Serenity's Deception (Texas Sorority Sisters Book 1)

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Serenity's Deception (Texas Sorority Sisters Book 1) Page 29

by Janice Olson

  The gun waved wildly around the room, then swung back to BJ’s chest. “I’m the one that hired the dimwit that couldn’t bring himself to kill you. Me!” She thumped her chest with her finger. Her confident smile sickened BJ.

  “The stupid man. Had his head turned by a pretty figure, couldn’t keep his mind on the job of getting rid of you. Men are all alike. Fickle fools all of them.” Her eyes were filled with hate. “The stupid chief couldn’t even be relied on. He gave me Spade’s name and number, said he’d run you out of town but here you are.”

  “Please, Ms. Carter—”

  “I waited ’til Jason left. I stood outside watching you. You looked straight at me and didn’t see me. I knew tonight I had to finish what that no-good weakling started. That’s the only way Horace will come back … when you’re gone. When you’re out of the way, everything will be as before. You came here and ruined it all.”

  A moan came from the hall. Ms. Carter’s head jerked toward the door.

  BJ charged the woman, ramming her shoulder full strength into Ms. Carter’s midsection. The force knocked both women to the floor. The gun flew from Ms. Carter’s hand. Her fingers swiped across BJ’s cheek tearing skin, drawing blood.

  The woman scampered from beneath BJ, clawing for the gun, latched her hand tightly to the grip, stood, and aimed. BJ lunged again at her assailant. With demented strength, the woman slung BJ off without losing the weapon. BJ came at her, gripping her arm, forcing the gun downward. Wrestling for control of the weapon, they fell to the ground, rolled, and the gun fired.

  Chapter 81

  Jason’s soothing hand repeatedly moved across BJ’s back and shoulders. She leaned into him, seeking his strength, his solace. Even his touch didn’t dispel the dreadful images filling her mind.

  “I killed her.” The words barely audible. The ache inside her unbearable. Distraught over the results of the last half hour, BJ watched the procedure unfolding in the room.

  The EMTs lifted the black body bag with Ms. Carter’s lifeless body inside onto the gurneys before they wheeled her out into the hall.

  So quick … a life snuffed out into eternity by her hand. How could she have killed the woman? What could she have done that would have changed the outcome? She cringed, the scene vivid in her mind.

  The muffled shot. The look of horror. The heavy weight pressing BJ down into the floor, suffocating her. Shoving, scrambling to be free only to realize Ms. Carter wasn’t breathing and a pool of blood surrounded her. The efforts to keep Ms. Carter alive were futile though BJ continued CPR until the paramedics came. Still she couldn’t fathom the why.

  Jason hugged her to him, his hand cradling her head to his chest.

  “It was either you or her. You didn’t have a choice.”

  Hearing the words didn’t make it easier. BJ feared the image of Ms. Carter’s sightless eyes would never go away. And all because of what? Money? Hatred? Greed?

  “I’ve written down the report.” Robby’s face mirrored the others in the room—disbelief and sympathy. “In the morning, you’ll need to come to the station to give a formal statement. But for tonight, try to get some rest and put this behind you.”

  BJ pulled away from Jason and offered a sad smile. “Put this behind me. Tell me, how does one go about doing that?”

  She watched her old school chum shake his head. “For you, it won’t be easy. But remember, it wasn’t your fault. Ms. Carter came here to kill you. You didn’t have a choice.”

  Chapter 82

  Sidney sat on the sofa watching BJ, no doubt wondering what he and Jason were doing here.

  “Are you feeling any better?” BJ hated she was the cause of Sidney being knocked unconscious. She sat down beside him.

  “Much better. Thankfully, the woman didn’t know how to swing a tire iron last night. The goose egg on the back of my head is a small bump this morning.” He chuckled. “It’s nothing. I received a lot worse while in the service.”

  He wagged his head. “I should have known something was up by her crazed look. I told her to wait in the foyer. My mistake was turning my back on her, it almost got you killed.”

  BJ clasped Sidney’s hand. “No. Don’t even think that way. It was nobody’s fault. She was determined to blame me for Mr. Hampton’s desertion. If you’d tried to stop her, she would have no doubt shot you and still come after me.”

  BJ looked over at Jason. He stared out the living room window, his back to them. The weariness showed in his hunched shoulders.

  “I’m just thankful Randi was in Austin and Jason was at his meeting. It could have been a lot worse.”

  Jason turned around, blame written in his face. “I should have been here. This wouldn’t have happened.”

  Standing, BJ moved to him, touched his arm, trying her best to soothe his anger toward himself. “Jason …”

  He grabbed her to him, squeezing like he’d never let her go. “I could have lost you forever.”

  “You didn’t though.” She pulled back. “I need to talk with you and Sidney. Come sit down.”

  Jason’s cautious look wasn’t lost on BJ as she sat down waiting for him.

