Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation

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Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation Page 1

by Angela Castle



  Published by

  Angela Castle

  [email protected]

  Copyright 2012 by Angela Castle

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Angela Castle.


  Cover Artist: Willsin Rowe - Gemini Judson

  Editor: Juanita Kees


  Nancy, thank you for your dedication and support during the second half of this book.

  Thanks to my group of Aussie erotic author friends, who have helped me out of a few tight spots, while endeavoring to finish this story.

  Thank you to all my fans who have stuck by me through thick and thin. I hope you enjoy the second half.

  Author’s Note

  This is the second installment of Beast Planet, for best enjoyment, I highly recommend you read Beast Planet part 1.

  Thank you, Angela Castle.

  Chapter One

  Trapped in a cage and huddled in the corner, fear pulsing through my veins, my whole body trembled uncontrollably. I glanced down at my naked pregnant stomach. ‘Soon’ a mechanical voice echoed in the darkness. My belly deflated painfully and the wail of a baby’s cry pierced the air. The Druel walked past my cage with my baby clutched upside down in his four thick fingers. I saw my son’s pale skin and clear blue eyes, just like his father’s. A warm wetness reached my feet, soaking in between my toes. I looked down and saw the floor coated in blood. My blood.

  Morrdrook stood with a sword clutched in his hand, behind the Druel, fighting a Fraxi.

  “Save him! Morrdrook, you have to save him!” I screamed.

  The bars were suddenly gone and Morrdrook clutched me tight. “Aunna, Aunna…”

  My eyes flew open; Morrdrook was gently shaking my shoulders. “Aunna, you have bad dreams, wake up.”

  I blinked against the artificial lights, focusing on his face. Tendrils of the nightmare still clung to my mind as the fog of sleep lifted. Morrdrook pulled me tight to his chest, running a soothing hand back and forth over my back.

  It was a dream, just a dream.

  I drew in a shaky breath. “I’m okay. I’m awake.” I rested my head against his chest, drawing strength from his warmth, trying to will the last remnants of the dream from my mind.

  “Want to talk about it?” Morrdrook stroked my face. I sighed at his softly spoken question. “Tell me, who did I need to save? Your words—save him.”

  I swallowed, trying to gather more moisture in my mouth. Even though my pounding heart slowly started to calm, I couldn’t stop my body from trembling.

  “I dreamed about our baby and the Druel. They came to take our son.”

  He was silent for a long moment, so I listened to the steady rhythm of his heart. “I will not let that happen, my Aunna. We are almost home and will talk about it later.”

  I nodded and glanced down the line of Zakiu, most of them held their women in a similar fashion; cradled close in their arms, waiting for the ship to reach our destination. True to Morrdrook’s words, it wasn’t long before the ship jolted to a stop and everyone clambered to their feet, making their way to the back of the ship’s holding area. The dream forgotten for the moment as anticipation vibrated through everyone, eager for freedom—even if it was temporary. I welcomed the sound of the electronic doors opening…I couldn’t wait to get out of this damn ship.

  The sudden flood of bright light made me squint as the doors widened and a long platform lowered. No one waited for the order to disembark. Everyone was just as eager to get the hell away from the Druel.

  Morrdrook held my hand tightly as we headed down the platform. Following everyone else, we did not stop until we were at least two hundred meters away from the ship. Once clear, everyone stood to watch as the ship’s blasters engaged and lifted from the barren, scorched area it had landed on.

  We watched as the ship climbed higher into the atmosphere until it left only a white vapor trail against the blue sky.

  “Oh yeah! Can you smell that?” Abby splayed her arms wide, her head tilted towards the warming rays of the Zakiu sun. The soft cooling breeze ruffled our hair and clothing.

  “Smell what?” I inhaled—delighted by the freshness of the air, the warm kiss of sunshine on my skin balanced out the cooler breeze blowing around my body. So many different exotic floral scents hit me. But still, I had no idea which smell Abby was talking about.

  “Freedom.” She lowered her head catching my gaze, before glancing up at Nular.

  “Our freedom, my fire.” He smiled down at her.

  “Only a few elders remain now, no more youth. We are the last of the younger generation. I wish to see who still lives.” Morrdrook tugged me forward. He’d hardly let go of me at all since boarding the Druel ship back on their planet—as if he couldn’t bear to be parted from me for a single second.

  “I just realized how much better your English is getting,” I noted, hurrying to keep step with Morrdrook.

  “Our bond is growing stronger. I learn and understand your language better and you also understand me better.”

  “Oh okay, I guess that make sense.” In a very alien way.

  Over and up a rolling hill, we reached the crest and came to a stop. I was filled with awe as my gaze swept over the landscape. Green fields tinged with rows of pink. I wondered if they were crops. Over in the distance I saw tall mountain ranges, bemused that they were white at the base while covered in what appeared to be pale blue snow. To my left, lush dark- looking jungles, stretched for miles. A vast lake sparkled with crystal blue waters, reminding me of color of Morrdrook’s eyes. Apart from the different color blends, the landscape looked very similar to Earth.

