushed tones, he snarled orders and soon the alarm ceased. He slammed the receiver on the wall with a crash and turned to Adrianna. “It would seem that the asset we planted within their ranks has brought us one of the council.”

  Adrianna beamed and pulled the needle from my skin. I let out a silent breath as the tiny wound closed and none of her poison entered my bloodstream. “Which one? Hopefully a valuable one.”

  “They didn’t say. Only that it was a female.” Kristoff jerked his chin in my direction. “What do you want to do about her while we secure the new asset?”

  “Leave her here. What harm can she do while she is secured to the chair with the collar around her throat?” She waived her hand in the air to dismiss me entirely.

  Kristoff narrowed his eyes at me but followed Adrianna’s lead. “As you wish.” He inclined his head in agreement. “They are in receiving cell delta. Guards are gathered and awaiting our arrival.”

  “Now, little Lorelei.” Adrianna dragged a long-tipped fingernail down my cheek, slicing my skin open. Blood dripped down my face as the wound knitted itself together while Adrianna laughed. She drew her finger into her mouth and moaned. “Your blood tastes so fucking delicious.” Her finger left her mouth with an audible pop and her tongue darted out and licked the tip of her nail. She drew my essence into her body, making every muscle in my body spasm with the need to remove her head from her body.

  “Always distracting me,” she mused, smearing her finger along my cheek to gather up the dripping blood. Her eyelids fluttered closed while she sucked the digit clean. “Where was I? Ah, yes.” She gripped my chin in a bruising grip. “You’ll never escape us. So just abandon your hope now. Your little plan with Layla is dead. Your mate will never find you and you’ll be here until we harness the power in your blood and free the dark god.”

  I blinked at her retreating form, unable to form a coherent reply. My hope was the only thing that I had left. I had to cling to something to get me through. I had only been in this god-awful place for a few days, but I was so filled with despair my heart felt like exploding. All I wanted was my mate and my home back. I would give anything to hear Vincent and Nicolae as they bantered back and forth. Hell, I would even welcome Leo as he fought with Vincent.

  My thoughts spiraled into a swirling vortex of anxiety. Somehow, I would have to find a way to stay strong because I knew that Vincent would never give up on me. He would fight until his dying breath to have me back in his arms. The small thoug
ht brought the ghost of a smile to my lips.

  A sharp series of clicks had me drawing my brow together as my body tensed. The sounds were coming from the collar. I steeled myself for the pain that would follow, knowing that this was another of Adrianna’s cruel games for torturing me. Walk out of the room and remotely activate the collar. Of course, that sounded like something she would do.

  But the burning didn’t come.

  Instead, the metal hissed as it came apart and fell forward into my lap. I stared down at it with wide eyes. Lights flashed and buzzed before it flickered out and fell silent and dark. My heart hammered inside of my chest as I reached out tentatively with my mind.



  I shut down my emotions as Adrianna’s presence washed over me; otherwise, I would blow the entire mission. Right next to her was Kristoff. His scarred and tattooed head setting off a cavalcade of memories that I fought to keep on lockdown. Together they had been the bane of my existence since the day they killed my parents. Pure rage threatened to escape me, but I had to fight to beat it back.

  Nicolae, Damius, Leo, and I held our positions just outside of the facility. Using my mental manipulation, I was hidden deep within Craig’s subconscious. Controlling his every word and action as he escorted Drya through the compound.

  His presence was a shock to the guards that were stationed outside of the gates, but Craig straightened his spine and spoke with authority. “Alert Adrianna and Kristoff immediately that I’ve brought them one of the council members for interrogation.”

  The guards snapped to attention, sounding the alarm and making phone calls. The four of us sat far enough away that our presence would not be detected, but we were still close enough that we could hear everything that was happening.

  “We’ll escort you to receiving cell delta. Kristoff and Adrianna will meet you there.” One of the guards slung his weapon over his shoulder and keyed several commands into the control panel next to the door. The heavy metal clanked open and both guards flanked Craig and Drya as they went through the entryway.


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