  “Last night got me to thinking. For most of my life, I’ve been carrying around excess baggage. My narrow escape and Ms. Carter’s demise …” BJ trembled to think about the incident again. “One thing her death has taught me, life is too short for regrets, grudges, or hate.” BJ looked at Jason and Sidney. “I’ve forgiven Madelyne. Like me, she made wrong choices which turned into disastrous mistakes, affecting more people than just herself.”

  BJ glanced at Sidney and saw his raw emotions. “That being said, I don’t need a steward. What I need is a father. It won’t make up for lost time, and we both might flounder at first, but it’s a start. From here we can have a future.”

  Sidney cleared his throat. “I’d like that.”

  BJ nodded, composing herself then looked at Jason. “Jason, when I left Serenity I had no choice. At least that’s what I thought. At seventeen, Sheriff Doggett’s threats felt real. I didn’t let you know where I was because he’d threatened he’d throw you in jail with trumped up charges if I did. And I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “The coward is where he should be, in jail, and hopefully for a long time for what he’s done.” Jason’s agitation was clearly visible. “The man had to be unhinged for helping with Hampton’s plan. All of them will be serving long terms because of greed.”

  BJ looked down at her hands knowing in her heart the words she was about to speak were true. “I’ve forgiven Doggett, even Horace T. I’ll admit it was difficult but both men are to be pitied. But where do we go from here with the money gone?”

  “One day, Horace T. will be caught and prosecuted, but the money he’s stolen … that might never be recovered.” Jason leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “But as I said last week, with what we have left, we can still take care of our commitments. And Heritage House will be phased out in little over a year with the way Randi is already placing kids with couples.” Jason smiled at BJ, love in his eyes.

  “I have something I’d like to propose, and it will affect both of you.” BJ was pretty sure her father would go along with her plan. But she hoped her idea wouldn’t fall on deaf ears where Jason was concerned.

  “Penny and Jenny.” Jason appeared puzzled. “The twins I told you about. I would like for us to adopt them once we’re married. They desperately need a home and it’s hard to place them both together.”

  Jason smiled. “Sounds like a good idea to me.” He slapped Sidney on the back. “What do you think, Grandpa?”

  Sidney’s laughter filled BJ’s heart. “I’m in favor. And believe it or not, I think I’d make a wonderful grandpa.”

  “Then there’s only one thing left.” Jason stood.

  Puzzled, BJ asked, “What’s that?”

  He pulled BJ up into his arms. “Will you talk to Randi about moving our wedding date up, or shall I? I’ve had just about all the waiting I can stand. I
don’t believe I can wait much longer to call you Mrs. O’Connell.”

  He sealed his words with a searing kiss and the pledge of a lifetime of love.

  About the Author

  Raised in California in a minister’s home, Janice Olson envisioned a life outside the parsonage, but God had other plans. When she met Harry, love entered the picture. Harry was attending college preparing for ministry in whatever capacity God opened to him. A year later, Janice and Harry repeated their vows to love, honor, and obey. And as they say, the rest is history.

  Janice and Harry live on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas. They have two grown, wonderful Christian children who married like-mannered individuals. Janice’s greatest joy is her grandson who, of course, is the best and brightest grandson in the entire world, who also has a heart for God.

  Though fiction, Janice’s stories are poignant and filled with characters who stand strong in the face of evil and come out victors against all odds. In many ways, it’s a picture of her life. Seeing the world through dyslexic eyes, Janice has worked doubly hard to become a success as an author. The joy of writing and creating a story is purely a God thing that she never imagined would happen and she gives Him all credit.

  As a minister’s child and then a minister’s wife, Janice has witnessed God’s grace and forgiveness first hand and in the lives of others. She has also witnessed the dark side of human nature and found that though you may ask, sometimes forgiveness won’t be given. As in life, and as seen in Serenity’s Deception, there are times that forgiveness may come too late.

  Photography and Imagery Manipulation© by Harry Olson and is the sole property of Lyndon Property.

  Editor: Donna Goodrich, Freelance writer and editor

  Lethal Intent

  Janice Olson

  December, 2012

  Some people will go to any links to take back what they perceive as theirs.

  After the murder of her husband and unborn child, Madison Fletcher realizes the killer is back to finish the job he started … her. Swallowing her pride, Madison seeks help from her estranged father only to realize the murderer has followed her from Austin to Dallas, and now she doesn’t know who to trust.

  Phillip Bradley is thrown into the role of Madison’s protector and soon recognizes his heart is in need of protection instead. When the lethal attacks escalate, Phillip is afraid he won’t be able to protect Madison from a menace more dangerous than he had imagined.

  Madison’s strong attraction to Phillip causes her to envision a future if only the killer doesn’t find her first … he’s only a breath away.

  I f you enjoyed reading Serenity’s Deception, you will want to read Madison Fletcher’s story … Lethal Intent.

  Janice Olson




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