  I had always been fond of the color blue. I just never knew it came in so many different shades, nor how beautiful it was blended like this.

  “Wow, talk about your fifty shades of blue,” Joan quipped, showing off a surprising sense of humor.

  Makkiu glanced down giving her a puzzled look. Joan shrugged.

  “Come, still a walk to the village.” Makkiu lead her down the hill, following the line of others already making their way down. In the center of the majestic scenery, I saw rows of uniformed grassy mounds and a few larger black buildings, much like the ones I’d seen on the Druel planet. Tall black circular towers, stood out against the blue and white backdrop. I guessed they were about thirty feet high, reminding me of cell phone towers from Earth.

  “That’s your village?” Surprise rolled through me. Somehow I’d expected something different.

  “Druel gave us this. It has been here since my younger days. There are borders around this land to keep us contained.” Morrdrook pointed to where the meadow met the jungle. “From the Oakpa Forrest Jungle to Pale Lake. We can go no further than the mountain base to where we stand now.”

  “I don’t see any walls. How can they keep us contained? I thought this was your planet, yet you can�
��t go anywhere.”

  “Druel have set up invisible walls we cannot go beyond. We are forced stay within our lands.”

  My hands curled into fists, gripped by sudden rage. “We’re not free at all. Those bastards are keeping us penned like sheep.”

  The heat of his body wrapped around mine, his hand sliding over my belly in a possessive, yet calming gesture.

  “No have to fight beasts. This is our time of freedom,” Morrdrook rumbled.

  “Yeah, just like a bloody summer holiday,” Abby griped.

  I totally agreed. “So what the hell happens when they come back? Most of us will be in the late stages of pregnancy. Are they going to take us all, or just the fighters, to entertain them in the arena again?” Memories of the horrific battles in the roman-like arena, still fresh in my mind, made me shudder with dread.

  “Not now, Aunna, you need rest. We will talk about escape later.” From Morrdrook’s firm tone, I knew arguing would get me nowhere. I did feel a little tired from all that tension on the ship, and I was newly pregnant.

  “Not much freedom granted, but we can think about that later. Right now, I want to enjoy what we’ve got, rather than what we don’t.” Fire sparked in Abby’s eyes, matching her red hair, gleaming in the sunshine. She was right. There was time for planning later on.

  The grass felt soft under my feet. After so much time being barefoot in the slave quarters on the Druel planet, I could hardly remember what it was like to have shoes.

  I laughed, suddenly thinking that the Zakiu had the raw end of the deal. They had to put up with a bunch of hormonal pregnant women.

  “What’s so funny,” asked Abby.

  “Think about it, nineteen pregnant women and no chocolate anywhere in sight.” I chuckled.

  Abby’s high-pitched laughter filled the air. What was funnier? Seeing the men’s perplexed expressions, of course.

  * * * *

  The group spread out, each finding their own home to claim. I followed Morrdrook down what seemed to be the main thoroughfare. The place appeared deserted, apart from a worn trail from some huts to the main building.

  “That building holds the training equipment, but it has never been used. Not when I was growing up or during times of freedom. We prefer to train outside.” Morrdrook pointed to the main dominating building. “Beyond is food and the reproduction building, where we gather to have talks. Further behind is equipment and supply storage with fabric replicators. The Druel come with supply ships before we arrived to make sure we are fully supplied.”

  “They just won’t leave you alone, will they?” I stared at the buildings in disgust.

  “We do what we have to do, use what we need in order to stay strong. It is the weak who die in the Druel battle games.”

  It made sense, the survival of the fittest. If you didn’t fight, you died.

  It was hard to believe the Zakiu had been slaves of the Druel for three generations from what I could count. The species teetered on the brink of extinction; therefore they’d abducted all the human women. Fucking bastards! It was a bitter pill mixed with the pleasure of loving Morrdrook.

  My heart was heavy wanting to do more to help the Zakiu than just give birth to a new generation. Our sons and daughters would still be slaves to the Druel, fresh fodder for their games. Something had to be done.

  “Do you know anything about your ancestors—before the Druel?”

  “Only stories of great cities, how we believed in the fates of the three moon gods. It is all a distant memory now. Our elders passed knowledge of our language and how we should always care for our females. You are precious. They teach us how to fight but Druel have been ruthless to wipe out traces of what we once were.” He swept his hand towards the mountains. “The older ones have passed down tales of the fight against the Druel machines.”

  I gripped Morrdrook’s hand tighter. It tugged at my heart seeing the sadness in his eyes as he gazed towards the mountain ranges.

  “I’m so sorry. You are so much more than what the Druel are trying to mold you into being.” My voice was tight with mixed emotions of anger and sorrow.

  His smile didn’t reach his eyes, but I saw his love as he gazed back down at me. Slipping his arm around my middle, he pulled me against his side. “Forget Druel for now, our home is this way.”

