Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty) Page 152

by Lakes, Krista

  Chapter 1

  ~ Week 1: Janelle - The Mansion ~

  What in the hell am I doing here? Janelle asked herself for at least the hundredth time since she arrived in Los Angeles from her hometown of Bangor, Maine. Oh right, I have no money and the two hundred grand could help finish putting me through law school if I win... If... That was the big problem.

  Janelle looked around at the other five women who were sharing the limousine with her. She had yet to get to learn all of their names, but the busty blonde sitting across from her was named Bambi and ironically enough, she was a porn star. Janelle seriously doubted she'd be able to say that woman's name without smirking.

  Sitting to the left of her was a slim, red-haired, high school teacher named Sandy. Something about Sandy gave Janelle an uneasy feeling. She seemed rather testy and too high-strung for Janelle's tastes. Sandy already made a number of quips at the porn star and they'd only been together in the limo driving for ten minutes.

  The truth was, none of the other girls seemed overly friendly. Perhaps the fact that it was a game made everyone seem very guarded and secretly competitive. They were all there for one reason and one reason alone - to win the two hundred grand. The premise of the game was to put six single women and six single men into a mansion and record their interactions for the span of a month to be aired for the world to see. There were two goals and two prizes to be won. The first was to be the fan favourite and be the last man... or woman standing after five rounds of eliminations.

  But there was a second goal and it was to see a romantic relationship develop between the singles. The audience would vote on both the single and then the couple they liked the most. While the single would win two hundred grand, the winning couple would also win two hundred thousand, to be split between them, and added to that the winning couple would be given a house to be shared in one of their hometowns.

  Janelle looked down at her dress. A black mini-dress that was too short in the skirt and the neckline dipped way too low for Janelle's liking. She was a jeans and t-shirts kind of girl, always had been. Flaunting her body never appealed to her, but the producers stressed they wanted the women dressed provocatively.

  My God, what am I doing here? Running a hand through her long, dark hair Janelle sat up straighter in her seat as she saw the massive mansion that she would have to call home for the next month come into view.

  A series of ohhhs and awwws sounded from the women in the limo, Janelle being one of them. The house was simply magnificent, no doubt about it. Janelle's mind jumped back to her apartment in Bangor. It was a tiny studio apartment barely large enough for one person. If nothing else, she'd be living in luxury for a month.

  The limo came to a halt and a doorman stepped up to the car and opened the back door. Janelle tried to remember the procedure upon exiting the vehicle, while attempting to calm her rattled nerves.

  Bambi was the first to exit the limo. She walked up to the faint X marked on the pathway, flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and smiled at the camera.

  "I'm Bambi. I'm a porn star and here looking for a man with a big heart, not just a big cock."

  "Cut! Redo." The director came running out of the house with a scowl on his face.

  "Oh! I'm sorry." Bambi giggled and placed a hand over her mouth, giving the director a flirty smile. "We can't say cock, can we?"

  Janelle rolled her eyes. You have got to me kidding me.

  Bambi redid her introduction and entered the mansion, putting a seductive swing in her hips as she walked. The remaining girls exited the limo, one by one, until it was Janelle's turn.

  Taking a deep breath in, Janelle slid from the limo paying close attention to how high the skirt of her dress was getting on her thighs and tugging it back down. Her lack of experience wearing heels made every step a struggle as she tried her best to walk gracefully. However, each tentative step made what she was doing seem like a losing battle. She made a mental note to practice when she had some alone time.

  Raking a shaky hand through her hair, Janelle smiled at the camera and got an incredible urge to vomit. She was not an attention hound. She hated getting her picture taken and yet here she was, her every action being recorded. Closing her eyes tightly, Janelle took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, giving herself a moment to calm her shaky nerves before she spoke.

  "Hi, I'm Janelle. I'm a law student and am hoping to find the man of my dreams on this incredible journey." She smiled a little wider, more in relief that it was almost over than for the benefit of the camera and scampered off and into the mansion.

  Step one complete. It'll get easier....


  "Hey boys, here they come!"

  Mason looked over at Jamie, one of the other men in the group who was standing at the front window watching the limo pull up and the girls exit the car.

  "Oh hey! Look at the big tits on that blonde," Terrance, the accountant added, going over to the window and joining Jamie in gawking at the girls.

  Mason gave his head a little shake. What in the hell was he thinking, agreeing to be on such as show? His sister had signed him up, thinking it would be a fun opportunity for her big brother. She'd been nagging at him for the past year that if he remained married to his job he'd never find himself a good woman and settle down. Mason really didn't feel being twenty-nine and not married was such a big deal. Sure, he wanted to find someone and settle down, but on his own time. Looking at his surroundings, which were loaded with cameras pointing at them from all directions, he highly doubted here would be the place he'd find true love.

  "Miss Bambi Adams," the butler announced as the blonde with the “big tits” strutted into the room. While the other five men rushed to Bambi to introduce themselves, Mason took his time standing and strolling over to the group surrounding Bambi.

  Once the other five finished their greetings Mason took his turn. "Hey Bambi," he thrust his hand out to her, "I'm Mason."