  The black buildings reminded me of transportable homes, each approximately the same size of my two-bedroom apartment back in Melbourne. With square windows, tall doors and everything in line, it stretched from one side of the village to the other. It seemed the Zakiu had hauled a ton of dirt against the back of each building where grass now grew over the mounds. I was reminded of the hobbit burrows from Tolkien’s novel.

  “What’s with all the dirt over the buildings?”

  “Better protection from heat and cold. Makes them feel more like Zakiu home not Druel.”

  It made me wonder what kind of homes the Zakiu lived in before the Druel invasion. We reached the last building, near some dense vegetation and tall trees which almost engulfed the building. Vines hung over the doorway and some of the windows. He shoved them back, but hesitated and turned to me.

  “Wait. I check our dwelling first. Much time has passed since was last here. Not want to scare you with unexpected creatures.”

  Fine by me, I had no idea what kind of creepy crawlies they had on this planet. I was more than happy to be all girly and let Morrdrook deal with them.

  He shoved the door open and disappeared inside. I peered in and saw an open living space with a table and chair. Morrdrook moved into another room out of sight. Unable to contain my curiosity and bugs be damned, I walked up the two steps and crossed over the threshold.

  To the right were benches and equipment. Maybe some sort of kitchen? Morrdrook reappeared.

  “Aunna, I told you to wait,” he chastised gently.

  I simply grinned and shrugged. “I was curious.”

  He smiled and with a small shake of his head, opened another door. I leaned over a sink and twisted the handle. It groaned and spluttered. I jumped back as muddy liquid came spurting out. It took a moment before the water ran clear. I heaved a sigh of relief.

  “We have running water here.”

  “Bathing water is working too.” Morrdrook strode back into the kitchen and living area. “All must have a clean. Also need bigger bed.” His grin widened. “There is no danger here. You will stay while I fetch supplies.” He went into what must have been the bedroom because he reappeared carrying a long, single cot. I stood back as he maneuvered it through the doorways. Thankfully the doors had been built to accommodate the Zakiu height.

  Oh what a delight it was to watch Morrdrook’s muscles flex, while doing something other than wield a weapon. I licked my lips, eager to feel all his wonderful hard male flesh sliding carnally against mine. I felt my body tighten and my pussy dampened at the thought.

  “I’ll start giving the place a clean. Hurry back.” I winked seductively at him as he walked out the door. He laughed, missed the step and stumbled forward, paying more attention to me than watching where he was going. “I will hurry.” He grumbled and disappeared.

  My cheeks ached with my wide grin. I turned around again to survey the dusty kitchen. I stepped forward and bent down to open one of the bottom cupboards. A sudden loud, angry chirping made me stumble back. I screamed in fright, falling on my ass as a black furry creature the size of a child’s bowling ball, jumped from the darkened space.

  Chapter Two

  I twisted and scrambled backwards like a crab only to stop my frightened retreat when my back met with a cold wall. Morrdrook burst back into the house, his face twisted in a fierce frown and a heavy bar in his hand ready to battle the…well, whatever the hell it was.

  “Aunna, are you hurt?” His gaze darted about the room.

  “No…something jumped out at me.” I pointed towards the fuzz ball, chittering away on the floor in its own corner.

  His confused frown turned into a wide grin. H
e chuckled and shook his head. “No need to be afraid. It a Wuzzle.”

  “A Wuzzle? It…it’s not dangerous…is it?”

  “No, it is a friend of the fields. It eats plants and flowers, not us.” Morrdrook bent down, scooped up the fur ball with one hand and stroked it with his index finger. The little black creature transformed to stark white, matching Morrdrook’s skin color. It made a trilling, chirping sound. He held it out. “Friendly. I have been told it is considered good fortune to find a Wuzzle in your home.”

  I folded my legs and pushed to my feet, approaching with caution. “Friendly you say?”

  “Yes.” He held it out to me.

  Trying to steady my shaking hands, I carefully took the creature in my hands, its fur soft as cotton as it trembled at my gentle strokes. A giggle bubbled up my throat as the Wuzzle made a happy little chirping sound. Amazed, I watched it turn a shade of pink to match the color of my skin. My heart melted at the little creature’s ability to camouflage itself. I lifted it against my face and nuzzled it. Its little head bobbed out from its body and a little rough pink tongue licked my cheek.

  “You made friend. If it licks, it bonds to you.”

  I glanced up at Morrdrook’s amused face. “Bond?”

  His hand skimmed my swelling belly. “Like bud bond to parent, this Wuzzle bond to you.”

  “But we can’t keep a pet, can we?”

  “It’s smart and knows good bonding partner. We have to keep it now.” He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. “Won’t be long. Wuzzle will protect you.” He chuckled as he walked out the door.

  Bemused, I stood staring at the fuzzy creature in my hands. “Do you want to be bonded to me or do you want to be outside in the fields?”

  It jumped out of my hands. I giggled as its little feet tickled me, pressing into the crook of my neck. His chirping became louder. I guess that’s my answer.


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