  She licked her lower lip provocatively, drawing his eyes to her red glossed lips. "Wow, look at you." She ignored his extended hand and slipped her arms around his neck, pulling herself tight to him. Her breasts, which he guessed to be a solid E, crushed up against the hard wall of his chest as she pressed herself closer to him.

  Mason could feel his face flushing slightly, but he gave her a smile in response.

  Her lips grazed his neck as she stretched up along him and whispered in his ear. "I'm Bambi. I look forward to getting to know you much better Mason."

  "Ummm. Yeah. For sure." Feeling slightly awkward, he backed away from her and gave her a nod and another smile.

  The next woman to enter was a redhead, named Sandy. The third was a short, curvy woman with long golden ringlets, named Virginia. Fourth came Sylvia, a brunette with sapphire blue eyes. Fifth was Nadine, a tall, leggy and incredibly stunning Latina woman.

  The final woman was the one who caught his attention. She seemed a little more reserved than the others - and extremely nervous. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, and her dark eyes caught his. Something passed between them. He had no idea what it was, but he immediately felt an attraction towards her.

  As with the other women, he allowed the other men to say their hellos before stepping forward. He hesitated a moment; with the other women he extended his hand with a handshake, but in this case, he wanted to feel her body against his, if even just briefly.

  He gave her a friendly smile, "I'm Mason." Snaking a hand around her waist he gently pulled her close to him.

  She fell into him, allowing her body to melt against his. "Janelle," she replied with little more than a whisper, slipping her arms around his neck and holding tight to him.

  He breathed in and the sweet smell of strawberries drifted up to his nose. So nice. Her body was also nice, soft and tender against his. There was nothing he hated more - physically speaking - than a stick-thin girl. This girl had nice soft curves. He loved it and getting to know her better was definitely on the top of his list.
r />   He held her longer than he knew was necessary and longer than he had any of the others, but she felt so good and so right in his arms. It was hard to let her go. With reluctance he slowly released her, and was delighted to see that his reluctance was mirrored in her dark eyes.

  Maybe his sister was right, maybe this would be the place where he'd find "the one." Even if he didn't, winning that two hundred grand would certainly be a help, not only to him, but his family. The past year had been financially straining on both his mother and his sister.

  With his father passing away eight months ago, his mother was left with only their small retirement savings and pension, which he estimated would last five years at most. His sister, who was a single mother, had just recently lost her job and was trying to pay their bills and take care of the kids on a casual waitress salary - the only job she could find in a pinch. She managed her monthly bills, but it was tight, and her other bills were falling behind. Mason did his best to help the two women of his life as best he could financially, but there was a limit to what he could do on his NYPD salary - even with all the overtime he was putting in.

  Mason's hope over the month long process he was about to embark on spiked. Maybe this would just work out. Maybe.


  After an hour long cocktail party, where Janelle spent the majority of her time sitting alone and sizing up the others in attendance, Grant, the host of the show, entered the main room and recited the rules of the game. While the host went through the rules with the contestants, Janelle had a hard time keeping her eyes off of Mason and focusing on the host. She knew the rules anyhow; she'd been briefed and given a guide before the show to study.

  Not only had the guide included information on the rules and regulations governing the show and its contestants, it also contained hints and tips on how to look better on camera and tips on "television-worthy" conduct. The gist of it was that the more scandal the better and she had a feeling that the majority of women in the room thrived on drama and scandal.

  "Now, let's get started with the first game of the month."

  Hearing mention of the game pulled Janelle's attention from Mason to the host. Like Janelle, the rest of the contestants suspended their hushed conversations and directed their full attention on Grant.

  "Well, one of the most important parts of a relationship is learning to pay attention and really listen to what your partner has to say." The host gave the participants a smile and continued. "During the past hour of the cocktail party, the producers were making notes of the conversations and have made up a list of questions based on what was said to see how much you were paying attention to each other and what was said."

  A wave of soft curses resounded throughout the contestants. Janelle could see why; most were so interested in flirting and presenting themselves well that the majority of what was said in the conversations was lost. A sliver of hope sprang up in Janelle. She'd been paying close attention to them all and was fairly confident.

  Walking over to a black bowl that Janelle hadn't noticed before, Grant picked it up walked over to the contestants. "One by one, each of you will pick out a random question and answer it. If you're right you go on to round two of questions; if you're wrong, then you've lost this game. We ready?"

  A roar of yes sounded throughout the group. As luck would have it, Janelle was the first chosen to pick a random question from the bowl.

  "Read the question out loud please Janelle," the host prompted.

  Looking down at the card she read. "Which city does Mason hail from?" Janelle smiled and her eyes caught Mason's. "New York City."

  Silence for the span of three seconds.

  "Correct!" Grant announced. "We're off to a great start. Next."

  Grant went from person to person. Most of the contestants failed to answer the question correctly, so the second round consisted of Janelle, Mason, the leggy Latina Nadine, and a tall, well-built black accountant by the name of Terrance.

  Several more rounds took place until only Janelle and Mason remained.

  "I'm going to win this," Janelle teased.

  Mason gave her a wink that sent her pulse racing. "We'll see."

  "We ready?" Grant asked.

  Both nodded.

  "All right, Mason. What is Janelle's occupation?"

  "She's a law student." His reply came fast and without hesitation, impressing Janelle.

  "Right. All right, Janelle. How many sisters does Mason have?'

  Janelle cringed. She heard him mention one. Apparently his sister was the reason why he was there. She couldn't recall him mentioning any other sisters. Taking a deep breath in she slowly released it, trying to ignore the cameras pointed in her face. She prayed she'd get used to the cameras - sooner rather than later.

  "One," she finally answered.

  Silence, for the span of a few seconds.

  "Correct! Back to Mason."

  Her eyes locked with Mason's and they shared another smile. "All right, Mason. How old is Janelle?"

  Mason's smile faded slightly and indecision flashed in his eyes. "Shit," he whispered under his breath and Janelle knew she'd just won. "Twenty-one."

  Silence, for the span of several seconds.

  "Sorry Mason. That's incorrect. Janelle is twenty-three." Grant turned to Janelle. "You, my dear, are the night’s winner. So, to your prize. You get to pick the man of your choice and you and he will go on the first fantasy date of the competition."

  A number of groans sounded throughout the group. Fantasy dates were two-to three-day adventures to fun and exotic locations. They were one of the several perks to the competition. Not only were they perks, but the couple on private dates got more opportunity to get to know each other in a romantic situation, while receiving more air time so the audience would get to know them, and hopefully, make them fan favourites.

  Excitement rushed through Janelle; there was no doubt who she was taking. She looked over at Mason. He was sexy as sin. Tall, well-built, with short dark hair and piercing grey eyes. Easily one of the hottest men she'd ever met - ever.

  Trying to sound nonchalant she grinned over at Mason. "I think it would only be fair to take the runner-up."

  Mason chuckled and gave her an appreciative smile. "Appreciate it."

  Turning towards the camera, Grant pasted on what Janelle was dubbing his camera smile. "Well, I can't wait, and I'm sure neither can our viewers, to see how you two make out on your private fantasy date in Miami, Florida."

  Excitement rushed through Janelle. She'd always wanted to go to Miami, but just hadn't had the chance to as of yet. Now she was going with the hottest man she'd even seen. Life couldn't get any better than this.

  Chapter 2


  "You know, if it had been me that won, I would have taken you in a heartbeat."

  Janelle smiled and felt a blush colouring her cheeks as she looked over at him as they walked along the beach, the sun lowering on the horizon as their backdrop. "What, you'd choose me over a porn star?" she teased, trying to cover her embarrassment over the comment.

  Mason huffed and smirked, making her giggle. "Bambi is not my type."

  "’Cause she does porn?"

  Mason shook his head. "I can't say her doing porn thrills me, but it's the ego she has. I barely know her and can see that no one could ever love her more than she loves herself. I think the porn only amplified the already massive ego."

  Janelle laughed outright. She didn't have to ask him what he was talking about; she'd seen the vanity firsthand herself in the few short hours she'd been in the company of Bambi.

  She was amazed at how well they were getting along so far. During the flight, their conversation was free flowing, mostly due to the fact that there weren't any cameras on the plane documenting every word said between them.

  But the cameras were back, the cameramen following close on their heels. While Janelle was becoming slightly more comfortable in front of the cameras, she hated the fact that she fo
und herself filtering everything she said while they were around, scared that something she didn't mean to say got said and it ended up being aired to the world.

  "Hey Janelle-"

  Janelle squealed as she stepped on a rather large rock in the sand, lost her footing and began to tumble to the ground.

  "Whoa, I got ya."

  Just as she was about to hit the sand a strong arm swooped down, snaked itself around her waist and pulled her back up and into his arms.

  Slipping her hands up his broad, well-toned chest she pressed her body against his, attempting to steady herself. The attraction she'd been feeling towards him amplified as the smell of his deep, musky cologne drifted to her nose. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of his arms securely around her.

  She looked up into his grey eyes and her thoughts of the camera seemed to slip her mind. His eyes were so deep and intense. She saw her desire reflected in his eyes and it sent a shiver through her.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. You're wearing that skimpy dress." Mason quickly took a step back and shrugged off the black leather bomber jacket that he was wearing and slipped it over her shoulders. "You must be freezing." Instead of removing his hands from her shoulders he kept them there, slowly running his hands up and down her upper arms, over the coat.

  Janelle nodded, not wanting to admit the real reason for her trembling in his arms. "A little." She dipped her eyes to the sand between their feet, but the feel of his gaze peering down at her made her shift her eyes back up to meet his.

  She subconsciously ran her tongue along her lower lip. "I do agree it's a bit short, not my usual style."

  Mason's eyes lowered to her chest, where her breasts threatened to spill out of the bodice, and then slowly back to meet her eyes. "I think it looks amazing."

  Janelle could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks a second time. "I-ummm."

  "Truthfully, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of you. From the moment you walked into the manor."

  Me too... The words didn't have a chance to leave her lips as he lowered his mouth to hers. His lips lowered slowly and brushed against hers - feather light. So lightly that she hardly believed that it was happening.


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